84 research outputs found

    Vapaa-ajankalastusta ja virtuaalimaksuja

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    Kohti osaavaa ruokakasvatusta varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Kohti osaavaa ruokakasvatusta opinnäytetyön kehittämishankkeen tarkoitus oli herättää ajatuksia ruokakasvatuksen pedagogisesta suunnittelusta varhaiskasvatuksessa vuorohoitoa tarjoavassa päiväkoti Pikkutyllissä. Opinnäytetyöni korostui erityisesti varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien tietoisuuden ja ymmärryksen vahvistuminen ruokakasvatuksen näkökulmasta. Kehittämistyön keskiössä oli tutkivan oppimisen projekti -leivän aikamatka. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle tämä projekti mahdollisti ruokakasvatuksen pedagogisen suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen monialaisesti oppimisen alueet huomioiden. Opinnäytetyön kehittämisen tuotoksena valmistui ruokakasvatuksen portfolio sekä Luma2020 kilpailuun projektiraportti. Ruokakasvatuksen portfolio jäi työvälineeksi päiväkoti Pikkutyllin pedagogisen suunnittelun tueksi. Portfoliossa on teoriaviitekehys ikätasoiseen ruokakasvatukseen sekä päiväkoti Pikkutyllin ruokakasvatuksen toiminnan tavoitteet ja arviointi. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä kuvataan ruokakasvatuksen määräyksiä ja suosituksia, jotka määrittelevät toimintaamme. Keskeisinä teemoina teoriapohjassa oli vahvistaa ruokakasvatusta ruokailutilanteissa sosiaalisesta näkökulmassa ja sen vaikutusta lapsen oman ruokasuhteen kehittymiselle. Ruokakulttuuri ja ympäristökasvatus ovat tärkeitä ruokakasvatuksen osatekijöiden rakentumisessa, siksi niiden esille nostaminen oli oleellista. Tutkivan oppimisen teoreettisen viitekehyksen esille tuominen vahvisti leivän aikamatka – projektin toimintatavan esille tuontia. Kehittämistyön leivän aikamatka – projekti toteutettiin yhdessä Luma -yliopistoverkoston kanssa. Päiväkoti Pikkutylli valittiin elokuussa Luma2020 oppimisyhteisöksi. Tapaamisissa Aalto yliopistolla mahdollistui tuki yhteistyötahojen löytymiselle sekä projektisuunnitteluun. Leivän aikamatka -projekti oli monialainen tutkivan oppimisen projekti viljan matkasta ruokapöytään

    Left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in schizophrenia

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    In a double-blind, controlled study, we examined the therapeutic effects of high-frequency left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on schizophrenia symptoms. A total of 22 chronic hospitalized schizophrenia patients were randomly assigned to 2 weeks (10 sessions) of real or sham rTMS. rTMS was given with the following parameters: 20 trains of 5-second 10-Hz stimulation at 100 percent motor threshold, 30 seconds apart. Effects on positive and negative symptoms, self-reported symptoms, rough neuropsychological functioning, and hormones were assessed. Although there was a significant improvement in both groups in most of the symptom measures, no real differences were found between the groups. A decrease of more than 20 percent in the total PANSS score was found in 7 control subjects but only 1 subject from the real rTMS group. There was no change in hormone levels or neuropsychological functioning, measured by the MMSE, in either group. Left prefrontal rTMS (with the used parameters) seems to produce a significant nonspecific effect of the treatment procedure but no therapeutic effect in the most chronic and severely ill schizophrenia patients.Peer reviewe

    Inspiration and co-operation between Namibian and Finnish libraries

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    Cerebral oxygen desaturation events during and functional outcomes after prehospital anaesthesia : A prospective pilot study

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    Background: During prehospital anaesthesia, oxygen delivery to the brain might be inadequate to match the oxygen consumption, with unknown long-term functional outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring cerebral oxygenation during prehospital anaesthesia and determining the long-term outcomes. Methods: We performed a prospective observational feasibility study in two helicopter emergency medical services units. Frontal lobe regional oxygen saturation (rSO(2)) of adult patients undergoing prehospital anaesthesia was monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) by a Nonin H500 oximeter. The outcome was evaluated with a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 30 days and 1 year. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was measured with a 15D instrument at 1 year. Results: Of 101 patients enrolled, 83 were included. The mean baseline rSO(2) was 79% (73-84). Desaturation for at least 5 min to rSO(2) below 50% or a decrease of 10% from baseline occurred in four (5%, 95% CI 2%-12%) and 19 (23%, 95% CI 15-93) patients. At 1 year, 32 patients (53%, 95% CI 41-65) achieved favourable neurological outcomes. The median 15D score was 0.889 (Q1-Q3, 0.796-0.970). Conclusion: Monitoring cerebral oxygenation with a hand-held oximeter during prehospital anaesthesia and collecting data on functional outcomes and HRQoL are feasible. Only half of the patients achieved a favourable functional outcome. The effects of cerebral oxygenation on outcomes during prehospital critical care need to be assessed in future studies.Peer reviewe

    Parents' depression and loneliness during pregnancy and respiratory infections in the offspring: A prospective birth cohort study.

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    An association between maternal prenatal stress and increased rates of respiratory tract infections in the offspring has been described earlier. Data regarding the father's role is lacking. In this study our aim was to evaluate, whether mothers' and fathers' depressive symptoms and loneliness during pregnancy predict higher rates of respiratory tract infections in the offspring. In this longitudinal cohort study we gathered information on parental psychological risk during gestational week 20 using the BDI-II and UCLA loneliness scale questionnaires for the parents of 929 children. Loneliness was divided into social and emotional components, the former describing patterns of social isolation and the latter a perceived lack of intimate attachments. Episodes of acute otitis media, physician visits due to respiratory tract infections, and antibiotic consumption relating to respiratory tract infections were documented in the infants, excluding twins, from birth until 10 months of age using study diaries. Analyses were carried out by structural equation modeling, which provides dynamic estimates of covariances. Maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy predicted higher rates of acute otitis media in the infant and maternal emotional loneliness predicted higher rates of physician visits. Acute otitis media, physician visits and antibiotic consumption in the infant were slightly less frequent for families who reported social loneliness in the father or mother. Associations remained when taking into account confounders. Maternal prenatal depression and emotional loneliness predicted a higher burden of respiratory tract infections in the offspring. The protective influence of parental social loneliness on the burden of respiratory tract infections in infants was not in line with our study hypothesis, but could be explained by reduced use of healthcare services in these socially isolated families. BACKGROUND METHODS RESULTS CONCLUSION

    Seafit – Merenkulun hätätilannetehtävien kuormittavuus ja merenkulkijoiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn arviointi

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    SeaFit-tutkimuksen avulla saatiin uutta tietoa merenkulun hätätilannetehtävien fyysisestä kuormittavuudesta. Samalla arvioitiin merenkulkijoille soveltuvaa kuntotestausta. Tutkimuksen suosituksia voidaan soveltaa terveystarkastuskäytäntöjen kehittämisessä sekä oikea-aikaisen kuntoutuksen ja työssä selviytymisen tukemisessa

    Parental socioeconomic and psychological determinants of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) vaccine uptake in children

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    Background: Before COVID-19, the previous pandemic was caused by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus in 2009. Identification of factors behind parental decisions to have their child vaccinated against pandemic influenza could be helpful in planning of other pandemic vaccination programmes. We investigated the association of parental socioeconomic and psychosocial factors with uptake of the pandemic influenza vaccine in children in 2009–2010.Methods: This study was conducted within a prospective birth-cohort study (STEPS Study), where children born in 2008–2010 are followed from pregnancy to adulthood. Demographic and socioeconomic factors of parents were collected through questionnaires and vaccination data from electronic registers. Before and after the birth of the child, the mother’s and father’s individual and relational psychosocial well-being, i.e. depressive symptoms, dissatisfaction with the relationship, experienced social and emotional loneliness, and maternal anxiety during pregnancy, were measured by validated questionnaires (BDI-II, RDAS, PRAQ, and UCLA).Results: Of 1020 children aged 6–20 months at the beginning of pandemic influenza vaccinations, 820 (80%) received and 200 (20%) did not receive the vaccine against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. All measures of parents’ psychosocial well-being were similar between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children. Children of younger mothers had a higher risk of not receiving the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine than children of older mothers (OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.52–4.43, for mothers Conclusions: Mother’s younger age and lower education level were associated with an increased risk for the child not to receive the 2009 pandemic influenza vaccine, but individual or relational psychosocial well-being of parents was not associated with children’s vaccination. Our findings suggest that young and poorly educated mothers should receive targeted support in order to promote children’s vaccinations during a pandemic.</p

    Clinical and molecular genetic risk determinants in adult long QT syndrome type 1 and 2 patients

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    Background: Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inherited cardiac disorder predisposing to sudden cardiac death (SCD). We studied factors affecting the clinical course of genetically confirmed patients, in particular those not receiving beta-blocker treatment. In addition, an attempt was made to associate risk of events to specific types of KCNQ1 and KCNH2 mutations. Methods: A follow-up study covering a mean of 18.6 +/- 6.1 years was conducted in 867 genetically confirmed LQT1 and LQT2 patients and 654 non-carrier relatives aged 18-40 years. Cox regression models were used to evaluate the contribution of clinical and genetic risk factors to cardiac events. Results: In mutation carriers, risk factors for cardiac events before initiation of beta-blocker included LQT2 genotype (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.1, p = 0.002), female gender (HR = 3.2, p = 500 ms (vs G and other KCNQ1 mutation carriers after adjusting for gender, QTc duration, and cardiac events before age 18. KCNH2 c. 453delC, L552S and R176W mutations associated with lower risk (HR = 0.11-0.23, p <0.001) than other KCNH2 mutations. Conclusions: LQT2 (compared to LQT1), female gender, a cardiac event before age 18, and long QT interval increased the risk of cardiac events in LQTS patients aged 18 to 40 years. The nature of the underlying mutation may be associated with risk variation in both LQT1 and LQT2. The identification of high-risk and low-risk mutations may enhance risk stratification.Peer reviewe
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