582 research outputs found

    I periodici in città: dall’emeroteca di carta all’emeroteca digitale

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    I periodici per loro natura sono i documenti più innovativi non solo per il loro contenuto ma anche per la forma in cui si presentano. In questa situazione mista tra la carta e il digitale, SOL si è dimostrato un ottimo strumento per gestire l’informazione e per rinviare da un supporto all’altro. L’adozione di BiblioEst ha inoltre favorito la catalogazione dei periodici elettronici e il collegamento con i social network

    Comparación entre la gravedad del paciente y la carga de trabajo de la enfermería antes y después de la ocurrencia de eventos adversos en ancianos con cuidados críticos

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objective: to compare the patient severity and the nursing workload before and after the occurrence of moderate and severe adverse events in elderly hospitalized at intensive care units. Method: comparative study developed at nine intensive therapy units of a University Hospital in São Paulo. The events were collected from the patient histories and classified as moderate and severe according to the World Health Organization. For the severity analysis, the Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II was used and, for the workload analysis, the Nursing Activities Score was applied 24 hours before and after the moderate and severe event. The t-test with 5% significance was used to compare the mean clinical severity and workload scores before and after the event. Results: the sample consisted of 315 elderly, 94 (29.8%) of whom were victims of moderate and severe events at the units. Among the 94 events, the clinical process and procedure type was predominant (40.0%). The installation and maintenance of therapeutic artifacts and catheters were the prevalent interventions that resulted in moderate (76.5%) physiopathological damage (66.0%). The mean workload score (75.19%) dropped 24 hours after the occurrence of the event (71.97%, p=0.008), and the severity, represented by the probability of death, increased from 22.0% to 29.0% after the event (p=0.045). Conclusion: in the patient safety context, the identification of the changes in clinical conditions and the nursing workload in elderly victims of events supports the prevention of these occurrences. © 2018, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. All rights reserved.Objetivo: comparar a gravidade do paciente e a carga de trabalho de enfermagem antes e após a ocorrência de evento adverso moderado e grave em idosos internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: estudo comparativo, realizado em nove unidades de terapia intensiva de um Hospital Universitário de São Paulo. Os eventos foram coletados dos prontuários dos pacientes e classificados em moderados e graves segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde. A análise da gravidade foi realizada segundo o Symplified Acute Phsiologic Score II e a carga de trabalho segundo o Nursing Activities Score, 24 horas antes e depois do evento moderado e grave. O teste t, com significância de 5%, foi utilizado para a comparação das médias da gravidade clínica e da carga de trabalho, antes e após o evento. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por 315 idosos, sendo que 94 (29,8%) sofreram eventos moderados e graves nas unidades. Dos 94 eventos, predominou o tipo processo clínico e procedimento (40,0%). A instalação e manutenção de artefatos terapêuticos e cateteres foram as intervenções prevalentes que resultaram em danos fisiopatológicos (66,0%), de grau moderado (76,5%). A média de pontuação da carga de trabalho (75,19%) diminuiu 24 horas após a ocorrência do evento (71,97%, p=0,008) e, a gravidade, representada pela probabilidade de morte, aumentou de 22,0% para 29,0% depois do evento (p=0,045). Conclusão: no contexto da segurança do paciente, a identificação das alterações nas condições clínicas e na carga de trabalho de enfermagem em idosos que sofrem eventos subsidiam a prevenção dessas ocorrências.Objetivo: comparar la gravedad del paciente y la carga de trabajo en enfermería antes y después de ocurrir un evento adverso moderado y grave en ancianos internados en unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: estudio comparativo realizado en nueve unidades de terapia intensiva de un Hospital Universitario de São Paulo. Los eventos fueron obtenidos a través de los prontuarios de los pacientes y clasificados en moderados y graves según la Organización Mundial de la Salud. El análisis sobre la gravedad fue realizado de acuerdo al Symplified Acute Physiologic Score II y la carga de trabajo se hizo conforme al Nursing Activities Score, 24 horas antes y después del evento moderado y grave. El test t, con una significancia del 5%, fue utilizado para la comparación de los promedios de la gravedad clínica y de la carga de trabajo antes y después del evento. Resultados: la muestra incluyó 315 ancianos, siendo que 94 (29,8%) sufrieron eventos moderados y graves en las unidades. De los 94 eventos, predominó el tipo de proceso clínico y el procedimiento (40,0%). La instalación y mantenimiento de artefactos terapéuticos y catéteres fueron las intervenciones prevalentes que resultaron en daños fisiopatológicos (66,0%) y de grado moderado (76,5%). El promedio de puntuación de la carga de trabajo (75,19%) disminuyó 24 horas después de ocurrido el evento (71,97%, p=0,008) y la gravedad, representada por la probabilidad de muerte, aumentó de 22,0% para 29,0% después del evento (p=0,045). Conclusion: en el contexto de seguridad del paciente, la identificación de las alteraciones en las condiciones clínicas y en la carga de trabajo de enfermería en los ancianos que sufren eventos subsidia la prevención de tales ocurrencias.http://ref.scielo.org/wcg6x

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    The present investigation was a cross-sectional, quantitative research study analyzing incidents associated with nursing care using a root-cause methodological analysis. The study was conducted in a public hospital intensive care unit (ICU) in Santiago de Chile and investigated 18 incidents related to nursing care that occurred from January to March of 2012. The sample was composed of six cases involving medications and the self-removal of therapeutic devices. The contributing factors were related to the tasks and technology, the professional work team, the patients, and the environment. The analysis confirmed that the cases presented with similar contributing factors, thereby indicating that the vulnerable aspects of the system are primarily responsible for the incidence occurrence. We conclude that root-cause analysis facilitates the identification of these vulnerable points. Proactive management in system-error prevention is made possible by recommendations.Investigación cuantitativa de tipo transversal que analizó los incidentes relacionados a los cuidados de enfermería, por medio de la metodología del análisis causa - raíz. Fue realizado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital público de Santiago de Chile. El universo fue compuesto por 18 incidentes relacionados a los cuidados de enfermería ocurridos de enero a marzo del 2012. La muestra fue constituida por seis casos relacionados a medicamentos y retiro no planificado de artefactos terapéuticos. Los factores relacionados fueron: tarea y tecnología, equipo de trabajo, profesional, paciente y ambiente. En el análisis se constató que los casos presentaron factores relacionados semejantes, concluyendo que los puntos vulnerables del sistema son en su mayoría, los responsables por la ocurrencia de incidentes. Se concluye que el análisis de causa - raíz permite la identificación de estos puntos vulnerables y, por medio de recomendaciones, posibilita la gestión proactiva en la prevención de fallas del sistema.Investigação quantitativa do tipo transversal que analisou os incidentes relacionados aos cuidados de enfermagem por meio da metodologia de análise da causa raiz. Foi realizado em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos de um hospital público de Santiago do Chile. O universo foi composto por 18 incidentes relacionados aos cuidados de enfermagem ocorridos de janeiro a março de 2012. A amostra foi composta por seis casos relacionados a medicamentos e retirada não planejada de artefatos terapêuticos. Os fatores relacionados foram: tarefa e tecnologia, equipe de trabalho, profissional, paciente e ambiente. Na análise, constatou-se que os casos apresentaram fatores relacionados semelhantes, concluindo que os pontos vulneráveis do sistema são em sua maioria responsáveis pela ocorrência de incidentes. Conclui-se que a análise da causa raiz permite identificar esses pontos vulneráveis e, por meio de recomendações, possibilita a gestão proativa na prevenção de falhas do sistema

    Storm‐time configuration of the inner magnetosphere: Lyon‐Fedder‐Mobarry MHD code, Tsyganenko model, and GOES observations

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    [1] We compare global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation results with an empirical model and observations to understand the magnetic field configuration and plasma distribution in the inner magnetosphere, especially during geomagnetic storms. The physics-based Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) code simulates Earth\u27s magnetospheric topology and dynamics by solving the equations of ideal MHD. Quantitative comparisons of simulated events with observations reveal strengths and possible limitations and suggest ways to improve the LFM code. Here we present a case study that compares the LFM code to both a semiempirical magnetic field model and to geosynchronous measurements from GOES satellites. During a magnetic cloud event, the simulation and model predictions compare well qualitatively with observations, except during storm main phase. Quantitative statistical studies of the MHD simulation shows that MHD field lines are consistently under-stretched, especially during storm time (Dst \u3c −20 nT) on the nightside, a likely consequence of an insufficient representation of the inner magnetosphere current systems in ideal MHD. We discuss two approaches for improving the LFM result: increasing the simulation spatial resolution and coupling LFM with a ring current model based on drift physics (i.e., the Rice Convection Model (RCM)). We show that a higher spatial resolution LFM code better predicts geosynchronous magnetic fields (not only the average Bz component but also higher-frequency fluctuations driven by the solar wind). An early version of the LFM/RCM coupled code, which runs so far only for idealized events, yields a much-improved ring current, quantifiable by decreased field strengths at all local times compared to the LFM-only code

    Il Weird come figura del feticismo del reale

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    This paper attempts to reframe the difference isolated by Mark Fisher between the experience of the Unheimliche (uncanny) and the more particular cases of the weird and the eerie as a symptom of a specific historical conjuncture in which takes place the disruption of the libidinal economy structuring the temporality of modernity. Indeed, it seems that Fisher didn’t draw the bridgebetween his theory of capitalist realism and his more aesthetic approach developed in his texts published as The Weird and theEerie. Therefore, the aim is to articulate such bridge by illustrating how the weird is a figure of the fetichism of the real, as intended by Francesco Masci within his reading of modernity. Modernity is conceived as inhabited by a structural superstition in the promise announced by images, so that the modern temporality roots itself in a movement of promise-delusion-promise to the point where such tension implodes into the fetichism of the real, that is, an image which refers to itself: an image incapable of promises towards future events. As a conclusion, the article hints to the latest work by Masci on fashion, of which an Italian translation of an interview is offered as appendix

    Contratto a termine: disciplina criticità e numeri

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    L'elaborato si propone di illustrare la nuova disciplina del contratto a tempo deterrminato, analizzando le criticità emerse e i risultati ottenuti sul mercato del lavoro italianoope

    Ingegnerizzazione della proteina di matrice M1 del virus dell'influenza per la produzione di virus-like particles (VLPs) a scopo vaccinale

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    Influenza viruses represent a significant public health problem, since they are the etiological agents of acute respiratory illness that can occur in annual epidemics or in occasionally pandemic events. Influenza viruses constantly evolve by the accumulation of point mutations at the level of their antigenic determinants hemagglutinin and neuraminidase (antigenic drift), or as a result of a genetic reassortment (antigenic shift), usually happening when avian and human viruses co-infect an intermediate host. The high rate of mutations, the possibility of reassortment of gene segments and the wide variety of influenza viruses explain their ability to overcome the host immunity, acquired by previously vaccination (Wong et al., 2005). Moreover, the difficulty of developing vaccines capable of inducing a long-lasting immune response leads to the need of up-dating the vaccine formulation every year (Wong et al., 2005). On the other hand, molecular evolution processes determine an increasing emergence of drug-resistant viruses that restrict the efficacy of the antiviral drugs. Indeed, vaccination remains the most effective preventative strategy to reduce the chance of infection from influenza virus and its complications. In this context, vaccines based on virus-like particles (VLPs) are extremely promising. In fact VLPs, while being antigenically identical to the infectious virus, lack pathogenicity. VLPs are obtained by expressing specific viral structural proteins, that display the ability to bud from cells, in the absence of any other viral component (such as retroviral Gag and\ud papillomavirus L1) (Zeltins, 2013). VLPs can be used per se or as “platforms” for the presentation of immunodominant epitopes. In the case of influenza viruses, the matrix protein M1 represents the major driving force of viral budding process (Gomez-Puertas et al., 2000). However, the expression of M1 alone does not allow the production of VLPs. Among other reasons, this feature is due to the lack in M1 of a membrane targeting signal (Wang et al., 2010a). In this context, during the viral infection, it is the second matrix protein, M2, which is charachterized by a targeting signal and can physically interact with M1, that brings the latest in contact with the plasma membrane (Chen et al., 2008). Moreover, M2 is also able to facilitate the curvature of the membrane and the scission of the envelope of the budding viral particle from the cell surface (Rossman et al., 2010), a function that is linked to the cellular complex ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport)-III, in the case of most enveloped viruses (Calistri et al., 2009b). The overall aim of our work was to optimize the production of influenza VLPs based on M1, by identifying the minimal sequences requested to render M1 able to bud independently from M2 co-expression. To this end, we created different recombinant M1 proteins characterized by the ability to interact with different ESCRT components and to directly contact the plasma membrane, in the absence of M2. Specifically, we generated constructs expressing M1 fused to the myristilation signal of HIV-1 Gag and containing short proline rich domains (Ldomains) capable of interacting with either Tsg101 (PTAP), AIP1/Alix (YPDL), both cellular proteins able to interact with ESCRT-III and involved in the budding of several RNA enveloped viruses (Calistri et al., 2009b), or to a motif (PTAPPEY) known to be extremely efficient in mediating the production of VLPs (Strack et al., 2000). Moreover, we directly fused at the C-terminus of M1 specific ESCRT-III proteins, namely CHMP3 and CHMP4B. In this way, we were able to demonstrated that: i) the HIV-1 Gag myristilation signal, added to the N-terminus of M1 (Myr-M1), confers it the ability to contact the plasma membrane; ii) the insertion of the small proline rich domain PTAP allows Myr-M1 to form VLPs and iii) the fusion between M1 and the cellular protein CHMP4B allows M1 to bud from the cells, independently from the presence of the myristilation signal. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrated that M2 alone and the M2-M1 fusion protein can self-assemble and bud into virus-like particles. In this context, by engineering specific mutants of the Gag proteins of the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), previously described in our laboratory (Calistri et al., 2009a), we were able to demonstrated that indeed M2, and in particular its cytoplasmic region, can act as a substitute of ESCRT-III components for the budding of the influenza virus. Finally, VLPs based on M2, M2-M1 and M1-Myr-CHMP4B, were used in a pilot experiment performed in mice, in order to analyze their immunogenicity. Interestingly, we were able to detected specific antibodies directed against the protein M1, even though in a small number of tested animals. However, the obtained data are encouraging, since the purification of the employed VLPs, which are still under characterization in terms of density and morphology, was not optimal, thus affecting the obtained results. Finally, we also generated different hemagglutinin (HA) mutants characterized by the absence of the globular head (headless-HA). Indeed, it is well known that the conserved stalk domain of influenza HA is highly immunogenic and confers a broadly immune response (Steel et al., 2010). We demonstrated that headless HA can be incorporated into engineered VLPs, based on FIV Gag protein. Currently, we are analyzing the possibility of incorporating headless-HA protein also in M1-based VLPs. Next, after setting up the appropriate purification protocol, we would test these M1- based VLPs, together with the FIV-based one, in the mouse model. In conclusion, overall our data provide on one hand important biological insights into the function/characteristics of the influenza virus M1 and M2 proteins and, on the other hand useful information for the development and improvement of influenza-based VLPs to be employed in vaccination strategies