1,548 research outputs found

    Italia en la periferia del Mediterráneo. Las relaciones ítalo-españolas entre los siglos XIX y XX: política, economía y sociedad

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    The birth of Italian Kingdom helped to change in a very remarkable way the political and economic relations established in Europe along the 19th century. Countries like Great Britain, France or Germany had to consider the presence of this modest southern state, above all keeping in mind their future enlargement along the Mediterranean area. In this context, also Spain -lost in a deep and centuries-old political decadence- could not avoid paying attention to this close and historical linguistic relative. Even though the relation between both countries was not easy in the very beginning, later it gave place to a constant exchange of agreements, treaties and even cultural cooperation. The approach of Spain to Italy during the first half of the 20th century was especially important in the context of the increasing development of Italian fascism, which contributed -before and during the Spanish Civil War- not only to the birth of Spanish fascism, but also to establish a dictatorial government that could help to get the old Italian dream: to create a 'Mare Nostrum'

    La Gran Guerra llega a España: la revista “Los Aliados” y la causa aliadófila

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    En aquest article es pretén analitzar alguns dels esdeveniments finals de la Primera Guerra Mundial i els efectes que aquests van provocar en un país neutral com Espanya al llarg de la segona meitat de 1918. Aquest estudi es farà a través de l'enfocament periodístic d'una revista aliadòfila, Los Aliados, que al seu moment es va crear no solament com a resposta als ambients germanòfils –en la seva majoria reunits entorn de la revista Renovación Española–, sinó també com a nucli intel·lectual compromès amb una pau democràtica de clars matisos wilsonians. El que ens demostrarà que, malgrat la seva neutralitat, Espanya va romandre molt atenta al desenvolupament del conflicte i compromesa amb un debat que amb el temps va proporcionar les condicions de la seva futura adhesió a la Societat de Nacions. Quant a això, observarem que la propaganda va jugar un paper fonamental en aquest avanç polític, a causa de la publicació –precisament a Los Aliados– d'una ingent quantitat de material propagandístic provinent en la seva majoria des de l'exterior, originant al seu torn la base i el filtre informatiu més proper a les postures aliadòfiles. This paper aims to analyze some of the most important final events of the First World War and the effects they produced on a neutral country as Spain was during the second half of 1918. This study has been done through the journalistic approach of a pro Allies voice journal, Los Aliados. This journal was created to develop not only a sort of response to Renovación Española (pro Germans Spanish review), but also the principal intellectual-core committed to a democratic proposal based on Wilson's plan for peace.This fact will explain the attention Spanish Kingdom deserved to the development of the war and to the discussion for the creation of the future League of Nations, despite its official neutrality. Meanwhile we will analyze how much influence propaganda had over this political breakthrough thanks to the publication of a big amount of propaganda material from abroad published on Los Aliados. Finally, this also produced the pretext to carry out the Entente project during the final term of war.En este artículo se pretende analizar algunos de los acontecimientos finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial y los efectos que estos provocaron en un país neutral como España a lo largo de la segunda mitad de 1918. Este estudio se hará a través del enfoque periodístico de una revista aliadófila, Los Aliados, que en su momento se creó no solo como respuesta a los ambientes germanófilos –en su mayoría reunidos en torno a la revista Renovación Española–, sino también como núcleo intelectual comprometido con una paz democrática de claros matices wilsonianos. Lo que nos demostrará que, pese a su neutralidad, España permaneció  muy atenta al desarrollo del conflicto y comprometida con un debate que con el tiempo proporcionó las condiciones de su futura adhesión a la Sociedad de Naciones. A este respecto, observaremos que la propaganda jugó un papel fundamental en este avance político, debido a la publicación –precisamente en Los Aliados– de una ingente cantidad de material propagandístico proveniente en su mayoría desde el exterior, originando a su vez la base y el filtro informativo más cercano a las posturas aliadófilas

    La Gran Guerra llega a España : la revista "Los Aliados" y la causa aliadófila. Propaganda y debate político en un país neutral

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    En este artículo se pretende analizar algunos de los acontecimientos finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial y los efectos que estos provocaron en un país neutral como España a lo largo de la segunda mitad de 1918. Este estudio se hará a través del enfoque periodístico de una revista aliadófila, Los Aliados, que en su momento se creó no solo como respuesta a los ambientes germanófilos -en su mayoría reunidos en torno a la revista Renovación Española-, sino también como núcleo intelectual comprometido con una paz democrática de claros matices wilsonianos. Lo que nos demostrará que, pese a su neutralidad, España permaneció muy atenta al desarrollo del conflicto y comprometida con un debate que con el tiempo proporcionó las condiciones de su futura adhesión a la Sociedad de Naciones. A este respecto, observaremos que la propaganda jugó un papel fundamental en este avance político, debido a la publicación -precisamente en Los Aliados- de una ingente cantidad de material propagandístico proveniente en su mayoría desde el exterior, originando a su vez la base y el filtro informativo más cercano a las posturas aliadófilas.En aquest article es pretén analitzar alguns dels esdeveniments finals de la Primera Guerra Mundial i els efectes que aquests van provocar en un país neutral com Espanya al llarg de la segona meitat de 1918. Aquest estudi es farà a través de l'enfocament periodístic d'una revista aliadòfila, Los Aliados, que al seu moment es va crear no solament com a resposta als ambients germanòfils -en la seva majoria reunits entorn de la revista Renovación Española-, sinó també com a nucli intel·lectual compromès amb una pau democràtica de clars matisos wilsonians. El que ens demostrarà que, malgrat la seva neutralitat, Espanya va romandre molt atenta al desenvolupament del conflicte i compromesa amb un debat que amb el temps va proporcionar les condicions de la seva futura adhesió a la Societat de Nacions. Quant a això, observarem que la propaganda va jugar un paper fonamental en aquest avanç polític, a causa de la publicació -precisament a Los Aliados- d'una ingent quantitat de material propagandístic provinent en la seva majoria des de l'exterior, originant al seu torn la base i el filtre informatiu més proper a les postures aliadòfiles.This paper aims to analyze some of the most important final events of the First World War and the effects they produced on a neutral country as Spain was during the second half of 1918. This study has been done through the journalistic approach of a pro Allies voice journal, Los Aliados. This journal was created to develop not only a sort of response to Renovación Española (pro Germans Spanish review), but also the principal intellectual-core committed to a democratic proposal based on Wilson's plan for peace.This fact will explain the attention Spanish Kingdom deserved to the development of the war and to the discussion for the creation of the future League of Nations, despite its official neutrality. Meanwhile we will analyze how much influence propaganda had over this political breakthrough thanks to the publication of a big amount of propaganda material from abroad published on Los Aliados. Finally, this also produced the pretext to carry out the Entente project during the final term of war

    Non-Binary Message-Passing Algorithms for Magnetic Channels with Data-Dependent Noise

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    The paper proposes an implementation of the message passing algorithm adapted to iterative channel detection. The algorithm uses soft messages associated to non binary symbols in order to cancel cycles in the equivalent Tanner graphs, achieving optimal performance after a low number of iterations. This architecture, suited to very fast channel detectors, is applied to magnetic recording channels and adapted to the non stationary nature of the magnetic media noise

    the environmental sustainability of biogas production with small sized plant

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    Abstract In the century of the continuous evolution towards new technologies the renewable energy sector play a fundamental role in this direction. Use of these technologies in the small sized farm could help not only the production process but also the economic income of the farm. This paper underlines the availability of three different technologies adaptable to biogas plants for small sized farm. In this study three different technologies have been analyzed in order to present the environmental and economic benefits of these. Based on the use of a bagtank as digester (BT technology), the first technologies is compared with the use of a concrete structure with a storage balloon cover (BC technology), and with the use of a concrete structure as a concrete cover slab (CS technology). Through a streamlined comparative life cycle assessment, the characteristics of the three technologies as far as their environmental performance are analyzed, in order identify the most suitable for small sized biogas plants

    The use of aerial- and close-range photogrammetry for the mapping of the Lavini di Marco tracksite (Hettangian, Southern Alps, NE Italy)

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    (EXCERPT FROM ABSTRACT) Close-range photogrammetry was executed following the procedure proposed by Mallison & Wings (2014). More than seventy 3D models were obtained and interpreted by means of color-coded and contour line images, which allow to improve the ichno- logical knowledge of the tracksite. The 3D models of the best-preserved tracks were used for the osteological reconstruction of the trackmakers’ autopodia, supposing the arthral position of the phalangeal pads. Three indirect methods were used to correlate tracks and their trackmakers: (i) synapomorphy-based approach; (ii) phenetic correlation; (iii) coincidence correlation (see Carrano & Wilson, 2001) The final map was produced with different level of knowledge due to the distribution of tracks and current state of site preservation. Furthermore, it represents a complete documentation that will be used for future work of enhancement, preservation and valorization of the tracksite. The ichnotaxonomical review of the quadrupedal trackways led us to emend the diagnosis of Lavinipes cheminii Avanzini et al. (2003) and to assign several other sparse tracks and trackways to L. chemini. The skeletal reconstruction of fore and hind limbs points towards Gongxianosaurus sp. as the most suitable trackmaker of L. cheminii. The herein supposed Laurasian affinity of the Lavini di Marco dinosaur assemblage clashes with the previous hypotheses that always link the Southern Alps sector with the Gondwana mainland