15 research outputs found

    The temporal dynamics of visual processing in multiple sclerosis

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    Although the integrity of the visual system is often affected in multiple sclerosis (MS), the potential relationship between the temporal dynamics of visual processing and performance on neuropsychological tests assessing processing speed (PS) remains relatively unexplored. Here, we test if a PS deficit is related to abnormalities within the visual system, rather than impaired higher-level cognitive function. Two groups of participants with MS (1 group with PS deficits and another without) and a healthy control group, matched for age and education, were included. To explore the temporal dynamics of visual processing, we used 2 psychophysical paradigms: attention enhancement/prioritization and rapid serial visual presentation. Visual PS deficits were associated with a decreased capability to detect visual stimuli and a higher limitation in visual temporal-processing capacity. These results suggest that a latent sensorial temporal limitation of the visual system is significantly associated to PS deficits in MS.This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal with a doctoral fellowship grant (No. SFRH/BD/455591/2008) to SLC. JA is supported by funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal Project Grants PTDC/PSI-PCO/114822/2009 and PTDC/MHC-PCN/3575/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inhibition of Gastric Lipase as a Mechanism for Body Weight and Plasma Lipids Reduction in Zucker Rats Fed a Rosemary Extract Rich in Carnosic Acid

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    BACKGROUND: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extracts (REs) exhibit hepatoprotective, anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties and are widely used in the food industry. REs are rich in carnosic acid (CA) and carnosol which may be responsible for some of the biological activities of REs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether inhibition of lipase activity in the gut may be a mechanism by which a RE enriched in CA (40%) modulates body weight and lipids levels in a rat model of metabolic disorders and obesity. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: RE was administered for 64 days to lean (fa/+) and obese (fa/fa) female Zucker rats and body weight, food intake, feces weight and blood biochemical parameters were monitored throughout the study. Lipase activity (hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylbutyrate) was measured in the gastrointestinal tract at the end of the study and the contents of CA, carnosol and methyl carnosate were also determined. Sub-chronic administration of RE moderately reduced body weight gain in both lean and obese animals but did not affect food intake. Serum triglycerides, cholesterol and insulin levels were also markedly decreased in the lean animals supplemented with RE. Importantly, lipase activity was significantly inhibited in the stomach of the RE-supplemented animals where the highest content of intact CA and carnosol was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that long-term administration of RE enriched in CA moderates weight gain and improves the plasma lipids profile, primarily in the lean animals. Our data also suggest that these effects may be caused, at least in part, by a significant inhibition of gastric lipase and subsequent reduction in fat absorption

    Fatores associados à assistência pré-natal precária em uma amostra de puérperas adolescentes em maternidades do Município do Rio de Janeiro, 1999-2000 Factors associated with precarious prenatal care in a sample of post-partum adolescent mothers in maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999-2000

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    Caracterizou-se o perfil das gestantes com pré-natal precário, segundo variáveis sócio-demográficas, história reprodutiva da mãe, apoio familiar, satisfação com a gestação e comportamentos de risco durante a gravidez. Foram entrevistadas 1.967 adolescentes no pós-parto imediato de maternidades públicas, conveniadas com o SUS e particulares no Município do Rio de Janeiro. A variável dependente foi o número de consultas de pré-natal (0-3; 4-6; 7 e mais). A análise estatística testou a hipótese de homogeneidade de proporções mediante análises bi e multivariada, com o uso de regressão logística multinomial, cuja categoria de referência da variável-resposta foi a realização de > 7 consultas. Foram encontradas maiores proporções de 0-3 consultas nos grupos de mães com grau de escolaridade < 4ª série do ensino fundamental; que não têm água encanada; não vivem com o pai do bebê; tiveram nascidos vivos anteriores; não ficaram satisfeitas com a gestação; não tiveram apoio do pai do bebê; tentaram interromper a gestação e as que fumaram, beberam e/ou usaram drogas durante a gestação. Pode-se concluir que as mães com piores condições de vida e comportamentos de risco na gravidez foram as que mais ficaram à margem da assistência pré-natal.<br>This study characterizes the women receiving precarious prenatal care according to socio-demographic variables, mother's reproductive history, family support, satisfaction with pregnancy, and risk behavior during pregnancy. A total of 1,967 adolescents were interviewed in the immediate post-partum in public and outsourced maternity hospitals in the City of Rio de Janeiro. The dependent variable was the number of prenatal appointments (0-3; 4-6; 7 or more). The statistical analysis aimed to test the hypothesis of homogeneity of proportions, including bi- and multivariate analysis, using multinomial logistic regression, in which the reference category for the response variable was 7 or more prenatal visits. Higher (and statistically significant) proportions of insufficient number of prenatal visits (0-3) were associated with: precarious sanitation conditions; not living with the child's father; attempted abortion; and smoking, drinking, and/or drug use during pregnancy. The results strongly indicate that mothers with worse living conditions and risk behavior during pregnancy were the same who lacked access to prenatal care

    Primary metabolite mobilization during germination in rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) seeds Mobilização de metabólitos primários durante a germinação de sementes de pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke)

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    This study aimed to characterize protein, oil, starch and soluble sugar mobilization as well as the activity of alpha-amylase during rosewood seed germination. Germination test was carried out at 25°C and the following parameters were analyzed: percentage of germination, initial, average, and final germination time. Seed reserve quantification was monitored in quiescent seeds and during different stages of radicle growth. Starch mobilization was studied in function of a-amylase activity. Germination reached 87.5% at the initial, average, and final time of 16, 21 and 30 days, respectively. Oil mobilization showed a negative linear behavior, decreasing 40% between the first and the last stage analyzed, whereas protein levels increased 34.7% during the initial period of germination. Starch content (46.4%) was the highest among those of the metabolites analyzed and starch mobilization occurred inversely to the observed for soluble sugars; alpha-amylase activity increased until the 15th day, a period before radicle emission and corresponding to the highest starch mobilization. The high percentage of rosewood seed germination may be related to the controlled condition used in the germination chamber as well as to high seed reserve mobilization, in special oil and starch.<br>Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar a mobilização de metabólitos primários (proteínas, óleos, amido e açúcares solúveis) e determinar a atividade da enzima alfa-amilase em sementes de pau-rosa durante diferentes períodos da germinação. Sementes quiescentes, após a assepsia, foram postas para germinar a 25 °C, analisando-se as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de germinação e tempos inicial, médio e final de germinação. A quantificação das reservas orgânicas foi monitorada nas sementes quiescentes e nos diferentes estágios de crescimento da radícula. A mobilização do amido foi monitorada mediante a atividade da enzima alfa-amilase. A germinação atingiu 87,5% com os tempos inicial, médio e final iguais a 16, 21 e 30 dias, respectivamente. A mobilização de óleos apresentou comportamento linear negativo, diminuindo 40% entre o primeiro e o último estágio analisado, enquanto o teor das proteínas aumentou 34,7% nos estágios iniciais de germinação. O conteúdo de amido (46,4%) foi o mais elevado entre os metabólitos estudados, e sua mobilização ocorreu de forma inversa à dos açúcares solúveis. A atividade da alfa-amilase foi mais intensa até o décimo quinto dia, período que antecedeu a emissão da radícula e que correspondeu à maior mobilização do amido. A alta porcentagem de germinação das sementes de pau-rosa pode estar associada às condições controladas na câmara de germinação, e à elevada mobilização das reservas da semente, especialmente óleos e amido