158 research outputs found

    Local Renal Circadian Clocks Control Fluid-Electrolyte Homeostasis and BP.

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    The circadian timing system is critically involved in the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance and BP control. However, the role of peripheral circadian clocks in these homeostatic mechanisms remains unknown. We addressed this question in a mouse model carrying a conditional allele of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 and expressing Cre recombinase under the endogenous Renin promoter (Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice). Analysis of Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice showed that the floxed Bmal1 allele was excised in the kidney. In the kidney, BMAL1 protein expression was absent in the renin-secreting granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and the collecting duct. A partial reduction of BMAL1 expression was observed in the medullary thick ascending limb. Functional analyses showed that Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice exhibited multiple abnormalities, including increased urine volume, changes in the circadian rhythm of urinary sodium excretion, increased GFR, and significantly reduced plasma aldosterone levels. These changes were accompanied by a reduction in BP. These results show that local renal circadian clocks control body fluid and BP homeostasis

    International standardisation work on the measurement of radon in air and water

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    Radon is considered to be the main source of human exposure to natural radiation. As stated by the World Health Organization, the exposure due to the inhalation of indoor radon is much greater than the one via the ingestion of water as radon degasses from water during handling. In response to these concerns about the universal presence of radon, environmental assessment studies are regularly commissioned to assess the radon exposure of public and workers. The credibility of such studies relies on the quality and reliability of radon analysis as well as on the sample representativeness of the radiological situation. The standard-setting approach, based on consensus, seemed to lend itself to a settlement of technical aspects of potential comparison. At present, two Working Groups of the International Standardization Organization are focussing on drafting standards on radon and its decay products measurement in air and water. These standards, which aim for a set of rigorous metrology practices, will be useful for persons in charge of the initial characterisation of a site with respect to natural radioactivity as well as to those performing the routine surveillance of specific site

    An evaluation of thoron (and radon) equilibrium factorclose towalls based on long-term measurements in dwellings

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    Thoron gas and its progeny behave quite differently in room environments, owing to the difference in their half-lives; therefore, it is important to measure simultaneously gas and progeny concentrations to estimate the time-integrated equilibrium factor. Furthermore, thoron concentration strongly depends on the distance from the source, i.e. generally walls in indoor environments. In the present work, therefore, the measurements of both thoron and radon gas and their progeny concentrations were consistently carried out close to the walls, in 43 dwellings located in the Sokobanja municipality, Serbia. Three different types of instruments have been used in the present survey to measure the time-integrated thoron and radon gas and their progeny concentrations simultaneously. The equilibrium factor for thoron measured ‘close to the wall’, FW Tn, ranged from 0.001 to 0.077 with a geometric mean (GM) [geometric standard deviation (GSD)] of 0.006 (2.2), whereas the equilibrium factor for radon, FRn, ranged from 0.06 to 0.95 with a GM (GSD) of 0.23 (2.0)

    BRAFV600E mutation is highly prevalent in thyroid carcinomas in the young population in Fukushima: a different oncogenic profile from Chernobyl

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    After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the thyroid ultrasound screening program for children aged 0-18 at the time of the accident was started from October 2011. The prevalence of thyroid carcinomas in that population has appeared to be very high (84 cases per 296,253). To clarify the pathogenesis, we investigated the presence of driver mutations in these tumours. 61 classic papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), two follicular variant PTCs, four cribriform-morular variant PTCs and one poorly-differentiated thyroid carcinoma were analysed. We detected BRAF V600E in 43 cases (63.2%), RET/PTC1 in six (8.8%), RET/PTC3 in one (1.5%) and ETV6/NTRK3 in four (5.9%). Among classic and follicular variant PTCs, BRAF V600E was significantly associated with the smaller size. The genetic pattern was completely different from post-Chernobyl PTCs, suggesting non-radiogenic etiology of these cancers. This is the first study demonstrating the oncogene profile in the thyroid cancers discovered by large mass screening, which probably reflects genetic status of all sporadic and latent tumours in the young Japanese population. It is assumed that BRAF V600E may not confer growth advantage on paediatric PTCs, and many of these cases grow slowly, suggesting that additional factors may be important for tumour progression in paediatric PTCs

    L-2-hydroxyglutarate production arises from non-canonical enzyme function at acidic pH

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    The metabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) can be produced as either a D(R)- or L(S)- enantiomer, each of which inhibits alpha-ketoglutarate (αKG)-dependent enzymes involved in diverse biologic processes. Oncogenic mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase produce D-2HG, which causes a pathologic blockade in cell differentiation. On the other hand, oxygen limitation leads to accumulation of L-2HG, which can facilitate physiologic adaptation to hypoxic stress in both normal and malignant cells. Here we demonstrate that purified lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) catalyze stereospecific production of L-2HG via ‘promiscuous’ reduction of the alternative substrate αKG. Acidic pH enhances production of L-2HG by promoting a protonated form of αKG that binds to a key residue in the substrate-binding pocket of LDHA. Acid-enhanced production of L-2HG leads to stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) in normoxia. These findings offer insights into mechanisms whereby microenvironmental factors influence production of metabolites that alter cell fate and function

    Role of the renal circadian timing system in maintaining water and electrolytes homeostasis.

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    Many basic physiological functions exhibit circadian rhythmicity. These functional rhythms are driven, in part, by the circadian clock, an ubiquitous molecular mechanism allowing cells and tissues to anticipate regular environmental events and to prepare for them. This mechanism has been shown to play a particularly important role in maintaining stability (homeostasis) of internal conditions. Because the homeostatic equilibrium is continuously challenged by environmental changes, the role of the circadian clock is thought to consist in the anticipative adjustment of homeostatic pathways in relation with the 24h environmental cycle. The kidney is the principal organ responsible for the regulation of the composition and volume of extracellular fluids (ECF). Several major parameters of kidney function, including renal plasma flow (RPF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and tubular reabsorption and secretion have been shown to exhibit strong circadian oscillations. Recent evidence suggest that the circadian clock can be involved in generation of these rhythms through external circadian time cues (e.g. humoral factors, activity and body temperature rhythms) or, trough the intrinsic renal circadian clock. Here, we discuss the role of renal circadian mechanisms in maintaining homeostasis of water and three major ions, namely, Na(+), K(+) and Cl(-)

    Characterization of functional role of α-ketoglutarate receptor in the kidney : role of the intrinsic circadian timing system in renin expressing cells

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    Le rein joue un rôle essential dans le maintien de l'homéostasie des fluides extracellulaires (FEC) et la pression artérielle. L'objectif de notre groupe est d'identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie des FEC et de la pression artérielle par le rein. Projet 1) Caractérisation du rôle fonctionnel du récepteur à l'a-cétogluatarate Oxgrl dans le rein Oxgrl est le récepteur spécifique de l'a-cétogluatarate, une moléule intermédiaire du cycle de l'acide citrique, filtrée par le rein et réabsorbée ou secrétée au niveau des tubules proximaux. Le rôle fonctionnel de ces deux récepteurs reste inconnu. Nos résultats montrent qu'Oxgrl est localisé au niveau des cellules intercalaires du tube collecteur (CCD). Des souris (Oxgrr/_) montrent une diminution du pH urinaire ,une augmentation de la concentration de l'acide urinaire titrable et une augmentation des niveaux d'a-cétoglutarate. Le traitement au Na-bicarbonate provoque une augmentation plus prononcée de l'alcalose métabolique chez les souris Oxgrl"7"' accompagnée d'une augmentation de la concentration de bicarbonate et une diminution du niveau de chlore plasmatique. En parallèle, des études de microperfusion ont montré que a-cétoglutarate stimule la réabsorption éléctroneutre de NaCl dans le CCD des souris de type sauvage mais pas des souris Oxgrl"7". En résumé, ces résultats montrent que l'a-cétoglutarate joue un rôle de molécule messagère du tubule proximal jusqu'au tube collecteur au niveau du rein et qu'Oxgrl pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation de l'échange Cl/bicarbonate et la réabsorption du NaCl dans les cellules intercalées. Projet 2) Rôle du système circadien dans les cellules productrices de rénine. Le système chronologique circadien est un mécanisme moléculaire ubiquitaire qui permet à l'organisme de coordonner ses fonctions principales en fonction du temps géophysique. Comme l'activité de la rénine plasmatique montre une rythmicité circadienne nette chez l'homme et la souris ; dans ce projet, nous avons abordé la question à savoir dans quelle mesure le système circadien est impliqué dans cette variabilité circadienne. Pour cela, le gène Bmall, élément principal de l'horloge moléculaire, a été perturbé dans les cellules granulaires productrices de rénine par le système Cre-LoxP. Nos résultats montrent que les souris Renld- Cre/Bmalllox/lox (cKO) présentent de faibles taux d'ARNm de Reni, altèrent la dynamique d'expression de la protéine rénine, mais il le niveau de concentration plasmatique de la rénine reste le même. Cependant, les souris cKO montrent une réduction significative de la concentration plasmatique de l'aldostérone. Nos analyses de l'urine récupérée dans des intervalles de temps de 24 et 1 heure montrent une augmentation du volume urinaire, une tendance à une hypercalciurie, ainsi qu'une altération de la dynamique d'excrétion urinaire de sodium chez les souris cKO. Plusieurs gènes impliqués dans la production/sécrétion de la rénine et dans le contrôle de la fonction rénale montrent une altération de l'expression circadienne d'ARNm. Par ailleurs, les souris cKO montrent une baisse significative de la pression artérielle. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'horloge intrinsèque des cellules productrices de la rénine joue un rôle important dans le control des FEC et l'homéostasie de la pression artérielle via régulation de la fonction rénale

    Paracrine regulation of acid–base balance

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