677 research outputs found

    Class Day Address Transcript, 1960: The Ladder To Success

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    Mr. Chairman, Doctor Jacobs, staff members of Bryant College, parents, friends, and classmates...

    Transverse momentum fluctuations and \Delta\eta-\Delta\phi correlations in p+p interactions at the CERN SPS energies

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    The NA61/SHINE experiment aims to discover the critical point of strongly interacting matter and study the properties of the onset of deconfinement. These goals are to be achieved by performing a two dimensional phase diagram (T-\mu_B) scan by measurements of hadron production properties in proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and system size. Close to the critical point an increase of fluctuations is predicted. In this contribution preliminary results on transverse momentum fluctuations and two-particle pseudorapidity/azimuthal angle correlations from the NA61/SHINE energy scan of p+p collisions will be presented. These new results will be compared with NA49 data on central Pb+Pb collisions and model predictions.Comment: CPOD 2013 proceedings, 5 pages, 12 figure

    Functional Potential of the Novosibirsk Urban Region in Russian Federation

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    The research presented in this article focuses on the urban region of Novosibirsk, which is one of the most industrialized part of Siberia and the Asian part of Russian Federation. The research was based on two methods of determining the functions of cities in the national settlement system: a research programme concerning the genesis of functional development and a research programme of specialized functions, the purpose of which is to determine the economic base of territorial units. To show relationships between the core of the region and its peripheral area there was provided a case study analyzing the territorial units forming the southern settlement belt along the Novosibirsk-Cherepanovo regional railway line over a distance of approx. 100 km. The presented results have shown the general tendencies in the transformations of the Novosibirsk urban region both in long-term perspective and in contemporary circumstances

    pNiPAM nanoparticles suspensions as crowded complex model systems: synthesis, characterization and properties

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    Improvements in controlled polymer synthesis and characterization methods have lead scientists to investigate new materials that would not only improve old techniques, but also open way for new approaches in several industrial and bio-medical applications. Poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (pNiPAM) is one example among this new class of materials. Being respondent to variations in temperature this ‘intelligent’ polymer is considered as a model system that is a candidate for biomaterials, drug delivery systems, biosensors, bioanalytical devices or bio-scaffolds for cell cultures. Wide range of potential applications arises mostly from nanometric size and tunable properties. Various types of pNiPAM nanoparticles with its lower critical solution temperature (LCST), around natural human body temperature (at 33oC) were synthesized and characterized in terms of size and morphology. Additionally mechanical properties of pNiPAM microgel with oscillation rheology in the absence and in the presence of linear pNiPAM chains additives was studied. Next an efficient way for chemical labeling of the polymeric nanoparticles with a fluorescent dye was established. PNiPAM nanoparticles were suitable for fluorescent techniques which allowed using them as model systems to study diffusion process and micro/macro viscosity effect in crowded complex systems. A correction procedure to study the size of relatively large, uniformly labeled nanoparticles in FCS experiment was proposed. Finally, conducted cytotoxicity studies, not only proved the lack of toxic effect but additionally demonstrated a bioscaffold based growth promotion effect on cell cultures.Postęp w stosowaniu polimerowych materiałów koncentruje uwagę naukowców na polimerach wykazujących właściwości konkurencyjne w stosunku do tradycyjnych materiałów. Polimery tworzące struktury w skali nano stanowią obiecujące narzędzie o szerokim spektrum zastosowań jako biomateriały, biosensory, systemy dostarczania leków czy bio-podłoża do hodowli komórkowych. Jednym z takich polimerów jest pNiPAM (poly-N-isoporpylacrylamid), który dzięki temperaturze przejścia fazowego około naturalnej temperatury ciała ludzkiego (33oC) zasługuje na szczególna uwagę. Syntetyzowano różnego rodzaju nanocząsteki polimeru pNiPAM oraz scharakteryzowano pod katem rozmiaru i morfologii. Dodatkowo w celu określenia właściwości mechanicznych przeprowadzono oscylacyjne badania reologiczne samego mikrożelu i w obecności liniowych łańcuchów polimeru pNiPAM. Funkcjonalizacja nanocząstek za pomocą chemicznego wprowadzenia fluorescencyjnie barwnika w strukturę nanocząstek pNiPAM, umożliwiła ich zastosowanie w technikach fluorescencyjnych. Umożliwiło to użycie nanocząstek pNiPAM jako modelowego systemu do badania dyfuzji w gęstych kładach złożonych oraz do badań nad micro/macro lepkością. Zaproponowano także poprawkę do procedury pomiaru wielkości, relatywnie dużych, jednolicie wyznakowanych nanocząstek przy użyciu techniki FCS. Dodatkowo ze względu szeroką gammę zastosowań w biologii i biotechnologii przeprowadzono badania nad cytotoksycznością otrzymanych nanocząstek. Stwierdzono brak efektu cytotoksyczności i ponadto zaobserwowano przyspieszenie wzrostu komórek w obecności nanocząstek pNiPAM.This work was supported by the International PhD Projects Program (”The PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”) Foundation for polish Science operated within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme (IE OP) 2007-2013 within European Regional Fund

    Chinese involvement in Southeast Asia on the example of Myanmar

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    Simple Power-Law Model for generating correlated particles

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    A search for the critical point of the strongly interacting matter by studying power-law fluctuations within the framework of intermittency is ongoing. In particular, experimental data on proton and pion production in heavy-ion collisions are analyzed in transverse momentum space. In this regard, a simple model with a power-law multi-particle correlations is introduced. The model can be used to study sensitivity to detect power-law correlated particles in the presence of various detector effects.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Bronchial asthma - what should every doctor know?

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    More than 235 million people worldwide suffer from asthma. Most of the patients have mild asthma, but in a large part of them asthma is not fully controlled and they are exposed to the occurrence of exacerbations. It is believed that the most important reason for poor asthma control is the patients' failure to comply with chronic treatment recommendations. This article describes the symptoms and course of the disease. There is also contain information about the criteria of diagnosis and changes in therapeutic progress which were announced in 2019 by Global Organization for Asthma

    Monumental Polovtsian Statues in Eastern Europe. The Archaeology, Conservation and Protection

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    Stone statues, indigenous to the early Turks, appeared in the vast territory of the Asian steppes, from Southern Siberia to Central Asia and across the foothills of the Ural Mountains. The custom originated among Cumans in Eastern Europe. The skill of erecting anthropomorphic stelae required proficiency in processing different kinds of stone and wood, and was characterized by artistic value of representations, as well as by the timeless aesthetics of the canon. The author presents the results of her formative studies into the collection of the Cuman sculptures of the Veliko-Anadol Forest Museum, Ukraine. The book delves into the history of research on Cuman stone stelae, resulting in great reading for all archeologists and historians alike

    The onerous consequences of pregnancy and childbirth

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    Pregnancy is a physiological condition characterized by changes in the functioning of the female body. These changes, referred to as pregnancy adaptation, are necessary both for the development of the foetus and are an expression of the mother's defense against an invasion of the tissues of the foetus egg, which is harmful to her body. Large adaptive changes in anatomy, physiology and metabolism determine the proper course of pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, there are also negative effects of these changes - weakened tissues, increased intraabdominal pressure, irreversible changes in the whole body. [16] Childbirth (especially vaginal) leads to damage to the fascial-muscular-nerve structures. These structures ensure proper statics and function of the pelvic floor, and their damage may cause functional abnormalities. [8

    Geografia percepcji. Osiągnięcia, problemy i perspektywy

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    Oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika kolejny tom z serii „Podstawowe idee i koncepcje w geografii” pt. Dorobek polskiej geografii po konferencji w Rydzynie. Ocena krytyczna. [...] Właśnie minęło 30 lat od przełomowej dla polskiej geografii konferencji w Rydzynie (1983 r.). Miała ona duże znaczenie dla przemian teorii i praktyki geografii. W Rydzynie zwrócono uwagę na odmienne od dotychczasowych możliwości interpretacyjne rzeczywistości badawczej geografii rozwijane zwłaszcza w krajach anglosaskich. W kontekście tym przedstawiono nowe pola badawcze naszej dyscypliny zwłaszcza nieistniejącą wcześniej geografię społeczną jej podejścia radykalne i behawioralne oraz zaprezentowano perspektywę humanistyczną w badaniach geograficznych. Mimo trudności instytucjonalnych w przebijaniu się efektów tej innowacyjnej konferencji do teorii i empirii polskiej geografii, czas pokazał, że jej dorobek nie został zaprzepaszczony. Niniejszy tom składa się z 13 prac, w których autorzy podjęli teoretyczną refleksję nad rolą konferencji w Rydzynie dla polskiej geografii oraz krytyczny namysł nad dorobkiem geografii po konferencji