101 research outputs found

    The Concept of the Luxury Branding in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Series Through Triadic Modes of Sign

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    This thesis mainly deals with the iconisation of signs and naturalisation process in order to reveal the way Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is naturalised as a luxury product. This thesis also involves analysis of the luxury branding concept through the analysis of a product which conceptualises its advertisement using the concept of luxury identifiers. The focus of the writer's analysis is the advertisements themselves as the writer will use the triadic modes of signs, naturalisation process, and the concept of luxury identifiers which also involves process of signification, and metaphor in its analysis. Those theories will help the writer in analysing the meaning of the advertisement first, and then figure out the aim of the luxury branding strategy in the product, then figure out how the expressions are used in the luxury concept of advertisement. The writer analyses the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which was published in 2015. From the analysis, the writer found out that the luxury branding strategy of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge utilises naturalisation process to naturalise the luxury identity of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which is a masstige product. Using that as a basis, the expressions in the advertisement focus on selling the idea that Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a luxury product which is an innovative idea designed for professionals and to display superiority within the social group. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge aims to provide the user with a display of social superiority within the social group through the consumption of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. In that regards, the user will be seen as a person who is wealthy, stand out in terms of taste, and a professional who is fully aware of the technology


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    ABSTRACT TIYO HERMAWAN. The influence of raw material inventory and goverment policy export ban 2011 to sale price of rattan in wood and furniture industry cooperative in 2007-2014, State University of Jakarta. 2015 This purpose of this research to determine the influence of raw material inventory and goverment policy export ban 2011 to sale price of rattan in wood and furniture industry cooperative in 2007-2014. This research use ekspos facto with quantitative approach. The type of data had been use secondary data. This data was obtained and extracted through the processing of the second party wood and furniture industry cooperative. Technique of data analysis used was, hypothesis testing, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression. Based on the results of data analysis it showed that: 1) Partially, raw material inventory affect the sale price with the results of data analysis showed that the t table 0.05. 2) Partially, goverment policy affect the sale price with the result of data analysis showed that ttabel < thitung (2,04523 < 2,740) and the value of variable significance 0.010 < 0.05. 3) Simultaneously, there is influence between raw material inventory and government policy with the results of data analysis showed that Fcount > F table (121,830 > 3,327654). The R Square value of the independent variable in this study is equal to 0.894 which showed the contribution and influence of members and business volume of added value of cooperation in the ten provinces of Sumatra is 89.4%. Keywords: Raw Material Inventory, Government Policy, Sale Pric

    Perkembangan Pendidikan Kolonial di Gemeente Probolinggo Tahun 1918-1942

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    Education and society, both are related to each other, and alongside the development of educations can affect the dynamism of society life. In Ethical Politics programme, Gemeente Probolinggo take part as for building western elementary and advance schools for colonial education purpose that the Goverment of Hollands-Indie want so they could get educated labor at low prices. Behind all the purposes that the Goverment of Hollands-Indie hoped for, in its empirical condition, those purposes bring up another substance in Gemeente Probolinggo society and that is the education has created a social mobility in Gemeente Probolinggo society. The formulation of the problem which is the basis of research in this study is about how the development of colonialeducation and the education mapping in Gemeente Probolinggo at 1918-1942, and about the relation between social mobility of Gemeente Probolinggo society and colonial educations that the government of Hollands-Indie held. This study used a historical research’s methods that consisting four phases, first process is heuristic, is the collection of sources obtained from the East Java Regional Library and Archive Service, the Probolinggo Library and Archives Service, the University of state Surabaya Library, etc. The second process is the criticism of the source of the test and verification of sources acquired. The third process is interpretation, as for interpreting the data that has been obtained and has been verified. The last process is historiography, which is writing the results of historical research in chronological and analytical order. The result obtained indicate that the development of education in Gemeente Probolinggo has increased based on statistics on the number of students in the colonial education facilities that had been provided, accounting for an increase of up to 16% or about 18.335 students in all primary schools both indegeneous and western schools in 1932 compared to the student population in 1930 with a total of 13.864 students, and by the increase in the number, there is possibility that in Gemeente Probolinggo there is social mobility through education as the medium. In this case the category is sponsor social mobility in vertical social mobility of society type (Turner theory), which the title of nobility is not only obtained based on lineage, but alse changed based on education graduates or jobs owned also their position in their job. The development on education is used by people with middle to lower social strata to be able to take education, become educated graduates, then could serve in goverment circles or work and has position in private companies. Therefore, the provision of colonial education has given birth to a new group of people in Gemeente Probolinggo whose called the new priyayi.Keywords: Colonial Education, Gemeente Probolinggo, Social Mobility

    Stratifikasi Sosial Dalam Pendidikan di Probolinggo Pada Era Kolonial Belanda

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    This study aims to explore social stratification in education during the Dutch colonial era in Probolinggo. Previous studies have shown that various educational policies implemented by the Dutch in Probolinggo were intended to prepare administrative and manual labor workers who would play an important role in building the economy. However, these policies have actually resulted in unfair social stratification in society. Although native education offered opportunities to obtain an education, these schools were established with a specific purpose: to meet the needs of manual labor workers for the benefit of Dutch capital. Native education mostly provided basic skills needed to work in specific sectors. This study was conducted using a historical approach consisting of heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography stages. The results confirm that Dutch colonial education policies in Probolinggo not only produced manual labor workers but also strengthened the position of the Dutch East Indies government.Keywords: Social Stratification, Education, Probolinggo, Dutch Colonial


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    The general aim was to assess the effectiveness of transboundary collaboration in the contiguously adjoining protected areas of Virunga massive. The specific objectives were, a) to identify the role of different stakeholders in the management of transboundary collaboration, b) to assess the level of collaboration between the three authorities and governments, c) to assess the participation of local communities in planning and management of the natural resources, and d) to establish the effectiveness of the approach in managing natural resources. The study employed both the primary and the secondary data sources. The questionnaires were used to collect data from officers and the discussion with relevant officials was conducted. A total 90 local community members were interviewed from the three countries. The secondary data were collectedfrom management of Mgahinga National Park, Parc Nationaux des Volcano of Rwanda, Parc National des Virunga IGCP staff and crossection of protected areas stakeholders and government institutions of the three countries. The Results indicated that regarding the collaborative management between the three authorities, it was found out that information exchange and joint patrol were the major activities. By 2003, in Ugandapoaching had reduced to 1 case and the wire snare to 54 which accountedfor 2.3% and 8.8% respectively from the 23.3% and 19.6% in 1997. However the figures in Rwanda reduce slightly due to the security situation. It was also discovered that the local communities of DR. Congo and Rwanda were highly involved inplanning of conservation activities that the case with Uganda

    Efficiency of Islamic Banking Compared to Conventional Banking: Evidence from Indonesia Banking Sector

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    Abstract - Islamic banks today have rapid growth around the world. According to Solé (2007), Islamic banks exist not only in the countries that have a majority Muslim population, but also countries where Muslim are not predominant. From Indonesian Banking Statistics data in 2004-2013, Islamic banks have higher LDR than conventional banks. The main issue in this research is whether Islamic banks can maintain their efficiency while they increasing their performance. The hypothesis of this research is the efficiency of Islamic banking is higher and statistically significantly different from conventional banking. This research uses output-oriented VRS DEA model with asset approach to measure efficiency. Then, Mann-Whitney test used to compare the DEA results since the results show non-parametric data. Lastly, Spearman’s correlation will be applied in order to analyze the relationship between loans to deposit ratio with the efficiency of both types of the bank. The DEA and Mann-Whitney test results prove that Islamic banking is significantly different and more efficient than conventional banks in the period of 2004-2013. It proved by DEA results in 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. In these years, Islamic banks are statistically significant more efficient than conventional banks. Then this result was supported by single-multi year efficiency that proved that Islamic banks are significantly different and more efficient than conventional banks. The Spearman’s correlation findings identifies there is significant correlation between LDR and efficiency of both types of bank at significance level 0.01. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient is 0.293, which means there is a weak relationship between LDR and efficiency of both types of the bank. This research’s results can be used as consideration for the government to assign Islamic banks to support real sector since Islamic banks allocate most of their fund to financing (lending) products. Furthermore, intermediary and production approach can be considered to apply in the future research to get better insight. The lack of explanation why Islamic banking is significantly different and more efficient than conventional banking can be a topic of the future research. Keywords: asset approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), efficiency, Islamic bank

    The efficacy of coordinating role of the state ministry of cabinet affairs: a case study - Jonglei State, South Sudan

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    The research attempts to investigate the effectiveness of coordination in the State Ministry of Cabinet Affairs (SMCA), Jonglei State government, South Sudan. The objectives of the study were to identify coordination functions of the state Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, challenges and its role in promoting ethics and good governance in service delivery in Jonglei State. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected from a sample of twenty one respondents which included the State Deputy Governor, Directors of SMCA and Secretariat through questionnaires and interviews. This explored the functions; roles; and its organizational hierarchy which promotes ethical delivery of services and good governance. The study further discusses the levels of the implementation processes and the possible challenges facing SMCA. The results of the study reveal that the SMCA lacks qualified staff, unclear job descriptions and as a result it impinges on coordination and implementation of strategic plans and service delivery within the directorates. The study therefore recommends that for effective and efficient service delivery in promoting ethics and good governance, training of the human resource, recruitment of competent staff, clear job descriptions, regular performance appraisal and effective communication among others are paramount. The study further recommends that gender equality and equity should be addressed in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the community


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the Indonesian government to issue a PSBB (Large-Scale&nbsp;Social&nbsp;Restriction)&nbsp;policy.&nbsp;The&nbsp;implementation&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;policy&nbsp;has&nbsp;the&nbsp;risk&nbsp;of&nbsp;causing&nbsp;mental&nbsp;health&nbsp;disorders in adolescents, especially middle teens who like to be in groups with their peers.&nbsp;Therefore, early detection of adolescent mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic needs to be&nbsp;done&nbsp;to&nbsp;prevent&nbsp;and&nbsp;deal&nbsp;with&nbsp;disorders&nbsp;that&nbsp;can&nbsp;occur&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescent&nbsp;growth&nbsp;and&nbsp;development.&nbsp;This&nbsp;study aims to identify the mental health of adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMA&nbsp;Negeri 1 Pematang Raya, Simalungun Regency. The population of this study were all students of&nbsp;SMA Negeri 1 Pematang Raya, totaling 1024 with a total sample of 288 people. The sample was&nbsp;determined by simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used was a modified&nbsp;Strength and Dificulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The results of this study indicate that&nbsp;in the&nbsp;weakness domain which consists of 4 subdomains namely emotional problems, behavior problems,&nbsp;hyperactivity, and relationship problems with peers, as many as 124 adolescents (43.1%) are at&nbsp;risk for experiencing relationship&nbsp;problems&nbsp;with&nbsp;peers&nbsp;during&nbsp;the&nbsp;pandemic. &nbsp


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    Umumnya robot Autonomous Multiplatform didesain untuk negara yang secara geografis rawan terhadap bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami, termasuk Indonesia. Ketika terjadi bencana alam, korban harus segera mendapat pertolongan dan perawatan untuk menghindari jumlah kematian yang lebih besar. Oleh karena itu robot yang dapat bergerak mencari dan menemukan letak korban dan dapat bermanuver diantara reruntuhan akibat bencana, sangat diperlukan untuk membantu tugas dari Tim SAR. Robot iSRo (intellegent search robot) adalah robot dengan desain mekanisme baru yang merupakan gabungan dari dua sistem mekanisme beroda dan berkaki. Sistem mekanisme ini akan meningkatkan kemampuan bermanuver dari robot di medan bencana yang sulit dijangkau oleh manusia. Robot memiliki dua sistem pengoperasian, yaitu dioperasikan secara manual melalui joystick dan secara autonomous. Sensor ultrasonik akan digunakan untuk mendeteksi halangan yang ada disekitar robot. Robot dilengkapi dengan kamera untuk navigasi dan mengetahui posisi keberadaan robot. Sistem Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) menggunakan Xbee Pro yang beroperasi pada frekuensi 2,4 GHz. Dengan daya jangkau 300 meter pada area terbuka. Setiap gerakan dari kontrol Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) akan disesuaikan dengan simulasi pada software Webots 5.10. Dengan memberikan kecerdasan berupa primitive behavior, pengujian mobilitas dan performa yang dilakukan oleh robot iSRo dapat menghindari beberapa rintangan seperti tanjakan, jalan berbatu, tanah, ruang sempit, dengan dioperasikan secara manual dan autonomous. Keyword : Remotely Operated Vehicle, Xbee Pro, Rescue Robot, RO


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair share untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis pantun siswa sekolah dasar di salah satu sekolah dasar negeri di Kecamatan Sukajadi Kota Bandung. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini secara umum yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan menulis pantun dengan model think pair share pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas IV. Alasan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah karena rendahnya keterampilan siswa dalam menulis pantun yang masih dibawah KKM dan hasil dari tes kemampuan awal yang menunjukan bahwa siswa tidak dapat menulis pantun berdasarkan ciri-ciri pantun dan pemilihan kata yang digunakan masih berdasarkan buku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas, dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu nilai rata-rata kelas pada setiap siklus. pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata yaitu 74,9 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar kelas sebesar 63,3% dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh yaitu 84,6 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar kelas sebesar 86,7%. Kesimpulannya, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair share dapat diterapkan dikelas dalam jumlah besar namun berjumlah genap. Keterampilan menulis pantun siswa mengalami peningkatan setelah menerapkan model think pair share. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa dalam setiap siklusnya. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dapat disarankan kepada para guru dan pihak sekolah lainnya untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think pair share yang mampu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis pantun siswa kelas IV. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share, Keterampilan Menulis Pantun. This research discusses about the implementation of cooperative learning model types think pair share to improve the traditional poetry writing skills of elementary school students in the one of elementary public school in Sukajadi, District Bandung. The general purpose of this research is to know the enhancement of the traditional poetry writing skills with models think pair share on Indonesian lesson in 4TH Grade Elementary School Students. The reason this research cause to low student skills in writing traditional poetry that is still below the minimum completeness criteria and the results of initial tests showed that the ability students can not write a traditional poetry based on the characteristics of traditional poetry and used the words are based on books. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research, consist of two cycles. Each cycle consists of stages: planning, action, observation and reflection. The results obtained are the average value of classes in each cycle. On the first cycle obtained average value is 74.9 with class learning completeness percentage of 63.3% and in the second cycle the average value obtained is 84.6 with class learning completeness percentage of 86.7%. In conclusion, the implementation of learning by applying cooperative learning model types think pair share class can be applied in large amounts but even number. The traditional poetry writing skills of students has increased after applying the model of think pair share. This is evidenced by the increasing student learning outcomes in each cycle. Based on these findings, it can be suggested to teachers and other school authorities to implement cooperative learning model types think pair share can improve the traditional poetry writing skills in 4TH Grade Elementary School Students Keywords: Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Share. The traditional poetry Writing Skills
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