97 research outputs found

    Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland

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    To study the seasonal changes in avian communities, we collected data in an extensively used farmland in Western Poland during 2006-2013. Generalized additive mixed models were used in order to study the effects of seasonality and protected areas on the overall bird species richness. A similarity percentage analysis was also conducted in order to identify the species that contribute most strongly to dissimilarity among each bird according to the phenological season. Furthermore, the differences in bird communities were investigated applying the decomposition of the species richness in season, trend, and remainder components. Each season showed significant differences in bird species richness (seasonality effect). The effect of the protected areas was slightly positive on the overall species richness for all seasons. However, an overall negative trend was detected for the entire period of eight years. The bird community composition was different among seasons, showing differences in terms of dominant species. Greater differences were found between breeding and wintering seasons, in particular, the spatial pattern of sites with higher bird richness (hotspots) were different between breeding and wintering seasons. Our findings showed a negative trend in bird species richness verified in the Polish farmlands from 2006. This result mirrors the same negative trend already highlighted for Western Europe. The role of protected areas, even if slightly positive, was not enough to mitigate this decline process. Therefore, to effectively protect farmland birds, it is necessary to also consider inter-seasons variation, and for this, we suggest the use of medium-term temporal studies on bird communities’ trends

    Impact of aerial platform material on antenna gain

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    Cílem práce je vytvoření v CAD návrhovém prostředí několik nejčastěji používaných konfigurací multikoptér za použití odlišných materiálů. Tyto modely budou pak užity v ANSYS HFSS ke zkoumání vlivu tvaru a materiálu na anténu. To nám umožní získat poznatky pro případné budoucí vytvoření páteřního spoje, jehož přenosová rychlost se bude pohybovat v řádech Gb/s. Teoretická část pojednává o multikoptérách a jejich konfiguracích. Dále pak o materiálech, ze kterých jsou součásti vyrobeny. Následuje základní teorie antén a popis softwaru sloužícího k vytvoření modelů multikoptér(Autodesk Inventor 2016) a simulace antény (ANSYS HFSS). Praktická část obsahuje popis reálného měření parametrů antény MikroTik wAP 60G AP pro vytvoření simulace, samotný model antény pro simulaci, konkrétně horn anténa a nakonec zjištění výsledného vlivu, který je v této práci hlavním přínosem.The goal of this thesis is to recreate some of the most used multicopter configurations within CAD software with varying materials. These models are then imported into ANSYS HFSS to examine the influence of shape and material on the performance of an antenna. Results from these tests could help in the creation of a high-speed (Gb/s) backhaul network in the future. The theory section is about multicopters, their configurations and materials used in their manufacture. Subsequently, it delves into the fundamental theory behind antennas and the description of CAD software (Autodesk Inventor 2016) and antenna simulation software (ANSYS HFSS). The practical section includes: description of the measurement process for the MikroTik wAP 60G AP antenna, the parameters of which were used during the simulation; a model of the antenna (horn) and last but not least the results of the measurements, which are the thesis’ main benefit.

    Den tjekkisk-tyske Nationalitetskamp

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    Analysis of digital marketing and branding for the purpose of understanding the consumers in digital age

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    The changes have brought us a new age – “the digital age” and this age has brought us some new challenges that seek to solve the problems of organization in a new way. The digital age, as far as branding is concerned, has brought many advantages to the organization and it can be an extremely valuable marketing tool, but only if the organization manages to gain a positive relationship between the brand and consumers and if it has a proportional advantage in comparison to its opponents; because, on the other hand, besides all advantages it brings us, the digital age can set up many traps. This paper is about the current situation in the global market and pays our attention to some segments of business which are important in digital age for subsistence and the success of an organization. It presents the current awareness of consumers and their way of thinking and acting. The purpose of this paper is to point out conceptual frameworks of branding in Internet form, to show how those frameworks can help marketing planners by organizing and integrating the existing knowledge in development of successful strategies of branding on the Internet. A real example of one of the leading global brands that succeeded to win the challenges of the digital age will be presented in this paper

    Analysis of conflicing interests on the example of the special nature reserve in Serbia: empirically analytical approach

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    Empirijsko analitički pristup znanosti šumarske politike primijenjen je na primjeru specijalnog rezervata prirode „Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit“ (Srbija) s ciljem sveobuhvatne analize korisnika, njihovih interesa i potencijalnih sukoba interesa. Istraživanje je provedeno od kolovoza 2017. do kolovoza 2018. godine. Procjena intenziteta interesa identificiranih korisnika temelji se na kvalitativnoj analizi sadržaja i kritičkoj analizi te kombinaciji tehnika triangulacije, logičkog zaključivanja, indukcije i dedukcije. Unosom procijenjenog intenziteta interesa korisnika (vlasnici šuma – država i privatni šumovlasnici; zaposleni u šumarstvu; poduzeća/institucije – drvna industrija, pokrajinski sekretarijat, itd.; građani) u analitičku shemu jasno se mogla izdvojiti zona sukoba između korisnika s vrlo jakim interesom za korištenje drvne mase (Vojvodinašume, crkva, prerada drva) i korisnika koji pripadaju interesnom polju očuvanja/zaštite prirode (institucije zaštite prirode, građani). Uz navedeno, država tj. Vojvodinašume su u unutarnjem sukobu, jer (također) imaju vrlo snažan interes za proizvodnju drva s jedne strane i za zaštitu prirode s druge strane. Kako bi uravnotežila interese, država/pokrajina je u prednosti jer rješenje može potražiti interno, ali analitička shema pokazuje i da će rezultat neizbježno dovesti do sukoba s drugim korisnicima (drvnom industrijom ako se poveća opseg zaštite ili zaštitom prirode ako se pojača sječa drva). Koncept zaštitnih zona pokazuje trenutni kompromisni paket između zainteresiranih strana (stroga zaštita 6%, aktivna zaštita 29% i korištenje drva 65%), koji će opstati dok ga država bude mogla podržati političkim mjerama. Empirijsko analitički pristup omogućio je sveobuhvatni uvid u korisnike i interese vezane za Rit, a metodološka postavka je uz zaključake relevantne za daljnja znanstvena istraživanja stvorila osnovu za aktivniju komunikaciju rezultata s praksom.This study, based on modified Schusser´s sequential method, was conducted from August 2017 to August 2018 with the aim of using accessible and familiar case example from Serbia to verify the claim of forest policy science - that users, their interests and potential conflicts of interest can be comprehensively identified and analysed while applying empirically analytical approach. On the example of special nature reserve Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit the intensity of user´s interest is assessed based on qualitative content analysis and critical reasoning in combination with the techniques of triangulation, induction and deduction. By entering the estimated intensity of user interests into the analytical sheme (users categorized as forest owners- state/province and private, forestry employees, enterprises/institutions and citizens), the first conflicting zone was identified between the very strong interests in forest utilization (priority of profitable timber harvesting) and the interest field comprising the very strong and strong user interests for nature conservation. In addition, the state/province (public enterprise Vojvodinašume) is in an internal conflict, having (also) a very strong interest in wood production (creating revenues) on the one hand and in nature conservation on another. In order to balance them (towards the general social interest), the state/province has an advantage of being in the position to look internally for a solution, but the analytical scheme also shows how potential changes could trigger conflicts with other users (wood industry if protection is increased or nature protection actors if logging intensifies). The current solution of protection zones, divided into strict protection 6%, active protection 29% and profitable use of wood 65%, reflects the actual compromise package between the state/province andinterests of remaining users, which will last as long as the state/province is in the position to support it with available political means.Whereas individual discourses take into account only partial aspects, the current approach has provided a comprehensive insight into Rit´s actors and interests. Methodological set-up of existing theoretically-based analytical categories has offered conclusions relevant for further research, forming at the same time a strong basis for more active communication of results with practice: users can more clearly perceive each other’s positions and evaluate own abilities to act, while searching for the implementation concepts that work in practice

    A Reduced Three Dimensional Model for SAW Sensors Using Finite Element Analysis

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    A major problem that often arises in modeling Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) such as Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) sensors using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is the extensive computational capacity required. In this study a new approach is adopted to significantly reduce the computational capacity needed for analyzing the response of a SAW sensor using the finite element (FE) method. The approach is based on the plane wave solution where the properties of the wave vary in two dimensions and are uniform along the thickness of the device. The plane wave solution therefore allows the thickness of the SAW device model to be minimized; the model is referred to as a Reduced 3D Model (R3D). Various configurations of this novel R3D model are developed and compared with theoretical and experimental frequency data and the results show very good agreement. In addition, two-dimensional (2D) models with similar configurations to the R3D are developed for comparison since the 2D approach is widely adopted in the literature as a computationally inexpensive approach to model SAW sensors using the FE method. Results illustrate that the R3D model is capable of capturing the SAW response more accurately than the 2D model; this is demonstrated by comparison of centre frequency and insertion loss values. These results are very encouraging and indicate that the R3D model is capable of capturing the MEMS-based SAW sensor response without being computationally expensive

    Traitors and the meaning of treason in Austria-Hungary's Great War

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    Treason is a ubiquitous historical phenomenon, one particularly associated with regime instability or wartime loyalties. This paper explores the practice and prosecution of treason in the last decades of the Habsburg monarchy with a special focus on some notorious wartime treason trials. It first sets the rhetoric and law of treason in a comparative historical context before assessing the legal framework supplied by the Austrian penal code of 1852. Although the treason law was exploited quite arbitrarily after 1914, the state authorities in the pre-war decade were already targeting irredentist suspects due to major anxiety about domestic and foreign security. In the Great War, the military were then given extensive powers to prosecute all political crimes including treason, causing a string of show-trials of Bosnian Serbs and some leading Czech politicians. By 1917–18, however, this onslaught on disloyalty was backfiring in the wake of an imperial amnesty: as loyalties shifted away from the Habsburg regime, the former criminals themselves proudly began to assume the title of ‘traitor’. The paper is a case-study of how regimes in crisis have used treason as a powerful moral instrument for managing allegiance. It also offers a new basis for understanding instability in the late Habsburg monarchy