4,645 research outputs found

    Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error Correction with Linear Optics

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    We construct a theory of continuous-variable entanglement-assisted quantum error correction. We present an example of a continuous-variable entanglement-assisted code that corrects for an arbitrary single-mode error. We also show how to implement encoding circuits using passive optical devices, homodyne measurements, feedforward classical communication, conditional displacements, and off-line squeezers.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, major expansion of paper with detailed exampl

    Niños superdotados y Talentos: Heterogeneidad y diferencias individuales

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    The article tackles the topic that refers to giftedness beyond academic areas. Specifically, it focuses on musical talent. The work is differentiated into two parts. In the first part the authors expose the case of gifted students' heterogeneity. To do so, they present a previous research focused on the study of different patterns of response of gifted students to the WISC-IV. Such study illustrates the case of gifted students' diversity, showing that higher IQ students present higher inter-variability in their cognitive profiles. The second part of the article focuses on musical talent. In a first moment authors introduce the concept of musical talent and a literature review on the factors that influence that talent. From there, authors question if it could be possible to isolate the variables that differentiate the development of musical talent. To do so, Authors present a retrospective study based on interviews and questionnaires to parents and teacher of 42 non-gifted and 42 students identified as promising talent in music. The questionnaire assessed: Implication of parents, Motivation of the pupil, Work of the pupil and Contribution of the teacher. The authors are able to distinguish between developmental trends in the formation of musical talent, depending on children's age and styles on dealing with their musical assignments and work-load (experience music as a passion vs. as an obligation).El articulo trata el tema referido a la superdotación más allá de las áreas académicas. Específicamente se centra en el talento musical. El trabajo se diferencia en dos partes. En una primera parte los autores exponen la heterogeneidad de los alumnos superdotados. Para ello presentan una investigación previa en el estudio de los patrones de respuesta de alumnos superdotados a la prueba WISC-IV. Dicho estudio ilustra la diversidad entre los alumnos superdotados, mostrando que los alumnos con mayor CI presentan mayor inter-variabilidad en sus perfiles cognitivos. La segunda parte del trabajo se centra en el talento musical. Los autores revisan el concepto de talento musical y revisan las variables que influencian en desarrollo de dicho talento. Los autores se cuestionan si sería posible diferenciar las variables que diferencian el desarrollo del talento musical. Para ello, presentan un estudio retrospectivo basado en entrevistas y cuestionarios a padres y profesores de 42 alumnos no superdotados y 42 alumnos talentos en música. El cuestionario evalúa: Implicación de los padres, Motivación del alumno, Trabajo del alumno y Contribución del profesor. Los autores son capaces de distinguir diferentes tendencias evolutivas en la formación del talento musical dependiendo de la edad del niño y su estilo al tratar con sus deberes musicales (aquellos que experimentan la música como una pasión vs. aquellos que la experimentan como una obligación)

    Damage detection in an uncertain nonlinear beam based on stochastic Volterra series: an experimental application

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    International audienceThe damage detection problem becomes a more difficult task when the intrin-sically nonlinear behavior of the structures and the natural data variation are considered in the analysis because both phenomena can be confused with damage if linear and deterministic approaches are implemented. Therefore, this work aims the experimental application of a stochastic version of the Volterra series combined with a novelty detection approach to detect damage in an initially nonlinear system taking into account the measured data variation, caused by the presence of uncertainties. The experimental setup is composed by a cantilever beam operating in a nonlinear regime of motion, even in the healthy condition, induced by the presence of a magnet near to the free extremity. The damage associated with mass changes in a bolted connection (nuts loosed) is detected based on the comparison between linear and nonlinear contributions of the stochastic Volterra kernels in the total response, estimated in the reference and damaged conditions. The experimental measurements were performed on different days to add natural variation to the data measured. The results obtained through the stochastic proposed approach are compared with those obtained by the deterministic version of the Volterra series, showing the advantage of the stochastic model use when we consider the experimental data variation with the capability to detect the presence of the damage with statistical confidence. Besides, the nonlinear metric used presented a higher sensitivity to the occurrence of the damage compared with the linear one, justifying the application of a nonlinear metric when the system exhibits intrinsically nonlinear behavior

    Effects of adjunctive eslicarbazepine acetate on serum lipids in patients with partial-onset seizures: Impact of concomitant statins and enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs.

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) on lipid metabolism and to determine whether reduced statin exposure during ESL therapy has clinical consequences. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We conducted a post-hoc analysis of pooled data for serum lipids (laboratory values) from three phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of adjunctive ESL therapy (400, 800, or 1200 mg once daily) in patients with treatment-refractory partial-onset seizures. Changes from baseline in serum lipid levels were analyzed according to use of statins and/or enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (EIAEDs) during the baseline period. KEY FINDINGS: In total, 426 and 1021 placebo- and ESL-treated patients, respectively, were included in the analysis. With regard to the changes from baseline in serum concentrations, there were statistically significant differences between the placebo and ESL 1200 mg QD groups, for both total cholesterol (TC) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), but the effect sizes were small (+4.1 mg/dL and +1.8 mg/dL, respectively). A small but significant difference in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C; -5.0 mg/dL) was observed between the ESL 400 mg QD group and the placebo group. In patients not taking a concomitant EIAED, there were no changes with ESL 400 mg QD, but modest and statistically significant increases in cholesterol fractions (TC, LDL-C and HDL-C) with ESL 800 mg QD (/dL) and ESL 1200 mg QD (/dL). ESL had no consistent effect on lipids in patients taking a concomitant EIAED. In patients taking statins during baseline, there were no clinically relevant changes in serum lipids during use of ESL, although the subgroups were small. SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that ESL does not appear to have clinically significant effects on serum lipids, nor does the pharmacokinetic interaction between ESL and statins have an impact on serum lipid concentrations

    A versatile matching algorithm based on dynamic programming with circular order preserving

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    This paper presents an assignment algorithm with circular order preserving constraint. Given a cost affinity matrix and the desired percentage of correspondences, the algorithm implemented using dynamic programming determines the correspondence of type one-to-one of minimum global cost. Here, it was applied to optimize the global matching between two sets of ordered points that represent the contours of objects previously segmented from images. In the tests performed, we considered affinity matrices previously built based on information on curvature and distance to centroid. The results that have been obtained are better than the ones presented in previous studies, for the cases in which partial deformations or occlusions are involved

    Response of Soybean Insects to Foliar Applications of a Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor TH 6040

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    The activity of TH 6040, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, was determined against velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, and other soybean defoliators in field tests in Georgia, South Carolina, and Brazil. Single applications at rates as low as 75 g AI/ha afforded adequate initial and excellent residual control of A. gemmatalis and some suppression of low populations of Plusia spp. Two applications at higher rates gave significant control of soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), and showed promise against green cloverworm, Plathypena scabra (F.), and Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant. Populations of geocorids and nabids were lower in 1 test, possibly because of insecticidal activity, scarcity of prey, or both

    Response of Soybean Insects to Foliar Applications of a Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor TH 6040

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    The activity of TH 6040, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, was determined against velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, and other soybean defoliators in field tests in Georgia, South Carolina, and Brazil. Single applications at rates as low as 75 g AI/ha afforded adequate initial and excellent residual control of A. gemmatalis and some suppression of low populations of Plusia spp. Two applications at higher rates gave significant control of soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), and showed promise against green cloverworm, Plathypena scabra (F.), and Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant. Populations of geocorids and nabids were lower in 1 test, possibly because of insecticidal activity, scarcity of prey, or both

    Variance fluctuations in nonstationary time series: a comparative study of music genres

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    An important problem in physics concerns the analysis of audio time series generated by transduced acoustic phenomena. Here, we develop a new method to quantify the scaling properties of the local variance of nonstationary time series. We apply this technique to analyze audio signals obtained from selected genres of music. We find quantitative differences in the correlation properties of high art music, popular music, and dance music. We discuss the relevance of these objective findings in relation to the subjective experience of music.Comment: 13 pages, 4 fig

    Prohexadiona cálcio no crescimento de ramos de pereiras 'Starkrimson'

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the fruiting and vegetative growth of 'Starkrimson' pear in response to the application of prohexadione calcium (P-Ca). P-Ca (250 mg L-1) was sprayed to scaffold limbs and to whole trees in commercial orchards. A randomized complete block design was used to minimize declivity effects. Vegetative growth (length and number of shoots, increment in limb and trunk cross-sectional area, number of nodes, and internode length), production (fruit number, yield, yield efficiency, and fruit size), and return bloom were evaluated from 2010 to 2013. P-Ca efficiently controlled shoot growth in all growing seasons, when applied early in the season, due to the reduction in internode length. Production was not negatively affected by the application of P-Ca in all years and at both sites, and fruit size and return bloom were not reduced. Fruit quality attributes were also little affected by P-Ca, except for total soluble solids content, which was lower than that of the control. This shows that P-Ca is efficient to manage tree vigor in high-density 'Starkrimson' pear orchards.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção e o crescimento vegetativo de peras 'Starkrimson' em resposta à aplicação de prohexadiona cálcio (P-Ca). Aplicou-se P-Ca (250 mg L-1) em ramificações laterais e em plantas inteiras, em pomares comerciais. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, para minimizar os efeitos da declividade do terreno. O crescimento vegetativo (comprimento e número de ramos, incremento da área da secção transversal dos ramos laterais e do tronco, número de nós e comprimento de entrenós), a produção (número de frutos, produtividade, eficiência produtiva e tamanho de fruto) e o retorno da floração foram avaliados de 2010 a 2013. P-Ca foi eficiente no controle do crescimento de ramos em todas as safras, quando aplicada no início do ciclo de crescimento, devido à redução no comprimento dos entrenós. A produção não foi afetada negativamente pela aplicação de P-Ca em todos os anos e em ambos os locais, e o tamanho de fruto e o retorno da floração não foram reduzidos. Os atributos de qualidade dos frutos também foram pouco afetados por P-Ca, exceto o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, que foi menor que o do controle. Assim, P-Ca é eficiente no manejo do vigor em pomares de alta densidade de peras 'Starkrimson'
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