760 research outputs found

    A pure primary low-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma (carcinoid tumor) of the prostate.

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    ”Ei niin ikĂ€vÀÀ asiaa joka ei tien pÀÀllĂ€ paranisi”:moottoripyörĂ€ilyn merkitys suomalaiselle naisharrastajalle

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    TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ kulttuuriantropologian pro gradu -tutkielma kĂ€sittelee suomalaisnaisten moottoripyörĂ€harrastuksen lĂ€htökohtia ja sen tuomia merkityksiĂ€ heidĂ€n elĂ€mĂ€lleen. Tavoitteeni on selvittÀÀ miksi naiset haluavat aloittaa sukupuolelleen epĂ€tyypillisen harrastuksen ja millĂ€ tavalla he kuvaavat sen vaikutuksia itselleen. Tutkielmani aineisto koostuu kyselytutkimuksesta, johon vastasi 501 suomalaisnaista ikĂ€haarukassa 18–74 vuotta, viidestĂ€ haastattelusta sekĂ€ kerÀÀmĂ€stĂ€ni media-aineistosta, johon sisĂ€ltyy lehtiartikkeleita sekĂ€ arkistoaineistoa. Kyselytutkimus oli avoinna 14.–31.3.2022 ja haastattelut tehtiin 3.9.–20.10.2022 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana. Tutkielmaa varten tehtiin myös osallistuvaa havainnointia ajokauden 2022 kuluessa osallistumalla kahteen motoristien vapaamuotoiseen kokoontumiseen sekĂ€ muiden spontaanien ajomatkojen aikana. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu Clifford Geertzin symboleihin ja merkitysten rakentumiseen liittyvĂ€n teorian sekĂ€ Victor Turnerin Arnold van GennepiltĂ€ omaksuman liminaliteetin kĂ€sitteiden ympĂ€rille. Viitekehyksen rakentamisessa on hyödynnetty myös feminististĂ€ antropologiaa, sillĂ€ sukupuolittuminen sekĂ€ sukupuoliroolit liittyvĂ€t vahvasti miestapaiseksi mielletyn harrastuksen tutkimiseen. Tutkielmani perusteella moottoripyörĂ€ilyĂ€ harrastavat suomalaisnaiset ovat usein jo lapsuudessaan saaneet kipinĂ€n harrastuksen aloittamiseksi, mutta sen aloittaminen lykkÀÀntyy siihen asti ettĂ€ se on taloudellisesti mahdollista tai sopii muuten naisen elĂ€mĂ€ntilanteeseen. Monelle tutkimuksessani mukana olleelle naiselle moottoripyörĂ€ilyharrastuksen aloittaminen on ollut ikiaikainen haave josta on haluttu tehdĂ€ totta. MoottoripyörĂ€ilyĂ€ harrastavat naiset eivĂ€t pidĂ€ harrastuksen sukupuolittamisesta. He kokevat ensisijaisesti olevansa motoristeja siinĂ€ kuin miehetkin. Naiset suhtautuvat harrastukseensa vakavasti, ja ovat valmiita kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn siihen rahaa ja aikaa. Harrastuksen aloittamiseksi on voitu joutua nĂ€kemÀÀn monenlaista vaivaa ja siihen on voinut sisĂ€ltyĂ€ erilaisia vastoinkĂ€ymisiĂ€. NĂ€istĂ€ selviĂ€minen on lisĂ€nnyt naisten itsenĂ€isyyden tunnetta ja antanut onnistumisen tunteita. MerkittĂ€vin moottoripyörĂ€harrastuksen vaikutus liittyy tutkimukseni mukaan naisten kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin lisÀÀntymiseen. Harrastus auttaa irtautumaan elĂ€mĂ€n huolista ja haasteista, se nostaa ja ruokkii naisen itsetuntoa, tuo onnellisuutta, auttaa stressin purkamisessa ja on elĂ€myksellinen sekĂ€ palauttava. Harrastus on tuonut heille voimaa ja jaksamista sekĂ€ mielenrauhaa

    Treatment of keloid scars with intralesional triamcinolone and 5-fluorouracil injections - a randomized controlled trial

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    Keloids have high recurrence rates. Current first-line therapy is triamcinolone (TAC) injection, but it has been suggested that approximately 50% of keloids are steroid resistant. We compared the efficacy of intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and triamcinalone injections in a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Forty-three patients with 50 keloid scars were treated with either intralesional TAC or 5-FU-injections over 6 months. There was no statistically significant difference in the remission rate at 6 months between the 5-FU and TAC groups (46% vs 60%, respectively). Local adverse effects were higher in the TAC group compared to the 5-FU group. Occurrence of skin atrophy in TAC group was 44% and in the 5-FU group 8% (p <0.05). Also the occurrence of telangiectasia in the TAC group was 50% and in the 5-FU 21% (p <0.05). Vascularity of the keloids, assessed by spectral imaging and immunohistochemical staining for blood vessels, after treatment decreased in the TAC group, but not in the 5-FU group (p <0.05). Fibroblast proliferation evaluated by Ki-67 staining significantly decreased in the TAC group (p <0.05) but increased in the 5-FU group (p <0.05). TAC and 5-FU injections did not differ in their clinical effectivity in this randomized study, but 5-FU injections lead to increased proliferation rate and did not affect vascular density in histological assessment. Due to the greater number of adverse effects observed after TAC treatment, 5-FU injections may be preferable for cosmetically sensitive skin areas. (C) 2018 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    A computationally efficient multipitch analysis model

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    Evaluation of Heart Rate Variation Analysis during Rest and Tilting in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Objective. To evaluate spectral heart rate (HR) variation using short-term ECG recordings at rest and during the tilt table test. Methods. The values of spectral components of total power (TP), high-frequency power (HF), low-frequency power (LF) and LF: HF ratio were measured at rest and during the head-up tilt in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and their control subjects. Results. Compared to the control subjects, patients with TLE had lower HF (P < 0.05) and LF : HF ratio (P < 0.05) at rest and lower TP (P < 0.001), HF (P < 0.05), and LF (P < 0.05) during the head-up tilt. Upon changing from supine to standing position TP (P < 0.05) and LF (P < 0.05) were attenuated in patients with TLE compared to the control subjects. Conclusion. These results suggest that spectral analysis of HR variation from ECG recordings of short duration may add value to assessment of autonomic nervous system function using autonomic cardiac tests in patients with TLE

    Using multiple imputation and intervention-based scenarios to project the mobility of older adults

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    Background: Projections of the development of mobility limitations of older adults are needed for evidence-based policy making. The aim of this study was to generate projections of mobility limitations among older people in the United States, England, and Finland. Methods: We applied multiple imputation modelling with bootstrapping to generate projections of stair climbing and walking limitations until 2026. A physical activity intervention producing a beneficial effect on self-reported activities of daily living measures was identified in a comprehensive literature search and incorporated in the scenarios used in the projections. We utilised the harmonised longitudinal survey data from the Ageing Trajectories of Health – Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project (N = 24,982). Results: Based on the scenarios from 2012 to 2026, the prevalence of walking limitations will decrease from 9.4 to 6.4%. A physical activity intervention would decrease the prevalence of stair climbing limitations compared with no intervention from 28.9 to 18.9% between 2012 and 2026. Conclusions: A physical activity intervention implemented on older population seems to have a positive effect on maintaining mobility in the future. Our method provides an interesting option for generating projections by incorporating intervention-based scenarios

    Bacterial metacommunity organization in a highly connected aquatic system

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    The spatial structure and underlying assembly mechanisms of bacterial communities have been studied widely across aquatic systems, focusing primarily on isolated sites, such as different lakes, ponds and streams. Here, our main aim was to determine the underlying mechanisms for bacterial biofilm assembly within a large, highly connected lake system in Northern Finland using associative methods based on taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha-and beta-diversity and a large number of abiotic and biotic variables. Furthermore, null model approaches were used to quantify the relative importance of different community assembly processes. We found that spatial variation in bacterial communities within the lake was structured by different assembly processes, including stochasticity, species sorting and potentially even dispersal limitation. Species sorting by abiotic environmental conditions explained more of the taxonomic and particularly phylogenetic turnover in community composition compared with that by biotic variables. Finally, we observed clear differences in alpha diversity (species richness and phylogenetic diversity), which were to a stronger extent determined by abiotic compared with biotic factors, but also by dispersal effects. In summary, our study shows that the biodiversity of bacterial biofilm communities within a lake ecosystem is driven by within-habitat gradients in abiotic conditions and by stochastic and deterministic dispersal processes.Peer reviewe

    Size distributions, sources and source areas of water-soluble organic carbon in urban background air

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    International audienceThis paper represents the results of one year long measurement period of the size distributions of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), inorganic ions and gravimetric mass of particulate matter. Measurements were done at an urban background station (SMEAR III) by using a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI). The site is located in northern European boreal region in Helsinki, Finland. The WSOC size distribution measurements were completed with the chemical analysis of inorganic ions, organic carbon (OC) and monosaccharide anhydrides from the filter samples. During the measurements gravimetric mass in the MOUDI collections varied between 3.4 and 55.0 ?g m?3 and the WSOC concentration was between 0.3 and 7.4 ?g m?3. On average, water-soluble particulate organic matter (WSPOM, WSOC multiplied by 1.6) comprised 25±7.7% and 7.5±3.4% of aerosol PM1 mass and the PM1?10 mass, respectively. Inorganic ions contributed 33±12% and 28±19% of the analyzed PM1 and PM1?10 aerosol mass. Five different aerosol categories corresponding to different sources or source areas were identified (long-range transport aerosols, biomass burning aerosols from wild land fires and from small-scale wood combustion, aerosols originating from marine areas and from the clean arctic areas). Clear differences in WSOC concentrations and size distributions originating from different sources or source areas were observed, although there are also many other factors which might affect the results. E.g. the local conditions and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and aerosols as well as various transformation processes are likely to have an impact on the measured aerosol composition. Using the source categories, it was identified that especially the oxidation products of biogenic VOCs in summer had a clear effect on WSOC concentrations

    Microseminoprotein-Beta Expression in Different Stages of Prostate Cancer

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    Microseminoprotein-beta (MSMB, MSMB) is an abundant secretory protein contributed by the prostate, and is implicated as a prostate cancer (PC) biomarker based on observations of its lower expression in cancerous cells compared with benign prostate epithelium. However, as the current literature on MSMB is inconsistent, we assessed the expression of MSMB at the protein and mRNA levels in a comprehensive set of different clinical stages of PC. Immunohistochemistry using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against MSMB was used to study protein expression in tissue specimens representing prostatectomies (n = 261) and in diagnostic needle biopsies from patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) (n = 100), and in locally recurrent castration-resistant PC (CRPC) (n = 105) and CRPC metastases (n = 113). The transcript levels of MSMB, nuclear receptor co-activator 4 (NCOA4) and MSMB-NCOA4 fusion were examined by qRT-PCR in prostatectomy samples and by RNA-sequencing in benign prostatic hyperplasia, PC, and CRPC samples. We also measured serum MSMB levels and genotyped the single nucleotide polymorphism rs10993994 using DNA from the blood of 369 PC patients and 903 controls. MSMB expression in PC (29% of prostatectomies and 21% of needle biopsies) was more frequent than in CRPC (9% of locally recurrent CRPCs and 9% of CRPC metastases) (p<0.0001). Detection of MSMB protein was inversely correlated with the Gleason score in prostatectomy specimens (p = 0.024). The read-through MSMB-NCOA4 transcript was detected at very low levels in PC. MSMB levels in serum were similar in cases of PC and controls but were significantly associated with PC risk when adjusted for age at diagnosis and levels of free or total PSA (p<0.001). Serum levels of MSMB in both PC patients and controls were significantly associated with the rs10993994 genotype (p<0.0001). In conclusion, decreased expression of MSMB parallels the clinical progression of PC and adjusted serum MSMB levels are associated with PC risk
