547 research outputs found

    Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Papan Semen Dari Limbah Industri Pensil Dengan Berbagai Rasio Bahan Baku Dan Target Kerapatan

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    Pemanfaatan limbah industri serutan pensil belum banyak dikembangkan. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kelayakan teknis limbah industri serutan pensil sebagai bahan baku papan semen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk: menentukan rasio semen-partikel dan target kerapatan terbaik terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan semen yang dihasilkan; mengevaluasi pengaruh rasio bahan baku dan target kerapatan terhadap kualitas papan semen. Rasio bahan baku yang digunakan adalah 80:20, dan 85:15. Target kerapatan yang ditetapkan adalah 1 g/cm3 dan 1,2 g/cm3. Katalis yang digunakan sebagai akselerator adalah magnesium klorida (MgCl2). Papan ditekan dengan kempa dingin pada 25 kg/cm2 selama 10 menit. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan dua tahap proses pengerasan papan semen. Tahap pertama proses pengerasan papan kering udara selama 4-5 hari dan dilanjutkan dengan pengovenan papan semen selama 24 jam pada suhu 50oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai sifat fisis yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar JIS A 5417-1992. Efek rasio semen-partikel pada kekuatan menunjukkan bahwa rasio 85:15 sangat baik dibandingkan dengan rasio 80:20. Target kerapatan terbaik adalah 1,2 g/cm3

    Penghilangan Tinta Kertas Koran Bekas Dalam Pembuatan Papan Komposit Plastik

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    The objective of this research were to evaluate the effect of paper deinking on physical and mechanical properties of plastic composite board (fiber plastic composite). Deinking process using detergents with a concentration of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. Clean pulp produced an acceptable material, while lathering ink that leaves the pulp was an rejected ingredient. The resulting composite board tested and their mechanical and physical properties compared to standard JIS A 5905-2003 hardboard S20 and JIS A 5908-2003 particleboards type 13. The results showed that the value of the density, moisture content, water absorption, thickness swelling, MOE, MOR, and IB were respectively from 0,61-0,69; 4,58-5,93; 29,62-39.81; 5,09-9,89; 0,96-1,22; 6,56-8,70; and 0,77-0,98. Testing that fulfill the standard requirement were testing the density, thickness swelling, and internal bond

    Radiogenomics in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: correlations between advanced CT imaging (texture analysis) and microRNAs expression

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    Purpose: A relevant challenge for the improvement of clear cell renal cell carcinoma management could derive from the identification of novel molecular biomarkers that could greatly improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment choice of these neoplasms. In this study, we investigate whether quantitative parameters obtained from computed tomography texture analysis may correlate with the expression of selected oncogenic microRNAs. Methods: In a retrospective single-center study, multiphasic computed tomography examination (with arterial, portal, and urographic phases) was performed on 20 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma and computed tomography texture analysis parameters such as entropy, kurtosis, skewness, mean, and standard deviation of pixel distribution were measured using multiple filter settings. These quantitative data were correlated with the expression of selected microRNAs (miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-185-5p, miR-221-3p, miR-145-5p). Both the evaluations (microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis) were performed on matched tumor and normal corticomedullar tissues of the same patients cohort. Results: In this pilot study, we evidenced that computed tomography texture analysis has robust parameters (eg, entropy, mean, standard deviation) to distinguish normal from pathological tissues. Moreover, a higher coefficient of determination between entropy and miR-21-5p expression was evidenced in tumor versus normal tissue. Interestingly, entropy and miR-21-5p show promising correlation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma opening to a radiogenomic strategy to improve clear cell renal cell carcinoma management. Conclusion: In this pilot study, a promising correlation between microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis has been found in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. A clear cell renal cell carcinoma can benefit from noninvasive evaluation of texture parameters in adjunction to biopsy results. In particular, a promising correlation between entropy and miR-21-5p was found

    Chemical strategies for dendritic magneto-plasmonic nanostructures applied to surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

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    Chemical analyses in the field using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) protocols are expected to be part of several analytical procedures applied to water quality monitoring. To date, these endeavors have been supported by developments in SERS substrate nanofabrication, instrumentation portability, and the internet of things. Here, we report distinct chemical strategies for preparing magneto-plasmonic (Fe3 O4  : Au) colloids, which are relevant in the context of trace-level detection of water contaminants due to their inherent multifunctionality. The main objective of this research is to investigate the role of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers (PAMAMs) in the preparation of SERS substrates integrating both functionalities into single nanostructures. Three chemical routes were investigated to design magneto-plasmonic nanostructures that translate into different ways for assessing SERS detection by using distinct interfaces. Hence, a series of magneto-plasmonic colloids have been characterized and then assessed for their SERS activity by using a model pesticide (thiram) dissolved in aqueous samples.publishe

    Colloidal dendritic nanostructures of gold and silver for SERS analysis of water pollutants

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    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) using colloidal metal (Ag, Au) nanoparticles has been regarded as a powerful method for detecting organic pollutants at vestigial levels. Although less investi- gated, the controlled synthesis of binary nanostructures comprising two metals provides an alternative route to SERS platforms with tuned surface plasmon resonances. Here, we demonstrate that the use of dendrimers allows the formation of distinct combinations of Ag:Au nanostructures that are composed of smaller metal nanocrystals. Our research highlights the role of the dendrimer macromolecules as a multipurpose ligand in the generation of such hybrid nanostructure, including as a reducing agent, an effective long-term colloidal stabilizer and as a molecular glue for interconnecting the primary metal nanocrystals. Noteworthy, the dendrimer-based Ag:Au hybrid nanostructures are more SERS sensitive as compared to the corresponding colloidal blends or to the single-phase metals, as revealed by using molecular pesticides as analytes in spiked water samples. We suggest that the high SERS sensitivity of the hybrid nanostructures is due to interparticle plasmonic coupling occurring between the primary metal nanoparticle aggregates, whose arrangement is templated by the presence of the dendrimer macromolecules.publishe

    Structure and photoactivity for hydrogen production of CdS nanorods modified with In, Ga, Ag-In and Ag-Ga and prepared by solvothermal method

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    This work studies the variation in the photocatalytic properties of CdS derived from the insertion of In, Ga, Ag-In and Ag-Ga in the CdS lattice through solvothermal methodology. Solvothermal synthesis of CdS-M photocatalysts has been succesful for the insertion of Ga3þ, In3þ, Ga3þ/Agþ and In3þ/Agþ into the hexagonal crystal lattice of one-dimensional CdS. The insertion of In, Ga, Ag-In and Ag-Ga modifies the band gap and the relative position of EVB. CdS modified with In3þ or Ga3þ shows an increase in the band gap and upshift in the relative position of the valence band energy which leads to a low efficiency hydrogen production. The co-addition of Agþ-In3þ or Agþ-Ga3þ favours the insertion of Agþ ions into the CdS lattice with narrower band gap. Of all the co-substituted photocatalysts, the CdS-AgGa was the only one that showed a higher photoactivity with respect to the CdS. The increase in the photoactivity of the CdS-AgGa photocatalyst is related to the band gap narrowing and downshift in the relative position of the valence band energy which enhance their visible light absorption and potential for oxidation. The CdS-AgGa photocatalyst shows small segregation of metallic Ag nanoparticles at the surface which also assist in the photoactivity of the sample.publishe


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    PEMBINAAN NARAPIDANA YANG MENGALAMI GANGGUAN JIWADI LEMBAGA PEMASYARAKATAN Agusriadi Dahlan Ali Suhaimi ABSTRAKLembaga Pemasyarakatan sebelumnya disebut Penjara adalah tempat orang-orang yang melakukan kriminalitas dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya agar mereka dapat menyadari kesalahannya dan mempertanggungjawabkan apa yang telah mereka perbuat. Hukuman yang mereka terima sebagai balasan yang setimpal terhadap perbuatan mereka, meskipun nilai-nilai kemanusiaan beserta hak asasinya kurang diperhatikan. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan merupakan tempat yang stressfull atau menekan yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap fisik dan kejiwaan (psikologi) seseorang ditambah kecemasan yang berlebihan sehingga muncul depresi yang mengakibatkan seseorang melakukan bunuh diri. Akibat stress melahirkan depresi dan depresi biasanya akan terjadi kegoncangan kejiwaan yang luar biasa yang dapat mengakibatkan seseorang menjadi tidak waras (gila). Undang-Undang No.12/1995 tentang Lembaga Pemasyarakatan maupun Peraturan Pemerintah No. 99 Tahun 2012 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 1999 tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Hak Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan tidak menjelaskan ketentuan terhadap narapidana yang gila di dalam lapas sebagaimana yang pernah terjadi di Lapas Kelas II-A Lambaro, Aceh Besar dan Rutan Klas I Tanjung Gusta, Medan. Selanjutnya yang bersangkutan dikirim ke Lapas Kelas Klass II-B Meulaboh tanggal 27 Januari 2014. Selama tujuh hari di Lapas Klass II-B Meulaboh Zabir bin Ilyas kemudian di titipkan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Banda Aceh karena penyakitnya sudah mencapai stadium empat untuk mendapatkan perawatan dan penyembuhan kejiwaannya. Bagaimanakah pengaturan dan pembinaan terhadap narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Kemudian bagaimanakah kepastian hukum bagi narapidana yang sedang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan, dan bagaimana status hukum bagi narapidana yang sembuh dari gangguan kejiwaan. Penelitian dan pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaturan dan pembinaan terhadap narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dalam Lapas dan mengidentifikasi kepastian hukum bagi narapidana yang sedang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan serta mengetahui status hukum bagi narapidana yang sembuh dari gangguan kejiwaan.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptis analisis dalam rangka untuk menemukan aturan hukum, prinsip-prinsip hukum, norma maupun doktrin-doktrin hukum dengan pendekatan undang-undang, kasus. Sumber data adalah data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengaturan tentang perawatan narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Indonesia belum diatur, baik dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Lembaga Pemasyarakatan maupun PP No. 99 Tahun 2012 tentang PP No. 99 Tahun 2012 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas PP No.32 Tahun 1999 tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Hak Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan. Namun bila narapidana sakit atau gangguan kesehatan lainnya yang tidak termasuk gangguan kejiwaan ada aturan tentang perawatan medis. Adapun mengenai narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Indonesia hingga kini belum ada kepastian hukum karena kasus seperti ini sangat langka terjadi di Indonesia. Pihak otoritas hanya menggunakan hak diskresi yang dimilikinya untuk menyelesaikan kasus tersebut sebagaimana terjadi di Lapas Porong Surabaya. Tetapi di Aceh kasus ini baru pertama kali terjadi yang dialami Zabir bin Ilyas pada tahun 2014. Pimpinan Lapas memutuskan memasukkan Zabir bin Ilyas ke Rumah Sakit Jiwa Banda Aceh. Terkait status hukum narapidana yang sembuh dari gangguan kejiwaan masih tetap sebagai tersangka (ditahan). Tidak ada keringanan hukuman apalagi sampai dibebaskan sebelum masa hukuman habis dijalankan. Hingga kini tidak ada satupun aturan yang mengatur baik secara implisit maupun ekplisit yang mengatur tentang narapidana yang sembuh dari penyakit kejiwaan (gila).Disarankan kepada Pemerintah agar merevisi Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan memasukkan salah satu pasal yang mengatur mengenai narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Agar terwujudnya kepastian hukum di Indonesia mengenai narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dalam lebaga pemasyarakatan untuk membuat regulasi legal baik berupa undang-undang khusus atau melalui Peraturan Pemerintah. Kemudian disarankan agar narapidana yang mengalami gangguan kejiwaan dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dapat dibebaskan dan dikembalikan ke keluarganya atau dimasukkan ke rumah sakit jiwa hingga sembuh.Kata Kunci : Pembinaan, Narapidana, Gangguan Jiwa, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.Banda Ace

    The PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence

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    We describe the PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact-object binary coalescences in advanced gravitational-wave detector data. The search was used in the first Advanced LIGO observing run and unambiguously identified two black hole binary mergers, GW150914 and GW151226. At its core, the PyCBC search performs a matched-filter search for binary merger signals using a bank of gravitational-wave template waveforms. We provide a complete description of the search pipeline including the steps used to mitigate the effects of noise transients in the data, identify candidate events and measure their statistical significance. The analysis is able to measure false-alarm rates as low as one per million years, required for confident detection of signals. Using data from initial LIGO's sixth science run, we show that the new analysis reduces the background noise in the search, giving a 30% increase in sensitive volume for binary neutron star systems over previous searches.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Green synthesis of carbon nanotubes impregnated with metallic nanoparticles: Characterization and application in glyphosate adsorption

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    In the present work, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as support material for the impregnation of metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) produced by green synthesis. The influences of the plant extracts (pomegranate (Punica Granatum), Eucalyptus, and pecan (Carya illinoinensis, leaves), metal species (copper and iron), metallic concentrations, and type of functionalization (OH and COOH) on the characteristics of the obtained materials were studied. The precursor and impregnated MWCNTs were characterized through X-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, point of charge, N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. All the synthesized materials were tested as adsorbents to remove glyphosate (GLY) in an aqueous medium. The MWCNTs were resistant to withstand the synthesis process, preserving its structure and morphological characteristics. The copper and iron on the surface of MWCNTS confirm the successful synthesis and impregnation of the MNPs. The MWCNTs impregnated with high metallic concentrations showed favorable adsorption of GLY. The adsorption capacity and percentage of removal were 21.17 mg g−1 and 84.08%, respectively, for the MWCNTs impregnated with iron MNPs using the pecan leaves as a reducing agent. The results indicated that an advanced adsorbent for GLY could be obtained by green synthesis, using MWCNTs as precursors and pecan leaves as a reducing agent
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