79 research outputs found

    Development of bronchiectasis during long-term rituximab treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Here the cases of three female patients who received long-term rituximab treatment for seropositive, erosive and deforming rheumatoid arthritis was reported. After rituximab treatment, they presented with recurrent sinusitis and pneumonia, followed by the subsequent development of bronchiectasis. A temporal relationship between rituximab treatment and the onset of respiratory complications was exposed as a possible pathogenic mechanism

    Neurological Disorders in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome.

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    International audienceSjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by an autoimmune exocrinopathy involving mainly salivary and lacrimal glands. The histopathological hallmark is periductal lymphocytic infiltration of the exocrine glands, resulting in loss of their secretory function. Several systemic manifestations may be found in patients with Sjögren's syndrome including neurological disorders. Neurological involvement ranges from 0 to 70% among various series and may present with central nervous system and/or peripheral nervous system involvement. This paper endeavors to review the main clinical neurological manifestations in Sjögren syndrome, the physiopathology, and their therapeutic response

    Rozwój rozstrzeni oskrzeli w wyniku długoterminowego leczenia reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów rytuksymabem

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadki trzech kobiet, które były leczone rytuksymabem z powodu seropozytywnego, erozyjnego, deformującego, reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów. Po terapii rytuksymabem u pacjentek wystąpiło nawracające zapalenie zatok i zapalenie płuc, a następnie rozstrzenie oskrzeli. Czasowy związek między terapią rytuksymabem a początkiem powikłań ze strony układu oddechowego doprowadził do uznania leku za możliwy mechanizm patogenny.W pracy przedstawiono przypadki trzech kobiet, które były leczone rytuksymabem z powodu seropozytywnego, erozyjnego, deformującego, reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów. Po terapii rytuksymabem u pacjentek wystąpiło nawracające zapalenie zatok i zapalenie płuc, a następnie rozstrzenie oskrzeli. Czasowy związek między terapią rytuksymabem a początkiem powikłań ze strony układu oddechowego doprowadził do uznania leku za możliwy mechanizm patogenny

    Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: relation with clinical features, cytokines and HLA-DRB1

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    En el presente estudio se examinó la especificidad y la sensibilidad de los anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados cíclicos (CCP) en pacientes latinoamericanas con artritis reumatoidea (AR), así como su relación con la actividad de la enfermedad, manifestaciones extraarticulares (MEA), síntesis de citocinas (IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-? e IFN-?) y factor reumatoideo (FR) IgM e IgA, y con el polimorfismo del HLA-DRB1. Se examinaron 79 pacientes con AR (69 con AR establecida y 10 con AR temprana sin previo tratamiento), 56 pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante (EA), 25 con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), 50 con síndrome de Sjögren primario (SSp) y diez individuos sanos. De las 69 pacientes con AR establecida, 36 fueron reevaluadas 2 años después. La actividad de la AR se examinó según los criterios del Colegio Americano de Reumatología. Los anticuerpos anti-CCP2, el FR y los niveles de citocinas se determinaron mediante inmunoensayo, y la genotipificación del HLA se llevó a cabo por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa utilizando mezclas de iniciadores específicos. Los anticuerpos anti-CCP se observaron en 96% de los pacientes con AR en la primera evaluación y en 86% en la segunda (p=0,12), sin modificación significativa en los valores (131±58,7 vs. 130,6±67,1 UI). Su sensibilidad y especificidad global fue de 94% y 92%, respectivamente, pero cuando sólo se consideraron los niveles altos (>60 UI) fueron de 84% y 95%, respectivamente. La razón de probabilidades (RP) positiva fue de 12 y la RP negativa de 0,06. El valor predictivo (VP) positivo fue de 87% y el VP negativo de 96%. Los anticuerpos anti-CCP se observaron en 12% de los pacientes con LES y con SSp, en 2% de los de EA y en 10% de los controles sanos. En los pacientes con AR no se asociaron con la actividad de la enfermedad, MEA y alelos del HLA-DRB1. Tampoco se observaron correlaciones significativas entre sus valores y los niveles de citocinas. En conclusión, los anticuerpos anti-CCP tienen un interés diagnóstico para la AR en nuestra población, pero su utilidad en el seguimiento clínico es limitada y su síntesis es independiente del HLA-DRB1 y no se correlacionan con niveles de citocinas Th1/Th2.The specificity and sensitivity of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) was examined in Latin-American patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The variables considered included: 1) relation with the activity of disease, 2) extra-articular manifestations (EAM), 3) synthesis of cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma) and IgM and IgA rheumatoid factor (RF), and 4) the association with HLA-DRB1 polymorphism. Seventy-nine RA patients were assessed (69 with established RA, and 10 with recent-onset RA not receiving any treatment), 56 with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 25 with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 50 with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS), and 10 healthy individuals. Of the 69 patients with established RA, 36 were reexamined 2 years later. The activity of the RA was measured by criteria adopted by the American College of Rheumatology. Anti-CCP2, RF and cytokines levels were determined by ELISA. HLA genotypes were established by first, PCR sequence amplification using sequence-specific primers and then, complete sequencing of the product. Anti-CCP antibodies were observed in 96% of patients with RA during the first evaluation and in 86% at the second evaluation (p = 0.12). No significant change in antibody titre was observed between the two evaluations (131 +/- 58.7 and 130.6 +/- 67.1 IU, respectively). The overall sensitivity and specificity was 94% and 92%, respectively; however, at titres > 60 IU, the values were 84% and 95%, respectively. The anti-CCP likelihood ratio positive test was 12 and the likelihood ratio negative test was 0.06. The positive predictive value was 87%, and the negative predictive value was 96%. Anti-CCP antibodies were observed in 12% of SLE and pSS patients, in 2% of AS patients, and in 10% of healthy controls. In RA patients, these antibodies were not associated with the activity of disease, EAM or HLA-DRB1 alleles; no significant correlation was observed between antibody titre and cytokines level. Although anti-CCP antibodies have potential as a diagnostic tool for RA, they are not useful for monitoring clinical activity or predicting the clinical course of disease. Antibody synthesis is HLA-DRB1 independent and not correlated with Th1/Th2 cytokines

    Rituximab for Remission Induction and Maintenance in Refractory Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease with high morbidity if untreated. Sometimes, despite aggressive treatments, the disease remains active with cumulative organic damage. We conducted a retrospective and descriptive observational study of patients with SLE refractory to conventional treatment who were treated with rituximab (RTX) as remission induction therapy and maintenance. There was a significant reduction in the conventional immunosuppressive drug dose and the number of relapses of disease. RTX appeared to be effective and safe for the induction and maintenance of remission in patient with SLE refractory to conventional treatment

    Distinctive genetic structure and selection patterns in Plasmodium vivax from South Asia and East Africa.

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    Despite the high burden of Plasmodium vivax malaria in South Asian countries, the genetic diversity of circulating parasite populations is not well described. Determinants of antimalarial drug susceptibility for P. vivax in the region have not been characterised. Our genomic analysis of global P. vivax (n = 558) establishes South Asian isolates (n = 92) as a distinct subpopulation, which shares ancestry with some East African and South East Asian parasites. Signals of positive selection are linked to drug resistance-associated loci including pvkelch10, pvmrp1, pvdhfr and pvdhps, and two loci linked to P. vivax invasion of reticulocytes, pvrbp1a and pvrbp1b. Significant identity-by-descent was found in extended chromosome regions common to P. vivax from India and Ethiopia, including the pvdbp gene associated with Duffy blood group binding. Our investigation provides new understanding of global P. vivax population structure and genomic diversity, and genetic evidence of recent directional selection in this important human pathogen

    Detailed Anatomical and Electrophysiological Models of Human Atria and Torso for the Simulation of Atrial Activation

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    Atrial arrhythmias, and specifically atrial fibrillation (AF), induce rapid and irregular activation patterns that appear on the torso surface as abnormal P-waves in electrocardiograms and body surface potential maps (BSPM). In recent years both P-waves and the BSPM have been used to identify the mechanisms underlying AF, such as localizing ectopic foci or high-frequency rotors. However, the relationship between the activation of the different areas of the atria and the characteristics of the BSPM and P-wave signals are still far from being completely understood. In this work we developed a multi-scale framework, which combines a highly-detailed 3D atrial model and a torso model to study the relationship between atrial activation and surface signals in sinus rhythm. Using this multi scale model, it was revealed that the best places for recording P-waves are the frontal upper right and the frontal and rear left quadrants of the torso. Our results also suggest that only nine regions (of the twenty-one structures in which the atrial surface was divided) make a significant contribution to the BSPM and determine the main P-wave characteristics.This work was partially supported by the "VI Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF - FEDER), Award Number: TIN2012-37546-C03-01 (Recipient: Ana Ferrer); the "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF - FEDER), Award Number: TIN2014-59932-JIN (Recipient: Rafael Sebastion); and the "Programa Prometeo" from the Generalitat Valenciana, Award Number: 2012/030 (Recipient: Laura Martinez).Ferrer Albero, A.; Sebastián Aguilar, R.; Sánchez Quintana, D.; Rodriguez, JF.; Godoy, EJ.; Martinez, L.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ. (2015). Detailed Anatomical and Electrophysiological Models of Human Atria and Torso for the Simulation of Atrial Activation. PLoS ONE. 10(11):1-29. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0141573S129101

    Extinction risk of Mesoamerican crop wild relatives

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    Ensuring food security is one of the world's most critical issues as agricultural systems are already being impacted by global change. Crop wild relatives (CWR)—wild plants related to crops—possess genetic variability that can help adapt agriculture to a changing environment and sustainably increase crop yields to meet the food security challenge. Here we report the results of an extinction risk assessment of 224 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops (i.e. chilli pepper, maize, common bean, avocado, cotton, potato, squash, vanilla and husk tomato) in Mesoamerica—an area of global significance as a centre of crop origin, domestication and of high CWR diversity. We show that 35% of the selected CWR taxa are threatened with extinction according to The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List demonstrates that these valuable genetic resources are under high anthropogenic threat. The dominant threat processes are land use change for agriculture and farming, invasive and other problematic species (e.g. pests, genetically modified organisms) and use of biological resources, including overcollection and logging. The most significant drivers of extinction relate to smallholder agriculture—given its high incidence and ongoing shifts from traditional agriculture to modern practices (e.g. use of herbicides)—smallholder ranching and housing and urban development and introduced genetic material. There is an urgent need to increase knowledge and research around different aspects of CWR. Policies that support in situ and ex situ conservation of CWR and promote sustainable agriculture are pivotal to secure these resources for the benefit of current and future generations

    Cuadernos del Pensamiento Crítico Latinoamericano (Segunda época no. 37 ago 2016)

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    En esta segunda época, los Cuadernos de Pensamiento Crítico se presentan como documentos de opinión e intervención sobre las problemáticas sociales y políticas contemporáneas que atraviesan las sociedades latinoamericanas. Destacados pensadores abordan temáticas como democracia, educación, trabajo, políticas públicas, entre otras, en un formato accesible al gran público, sin perder el rigor académico

    The environment, geo-epidemiology, and autoimmune disease: Rheumatoid arthritis.

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    International audienceRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory joint disease characterized by a distinctive pattern of bone and joint destruction. RA patients have an increased risk of death. The incidence and prevalence of RA vary across populations, statistical methods, and disease definitions. In North America and Northern Europe, the incidence of RA is estimated at 20-50 cases per 100,000 population and the prevalence at 0.5-1.1%. Lower incidences and prevalences have been reported in Southern Europe, and few data are available for developing countries. Some studies showed declining incidences and prevalences after the 1960s. RA is a multifactorial disease that results from interactions between genetic and environmental factors. The main genetic factors are HLA-DRB1 and the tyrosine-phosphatase gene PTPN22. Among environmental factors implicated in the development of RA, smoking shows the strongest association with RA susceptibility and is also linked to worse outcomes. The aim of this review is to discuss the available data on the incidence and prevalence of RA, as well as the genetic and environmental risk factors associated with RA