23 research outputs found

    Uji Hemaglutinasi Assay pada Hemolimf Spodoptera exigua yang diberi Perlakuan Botani Pestisida

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    Abstract. The larval stage of the armyworm (Spodoptera exigua), has a high and polyphagous feeding activity so that these insects have the potential to be pests in agriculture. The use of botanical pesticides in this case Mirabilis jalapa, is expected to control agricultural pests so that research on the immune system of S. exigua larvae is carried out by observing lectins that play a role in analyzing foreign molecules that enter the insect's body. The results were obtained, the higher the M. jalapa concentration, at the concentration of M. jalapa 0.4% and 0.8%, the lower the hemolymf agglutination titers. This is thought to decrease the binding capacity of lectins to foreign molecules. So that M. jalapa has the potential to be used as an environmentally friendly botanical pesticide.Keywords: agricultural pests, botanical pesticides, lectin agglutination

    An Entomological Model for Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval

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    Identification of post-mortem interval started from the time when the dead body was found. The main question is to identify the time of death. In reality, the task is complicated since many local factors are involved in the process of decomposition. In most cases, the decomposition process is done by certain local insects that consume the biomass completely. This study uses a mathematical model for the post-mortem interval involving diptera and rabbit corpses as the biomass, based on experimental data from references. We formulate a type of logistic model with decaying carrying capacity only with diptera. The post-mortem interval is shown as the end period of consumption when larvae have entirely consumed the biomass. It is shown from the simulation that the decomposition lasts for 235 hours. The diptera are shown to disappear completely, leaving the remaining corpse after 120 hours

    Identifikasi Tipe Sel Hemosit Larva Serangga Trigona Sp (Hymenoptera : Apidae) dan Fungsinya Terhadap Pertahanan Tubuh

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    Tipe hemosit serangga telah banyak digambarkan, namun pengklasifikasian secara komperhensif masih sulit untuk dilakukan karena setiap individu serangga memiliki bentuk yang sangat berbeda pada berbagai kondisi. Secara umum tipe hemosit seranga dikelompokkan ke dalam enam jenis utama. Sel-sel itu adalah: prohemosit, plasmatosit, granulosit (yang mungkin sama seperti sistosit atau koagulosit), sel-sel spherule (spherulosit), oenositoid dan adipohemosit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe sel hemosit larva serangga Trigona sp yang telah dilaporkan berperan sebagai vektor penyebab penyakit darah pada tanaman pisang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Uji Hayati Serangga, Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Hemolimf diambil dari pembuluh darah pada bagian punggung menggunakan jarum yang halus (Haemotokrit-Kapillaren). Kemudian sampel hemolimf diteteskan pada kaca objek yang telah diberi larutan turk. Untuk penghitungan total hemosit (Total Hemocytes Count (THC)) dihitung menggunakan mikroskop cahaya (pembesaran 40 X). Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa larva Trigona sp memiliki 5 jenis hemosit, yaitu : Plasmatosit, Prohemosit, Oenositoid, Sel sperul dan Granulosit. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat lima jenis tipe hemosit larva serangga Trigona sp, yaitu : plasmatosit, prohemosit, oenositoid, sel sperul dan granulosit

    Banana Flower-Insect Interaction: Alpha-Pinene as Potential Attractant for the Insect Vector of Banana Blood Disease

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    Volatile metabolites are produced by plants for self-defense and as communication mediators with the environment. Terpenes are volatiles emitted as odorant cues for herbivores and microorganisms. This study was aimed to investigate volatile metabolites produced by banana flowers that attract insect vectors of BBD. The volatile metabolites from banana flowers were extracted by headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was apparent that the concentrations of the metabolite alpha-pinene gradually increased from the first to the the third stage. Comparison of metabolites produced by symptomatic banana male flowers for BBD infection with non-symptomatic ones showed that the concentration of alpha-pinene was higher in symptomatic male flowers. In addition, preference for alpha-pinene was tested on three insect vector species (Rhodesiella bhutanensis, Drosophila sp., and Musca sp.), analyzed by M. Anova p<0.001, F(1.5) =12.539 and Duncan test. Results showed that the insect vectors were mostly attracted to 20 µl volume of alpha-pinene compared to the other volumes and that alpha-pinene functioned as an attractant to these insects. This research is important for the formulation of attractants for insect vectors of BBD to control transmission of banana blood disease

    Perilaku dan Penentuan Oviposisi dari Parasitoid Telur Hadronotus leptocorisae (Hymenoptera) pada Telur Hama Bulir Padi Leptocorisa acuta (Hemiptera)

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    The research of behavior and host determination for the oviposition of egg parasitoid of Hadronotus leptocorisae on egg of the rice seed pests (Leptocorisa acuta) was carried out. H. leptocorisae collected from rice field were inserted into the tube containing of eggs of L. acuta which were divided into three group based on their ages; young eggs (0-1 days); mature eggs (2-3 days) and old eggs (4-5 days). The results showed that female H. leptocorisae prefer to oviposition on young eggs. Descriptive observation indicated that before eggs were laid, female H. leptocorisae inspect L. acuta eggs by rubbing of L. acuta eggs with its antenna and ovipositor. Furthermore, oviposition of H. leptocorisae eggs was begun by holing of L. acuta eggs and was followed by putting its eggs by its ovipositor. That behavior is its strategies to survive. The results of this study can contribute to answer pest L. acuta problems which are often found in rice fields. By the appropriate monitoring of L. acuta eggs in rice field, the disposal time of H. leptocorisae could be done effectively and efficiently.Key words: Hadronous leptocorisae; Leptocorisa acuta; egg parasitoid

    The effect of Paraquat Dichloride application on diversity and abundance of soil arthropods in the corn field

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    We investigated the effect of paraquat dichloride herbicide application on diversity and abundance of soil arthropods in a corn field. In addition to control (0 mL/L), four concentrations of paraquat dichloride were applied i.e. 3.33 mL / L, 4 mL / L, 4.66 mL / L and  5.33 mL / L. Sampling was carried out four times, namely at T0 (before tillage), T1 (after tillage), T2 (after spraying herbicides), and T3 (before harvesting) using a pitfall trap method. Soil arthropod samples were identified to the family level. The total number of individuals was then analyzed to obtain species richness, species dominance index, species diversity index and similarity index of Sorensen. The result showed that paraquat dichloride did not give any significant effect (p>0.05) on the number of individuals, species richness, species dominance index, diversity index and Sorensen similarity index of soil arthropods. The composition of soil arthropods in the control and in the treatment with the highest concentration shows a high level of similarity

    Combination Intervals Effects of Mirabilis jalapa Bioinsecticide and Metarhiziumanisopliae Entomopathogen Fungi Against Spodopteraexigua Larvae

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    Abstract—The application of biological pest management by combining Mirabilis jalapa as bioinsecticide and Metarhiziumanisopliae entomopathogen fungi has been shown to be toxic against Spodopteraexigua larvae in the laboratory. However, knowing of the combination interval has not been established, when S. exiguawas exposed M. jalapa followed by addition of M. anisopliae. There is a need to investigate where it carried out to study on the mortality of S. exigua, with combination intervals were 0 hours; 2 hours; 4 hours; and 6 hours with 48 hours of treatment. The result of treatments showed that the highest mortality level of S. exigua when M. jalapa was combined with the M. anisopliae entomopathogen fungi in a combination interval of 6 hours, resulting in mortality percentage of 87%. IndexTerms—Bioinsecticide, EntomopathogenFungi, Larvae, Mortalit

    Possibility of sap-feeding beetle, nitidulidae, as a spreading agent for blood disease bacterium on the banana plant

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    Banana blood disease (BBD) caused by blood disease bacterium (BDB) is one of the major diseases of Indonesian banana plants. The foraging activity of flower-visiting insects was suspected as the vectors of the disease. This study aims at analyzing the potential of the sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, as a vector of BDB. Beetle collection was done by using purposive sampling method on three cultivars of banana inflorescence: Nangka, Klutuk, and Siem. The bacterium was isolated from the outside and the inside of beetle tissues and was followed with bacterial DNA extraction. Confirmation of bacterial cell culture as BDB was conducted by biochemical assay and PCR using 16S rDNA oligonucleotide. The findings revealed that the beetle population in the three cultivars of banana cultivars was Nangka (66%), Siem (19%) and Klutuk (16%). According to the biochemical assay and PCR result, it has been found that the bacterial cell culture was found positive as BDB, which was putative 79% and homolog with BDB that is in accordance with the data provided by NCBI. Thereby, the discovery of BDB in sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, showed that the foraging activity has the potential as an agent of spreader of BDB in banana plants

    Possibility of SAP-Feeding Beetle, Nitidulidae, as a Spreding Agent for Blood Disease Bacterium on The Banana Plant

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    Banana blood disease (BBD) caused by blood disease bacterium (BDB) is one of the major diseases of Indonesian banana plants. The foraging activity of flower-visiting insects was suspected as the vectors of the disease. This study aims at analyzing the potential of the sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, as a vector of BDB. Beetle collection was done by using purposive sampling method on three cultivars of banana inflorescence: Nangka, Klutuk, and Siem. The bacterium was isolated from the outside and the inside of beetle tissues and was followed with bacterial DNA extraction. Confirmation of bacterial cell culture as BDB was conducted by biochemical assay and PCR using 16S rDNA oligonucleotide. The findings revealed that the beetle population in the three cultivars of banana cultivars was Nangka (66%), Siem (19%) and Klutuk (16%). According to the biochemical assay and PCR result, it has been found that the bacterial cell culture was found positive as BDB, which was putative 79% and homolog with BDB that is in accordance with the data provided by NCBI. Thereby, the discovery of BDB in sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, showed that the foraging activity has the potential as an agent of spreader of BDB in banana plants