90 research outputs found

    Simplexity to orient Media Education practices

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    2017 - 2018Media Educator is a new professional figure that performs an educational and pedagogical activity that aims people to understand mass Media (their nature, their techniques and their languages). Nowadays In many Italian and foreign universities, new teacher education includes one or more Media Education-related exams. In this PhD thesis will be explained how simplexity could orient Media Education practices. More in details, this thesis is divided in two steps: 1) description of new Media (focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence devices) then simplexity declined in Media Education; 2) realization of a video analysis Lab for teacher education activities. In the first step it will be exposed how simplexity, defined by Alain Berthoz, Emeritus Professor at the Collège de France, and declined in educational contest by Maurizio Sibilio, through human ability to think creatively to act in a complex world, can help Media Educators in their daily work. The second step is how realized a new video analysis lab as a didactical and research “tool” for teacher education at the University of Salerno. Main idea of second step of the thesis is how design and implement a mobile video analysis laboratory for video recording real or simulated simplex didactic activities both for Media Educators and other teacher education courses. Concept that “drives” this lab is to develop a “plug and play” recording location that can be installed everywhere in less than fifteen minutes by everybody. This laboratory is already designed and tested, it is composed by five cameras a directed control room software and an open source video analysis software. [edited by Author]XXXI cicl

    Impact of a split injection strategy on mixing, ignition and combustion behavior in Premixed Charge Compression Ignition combustion

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    Mixing, ignition and combustion behavior in a rapid compression and expansion machine operated under Premixed Charge Compression Ignition (PCCI) relevant conditions are investigated by combined passive optical and laser-optical high-speed diagnostics. The PCCI concept is realized using a split injection schedule consisting of a long base load injection and two closely separated short injections near top dead center. Previous studies of close-coupled double injections under constant ambient conditions showed an increased penetration rate of the subsequent fuel spray. However, the aerodynamic gain from the preceding injection is counteracted by the density rise during the compression stroke under transient engine conditions. The study confirms that the rate of mixing of the subsequent fuel spray is significantly increased. Regarding combustion behavior, the thermodynamic analysis exhibits contributions of low temperature oxidation reactions of more than 20 % to the total heat release, with a notable amount of unburnt fuel mass varying from 25 to 61 %. The analysis of the optical data reveals the multi-dimensional impact of changes in operating parameters on the local mixture field and ignition dynamics. The onset of low temperature reactivity of the first short injection is found to be dominated by the operating strategy, while the location is strongly related to the local mixing state. Low temperature ignition of the consecutive fuel spray is significantly promoted, when upstream low temperature reactivity of the preceding injection is sustained. Likewise, it is shown that high temperature ignition is accelerated by the entrainment of persistent upstream low temperature reactivity

    Design and implementation of a new mobile video analysis laboratory at the University of Salerno

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    Abstract Nowadays, in many Italian and European universities, teachers' training includes one or more examinations related to new didactic methodologies and practices. The topic of this paper is how it is possible to realize a new video analysis laboratory as a didactic and research "tool" for teachers' training at the University of Salerno that can support teaching–learning process for new teachers. The main idea of this project is to design and implement a mobile video analysis laboratory for video recording real or simulated didactic activities. In addition, the concept that drives this research is to develop a "plug-and-play" laboratory that can be installed everywhere in less than 15 minutes by everybody. This laboratory is already designed and tested and is composed of five cameras, a control room software and an open source video analysis software

    Promote Assistive and AAC technologies during Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 health emergency has produced a rethinking of education and training systems based on open and flexible physical spaces and remote communication channels; however, socialization processes and virtual relational exchanges are still possible and at the same time authentic. Moreover, the use of telecommunication technologies augment efforts to find a new way to organize educational spaces when it is not possible to share physical space and virtual spaces must be used. Starting from the role of assistive technologies in European policies, this work presents a case study about the inclusive perspective of corporeality and action in teaching-learning process and described an experience done in a third grade class of a primary school in Rome where a teacher used an eye communicator with GRID3 software and tools of Augmentative Alternative Communication with a student with complex communication needs, main goal of this activity was to create an inclusive and sharing path for each scholar done in distance education. Promuovere le tecnologie assistive e la CAA al tempo del Covid-19. L'emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 ha sollecitato un ripensamento dei sistemi educativi e formativi quali dimensioni aperte e flessibili in cui formarsi, spazi nei quali i canali di comunicazione a distanza hanno reso possibile processi di socializzazione e scambi relazionali virtuali ma non per questo meno autentici, luoghi della didattica in cui favorire gli apprendimenti mediante l'uso di tecnologie che hanno consentito di raggiungere risultati anche in assenza di condivisione di uno spazio fisico. Il lavoro presenta una riflessione sul ruolo delle tecnologie assistive nelle politiche europee, sul potenziale inclusivo della corporeitĂ  e dell'azione nei percorsi di insegnamento-apprendimento e propone la descrizione di un'esperienza svoltasi nella classe terza di una scuola primaria romana dove, in presenza di un'alunna con gravi difficoltĂ  comunicative, la didattica ha previsto l'uso del comunicatore oculare con software GRID3 coniugato alle pratiche e agli strumenti propri della Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa, con l'obiettivo di creare un percorso inclusivo e partecipativo per ciascun alunno, seppure a distanza

    Analisi e rimodellizzazione creativa del mondo reale in ambienti virtuali. La scansione 3D di reperti archeologici

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    In questo contributo si proporranno alcune considerazioni che riguardano la scansione 3D di oggetti provenienti dalle collezioni museali. Lo scopo didattico qui proposto, relativo a questo processo di digitalizzazione, è quello di realizzare digital assets da impiegare principalmente all’interno di edugame.   In this paper, some considerations on the 3D scanning of museums’ collections are highlighted. The didactical purpose of 3D digitization is to build digital assets to be used mainly within edugame

    Come la stampa 3D della Stanza di Ames può favorire il cambio di prospettiva visuo-spaziale nei discenti e nei docenti

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    The link between egocentric, heterocentric and allocentric points of view is strictly connectedwith inclusive teaching; in fact the teachers who observe the students in the classroom, in anegocentric way take into account the point of view of each one in order to promote the didacticaction. In this way the teacher can make better use of the space available to him, and studentscan learn by promoting their own personal learning style that takes into account the body in theclassroom. In this regard, the distorted room of Ames, a well-known experiment of New Lookpsychology, which promote reflection on the change of perspective, was taken into consideration.In this work, the Ames room was prototyped for 3D printing, and the file was made availableonline in an open source perspective to offer primary schools an exercise involving teachers andstudents. The purpose of the exercise is to reduce some perceptual preconceptions typical ofhuman nature in teachers and pupils and demonstrate that everyone's point of view is differentdepending on whether the same phenomenon is looked at from one perspective or another. Theprototype will be delivered to the Morlacchi Institute of Perugia so that a first experimentationcan be completed at this primary school and the data collected will be analyzed in order to beextended to a larger-scale experimentation

    Lo sviluppo delle social Skills in bambini con disturbo dello Spettro Autistico. L'ASD-robot

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    Il presente progetto consiste nel realizzare un robot, denominato ASD-Robot, che mira a favorire lo sviluppo delle social skills in soggetti con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico. Studi recenti, hanno evidenziato come l’utilizzo di robot sociali possa favorire lo sviluppo di diverse abilità deficitarie nei bambini con autismo. Pertanto è stato realizzato un robot, attraverso l’utilizzo della stampante 3D per essere personalizzato in base alle diverse esigenze dei bambini.

    Disuffo: Design, prototyping and development of an open-source educational robot

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    The paper presents the results of the design, development, implementation and beta-testing of a customizable educational robot, aimed at fostering the development of digital skills in upper secondary school students and encouraging the development of coding in students attending primary school. Specifically, the robot named "Disuffo" is entirely 3D-printed and is composed almost exclusively by interlocking pieces and mounted by screws. Secondary school students are to be involved in the assembly, mounting and modification of the hardware and software of the robot (the robot already owns a software park) while the primary school children will be engaged in coding tasks using the robot.  The aim of this paper is to describe the implementation experiences already carried out, and to promote the dissemination of the project, encouraging the involvement of potentially readers that may be interested in the future development of the project. Disuffo: Design, prototipazione e sviluppo di un robot didattico open-sourceL’articolo presenta il risultato di un lavoro di progettazione, sviluppo, implementazione e beta-testing di un robot didattico personalizzabile, realizzato per favorire lo sviluppo delle competenze digitali di studenti frequentanti la scuola secondaria di secondo grado e per favorire lo sviluppo del coding in studenti frequentanti la scuola primaria. Nello specifico, il robot, battezzato Disuffo, è interamente stampato in 3D ed è composto quasi unicamente da pezzi ad incastro o montabili tramite viti. Disuffo è stato pensato per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado per fini didattici e con lo scopo di essere montato, modificato ed utilizzato sia relativamente alla parte hardware che alla parte logica, con i software in dotazione (il robot possiede già un parco software proprio); per la scuola primaria per favorire lo sviluppo del coding. Scopo del lavoro è quello di descrivere le esperienze di implementazione già effettuate, e di favorire la diffusione del progetto, incoraggiando l’adesione al futuro sviluppo del progetto da parte di lettori potenzialmente interessati
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