52 research outputs found

    Multifunctional Building

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace pro stavební povolení polyfunkčního domu. Objekt se nachází na okraji města Nasavrky. Terén je mírně svažitý směrem k severovýchodu. V blízkosti pozemku byl proveden geologický průzkum. Základy jsou tvořeny betonovými pasy. Půdorys domu je tvořen jedním obdélníkem. Dům je proveden zděnou technologií z keramických tvárnic. Obvodové stěny jsou zatepleny kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Budova je zastřešena jednoplášťovou plochou střechou.Subject matterś thesis is elaborate a project documentation for structural permission for a multi-functional building. Object is situated on the outskirts of town Nasavrky. The terrain is slightly sloping to northeast. Around the land was made a geological survey. The basisc are made from contrete strips. The grand plan of the house consists from one rectangle. The house is made by a brick technology of a ceramic blocks. The external walls are insulated by contact insulating system. The building is roofed with single-layer flat roof.

    Identifikace kritických fází životního cyklu ohroženého druhu, Dracocephalum austriacum L.

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    Identification of critical life history stages in the life cycle of endangered species, Dracocephalum austriacum L. In this study I wanted to compare population dynamics of an endangered species, Dracocephalum austriacum L., in two distant regions (the Czech and Slovak Karst). I also wanted to estimate genetic diversity in this species and assess the importance of genetic diversity for population dynamics of this species. The species is one of critically endangered species in the Czech Republic and effective conservation strategies are very needed nowadays. Population dynamics was studied using analysis of population transition matrices from years 2003-2005. For estimating of genetic diversity I used allozyme analysis and analysed 10 variable loci in 4 enzymatic systems. Population growth rates in both regions differ. Czech Karst populations showed higher population growth rates in the second transition interval of the study and Slovak Karst populations in the first transition interval of the study. Population growth rate (λ) for separate years was significantly different from 1 only in two localities (Haknovec in Czech Karst and Domické škrapy in Slovak Karst) during 2003-2005. Analysis of elasticities showed that transitions that most contribute to population growth rate are transitions of stasis. In...Identifikace kritických fází životního cyklu ohroženého druhu, Dracocephalum austriacum L. Tomáš Dostálek Ve své práci jsem se zabýval srovnáním populační dynamiky ohroženého druhu včelníku rakouského, Dracocephalum austriacum L., ve dvou vzdálených územích (Český a Slovenský kras). Také jsem odhadoval genetickou diverzitu druhu a snažil se posoudit její vliv na populační dynamiku. Včelník je jedním z kriticky ohrožených druhů České republiky, a proto účinné ochranářské metody jsou dnes pro tento druh velice potřebné. Populační dynamika byla studována pomocí analýzy populačních přechodových matic z let 2003-2005. Pro odhad genetické diverzity byla použita izozymová analýza, při níž bylo zhodnoceno 10 variabilních lokusů ze 4 enzymatických systémů. Populační růstové rychlosti se lišily mezi územími. Zatímco populace v Českém krasu vykazovaly vyšší populační růstové rychlosti v druhém přechodovém intervalu, u populací Slovenského krasu to bylo v prvním přechodovém intervalu. Populační růstová rychlost pro jednotlivé roky byla průkazně odlišná od 1 pouze u dvou lokalit (Haknovec v Českém krasu a Domické škrapy ve Slovenském krasu). Analýza elasticit ukázala, že nejvíce přispívají ke změnám populační růstové rychlosti přechody přežívání. Avšak zatímco v Českém krasu je to zejména setrvávání ve stavu velkých...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Vegetation succession in extensive abandoned tall-trunk cherry orchards: a case study on Kaňk Mountain near Kutná Hora (Czech Republic)

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    Extensive tall-trunk orchards, a component of the central European landscape since the Middle Ages, form a biotope to which a number of plant and animal species are bound that are rare in other habitats. For these reasons, extensive tall-trunk orchards are interesting with regard to nature conservation. Once the management of these low-productivity vegetation sites ceases, the habitat is threatened by successive overgrowth by shrub vegetation. Taking abandoned tall-trunk cherry orchards with dry/mesophilous grassland undergrowth in the locality of Kaňk as an example, the degree of colonization of orchards by woody species and differences in the composition of vegetation cover in different time periods after abandonment were monitored. The results showed that the cover of cherry trees in orchards abandoned before 1990 was approximately 30% lower than that in orchards abandoned after 2000, and the cover of the herb layer was approximately 60% lower. The species diversity of orchards abandoned before 1990 was statistically significantly lower than that of orchards abandoned after 2000. The total cover of all species in habitat in areas of medieval ore extraction was approximately 50% lower than that in land originally used for farming

    Flavour formation in continuous fermentations

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Continuous beer fermentation using immobilized yeast cell bioreactor systems

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    Traditional beer fermentation and maturation processes use open fermentation and lager tanks. Although these vessels had previously been considered indispensable, during the past decades they were in many breweries replaced by large production units (cylindroconical tanks). These have proved to be successful, both providing operating advantages and ensuring the quality of the final beer. Another promising contemporary technology, namely, continuous beer fermentation using immobilized brewing yeast, by contrast, has found only a limited number of industrial applications. Continuous fermentation systems based on immobilized cell technology, albeit initially successful, were condemned to failure for several reasons. These include engineering problems (excess biomass and problems with CO2 removal, optimization of operating conditions, clogging and channeling of the reactor), unbalanced beer flavor (altered cell physiology, cell aging), and unrealized cost advantages (carrier price, complex and unstable operation). However, recent development in reactor design and understanding of immobilized cell physiology, together with application of novel carrier materials, could provide a new stimulus to both research and application of this promising technology.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Alien plants in Central European river ports

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    River ports represent a special type of urbanized area. They are considered to be an important driver of biological invasion and biotic homogenization on a global scale, but it remains unclear how and to what degree they serve as a pool of alien species. Data for 54 river ports (16 German, 20 Czech, 7 Hungarian, 3 Slovak, and 8 Austrian ports) on two important Central European waterways (the Elbe-Vltava and Danube waterways) were collected over 40 years. In total, 1056 plant species were found. Of these, 433 were alien, representing 41% of the total number of species found in all the studied Elbe, Vltava, and Danube ports. During comparison of floristic data from literary sources significant differences in the percentage of alien species in ports (50%) and cities (38%) were found. The number of alien species was closely related to port size, but the proportion of alien species expressed as a percentage of the total number of species did not depend significantly on port area. The proportion of alien species in both studied waterways decreased with distance from the sea and was highest in the Hungarian ports and lowest in the Czech Republic, Austria and Bavaria. Lower levels of shipping towards inland regions due to decreased river flow are likely the reason for this trend. The dissimilarity in the species composition of alien and native flora between individual river ports increased with increasing inter-port distance. Neophytes presented a stronger distance decay pattern than did either native species or archaeophytes of the Danube inland ports, potentially due to the different cargoes of individual ports, which may affect the introduction of different neophytes from different geographic areas. The results show that river ports in Central Europe should be regarded as a type of industrial area and deserve full attention with regard to the distribution and spread of alien plants

    Growth model and metabolic activity of brewing yeast biofilm on the surface of spent grains : a biocatalyst for continuous beer fermentation

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    In the continuous systems, such as continuous beer fermentation, immobilized cells are kept inside the bioreactor for long periods of time. Thus an important factor in the design and performance of the immobilized yeast reactor is immobilized cell viability and physiology. Both the decreasing specific glucose consumption rate (Q_im) and intracellular redox potential of the cells immobilized to spent grains during continuous cultivation in bubble-column reactor implied alterations in cell physiology. It was hypothesized that the changes of the physiological state of the immobilized brewing yeast were due to the aging process to which the immobilized yeast are exposed in the continuous reactor. The amount of an actively growing fraction (X_im_act) of the total immobilized biomass (X_im) was subsequently estimated at approximately X_im_act = 0.12 g_IB g_Cˉ¹ (IB = dry immobilized biomass, C = dry carrier). A mathematical model of the immobilized yeast biofilm growth on the surface of spent grain particles based on cell deposition (cell-to-carrier adhesion and cell-to-cell attachment), immobilized cell growth, and immobilized biomass detachment (cell outgrowth, biofilm abrasion) was formulated. The concept of the active fraction of immobilized biomass (X_im_act) and the maximum attainable biomass load (X_im_max) was included into the model. Since the average biofilm thickness was estimated at ca. 10 μm, the limitation of the diffusion of substrates inside the yeast biofilm could be neglected. The model successfully predicted the dynamics of the immobilized cell growth, maximum biomass load, free cell growth, and glucose consumption under constant hydrodynamic conditions in a bubble-column reactor. Good agreement between model simulations and experimental data was achieved.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BPD/3541/2000

    Plasmonic Hepatitis B Biosensor for the Analysis of Clinical Saliva

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    A biosensor for the detection of hepatitis B antibodies in clinical saliva was developed. Compared to conventional analysis of blood serum, it offers the advantage of noninvasive collection of samples. Detection of biomarkers in saliva imposes two major challenges associated with the low analyte concentration and increased surface fouling. The detection of minute amounts of hepatitis B antibodies was performed by plasmonically amplified fluorescence sandwich immunoassay. To have access to specific detection, we prevented the nonspecific adsorption of biomolecules present in saliva by brushes of poly[(N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide)-co-(carboxybetaine methacrylamide)] grafted from the gold sensor surface and post modified with hepatitis B surface antigen. Obtained results were validated against the response measured with ELISA at a certified laboratory using serum from the same patients. © 201