1,367 research outputs found

    Veränderungseffekte und Karriere-Adaptabilität in der Studien- und Laufbahnberatung

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    Die Frage, was psychologische Indikatoren einer gelungenen Studien- oder Laufbahnberatung sind, ist nicht einfach zu beantworten, es fehlen Theorien, welche diese Frage klären. Aus diesem Defizit heraus führen jedoch breit abgestützte Expertengespräche. Ein solches Vorgehen bietet den Vorteil der unmittelbaren Anbindung an den Beratungsalltag, an die gelebte beraterische Praxis. Genau das haben Künzli und Zihlmann (2008) gemacht, indem sie im Jahr 2003 die Entwicklung eines veränderungssensitiven Evaluationsinstrumentes für erwachsene Laufbahnkandidaten/-innen angestossen haben. Auf der Basis von mehreren Workshops mit erfahrenen Laufbahnberatern/-innen aus verschiedenen Kantonen wurden Ideen gesammelt und Items formuliert, die unabhängig von der Beratungsmethode, so die Zielvorgabe, als Erfolgsindikatoren von Laufbahnberatungen zu betrachten sind. Darauf basierend wurde über mehrere Phasen hinweg ein Evaluationsinstrument entwickelt – das Veränderungsinventar für Laufbahnberatungen VIL. Finanziert wurden diese Arbeiten durch DORE (Do Research; eine ehemalige Abteilung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds) und durch die Eidgenössische Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI, das ist die heutige Innosuisse. Aus aktuellem Anlass einer Datenerhebung im Frühjahr 2018 im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit von Hanselmann (2018) sollen hier in Kurzform erste Ergebnisse zur Validität des VIL berichtet werden

    Webbasierte Evaluationsapplikation für die Berufslaufbahnberatung in der Schweiz : Projektergebnisse

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    Projekt finanziert durch die Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI des Bunde

    Handbuch Neigungstest N-29-R2 : Fragebogen zur Erfassung von beruflichen Neigungen

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    Der nunmehr aktualisierte Neigungstest N-29-R2 stellt die psychometrische Überarbeitung des N-29-R von Toggweiler und Mosele (2014) dar. Es ist ein Screening-Verfahren für die Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung und ermöglicht die reliable und valide Erfassung von beruflich relevanten Neigungen/Interessen über acht Facetten mit neu 30 Dimensionen hinweg

    Handbuch Neigungstest N-29-R : Fragebogen zur Erfassung von beruflichen Neigungen

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    Der aktualisierte Neigungstest N-29-R stellt die inhaltliche und psychometrische Überarbeitung des N-29 von Hug (1989) dar. Es ist ein Verfahren aus der Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung und ermöglicht die Bestimmung von beruflich relevanten Neigungen über acht Facetten mit insgesamt 29 Dimensionen hinweg.

    Intensity limits of the PSI Injector II cyclotron

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    We investigate limits on the current of the PSI Injector II high intensity separate-sector isochronous cyclotron, in its present configuration and after a proposed upgrade. Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors, neutron and neutrino experiments, and medical isotope production all benefit from increases in current, even at the ~ 10% level: the PSI cyclotrons provide relevant experience. As space charge dominates at low beam energy, the injector is critical. Understanding space charge effects and halo formation through detailed numerical modelling gives clues on how to maximise the extracted current. Simulation of a space-charge dominated low energy high intensity (9.5 mA DC) machine, with a complex collimator set up in the central region shaping the bunch, is not trivial. We use the OPAL code, a tool for charged-particle optics calculations in large accelerator structures and beam lines, including 3D space charge. We have a precise model of the present production) Injector II, operating at 2.2 mA current. A simple model of the proposed future (upgraded) configuration of the cyclotron is also investigated. We estimate intensity limits based on the developed models, supported by fitted scaling laws and measurements. We have been able to perform more detailed analysis of the bunch parameters and halo development than any previous study. Optimisation techniques enable better matching of the simulation set-up with Injector II parameters and measurements. We show that in the production configuration the beam current scales to the power of three with the beam size. However, at higher intensities, 4th power scaling is a better fit, setting the limit of approximately 3 mA. Currents of over 5 mA, higher than have been achieved to date, can be produced if the collimation scheme is adjusted

    HoNOSCA-D as a measure of the severity of diagnosed mental disorders in children and adolescents : psychometric properties of the German translation

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    The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA), in use worldwide, is a 13-item measure assessing the biopsychosocial severity of mental health problems in children and adolescents. This article introduces the authorized German-language version of HoNOSCA, the HoNOSCA-D, and examines and discusses its psychometric properties based on a clinical sample of 1,533 children and adolescents aged 4;0 to 17;11 years. For the HoNOSCA-D total score (severity of mental health problems), internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) was 0.63. The discriminative power of the items ranged from 0.07 to 0.44; the average interitem correlation was 0.11. Due to this stochastic independence, calculation of a total severity index is acceptable. Using factor analysis, the principal axis factoring and varimax rotation resulted in a four-factor structure, which with a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy of 0.684 explained 30.62% of total variance. The convergent correlations with the German-language parent report version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were as expected and showed a medium effect size. Gender and age differences in the HoNOSCA-D total score were small. Regarding the 13 items gender and age differences were negligible to medium. The highest severity was found for schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, followed by affective disorders and social behavior disorders. Overall, validity of HoNOSCA-D was clearly supported

    Impact of oceanic circulation on biological carbon storage in the ocean and atmospheric pCO2

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2008): GB3007, doi:10.1029/2007GB002958.We use both theory and ocean biogeochemistry models to examine the role of the soft-tissue biological pump in controlling atmospheric CO2. We demonstrate that atmospheric CO2 can be simply related to the amount of inorganic carbon stored in the ocean by the soft-tissue pump, which we term (OCS soft ). OCS soft is linearly related to the inventory of remineralized nutrient, which in turn is just the total nutrient inventory minus the preformed nutrient inventory. In a system where total nutrient is conserved, atmospheric CO2 can thus be simply related to the global inventory of preformed nutrient. Previous model simulations have explored how changes in the surface concentration of nutrients in deepwater formation regions change the global preformed nutrient inventory. We show that changes in physical forcing such as winds, vertical mixing, and lateral mixing can shift the balance of deepwater formation between the North Atlantic (where preformed nutrients are low) and the Southern Ocean (where they are high). Such changes in physical forcing can thus drive large changes in atmospheric CO2, even with minimal changes in surface nutrient concentration. If Southern Ocean deepwater formation strengthens, the preformed nutrient inventory and thus atmospheric CO2 increase. An important consequence of these new insights is that the relationship between surface nutrient concentrations, biological export production, and atmospheric CO2 is more complex than previously predicted. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that OCS soft can increase and atmospheric CO2 decrease, while surface nutrients show minimal change and export production decreases.While at MIT, I.M. was supported by the NOAA Postdoctoral Program in Climate and Global Change, administered by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research