953 research outputs found

    Energy Splitting Theorems for Materials with Memory

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    We extend to materials with fading memory and materials with internal variables a result previously established by one of us for materials with instantaneous memory: the additive decomposability of the total energy into an internal and a kinetic part, and a representation of the latter and the inertial forces in terms of one and the same mass tensor

    Biodiversity patterns of cyanobacterial oligotypes in lakes and rivers: results of a large-scale metabarcoding survey in the Alpine region

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    In this work, we characterised the cyanobacterial communities in the plankton and littoral biofilm of 38 lakes and in the biofilm of 21 rivers in the Alps and surrounding subalpine regions by 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding. We found little overlap in the distribution of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) between the three habitats and between water bodies. The differences were caused by environmental filtering acting on the selection of the most abundant ASVs and a high contribution of rare oligotypes. The differentiation of community and genotype composition from specific water bodies was explained to a significant extent by environmental variables and morphometry. The taxonomic consistency of ASVs classified under the same genus name was assessed by phylogenetic analyses performed on three representative dominant genera, namely Cyanobium, Tychonema and Planktothrix. The analyses revealed eco-evolutionary adaptations in lakes and rivers, including some evidence for a polyphyletic nature. Monitoring individual genotypes in relation to environmental conditions will be useful to define the ecological amplitude of these taxa. However, the persistence or ephemeral nature of some of the rarest and most unusual ASVs has remained unknow

    A new point-of-care test for the rapid antimicrobial susceptibility assessment of uropathogens.

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    Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is considered a major issue worldwide. This condition may account for treatment failure of urinary tract infections, which are among the most common infections both in community and healthcare settings. Therapy against uropathogens is generally administered empirically, possibly leading to unsuccessful therapy, recurrence and development of antibiotic resistance. The reduction in analytical time to obtain antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) results could play a key role in reducing the cost of healthcare, providing information about antibiotic efficacy and thus preventing from either exploiting new and expensive antibiotics unnecessarily or using obsolete and ineffective ones. A more rational choice among treatment options would hence lead to more effective treatment and faster resolution. In this paper we evaluated the performance of a new Point Of Care Test (POCT) for the rapid prediction of antimicrobial susceptibility in urine samples performed without the need of a laboratory or specialized technicians. 349 patients were enrolled in two open-label, monocentric, non-interventional clinical trials in partnership with an Emergency Medicine ward and the Day Hospital of two large healthcare facilities in Rome. Antibiogram was carried out on 97 patients. Results from analysis of urine samples with the POCT were compared with those from routine AST performed on culture-positive samples, displaying high accuracy (>90%) for all tested antimicrobial drugs and yielding reliable results in less than 12 hours from urine collection thus reducing analytical and management costs

    Aquaculture’s struggle for space: the need for coastal spatial planning and the potential benefits of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) to avoid conflict and promote sustainability

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    Aquaculture is an increasingly important food-producing sector, providing protein for human consumption. However, marine aquaculture often struggles for space due to the crowded nature of human activities in many marine coastal areas, and because of limited attention from spatial planning managers. Here, we assess the need for coastal spatial planning, emphasising the establishment of suitable areas for the development of marine aquaculture, termed Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs), in which aquaculture has secured use and priority over other activities, and where potential adverse environmental impacts and negative interactions with other users are minimised or avoided. We review existing examples of marine aquaculture spatial development worldwide and discuss the proper use of site selection in relation to different legal and regulatory requirements. National or regional authorities in charge of coastal zone management should carry out spatial planning defining optimal sites for aquaculture to promote development of sustainable marine aquaculture and avoid conflict with other users, following a participatory approach and adhering to the principles of ecosystem-based management

    The internal alignment and position resolution of the AMS-02 silicon tracker determined with cosmic-ray muons

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    Abstract The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a large acceptance cosmic-ray detector ( 0.5 m 2 sr ) designed to operate at an altitude of 400 km on the International Space Station. The AMS-02 silicon tracker contains 2264 silicon microstrip sensors (total active area 6.75 m 2 ). The internal alignment parameters of the assembled tracker have been determined on the ground with cosmic-ray muons. The alignment procedure is described and results for the alignment precision and position resolution are reported

    Integrating Clinical Probability into the Diagnostic Approach to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An International Working Group Perspective

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    Background. When considering the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), experienced clinicians integrate clinical features that help to differentiate IPF from other fibrosing interstitial lung diseases, thus generating a “pre-test” probability of IPF. The aim of this international working group perspective was to summarize these features using a tabulated approach similar to chest HRCT and histopathologic patterns reported in the international guidelines for the diagnosis of IPF, and to help formally incorporate these clinical likelihoods into diagnostic reasoning to facilitate the diagnosis of IPF. Methods. The committee group identified factors that influence the clinical likelihood of a diagnosis of IPF, which was categorized as a pre-test clinical probability of IPF into “high” (70-100%), “intermediate” (30-70%), or “low” (0-30%). After integration of radiological and histopathological features, the post-test probability of diagnosis was categorized into “definite” (90-100%), “high confidence” (70-89%), “low confidence” (51-69%), or “low” (0-50%) probability of IPF. Findings. A conceptual Bayesian framework was created, integrating the clinical likelihood of IPF (“pre-test probability of IPF”) with the HRCT pattern, the histopathology pattern when available, and/or the pattern of observed disease behavior into a “post-test probability of IPF”. The diagnostic probability of IPF was expressed using an adapted diagnostic ontology for fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. Interpretation. The present approach will help incorporate the clinical judgement into the diagnosis of IPF, thus facilitating the application of IPF diagnostic guidelines and, ultimately improving diagnostic confidence and reducing the need for invasive diagnostic techniques

    Allocated zones for aquaculture : a guide for the establishment of coastal zones dedicated to aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

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    This publication is based on the findings of the project Developing site selection and carrying capacity guidelines for Mediterranean aquaculture within aquaculture appropriate areas (SHoCMed), implemented by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the support of the European Union (Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission). Concluded in 2016, SHoCMed aimed at developing criteria, standards and guidelines for GFCM contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties to improve site selection criteria and set capacity benchmarks and references for aquaculture activities in the Mediterranean.peer-reviewe
