176 research outputs found

    Valorização do licor negro da pasta do papel para a indĂșstria de curtumes

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    The project was connected with the valorization of black liquor from paper pulp for leather treatment process. The main goal of the project was using the black liquor to prepare a compact product for leather retanning process and finding its environmental impact on leather treatment process in comparison with standard process. There were made 10 leather retanning trials. One of them was a standard retanning process, to which compact retanning processes were compared. Compact processes varied through amount of added compact product, kind of compact product, time of dye action (75 – 180min), temperature of retanning process (50 – 60ÂșC) and time of formic acid action (30 – 90min). The compact retanning process was distinguished by the fact that compact product was added instead the various products used in the standard retanning process and the quantity of water used was less. Leather and wastewater from the different processes were evaluated. Results showed that CP4 process represents the lowest values of COD (chemical oxygen demand): 9,37 mg/g of leather, TS (total solids): 86,04 mg/g of leather, SS (suspended solids): 3,14 mg/g of leather and the best values of mechanical resistance in comparison with standard process and remaining compact processes. Having these results, it can be concluded that connection of the lower amount of compact product, the lower temperature of retanning process, the shorter time of dye action and the longer time of formic acid action, allows to obtain a lower negative impact on environment and the highest tear and cracking resistance of leather

    Groundwater circulation in the MiechĂłw Trough and the central part of the Carpathian Foredeep (Poland): a hydrogeological conceptual model

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    The MiechĂłw Trough and the central part of the Carpathian Foredeep in southern Poland have a highly complex geo- logical structure and numerous fault zones. These features play a significant role in hydrogeological conditions of the area. In this area drinking water, medicinal groundwater or thermal groundwater occur, so recognition of their circu- lations is basic for reasonable groundwater management. In this note, a hydrogeological conceptual model, created for the purpose of regional scale mathematical modelling, is presented. This conceptual model illustrates the geology of the hydrogeological system modelled, as well as hydrogeological conditions and characteristics of groundwater circu- lation, as determined by tectonics. Typical of the research area is the wide diversity of geological and hydrogeological conditions. The Busko-ZdrĂłj area, a region with a long history of exploitation of medicinal groundwater, presents the best example

    Numerical modelling in research on geothermal systems

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    Nowadays, numerical modelling is a common tool for support research of geothermal systems. This is possible because of development of computer sciences and access to software dedicated to numerical modelling of hydrogeological processes. With computer applications researches can do scheme of hydrogeological conditions and simulate work of geothermal systems and thermal water intakes. Researches create numerical models of geothermal systems in regional and local scale, for simulating work of specific thermal water formation and intakes and their particular elements - well active zone for example.In parallel with the economic development of the use of thermal water in Poland there are a lot of research projects where numerical modelling occurs as a primary or supporting tool. This paper provides an overview of research issues where the solution of the problem was found with using computer application and numerical simulators

    Bond strength of calcium silicate based bioceramic sealers to dentin

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare available bioceramic sealers and resin based sealer on their push out and shear bond strength. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three calcium silicate based bioceramic sealers: Endosequence BC sealer (Brasseler), BioRoot RCS (Septodont) and Edge Bioceramic Sealer (EdgeEndo) and one resin based sealer (AH Plus) were included in this study. Twelve single rooted teeth were decoronated, treated, and obturated with one of the tested sealers (n=3). After one-week incubation, teeth were sectioned into 1 mm thick slices and submitted to push out bond strength test on a universal testing machine. 48 teeth were sectioned horizontally to uncover the dentin and embedded in epoxy resin (n=12 per sealer). Polyethylene tubes (3 mm diameter) placed on the dentin were filled with one of the tested sealers. After one-week incubation, specimens were submitted to a shear bond strength test. Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and all pairs comparison using Tukey-Kramer HSD test with the alpha set as 0.05. RESULTS: The calculated mean push out bond strengths were 4.48±2.23 MPa, 3.19±2.61 MPa, 2.82±1.70 MPa and 7.56±5.09 MPa for BioRoot RCS, Endosequence BC Sealer, Edge Bioceramic Sealer and AH Plus respectively, while the shear bond strengths were 8.56±4.55 MPa, 5.52±4.38 MPa, 3.93±2.64 MPa and 36.71±14.39MPa in the same order. CONCLUSION: With the limitation of this study we concluded that bioceramic sealers present lower bond strength than resin based sealer and that there is no significantly different bond strength to root dentin amongst bioceramic sealers themselves

    Model of regional tourism competitiveness : fuzzy multiple-criteria approach (FDM-FAHP-PROMETHE II framework)

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    Purpose: The aim of the article is to build a research, comprehensive and objective model that takes into account various factors determining the regional tourism competitiveness on the example of 21 counties in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. Degign/Methodology/Approach: The model uses the concept of fuzzy numbers, the Delphi method and two multi-criteria methods: AHP and PROMETHE II. An important scientific contribution to the issue of regional competitiveness of tourism is an in-depth look at several dozen different criteria, that have an impact on it. Collected data and the used research methods made it possible to reliably select those that should be noticed and developed by various stakeholders in the region. Findings: The main conclusion resulting from the research is the fact that the most important criteria for the level of tourist competitiveness of a destination include natural tourist attraction, anthropological tourist attractions, accommodation base, recreational infrastructure and catering base; whereas the criterion of safety and facilities for disabled tourists and para-tourist infrastructure is of little importance. The county with the highest level of tourism competitiveness is KoƂobrzeg county, and the lowest - Pyrzycki county. Practical implications: An important scientific and practical contribution to the issue of regional competitiveness of tourism is an in-depth look at several dozen different criteria, that have an impact on it. Collected data and the used research methods made it possible to reliably select those that should be noticed and developed by various stakeholders in the region. Originallity value: Comprehensive approach to tourism competitiveness of regions with the use of multi-criteria method, which in an objective way indicates the aspects, features, attributes, factors evaluated as key in building the entity's position on the market.peer-reviewe

    High-grade central mucoepidermoid carcinoma arising in an odontogenic cyst : a case report and review of the literature

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    Central mucoepidermoid carcinoma (CMEC) is a very rare neoplasm comprising 2% to 4% of all mucoepidermoid carcinomas. We herby present an unusual case of high-grade CMEC of the maxilla of a 53-year-old male patient, who was referred to the Department of Oral Surgery by a general dentist due to accidentally detected on X-ray unilocular radiolucent lesion on the premolar region of the left maxilla. Intraoral examination revealed asymmetry of the vestibule with palpable swelling in the region of 24-26 with a positive fluctuation and crepitation. After CBCT examination and core needle biopsy, preliminary diagnosis of residual cyst was made, and the cystic lesion was excochleated. Histopathological examination revealed a high-grade CMEC. Patient was reported to the Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, where he underwent a subtotal maxillectomy and selective neck dissection. The patient remains in follow-up, having had no recurrences during 12-month period after surgery

    Legal Instruments to Support Borrowers (Consumers and Entrepreneurs) in Connection with the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland, and Vietnam

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    The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions introduced in 2020 in many countries on economic activity and gainful employment have in many cases, reduced the incomes of individual households. As a result, the actual ability to meet credit obligations has declined, particularly for those who have lost their jobs or livelihoods. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a significant challenge for economies, national authorities, and entrepreneurs, including borrowers. This article aims to analyse the legal regulations in Poland, and Vietnam, introducing instruments to support borrowers, consumers, and entrepreneurs, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors will present the legal basis for the instruments to support borrowers provided in the studied countries, indicate their legal nature, forms, and conditions of using them. They also compare legal solutions introduced in connection with the pandemic aimed at mitigating its adverse effects on borrowers in Poland, and Vietnam, to indicate whether cultural differences and differences in legal systems, as well as individual approaches to the domestic credit market, affected the choice of legal instruments for supporting borrowers in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, or not.Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska: [email protected] StanisƂawska: [email protected] Thuc Trinh: [email protected] Rutkowska-Tomaszewska is Associate Professor and the University of Wroclaw and the Head of the Department of Finance Management at the Institute of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wroclaw, Poland.Marta StanisƂawska is Assistant Professor in the Department of Economy and Finance, Faculty of Technical and Economic Sciences, Witelon State University of Applied Sciences in Legnica, Poland.Hien Trinh, PhD in Law, Lecturer in the Institute of International and Comparative Law, University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska - University of Wroclaw, PolandMarta StanisƂawska - Witelon State University of Applied Sciences in Legnica, PolandHien Thuc Trinh - University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamAccess to commercial finance for SMEs with the support of public institutions, https://alebank.pl/dostep-mmsp-do-fi nansowania-komercyjnego-ze-wsparciem-instytucji-publicznych/?id=376412&catid=22872&cat2id=25928.Acharya V.V., Engle III R.F., Steffen S., Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?, “National Bureau of Economic Research” 2021, https://www.nber.org/papers/w28559.Aji B.S., Warka M., Kongres E., Credit Dispute Resolution through Banking Mediation during Covid-19 Pandemic Situation, Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v4i2.1823.Baicu. 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    Adenomatoid tumour of the adrenal gland : a case report and literature review

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    Adenomatoid tumour (AT) is a rare, benign neoplasm of mesothelial origin, which usually occurs in the genital tract of both sexes. Occasionally these tumours are found in extra genital locations such as heart, pancreas, skin, pleura, omentum, lymph nodes, retroperitoneum, intestinal mesentery and adrenal gland. Histologi cally ATs show a mixture of solid and cystic patterns usually with focal presence of signet-ring like cells and scattered lymphoid infiltration. The most important thing about these tumours is not to misdiagnose them as primary malignant or metastatic neoplasms. We present a case of an adrenal AT in a 29-year-old asymptomatic male. The tumour was an incidental finding during abdominal CT-scan for an unrelated condition. We also present a review of the literature concerning adrenal gland AT and give possible differential diagnosis

    Putative neuroprotective role of visfatin against cognitive dysfunction in obese patients

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    Objectives: Visfatin (adipokine) is thought to have neuroprotective properties. The aims of to determine the type and extent of prefrontal cortical dysfunction and to evaluate the potential neuroprotective role of visfatin. Methods: Sixty-one obese patients were included. A diagnosis of primary obesity was made on the basis of a BMI > 30. Visfatin serum levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was used to assess prefrontal cortex-mediated cognitive function. Results: Visfatin levels were not correlated with age or BMI. However, patients with higher visfatin levels tended to show an overall improvement in WCST scores. Nonetheless, a significant positive correlation (P = 0.032) was found only between high serum visfatin levels and the number of correctly completed categories in the WCST. Discussion: The results described herein indicate a possible neuroprotective effect of visfatin against obesity-related cognition dysfunction, particularly in regard to the categorizing capacity associated with executive function
