Hemijski sastav jetri i bubrega svinja pet čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini


In this paper the content of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in the M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five purebred pigs: Large White (n=118), Landrace (n=116), Duroc (n=112), Hampshire (n=112) and Pietrain (n=121), reared in Vojvodina was determined. Components of proximate composition were determined by ISO methods. Overall, the average content (g/100g) of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in all the SM and LTL (n=1158) was: 75.68, 21.73, 1.36 and 1.14, respectively. The Vojvodian pork showed same moisture, protein, total fat and total ash content compared with the values found in other countries.U ovom radu utvrđen je sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u jetrama i bubrezima svinja pet čistih rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Osnovni hemijski sastav određen je ISO metodama. Rasa svinja ne utiče značajno (P>0.05), dok vrsta iznutrice utiče značajno (P<0.05; P<0.001) na sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela. Prosečan sadržaj (g/100g) vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog pepela u svim ispitanim jetrama (n=579) je bio: 71.05, 21.34, 3.24 i 1.48, dok je u svim ispitanim bubrezima (n=579) bio: 79.43, 16.16, 3.13 i 1.20, respektivno

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