80 research outputs found

    Molecular detection of Leishmania infantum in rats and sand flies in the urban sewers of Barcelona, Spain

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    Background: Classically, dogs have been considered to be the only reservoir of leishmaniasis in urban areas. However, in a previous study, we found a 33.3% prevalence of Leishmania infantum in the spleens of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) sampled in the underground sewer system of the city of Barcelona (Spain). The aim of the present study was to verify, using molecular methods, the potential reservoir role of these rats in the same sewer system. Methods: A sensitive real-time PCR (qPCR) assay, DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis were carried out to identify and quantify the presence of L. infantum DNA in sand fly individuals captured in the same underground sewer system of Barcelona as in our previous study and in the spleens and ears of rats captured in the same sewer system. Results: Leishmania infantum DNA was found in 14 of the 27 (51.9%) sand flies identified as Phlebotomus perniciosus, and 10 of the 24 (41.7%) rats studied were infected. Leishmania infantum was found in the spleens (70%) and in the ears (40%) of the infected rats. Quantitative results revealed the presence of high loads of L. infantum in the rats studied (> 3 × 10 parasites/g ear tissue) and among the sand flies (> 34 × 10 parasites in 1 individual). Conclusions: The molecular methods used in this study demonstrated a high prevalence of L. infantum in the underground sewer populations of both R. norvegicus and P. perniciosus. These results suggest that sewer rats, in addition to dogs, are likely to act as reservoirs of leishmaniasis in cities, where sewer systems seem to offer the ideal scenario for the transmission of leishmaniasis. Therefore, to achieve the WHO 2030 target on the elimination of leishmaniasis as a public health problem successfully, an efficient control strategy against leishmaniasis in rats and sand flies should be implemented, particularly in the sewer systems of urban areas of endemic countries. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Violence prevention education

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    The current work surges as a result of two studies that have been made in the Centro Estatal de Reinserción Social Femenil Zacatecas, México; the first investigation was conducted in 2013 and the second one in the year 2019, both of them had the same goal: analyze and describe the traits of the antisocial personality in women. From the results of both studies, stands out one specific factor: the total population with antisocial trails have suffered a sort of child abuse from one or both parents or caretakers during their childhood lapse and development stage, which generates a huge interest to continue this exploration, focusing now to inquire into those family factors that could serve as triggers for the criminal behavior during the adolescence and/ or adulthood. The study intend to describe the risk factors that trigger the criminal behavior, those which may help and will be used for the creation, planning and execution of a psychosocial intervention program. By continuing with the study it’s prioritized to obtain the needed information to be able to intervene on the precise contexts for the development, education and socialization of the human being: family and education. It’s considered appropriate to implement this program according the primary school context, involving and working directly with the agents of change as parents, teachers, management staff and, of course, the students, to help generate an education free of violence and focused on the social prevention of crime.El presente trabajo surge de los resultados de dos investigaciones que se realizaron en el Centro Estatal de Reinserción Social Femenil Zacatecas, México, la primera en el año 2013 y la segunda en el año 2019, ambas con el objetivo de analizar y describir las características de personalidad antisocial en mujeres. De los resultados arrojados en las dos investigaciones; sobresale un factor: el total de la población femenina con rasgos antisociales sufrieron maltrato infantil de uno de sus padres o ambos y/o sus cuidadores durante el periodo y desarrollo de su infancia, lo cual genera un gran interés para dar continuidad a la exploración, enfocándose ahora en indagar aquellos factores familiares que puedan servir como detonantes de conductas delictivas en la etapa de la adolescencia y/o adultez. Se aborda y se pretende describir los factores familiares de riesgo que detonan conductas delictivas, con la finalidad de elaborar, planificar y ejecutar un programa de intervención psicosocial. Con esta investigación se procura obtener la información necesaria para poder intervenir en los contextos importantes para el desarrollo, educación y socialización del ser humano: la familia y la escuela. Se considera pertinente implementar el programa en el contexto educativo de nivel primaria, involucrando y trabajando con agentes de cambio como lo son padres de familia, maestros, personal administrativo y, por supuesto, los alumnos. para coadyuvar a generar una educación libre de violencia y hacia la prevención social del delito

    COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model

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    This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β = .29, p < .01) and well-being (β = –.32, p < .01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square = .098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square = .084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study

    COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model

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    This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β =.29, p <.01) and well-being (β = –.32, p <.01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square =.098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square =.084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study

    Is the meaning of subjective well-being similar in Latin American countries? A cross-cultural measurement invariance study of the WHO-5 well-being index during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    "Background: There is an urgent need to assess changes in well-being on a multinational scale during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus culturally valid scales must be available. Methods: With this in mind, this study examined the invariance of the WHO well-being index (WHO-5) among a sample of 5183 people from 12 Latin Americans countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). Results: The results of the present study indicate that the WHO-5 is strictly invariant across samples from different Latin American countries. Furthermore, the results of the IRT analysis indicate that all items of the WHO-5 were highly discriminative and that the difficulty required to respond to each of the five items is ascending. Additionally, the results indicated the presence of moderate and small size differences in subjective well-being among most countries. Conclusion: The WHO-5 is useful for assessing subjective well-being in 12 Latin American countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, since the differences between scores can be attributed to differences in well-being and not in other characteristics of the scale.

    Cross-cultural validation of the new version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale in twelve Latin American countries

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    The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety related to COVID-19. Although different studies reported that the CAS is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether it is invariant across countries. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS in twelve Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). A total of 5196 people participated, with a mean age of 34.06 (SD = 26.54). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS across countries and gender. Additionally, the graded response model (GRM) was used to provide a global representation of the representativeness of the scale with respect to the COVID19 dysfunctional anxiety construct. The unidimensional structure of the five-item CAS was not confirmed in all countries. Therefore, it was suggested that a four-item model of the CAS (CAS-4) provides a better fit across the twelve countries and reliable scores. Multigroup CFA showed that the CAS-4 exhibits scalar invariance across all twelve countries and all genders. In addition, the CAS-4 items are more informative at average and high levels of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety than at lower levels. According to the results, the CAS-4 is an instrument with strong cross-cultural validity and is suitable for cross-cultural comparisons of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety symptoms in the general population of the twelve Latin American countries evaluated

    La salud odontológica: una mirada desde adentro : Prevención y tratamiento de patologías pulpares en el Centro de Extensión Universitaria Nº 7 "Guasu Ñande Japahape" Néstor del Sur

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    Este proyecto surge como inquietud de los lideres barriales que se reúnen habitualmente en la plaza Néstor del Sur situada en el cordón de la ciudad de La Plata, los mismos acercaron la propuesta de la atención sobre las problemáticas de resolución más complejas que presentan sus habitantes en nuestra Secretaria de Extensión, la cual nos trasladó la inquietud y de ahí surge este trabajo que propone promocionar y atender la Salud bucodental en un sector vulnerable de la población como es el de los que concurren al centro de Extensión Comunitaria N° 7 de la UNLP Néstor del Sur, en Villa Elvira por medio de la Endodoncia ,propuesta totalmente innovadora ya que la tecnología con la que contamos actualmente en nuestra Facultad nos permite realizar trabajos de esta disciplina por primera vez en terreno. El objetivo principal del proyecto es contribuir al mejoramiento de las condiciones y calidad de vida en los niños, jóvenes y adultos a través de la Promoción de la Salud Bucal y rehabilitación de las patologías pulpares preexistentes por medio de la Endodoncia. La metodología fue definida en dos grandes etapas que involucran: la Promoción de la Salud, tomada desde dos áreas, la educativa y la de Salud propiamente dicha, desarrollándose las acciones de promoción en la comunidad toda, sobre cómo prevenir las lesiones pulpares y que actitud tomar cuando estas lesiones se presenten; y en una segunda etapa se realizará la limitación del daño pulpar que tanto afecta a este sector de la sociedad. En esta oportunidad se desarrollará la atención odontológica propiamente dicha, por medio de la limitación del daño a través de la Endodoncia. Cabe destacar que de detectarse un problema pulpar no se esperará llegar a esta etapa para solucionarlo, sino que el proceso será muy dinámico y se ira ajustando a las distintas situaciones que se vayan presentando. Todas estas instancias preparadas para esta comunidad sufrieron un cambio abrupto en cuanto a la presencia del covid 19 entonces, los resultados que esperábamos debieron adaptarse para cubrir las necesidades alimentarias y de higiene de la población. Pero a pesar de cambiar nuestro foco de la cavidad bucal para cubrir otros aspectos nada detuvo nuestro contacto con los pobladores ante esta situación. Es por eso que como conclusión dejaremos una frase final “Cuando se quiere ayudar los límites no existen.”Facultad de Odontologí

    Impact of operatoŕs experience on peri-procedural outcomes with Watchman FLX: Insights from the FLX-SPA registry

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    Background: The Watchman FLX is a device upgrade of the Watchman 2.5 that incorporates several design enhancements intended to simplify left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) and improve procedural outcomes. This study compares peri-procedural results of LAAO with Watchman FLX (Boston Scientific, Marlborough, Massachusetts) in centers with varying degrees of experience with the Watchman 2.5 and Watchman FLX. Methods: Prospective, multicenter, 'real-world' registry including consecutive patients undergoing LAAO with the Watchman FLX at 26 Spanish sites (FLX-SPA registry). Implanting centers were classified according to the center's prior experience with the Watchman 2.5. A further division of centers according to whether or not they had performed ≤ 10 or > 10Watchman FLX implants was prespecified at the beginning of the study. Procedural outcomes of institutions stratified according to their experience with the Watchman 2.5 and FLX devices were compared. Results: 359 patients [mean age 75.5 (SD8.1), CHA2DS2-VASc 4.4 (SD1.4), HAS-BLED 3.8(SD0.9)] were included. Global success rate was 98.6%, successful LAAO with the first selected device size was achieved in 95.5% patients and the device was implanted at first attempt in 78.6% cases. There were only 9(2.5%) major peri-procedural complications. No differences in efficacy or safety results according to the centeŕs previous experience with Watchman 2.5 and procedural volume with Watchman FLX existed. Conclusions: The Watchman FLX attains high procedural success rates with complete LAA sealing in unselected, real-world patients, along with a low incidence of peri-procedural complications, regardless of operatoŕs experience with its previous device iteration or the number of Watchman FLX devices implanted

    Lo glocal y el turismo. Nuevos paradigmas de interpretación.

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    El estudio del turismo se realiza desde múltiples escalas y enfoques, este libro aborda muchos temas que es necesario discutir desde diversas perspectivas; es el caso de la reflexión sobre la propia disciplina y sus conceptos, así como los asuntos específicos referidos al impacto territorial, los tipos de turismo, las cuestiones ambientales, el tema de la pobreza, la competitividad, las políticas públicas, el papel de las universidades, las áreas naturales protegidas, la sustentabilidad, la cultura, el desarrollo, la seguridad, todos temas centrales documentados y expuestos con originalidad y dominio del asunto. Lo multiescalar es básico para la comprensión del sistema turístico, sistema formado de procesos globales, regionales y locales. El eje de discusión del libro es lo glocal, esa interacción entre lo nacional y local con lo global