34 research outputs found

    Sastav lipida fermentisanih kobasica sa dodatkom lanenog ulja

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    The study examined the fatty acid profile of fermented sausages in which one part of backfat (making up 5%, 7% and 9% of the control treatment formulation) was replaced with flaxseed oil pre-treated with alginate and soy protein isolate. Increase in the content of pre-treated flaxseed oil had a significant effect on the fatty acid profile, which progressively changed with the increase of the oil content: saturated fatty acid content, content of oleic and total monounsaturated fatty acids were significantly lower while the content of α-linolenic acid increased multiple times (15–40 times) with the addition of flaxseed oil. Fermented sausages with flaxseed oil had significantly favorable PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios.U ovom ogledu ispitivan je sastav masnih kiselina fermentisanih kobasica kod kojih je deo čvrstog masnog tkiva (ČMT, koje čini 5, 7 i 9% nadeva) zamenjen lanenim uljem pripremljenim kao alginatni gel i emulzijom sa izolatom proteina soje. Zamena dela ČMT-a lanenim uljem imala je značajan uticaj na sastav masnih kiselina koji se progresivno menjao sa povećanjem sadržaja ulja: sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina, oleinske i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina je značajno smanjen dok je sadržaj α-linolenske kiseline višestruko veći (15–40 puta) kod varijanti s lanenim uljem. Fermentisane kobasice sa lanenim uljem imale su značajno povoljnije odnose PUFA/SFA i n-6/n-3

    Duvan chvarci : product characterization and comparison between traditional and industrial production

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyThis research aimed to investigate and compare traditional products called “duvan chvarci” produced using pork meat and fat, originated from local households and industries. Physical and chemical analysis demonstrated differences among the examined products, mostly in total chloride content and TBARS values. Samples collected at local households showed finer color (higher lightness and yellowness) and sensory properties (rated as “extremely acceptable”), while industrial products were rated between “very acceptable” and “extremely acceptable“. Microbiological analysis exhibited that enterobacteria, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and fungi were absent from all meat products. Dominant microbiota was identified as Lactobacillus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. All tested isolates showed γ-haemolysis on blood agar plates. Tested Staphylococcus spp. were sensitive to novobiocin while Lactobacillus isolates demonstrated sensitivity to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, and streptomycin. None of the tested isolates showed full resistance to antibiotics. Overall, results indicated that duvan chvarci is a microbiologically safe product and provided the initial evidence regarding the physical, chemical, technological, and sensory properties of this widely consumed product in the Balkans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uticaj biljnih ulja na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva suvih fermentisanih kobasica

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    In order to improve the functional properties of dry fermented sausages, one part of backfat can be substituted with oils that have a more favourable fatty acid profile. In this experiment, one part of backfat in the mixture for dry fermented sausages was replaced with flaxseed and grapeseed oils prepared as alginate gel, with the content of oil in the mixture equalling 3% and 5%. The type and amount of oil did not affect the change in pH values. Sausages with flaxseed oil received lower grades for colour, odour, flavour and overall acceptability compared with the control and grapeseed oil variant. Increase in the flaxseed oil content in the mixture resulted in lower sensory analysis grades.U smislu poboljšanja funkcionalnih svojstava suvih fermentisanih kobasica moguće je deo masnog tkiva zameniti uljima s povoljnijim masnokiselinskim profilom. U ovom ogledu deo čvrstog masnog tkiva u nadevu suvih fermentisanih kobasica zamenjen je lanenim i uljem od koštica grožđa pripremljenim kao alginatni gel tako da je u nadevu sadržaj ulja bio oko 3% i 5%. Vrsta i količina ulja nisu uticali na tok promene pH vrednosti. Kobasice s lanenim uljem ocenjene su manjim ocenama u pogledu boje, mirisa, ukusa i ukupne prihvatljivosti u odnosu na kontrolnu kobasicu i kobasice sa uljem od koštica grožđa. Povećanje sadržaja lanenog ulja u nadevu uticalo je na smanjenje ocena senzorne analize

    Hemijski sastav jetri i bubrega svinja pet čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini

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    In this paper the content of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in the M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five purebred pigs: Large White (n=118), Landrace (n=116), Duroc (n=112), Hampshire (n=112) and Pietrain (n=121), reared in Vojvodina was determined. Components of proximate composition were determined by ISO methods. Overall, the average content (g/100g) of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in all the SM and LTL (n=1158) was: 75.68, 21.73, 1.36 and 1.14, respectively. The Vojvodian pork showed same moisture, protein, total fat and total ash content compared with the values found in other countries.U ovom radu utvrđen je sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u jetrama i bubrezima svinja pet čistih rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Osnovni hemijski sastav određen je ISO metodama. Rasa svinja ne utiče značajno (P>0.05), dok vrsta iznutrice utiče značajno (P<0.05; P<0.001) na sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela. Prosečan sadržaj (g/100g) vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u svim ispitanim jetrama (n=579) je bio: 71.05, 21.34, 3.24 i 1.48, dok je u svim ispitanim bubrezima (n=579) bio: 79.43, 16.16, 3.13 i 1.20, respektivno

    Hemijski sastav M. Semimembranosus i M. Longissimus Thoracis et Lumborum svinja pet čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini

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    U ovom radu utvrđen je sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u M. semimembranosus (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) pet čistih rasa svinja: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Osnovni hemijski sastav određen je ISO metodama. Ukupno, prosečan sadržaj (g/100g) vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u svim ispitanim mišićima SM i LTL (n=1158) je bio: 75.68, 21.73, 1.36 i 1.14, respektivno. Svinjsko meso proizvedeno u Vojvodini pokazuje sličan sadržaj vlage, proteina, masti i pepela u poređenju sa sadržajima utvrđenim u drugim zemljama

    Technological quality and composition of the M. semimembranosus and M. longissimus dorsi from Large White and Landrace Pigs

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    The effects of pig breed (Large White and Landrace) in combination with muscle type (M. semimembranosus and M. longissimus dorsi) on T45min, T24h, pH45min, pH24h, colour (CIEL*a*b* values), water-holding capacity (filter paper press method: ratio of the area of pressed meat film – M and the wet area on the filter paper – T; M/T value) and moisture, protein, total fat and total ash content were investigated. Interaction effect between breed and muscle was not found (p&gt;0.05) for any parameter. The T45min, T24h, pH45min, and M/T value were influenced by the muscle, whereas T24h was also influenced by the breed. The pH45min was higher (p&lt;0.01) and water-holding capacity was better (p&lt;0.001) in M. semimembranosus muscle than in M. longissimus dorsi muscle. Based on the criteria for CIEL* and M/T values, pork meat was classified into seven technological quality classes. The percentages of pale and exudative, reddish-pink and exudative, and reddish-pink and non-exudative pork were 23.5, 26.5, and 27.7%, respectively. Composition was in the characteristic range for modern lean pigs


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    The aim of study was to compare the economic characteristics of production of porkers Mangalitsa and Yorkshire race. The observed productions should provide the raw material for the production of traditional fermented sausages, or specific products with protected origin. According to this a calculation is derived with the total cost of fattening pigs Mangalitsa and Yorkshire race to the slaughter weight of 132 pounds under the conditions of modern farm housing system. The above calculation includes the cost of materials, the cost of energy and external services, salary costs and amortization of facilities and equipment used. In this way we can get to the total costs of finishing of pigs produced per kilogram of live weight without the overhead costs. The costs are calculated as described above for Yorkshire race and it is 120.88 RSD/kg or 1.26 €/ kg and it is lower than the current purchase price in the market. On the other hand the costs of finishing Mangalitsa race are significantly higher than the purchase price of pigs bred races and it is 245.19 RSD/kg or 2.13 €/kg, which is caused by a slow weight gain and inefficient feed conversion compared to the refined race