6 research outputs found

    Participant Reactions to Two-Way Immersion (TWI) Programs

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    The purpose of this study was to elicit participant reactions to two-way immersion (TWI) programs in the United States of America. A large number of recent studies have focused on instructor views and perspectives of two-way immersion programs, so this study aimed to gain insight from students who are, or who have, participated in TWI programs throughout North America. One hundred fifty-one TWI schools throughout the United States were contacted and asked to participate in this study. Two similar surveys were developed, one for current TWI students, and another for former TWI students. Students from these two groups were asked to fill out a confidential online survey that addressed specific linguistic skills, abilities, and preferences, as well as connection to the cultures of the target language. Forty-eight percent of the survey respondents were native speakers of English, and the remaining 52% were non-native speakers of English. The number of respondents to the former student survey was so low that the data were inconclusive, and, therefore, will not be included in this study. Since the survey was conducted online, the data were stored in a comma-delimited format for further evaluation. The data were then tallied and analyzed for common themes

    Diagnosis and Therapy Portosystemic Shunts

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    Portosistemske anastomoze (PSA) su nenormalne spojnice kojima se zaobliazi jetra, te krv iz gastrointestinalnog sustava, direktno ulazi u sustavnu cirkulaciju. Dijele se na urođene i stečene. Prirođene se dijele na ekstrahepatičke, koje se javljaju kod malih pasmina pasa, i intrahepatičke, koje se javljaju kod velikih pasmina pasa. Stečeni portosistemski kolateralni spojevi se pak javljaju kao posljedica portalne hipertenzije. Zbog nakupljanja toksina, koje jetra ne može u potpunosti detoksicirati, često se javlja jetrena encefalopatija. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, kliničkih znakova, laboratorijskih nalaza i ultrazvuka. Terapija portosistemskih anastomoza podrazumijeva stabilizaciju pacijenata sa jetrenom encefalopatijom, konzervativno liječenje pacijenata prije operacije ili starijih pacijenata i pacijenata sa stečenim portosistemskim kolateralama, te također kirurško liječenje kongenitalnih portosistemskih anastomoza. Poslijeoperacijske komplikacije koje se mogu javiti su: akutna portalna hipertenzija, tromboza portalne vene, kronična portalna hipertenzija, epileptoidni napadaji, hemoabdomen i hipoglikemija. Prognoza kod konzervativnog liječenja, dugoročno je loša dok je kod kirurškog liječenja ovisna o tome o kojoj se vrsti kongenitalne portosistemske anastomoze radi, da li je prisutna primarna hipoplazija portalne vene, načinu zatvaranja anastomoze, iskustvu kirurga te samoj starosti životinje kada je bolest dijagnosticirana.Portosystemic shunts (PSS) are anomalous vessels that allow normal portal blood draining from the gastrointestinal tract to pass directly into the systemic circulation without first passing through the liver. Portosystemic shunts can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital can be extrahepatic, in small breed dogs, and intrahepatic, in large breeds. Acquired portosystemic shunts (APSS) are usually caused by portal hypertension. Because of toxin accumulation, which liver can't detoxicate, sings of hepatic encephalopaty ensue. To make the final diagnosis of PSS we use history, clinical sings, laboratory findings and ultrasound. Therapy of PSS consists of stabilization of patients with hepatic encephalopathy, conservative therapy is used of preoperative patients or older patients with APSS, and surgical therapy of patients with congenital PSS. Postoperative complications are: acute portal hypertension, portal vein thrombosis, chronic portal hypertension, seizures, hemoabdomen and hypoglycemia. Prognosis of conservative therapy long—therm is poor, and success of surgical treatment depends on whether shunt is extrahepatic or intrahepatic, the coexistence of primary hypoplasia of the portal vein, the extent of shunt attenuation, experience of the surgeon and the age of the dog at the time of diagnosis

    Diagnosis and Therapy Portosystemic Shunts

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    Portosistemske anastomoze (PSA) su nenormalne spojnice kojima se zaobliazi jetra, te krv iz gastrointestinalnog sustava, direktno ulazi u sustavnu cirkulaciju. Dijele se na urođene i stečene. Prirođene se dijele na ekstrahepatičke, koje se javljaju kod malih pasmina pasa, i intrahepatičke, koje se javljaju kod velikih pasmina pasa. Stečeni portosistemski kolateralni spojevi se pak javljaju kao posljedica portalne hipertenzije. Zbog nakupljanja toksina, koje jetra ne može u potpunosti detoksicirati, često se javlja jetrena encefalopatija. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, kliničkih znakova, laboratorijskih nalaza i ultrazvuka. Terapija portosistemskih anastomoza podrazumijeva stabilizaciju pacijenata sa jetrenom encefalopatijom, konzervativno liječenje pacijenata prije operacije ili starijih pacijenata i pacijenata sa stečenim portosistemskim kolateralama, te također kirurško liječenje kongenitalnih portosistemskih anastomoza. Poslijeoperacijske komplikacije koje se mogu javiti su: akutna portalna hipertenzija, tromboza portalne vene, kronična portalna hipertenzija, epileptoidni napadaji, hemoabdomen i hipoglikemija. Prognoza kod konzervativnog liječenja, dugoročno je loša dok je kod kirurškog liječenja ovisna o tome o kojoj se vrsti kongenitalne portosistemske anastomoze radi, da li je prisutna primarna hipoplazija portalne vene, načinu zatvaranja anastomoze, iskustvu kirurga te samoj starosti životinje kada je bolest dijagnosticirana.Portosystemic shunts (PSS) are anomalous vessels that allow normal portal blood draining from the gastrointestinal tract to pass directly into the systemic circulation without first passing through the liver. Portosystemic shunts can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital can be extrahepatic, in small breed dogs, and intrahepatic, in large breeds. Acquired portosystemic shunts (APSS) are usually caused by portal hypertension. Because of toxin accumulation, which liver can't detoxicate, sings of hepatic encephalopaty ensue. To make the final diagnosis of PSS we use history, clinical sings, laboratory findings and ultrasound. Therapy of PSS consists of stabilization of patients with hepatic encephalopathy, conservative therapy is used of preoperative patients or older patients with APSS, and surgical therapy of patients with congenital PSS. Postoperative complications are: acute portal hypertension, portal vein thrombosis, chronic portal hypertension, seizures, hemoabdomen and hypoglycemia. Prognosis of conservative therapy long—therm is poor, and success of surgical treatment depends on whether shunt is extrahepatic or intrahepatic, the coexistence of primary hypoplasia of the portal vein, the extent of shunt attenuation, experience of the surgeon and the age of the dog at the time of diagnosis

    Web-based Bacterial Colony Labeling Environment

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    U uvodnom dijelu ovog rada ističe se važnost brojanja bakterijskih kolonija na području mikrobiologije i primjena u industriji. U narednom poglavlju prikazan je proces pripreme uzorka od prikupljanja, preko inkubiranja do brojanja. Objašnjava se metoda manualnog brojanja i ističu njezine mane. Prije implementacije web sučelja objašnjeni su alati i principi korišteni pri izradi kao i osnovna struktura web sučelja. Implementacijski dio uz prikaze koda objašnjava način rada aplikacije za manualno brojanje bakterija. Zadnje poglavlje fokusira se na testiranjeThe introductory part of this paper emphasizes the importance of counting bacterial colonies in the field of microbiology and its application in the industry. In the next chapter, a sample preparation process is presented, from collecting through incubation to counting. It explains the manual counting method and highlights its hive. Before implementation chapter, the tools and principles used in the design are explained and the basic structure of the web site is presented. The implementation section with code views explains the mode of operation. The last chapter focuses on testing

    Pan-European Study on the Prevalence of the Feline Leukaemia Virus Infection - Reported by the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD Europe)

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    Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) is a retrovirus associated with fatal disease in progressively infected cats. While testing/removal and vaccination led to a decreased prevalence of FeLV, recently, this decrease has reportedly stagnated in some countries. This study aimed to prospectively determine the prevalence of FeLV viraemia in cats taken to veterinary facilities in 32 European countries. FeLV viral RNA was semiquantitatively detected in saliva, using RT-qPCR as a measure of viraemia. Risk and protective factors were assessed using an online questionnaire to report geographic, demographic, husbandry, FeLV vaccination, and clinical data. The overall prevalence of FeLV viraemia in cats visiting a veterinary facility, of which 10.4% were shelter and rescue cats, was 2.3% (141/6005; 95% CI: 2.0%-2.8%) with the highest prevalences in Portugal, Hungary, and Italy/Malta (5.7%-8.8%). Using multivariate analysis, seven risk factors (Southern Europe, male intact, 1-6 years of age, indoor and outdoor or outdoor-only living, living in a group of ≥5 cats, illness), and three protective factors (Northern Europe, Western Europe, pedigree cats) were identified. Using classification and regression tree (CART) analysis, the origin of cats in Europe, pedigree, and access to outdoors were important predictors of FeLV status. FeLV-infected sick cats shed more viral RNA than FeLV-infected healthy cats, and they suffered more frequently from anaemia, anorexia, and gingivitis/stomatitis than uninfected sick cats. Most cats had never been FeLV-vaccinated; vaccination rates were indirectly associated with the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. In conclusion, we identified countries where FeLV was undetectable, demonstrating that the infection can be eradicated and highlighting those regions where awareness and prevention should be increased