24 research outputs found

    Efectos del tráfico del tractor sobre la distribución de la compactación del suelo y los rendimientos de trigo en España

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    395-403The general objective of this paper was to quantify the changes in the physical properties of an Aridisol soil and the effect on wheat yield due to agricultural tractors traffic in the Vélez Blanco District, Almería Spain. Parameters measured were cone index (CI) in the 0-600 mm depth profile, bulk density (BD) and rut depth; the variable wheat yields (WY) was measured too. The traffic treatments applied were: 0 (control plot), 1, 3, 5, and 7 tractor passes in the same tracks. Each experimental plot was trafficked with two tractors, one light (60 kN) and one heavy (80 kN). In topsoil (0-200 mm), up to five passes of the heavy (HT) and light tractors (LT), as in one and three passes, the BD and CI values responded to the ground pressure being higher in absolute value for LT. For the 200 to 400 mm depth range HT caused higher CI (1,570 to 2,200 kPa) and BD (1.38 to 1.68 Mg m-3) values than LT. Eight months later, WY was evaluated in tractor's track areas and decreases in the range of 18-38 percent, were measured. For seven passes the applications of total loads of 80 and 60 kN increased BD up to 1.5 Mg m-3 at depths of 200-600 mm. Although soil had high bulk density prior to traffic treatments, a significant increment of subsoil compaction still occurred due to the high traffic intensities applied

    Efectos del tráfico del tractor sobre la distribución de la compactación del suelo y los rendimientos de trigo en España

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    The general objective of this paper was to quantify the changes in the physical properties of an Aridisol soil and the effect on wheat yield due to agricultural tractors traffic in the Vélez Blanco District, Almería Spain. Parameters measured were cone index (CI) in the 0-600 mm depth profile, bulk density (BD) and rut depth; the variable wheat yields (WY) was measured too. The traffic treatments applied were: 0 (control plot), 1, 3, 5, and 7 tractor passes in the same tracks. Each experimental plot was trafficked with two tractors, one light (60 kN) and one heavy (80 kN). In topsoil (0-200 mm), up to five passes of the heavy (HT) and light tractors (LT), as in one and three passes, the BD and CI values responded to the ground pressure being higher in absolute value for LT. For the 200 to 400 mm depth range HT caused higher CI (1,570 to 2,200 kPa) and BD (1.38 to 1.68 Mg m-3) values than LT. Eight months later, WY was evaluated in tractor's track areas and decreases in the range of 18-38%, were measured. For seven passes the applications of total loads of 80 and 60 kN increased BD up to 1.5 Mg m-3 at depths of 200-600 mm. Although soil had high bulk density prior to traffic treatments, a significant increment of subsoil compaction still occurred due to the high traffic intensities applied.El objetivo general del estudio fue cuantificar los cambios producidos en las propiedades físicas de un suelo Aridisol y los efectos sobre el rendimiento del trigo debido al tráfico de tractores agrícolas en Vélez Blanco, Almería, España. Los parámetros analizados fueron índice de cono (IC) a una profundidad de 0-600 mm, densidad aparente (DA) y profundidad de huella; también se analizó la variable rendimiento del trigo (RT). Los tratamientos de tráfico aplicados fueron: cero (parcela testigo), y uno, tres, cinco, y siete pasadas de tractor sobre la misma huella. En cada parcela experimental se utilizaron dos tractores, uno ligero (60 kN) y uno pesado (80 kN). En el horizonte superficial (0-200 mm), hasta las cinco pasadas de los tractores pesados (TP) y ligeros (TL), los valores de DA y de IC respondieron a la presión en el área de contacto, siendo más alto en valor absoluto para TL cuando pasó una y tres veces. Para el rango de profundidad 200-400 mm, TP causó valores más altos de IC (1.570 a 2.200 kPa) y DA (1,38 a 1,68 Mg m-3) que TL. RT se evaluó ocho meses después sobre el área pisada, observándose una disminución en un rango de 18-38%. Las cargas totales aplicadas de 80 y 60 kN, con siete pasadas, aumentaron DA hasta 1,5 Mg m-3 en el rango 200-600 mm. A pesar de que el suelo presentó una alta DA antes de aplicar los tratamientos, se observó un incremento significativo de la compactación del subsuelo por las altas intensidades de tráfico aplicadas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Efectos del tráfico del tractor sobre la distribución de la compactación del suelo y los rendimientos de trigo en España

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    The general objective of this paper was to quantify the changes in the physical properties of an Aridisol soil and the effect on wheat yield due to agricultural tractors traffic in the Vélez Blanco District, Almería Spain. Parameters measured were cone index (CI) in the 0-600 mm depth profile, bulk density (BD) and rut depth; the variable wheat yields (WY) was measured too. The traffic treatments applied were: 0 (control plot), 1, 3, 5, and 7 tractor passes in the same tracks. Each experimental plot was trafficked with two tractors, one light (60 kN) and one heavy (80 kN). In topsoil (0-200 mm), up to five passes of the heavy (HT) and light tractors (LT), as in one and three passes, the BD and CI values responded to the ground pressure being higher in absolute value for LT. For the 200 to 400 mm depth range HT caused higher CI (1,570 to 2,200 kPa) and BD (1.38 to 1.68 Mg m-3) values than LT. Eight months later, WY was evaluated in tractor's track areas and decreases in the range of 18-38%, were measured. For seven passes the applications of total loads of 80 and 60 kN increased BD up to 1.5 Mg m-3 at depths of 200-600 mm. Although soil had high bulk density prior to traffic treatments, a significant increment of subsoil compaction still occurred due to the high traffic intensities applied.El objetivo general del estudio fue cuantificar los cambios producidos en las propiedades físicas de un suelo Aridisol y los efectos sobre el rendimiento del trigo debido al tráfico de tractores agrícolas en Vélez Blanco, Almería, España. Los parámetros analizados fueron índice de cono (IC) a una profundidad de 0-600 mm, densidad aparente (DA) y profundidad de huella; también se analizó la variable rendimiento del trigo (RT). Los tratamientos de tráfico aplicados fueron: cero (parcela testigo), y uno, tres, cinco, y siete pasadas de tractor sobre la misma huella. En cada parcela experimental se utilizaron dos tractores, uno ligero (60 kN) y uno pesado (80 kN). En el horizonte superficial (0-200 mm), hasta las cinco pasadas de los tractores pesados (TP) y ligeros (TL), los valores de DA y de IC respondieron a la presión en el área de contacto, siendo más alto en valor absoluto para TL cuando pasó una y tres veces. Para el rango de profundidad 200-400 mm, TP causó valores más altos de IC (1.570 a 2.200 kPa) y DA (1,38 a 1,68 Mg m-3) que TL. RT se evaluó ocho meses después sobre el área pisada, observándose una disminución en un rango de 18-38%. Las cargas totales aplicadas de 80 y 60 kN, con siete pasadas, aumentaron DA hasta 1,5 Mg m-3 en el rango 200-600 mm. A pesar de que el suelo presentó una alta DA antes de aplicar los tratamientos, se observó un incremento significativo de la compactación del subsuelo por las altas intensidades de tráfico aplicadas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Efectos del tráfico del tractor sobre la distribución de la compactación del suelo y los rendimientos de trigo en España

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    The general objective of this paper was to quantify the changes in the physical properties of an Aridisol soil and the effect on wheat yield due to agricultural tractors traffic in the Vélez Blanco District, Almería Spain. Parameters measured were cone index (CI) in the 0-600 mm depth profile, bulk density (BD) and rut depth; the variable wheat yields (WY) was measured too. The traffic treatments applied were: 0 (control plot), 1, 3, 5, and 7 tractor passes in the same tracks. Each experimental plot was trafficked with two tractors, one light (60 kN) and one heavy (80 kN). In topsoil (0-200 mm), up to five passes of the heavy (HT) and light tractors (LT), as in one and three passes, the BD and CI values responded to the ground pressure being higher in absolute value for LT. For the 200 to 400 mm depth range HT caused higher CI (1,570 to 2,200 kPa) and BD (1.38 to 1.68 Mg m-3) values than LT. Eight months later, WY was evaluated in tractor's track areas and decreases in the range of 18-38%, were measured. For seven passes the applications of total loads of 80 and 60 kN increased BD up to 1.5 Mg m-3 at depths of 200-600 mm. Although soil had high bulk density prior to traffic treatments, a significant increment of subsoil compaction still occurred due to the high traffic intensities applied.El objetivo general del estudio fue cuantificar los cambios producidos en las propiedades físicas de un suelo Aridisol y los efectos sobre el rendimiento del trigo debido al tráfico de tractores agrícolas en Vélez Blanco, Almería, España. Los parámetros analizados fueron índice de cono (IC) a una profundidad de 0-600 mm, densidad aparente (DA) y profundidad de huella; también se analizó la variable rendimiento del trigo (RT). Los tratamientos de tráfico aplicados fueron: cero (parcela testigo), y uno, tres, cinco, y siete pasadas de tractor sobre la misma huella. En cada parcela experimental se utilizaron dos tractores, uno ligero (60 kN) y uno pesado (80 kN). En el horizonte superficial (0-200 mm), hasta las cinco pasadas de los tractores pesados (TP) y ligeros (TL), los valores de DA y de IC respondieron a la presión en el área de contacto, siendo más alto en valor absoluto para TL cuando pasó una y tres veces. Para el rango de profundidad 200-400 mm, TP causó valores más altos de IC (1.570 a 2.200 kPa) y DA (1,38 a 1,68 Mg m-3) que TL. RT se evaluó ocho meses después sobre el área pisada, observándose una disminución en un rango de 18-38%. Las cargas totales aplicadas de 80 y 60 kN, con siete pasadas, aumentaron DA hasta 1,5 Mg m-3 en el rango 200-600 mm. A pesar de que el suelo presentó una alta DA antes de aplicar los tratamientos, se observó un incremento significativo de la compactación del subsuelo por las altas intensidades de tráfico aplicadas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    El Parque Natural de Sierra Maria-Los Velez (Almeria). Bases para un desarrollo sostenible

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Design of a New Sensor for Determination of the Effects of Tractor Field Usage in Southern Spain: Soil Sinkage and Alterations in the Cone Index and Dry Bulk Density

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    Variations in sinkage and cone index are of crucial importance when planning fieldwork, and for determining the trafficability of farm machinery. Many studies have highlighted the link between higher values of these parameters and dramatic decreases in crop yield. Variations in the dry bulk density and cone index of clayey soil in Southern Spain were measured following each of five successive passes over the same land with the three types of tractor most widely used in the area (tracked, two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive). In addition, sinkage (rut depth) of the running gear was measured using a laser microrelief profile meter. This device, which integrates three sensors, was specifically designed for these experiments, as was an electrical penetrometer to determine the cone index, and both instruments proved reliable and accurate in the field. The main goal of this study was to design, manufacture and test these new devices. The first pass caused most soil alteration when compared to successive passes for all types of tractor tested and soil conditions prevailing during the tests. (Heavier) four-wheel drive tractors were found to cause greater soil damage (sinkage, cone index and dry bulk density) than two-wheel drive and track tractors. There was no statistically significant difference between the two latter types. The greatest alterations were recorded in the top 10 cm of the soil. The results show that soil compaction should be avoided as much as possible. This can be achieved by ensuring that tractors always travel along the same tracks, especially in the wet season. At present these aspects are not considered by farmers in this area