155 research outputs found

    Contributing to VRPN with a new server for haptic devices (ext. version)

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    This article is an extended version of the poster paper: Cuevas-Rodriguez, M., Gonzalez-Toledo D., Molina-Tanco, L., Reyes-Lecuona A., 2015, November. “Contributing to VRPN with a new server for haptic devices”. In Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology. ACM.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2821592.2821639VRPN is a middleware to access Virtual Reality peripherals. VRPN standard distribution supports Geomagic® (formerly Phantom) haptic devices through the now superseded GHOST library. This paper presents VRPN OpenHaptics Server, a contribution to VRPN library that fully reimplements VRPN support of Geomagic Haptic Devices. The implementation is based on the OpenHaptics v3.0 HLAPI layer, which supports all Geomagic Haptic Devices. We present the architecture of the contributed server, a detailed description of the offered API and an analysis of its performance in a set of example scenarios.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Atmospheric boundary layer height estimation by different methods: application to lidar measurements

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    Comunicación presentada en: 2012 European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), B-WG01S2P30, celebrada del 2 al 7 de septiembre de 2012 en Granada.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Research and Innovation (MICINN) under grant CGL2011-24891 (project AMISOC)

    The spheroidal trackball: generalising the fixed trackball for virtual camera navigation

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    Virtual trackball techniques have become a standard in 3D applications, particularly for interfaces with limited degrees of freedom such as touchscreens or mice. The fact that we are used to them does not mean that they cannot be improved upon. Recent research has highlighted the significance of considering users’ mental models of a preferred rotation axis, as it can improve performance, perceived usability and perceived workload. Building upon these findings, this paper introduces the spheroidal trackball framework—a novel method for orbiting the virtual camera around elongated objects. The paper presents the mathematical formulation and the evaluation of the technique. The formulation offers enough information to implement the approach. The evaluation shows the advantages of this approach over the fixed spherical trackball for this class of objects, in terms of task performance, usability and perceived workload. This research constitutes an advancement in the refinement of 3D user interaction techniques, opening new avenues of innovation in this still evolving field.Funding for open access charge: Universidad Málaga/CBUA. This work was partially supported by the PLUGGY project (https://www.pluggy-project.eu/), European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 726765, and the Spanish National Project SAVLab, under grant No. PID2019-107854GB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033/ FEDER UE. The data and the application used to conduct the experiment are available upon request

    AnaPro, Tool for Identification and Resolution of Direct Anaphora in Spanish

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    Introduction Anaphora is a relation of coreference between linguistic terms. According to Webster’s dictionary: “It is the use of a grammatical substitute (as a pronoun or a pro-verb) to refer to the denotation of a preceding word or group of words; also : the relation between a grammatical substitute and its antecedent.” Therefore, anaphora is a discourse relation. Anaphora resolution is very important in Natural Language Processing (NLP). This work is part of Project OM* (Ontology Merging), which seeks to build a large ontology by fusing smaller ontologies extracted from textual documents. An important part of the project is to analyze the sentences in a document with the goal to transform that text into an ontology that comprises its contents. A brief description of Project OM* follows.AnaPro is software that solves direct anaphora in Spanish, specifically pronouns: it finds the noun or group of words to which the pronoun refers. It locates in the previous sentenc es the referent or antecedent which the pronoun replaces. An example of a direct anaphora solved is the pronoun “ he” in the sentence “He is sad.” Much of the work on anaphora has been done for texts in English; thus , we specifically focus on Spanish documents. AnaPro directly supports text analys is (to understand what a document says ), a non trivial task since there are different writing styles, references, idiomatic expressions, etc. The problem grows if t he analyzer is a computer, because they lack “common sense” (which persons possess) . Hence, before text analysis, its preprocessing is required, in order to assign tags (noun, verb,...) to each word, find the stems, disambiguate nouns, verbs, prepositions, identify colloquial expressions, i dentify and resolve anaphor a, among other chores. AnaPro works for Spanish sentences. It is a novel procedure, since it is automatic (no user intervenes during the resolution) and it does not need dictionaries. It employs heu ristics procedures to discover the semantics and help in the decisions; they are rather easy to implement and use li mited knowledge. Nevertheless, its results are good (81% of correct answers, at least). However, more tests will give a better idea of its goodness.Authors I.T. and E.V. would like to acknowledge ESCOM-IPN, where they defended their thesis, #20110083 , which gives a more detailed description of AnaPro. Work herein reported was partially sponsored by CONACYT Grant #128163 (Project OM*), by IPN and by SNI and UAEM

    Qualitative study on dialogic literary gatherings as co-creation intervention and its impact on psychological and social wellbeing in women during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Background: Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) are evidence-based interventions implemented in very diverse educational and health settings. The main elements that make DLG a co-creation intervention and promote health during the COVID-19 crisis lockdown are presented. This study focuses on the case of a DLG that is being promoted by an adult school in the city of Barcelona. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using a communicative approach. Seven in-depth interviews with participants in the online DLG have been conducted. Five of them are women without higher education ranging from 56 to 85 years old and two are educators of this school. Results: The main results are 2-fold. First, the factors that make DLG a co-creation intervention, such as egalitarian dialogue and dialogical creation of knowledge in the decision-making process, are found. Second, the results show how DLG is contributing to creating a supportive environment that breaks the social isolation of confinement and improving the participants' psychological and social well-being. Conclusions: The findings from this study contribute to generating knowledge about a co-creation process between adult education participants and educators in education and health promotion during the COVID-19 lockdown, which could be replicated in other contexts

    Postselection-Loophole-Free Bell Test Over an Installed Optical Fiber Network

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    Device-independent (DI) quantum communication will require a loophole-free violation of Bell inequalities. In typical scenarios where line-of-sight between the communicating parties is not available, it is convenient to use energy-time entangled photons due to intrinsic robustness while propagating over optical fibers. Here we show an energy-time Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell inequality violation with two parties separated by 3.7 km over the deployed optical fiber network belonging to the University of Concepci\'on in Chile. Remarkably, this is the first Bell violation with spatially separated parties that is free of the post-selection loophole, which affected all previous in-field long-distance energy-time experiments. Our work takes a further step towards a fiber-based loophole-free Bell test, which is highly desired for secure quantum communication due to the widespread existing telecommunication infrastructure.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Matches published versio

    Los Microcréditos en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres. Una mirada desde el Trabajo Social. 16H320

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    Esta investigación da a conocer la implementación de una línea de política social referida a los microcréditos, destinadas a emprendedoras de escasos recursos económicos, en la cual participan profesionales y estudiantes de Trabajo Social, en Misiones. Se analizan las estrategias y modos de organización que las emprendedoras utilizan para llevar adelante sus microemprendimientos y se busca dar a conocer cual es grado de intervención de los profesionales del trabajo social en la implementación de esta política social y cual es contribución a los procesos de ciudadanización de las mujeres. El proyecto se ejecutó en articulación con la ONG Desarrollo Humano Integral, que desarrolla proyectos de microcréditos, con Programas del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación. Para la recolección de información, se tomaron como unidades de análisis a las mujeres beneficiarias de los microcréditos de los barrios “Prosol II” y “Medalla Milagrosa de Villa Cabello”. Como también a los Trabajadores Sociales responsables de la ejecución del proyecto. Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa, lo cual posibilita captar la percepción de las prestatarias en torno al microemprendimiento y la relación con su vida cotidiana. Para el aspecto cuantitativo se toma la información del banco de datos de la ONG

    Histología uretral y vaginal en algunas hembras de mamíferos

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    El análisis de las características histológicas de la uretra y la vagina en hembras de mamíferos es útil para entender la fisiología y la patología de procesos como la continencia urinaria, la cópula y el parto. En este contexto, las especies más estudiadas en cuanto a la organización tisular de la uretra y vagina son la rata y la coneja. Es necesario estudiar con más detalle la organización tisular de la vagina y uretra en diferentes especies con fines de comparación. Tal información permitiría entender la diversidad funcional y conductual asociada a estos órganos. El presente documento reúne, compara y discute la información existente sobre las características histológicas de la uretra y la vagina en algunas hembras de mamíferos destacando aquellas de la coneja, modelo utilizado por nuestro grupo de investigación para estudiar la fisiología reproductiva y urinaria femenina

    Building social justice from education: An experience of innovation in higher university studies

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    En el curso 2016/17, ha iniciado su andadura el Máster oficial de Educación para la Justicia Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, una formación que nace como proyecto pionero en nuestro país. Presentamos este Máster como experiencia innovadora y de cambio educativo, considerando que las vivencias de este postgrado suponen un nuevo camino en la formación de profesionales del ámbito educativo hacia el compromiso social. La presente publicación expone las nociones y principios del máster poniendo en relación las ideas de Justicia Social y de escuela. Proyectando una imagen de Justicia Social como redistribución, reconocimiento y representación, la escuela se esboza como un espacio de formación en y desde la Justicia Social. Un postgrado de estas características proporciona una formación de maestros y maestras como intelectuales críticos, dispuestos a luchar por una escuela de calidad, inclusiva y participativa, que se aleje de los cánones tradicionales. Esta comunicación pretende recopilar las reflexiones en torno a la Educación para la Justicia Social, con el fin último de intercambiar conocimientos con profesionales del campo educativo y social. Nuestra visión pretende transformar las escuelas en espacios justos, que trabajen en y desde la Justicia Social, libres de discriminación y opresión, y donde la reflexión y el diálogo tengan un papel protagonistaIn the 2016/17 academic year, the official Masters’ Degree in Education for Social Justice at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, was started as a pioneer project in Spain. We present this Master's Degree as an innovational experience in educational change, considering that the experiences of this postgraduate course represent a new path in the training of professionals in the educational field towards social commitment. This publication presents the ideas and principles of the masters’ programme, linking the ideas of Social Justice and the ideas of what the school means. Projecting an image of Social Justice such as redistribution, recognition and representation, school is outlined as a space of Social Justice. Studies of this nature provides teachers training as critical intellectuals, who are willing to fight for a quality, inclusive and participative school that move away from traditional canons. This communication seeks to gather the reflections in a way of understanding Education for Social Justice, with the ultimate aim being to share knowledge with professionals from the educational and social field. Our vision is to transform schools into fair spaces, working in and from Social Justice, free from discrimination and oppression, and where reflection and dialogue play a main rol