32 research outputs found

    Effects of whole grain rye crisp bread for breakfast on appetite and energy intake in a subsequent meal: two randomised controlled trails with different amounts of test foods and breakfast energy content

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    BACKGROUND: Fibre-rich rye products have been shown to have superior effects on self-reported appetite compared to white wheat bread and some studies have shown lower energy intake after subsequent meal. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of whole grain rye crisp bread (RB) versus refined wheat bread (WB) on appetite in two studies using different portion sizes and total energy intakes. METHODS: Two randomised cross-over pre-load studies were conducted in 20 and 21 subjects, respectively. Appetite was rated by visual analogue scale (VAS) for 4 h. In both studies, participants were 39 ± 14 years old and had BMI 23 ± 3. The studies differed in terms of energy content of the breakfasts and proportion of energy from the treatment product as well as amount of test products. Differences between treatments within the two studies were evaluated using mixed models with repeated measures appropriate for cross-over designs. RESULTS: In Study one, hunger and desire to eat were significantly lower (P < 0.05) after RB compared with WB, but there were no difference for fullness or difference in energy intake at lunch served ad libitum. In Study two, the portion size was lower than in Study one and the test product constituted a larger proportion of the breakfast. Fullness was significantly higher after RB compared with WB (P < 0.05) and hunger, desire to eat as well as energy intake at lunch were significantly lower (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Whole grain rye crisp bread caused lower self-reported hunger, higher fullness and less desire to eat compared to refined wheat bread. It also led to a lower energy intake after an ad libitum lunch. Results were stronger and/or more consistent when the test meal portion was smaller and accounted for a larger proportion of the total energy intake of the breakfast

    Evaluation of acute appetite effects of crisp bread of rye

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    Fibre rich rye products have been shown to have superior effects on appetite compared to white wheat bread through mediation of prolonged feelings of fullness, less hunger and less desire to eat. Moreover, consumption of rye products compared to white wheat bread has resulted in lower energy intake after a subsequent meal. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the acute effects of a commercial crisp rye bread on appetite in terms of hunger, fullness and desire to eat in a four hour perspective, com-pared to a white wheat bread reference as part of a breakfast. The energy intake after an ad libitum lunch was also evaluated. The analysis is based on results from two randomised cross-over studies. Appetite was rated by visual analogue scales. In total, 20 and 21 subjects completed the studies, respec-tively. The participants were 25-53 years old and had BMI 20-26. The studies differed in terms of total energy content of the breakfasts and proportion of energy coming from the treatment product. Differences between breakfasts within the two studies were evaluated using mixed models with repeated measures appropriate for cross-over designs. Study 1 showed a lower perceived hunger and desire to eat after eating the rye break-fast, while effects on fullness were less pronounced. This is likely due to the high energy content of the breakfast or the lower proportion of test product masking the difference in effect on appetite. In Study 2 the energy content of the breakfast was lower than in Study 1 and the test product constituted a larger proportion of the breakfast. Results showed significantly high-er perceived fullness, less hunger and less desire to eat as well as a lower energy intake at lunch after eating the rye breakfast compared to the control. Rye crisp bread affects satiety through contributing to lower perceived hunger, higher perceived fullness and less desire to eat in a four hour perspective compared to a wheat reference bread. It also led to a lower energy intake after an ad libitum lunch, which may be the result of positive effects on appetite

    Environmental shaping of codon usage and functional adaptation across microbial communities.

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    Microbial communities represent the largest portion of the Earth's biomass. Metagenomics projects use high-throughput sequencing to survey these communities and shed light on genetic capabilities that enable microbes to inhabit every corner of the biosphere. Metagenome studies are generally based on (i) classifying and ranking functions of identified genes; and (ii) estimating the phyletic distribution of constituent microbial species. To understand microbial communities at the systems level, it is necessary to extend these studies beyond the species' boundaries and capture higher levels of metabolic complexity. We evaluated 11 metagenome samples and demonstrated that microbes inhabiting the same ecological niche share common preferences for synonymous codons, regardless of their phylogeny. By exploring concepts of translational optimization through codon usage adaptation, we demonstrated that community-wide bias in codon usage can be used as a prediction tool for lifestyle-specific genes across the entire microbial community, effectively considering microbial communities as meta-genomes. These findings set up a 'functional metagenomics' platform for the identification of genes relevant for adaptations of entire microbial communities to environments. Our results provide valuable arguments in defining the concept of microbial species through the context of their interactions within the community

    Murine Polyomavirus Virus-Like Particles Carrying Full-Length Human PSA Protect BALB/c Mice from Outgrowth of a PSA Expressing Tumor

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) consist of capsid proteins from viruses and have been shown to be usable as carriers of protein and peptide antigens for immune therapy. In this study, we have produced and assayed murine polyomavirus (MPyV) VLPs carrying the entire human Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (PSA-MPyVLPs) for their potential use for immune therapy in a mouse model system. BALB/c mice immunized with PSA-MPyVLPs were only marginally protected against outgrowth of a PSA-expressing tumor. To improve protection, PSA-MPyVLPs were co-injected with adjuvant CpG, either alone or loaded onto murine dendritic cells (DCs). Immunization with PSA-MPyVLPs loaded onto DCs in the presence of CpG was shown to efficiently protect mice from tumor outgrowth. In addition, cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization were examined. PSA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ cells were demonstrated, but no PSA-specific IgG antibodies. Vaccination with DCs loaded with PSA-MPyVLPs induced an eight-fold lower titre of anti-VLP antibodies than vaccination with PSA-MPyVLPs alone. In conclusion, immunization of BALB/c mice with PSA-MPyVLPs, loaded onto DCs and co-injected with CpG, induces an efficient PSA-specific tumor protective immune response, including both CD4+ and CD8+ cells with a low induction of anti-VLP antibodies

    En undersökning om lÀrares, speciallÀrares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om dyskalkyli

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    Min studie förvĂ€ntas bidra med kunskap om hur speciallĂ€rare, specialpedagoger och grundskollĂ€rare uppfattar begreppet dyskalkyli samt hur de strukturerar undervisningen för eleverna. Studiens syfte Ă€r att öka kunskapen om vilka olika utgĂ„ngspunkter det finns bland lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger för att förstĂ„ dyskalkyli. Jag vill Ă€ven med studien skapa en bild över de olika sĂ€tt lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger arbetar med elever med dyskalkyli, sĂ„ att deras matematiska kunskapsutveckling blir sĂ„ god som möjligt. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt för undersökningen stĂ€ller jag tvĂ„ övergripande frĂ„gor:‱Hur beskrivs begreppet dyskalkyli av lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare/specialpedagoger i nĂ„gra grundskolor?‱Hur strukturerar lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger sitt arbete med fokus pĂ„ diagnos, kartlĂ€ggning och undervisning? Det har genomförts ett flertal forskningsprojekt gĂ€llande dyskalkyli. Vid genomgĂ„ng av avhandlingar och vetenskapliga artiklar rörande dyskalkyli kan jag konstatera att det framförallt finns tre olika teoretiska perspektiv; ‱Det medicinska perspektivet, vilket pĂ„stĂ„r att dyskalkyli har neurobiologiska orsaker (Butterworth & Yeo, 2011; Klingberg, 2011)). ‱Det psykologiska perspektivet, som enligt Adler (2007) och Östergren (2013) Ă€r att diagnosen stĂ€lls med hjĂ€lp av psykologiska test som avslöjar kognitiva svĂ„righeter att lĂ€ra sig matematik. ‱Det pedagogiska perspektivet som innebĂ€r att dyskalkyli diagnostiseras med hjĂ€lp av kartlĂ€ggning, betyg, provresultat och testintervjuer dĂ€r endast skolĂ€mnet matematik visar icke godkĂ€nda resultat. Skagerlund (2016), JimĂ©nez-FernĂĄndez (2016), Dowker och Morris (2017), Witzel och Mize (2018) samt Karlsson (2019)Jag har valt att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n ovanstĂ„ende perspektiv i analysen av empirin. Mitt val av teorier om kognitivismen och den kognitiva kunskapssynsĂ€tten pĂ„ lĂ€rande Ă€r med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n Piagets tankar om inlĂ€rning och ett integrerat specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Studien Ă€r inspirerad av en fenomenologisk ansats dĂ„ jag Ă€r intresserad av att lyfta fram informanternas tankar och upplevelser kring dyskalkyli. Genomförandet har skett i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer frĂ„n fyra informanter, varifrĂ„n olika intressanta teman lyfts fram och analyserats. Ett av resultaten i studien visar att tre av fyra informanter anser att kartlĂ€ggning och utredning för att upptĂ€cka elever med dyskalkyli eller i andra matematiksvĂ„righeter Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig. En-till-en undervisning föresprĂ„kades av informanterna som menade att detta Ă€r en effektiv undervisningsmetod som gynnar elever med dyskalkyli. Alla informanter anvĂ€nde laborativt material för att hjĂ€lpa eleverna pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt. Föreliggande studie riktar fokus mot hur en specialpedagogisk undervisning kan planeras och struktureras för elever med dyskalkyli. Specialpedagogik handlar i hög grad om att bidra till att undanröja hinder i lĂ€randemiljön. UtifrĂ„n resultatet tycks det vara betydelsefullt att elever med dyskalkyli fĂ„r möta undervisning som kompenserar för t.ex. kognitiva svĂ„righeter. De specialpedagogiska insatserna ska pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l organisations- som grupp- och individnivĂ„ jĂ€msides med andra insatser öka elevernas mĂ„luppfyllelse i matematiken. Min slutsats blir att det bĂ„de krĂ€vs insatser i undervisningen och handledningsinsatser i samarbete med övriga aktörer

    Undervisning i förskolan : En fenomenografisk studie om vÄrdnadshavares kvalitativt skilda sÀtt att uppfatta vad undervisning i förskolan Àr.

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    The preschool curriculum of 2018 declares that preschool teachers must plan and carry out teaching with the preschool children. Previously, research has mainly focused on how principals and preschool teachers perceive the concept of teaching in relation to the preschool.  In Swedish preschool, most of the children between the age one and five participate, behind each of the children there is a guardian or a parent. A reasonable assumption should therefore be that parents have insight into preschool teaching, while research unfortunately shows the exact opposite. The preschool would need to develop communication with the home about what teaching in the preschool is. So, parents should develop a more similar understanding of the concept. However, at present there is a lack of research regarding parents’ perception of teaching in preschool. From Swedish context there is only a few student essays to find. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge on parents’ conception of teaching in preschool.    The study has applied a phenomenographic approach, which can be understood as helpful as the approach aims to investigate people's perceptions of a phenomenon. The data collection has taken place through interviews designed in accordance with how phenomenographic data collections can be carried out. The results show that the preschool’s educators often exclude parents in the preschool's teaching assignments, nor do they use the term teaching with parents. Even if parents are told that their child have been in the forest for example, is it common that they are also informed about the purpose of the activity. The parent’s perception of preschool education thus places itself on the one hand in relation to the playfulness of preschool teaching, but on the other hand that teaching occurs within a stricter framework with lecture elements. The conclusion is that parents’ perceptions of teaching large is based on their own experiences.   The results give rise to reflections within preschools, where preschool educators can also develop strategies to involve parents more clearly, partly in the preschool's teaching assignment, partly in a common and unified definition of concepts

    Dyscalculia, how do we accommodate the teaching? 

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    Inom forskningen rĂ„der stor oenighet angĂ„ende vad som orsakar dyskalkyli och det anvĂ€nds olika benĂ€mningar pĂ„ liknande företeelser. Studiens övergripande syfte Ă€r dĂ€rför att utifrĂ„n aktuell forskning om dyskalkyli undersöka vilka resultat som kan urskiljas samt undersöka i vilken grad man kan anvĂ€nda dessa i den dagliga verksamheten. Studien utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n tvĂ„ forskningsfrĂ„gor, ur vilka olika perspektiv beskrivs dyskalkyli i aktuell forskning, internationell sĂ„vĂ€l som svensk, samt vilka lĂ€mpliga och gynnsamma undervisningsmodeller rörande dyskalkyli rekommenderas av forskarna? För att besvara studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar har en litteraturstudie av nyare vetenskaplig forskning om dyskalkyli genomförts med blicken pĂ„ vad som ligger bakom fenomenet, svĂ„righeter vid kartlĂ€ggning, samt att urskilja gynnsamma undervisningssĂ€tt för elever med dyskalkyli. Forskningsöversikten bygger pĂ„ de forskare som varit mest aktiva och tongivande sedan decennieskiftet, detta för att ge en bild av dyskalkyli utgĂ„ende frĂ„n den senaste forskningen. Även vissa Ă€ldre arbeten nĂ€mns, dĂ„ de hĂ€nvisas till i nyare arbeten. Studiens resultat tolkades och analyserades genom att anvĂ€nda systemteori samt Piagets utvecklingspsykologiska teori. Resultat visar att forskning om dyskalkyli genomförs i huvudsak frĂ„n tre perspektiv, medicinskt, psykologiskt och pedagogiskt. Resultaten pekar pĂ„ att det finns stor oenighet vad gĂ€ller forskningsinriktningar och intressen. Studien visar pĂ„ nĂ„gra principer för undervisning av elever med dyskalkyli, vilka kan bli en vĂ€gledning för lĂ€rare. Fler konkreta pedagogiska exempel vilka bygger pĂ„ vetenskapliga metoder, samt har prövats i verkligheten, behövs i framtiden. Resultaten visar att det finns ett behov av tvĂ€rvetenskaplig forskning för att kunna reda ut hur lĂ„ga prestationer i matematik faststĂ€lls och förebyggs, samt vilken hjĂ€lp eleverna fĂ„r i undervisningssituationen. Vidare kan man se att forskare Ă€r bĂ„de positiva och negativa till begreppet dyskalkyli. Den övervĂ€gande delen av den forskningslitteraturen - sĂ„vĂ€l frĂ„n det medicinska, psykologiska och pedagogiska omrĂ„det – nĂ€mner svĂ„righeter i taluppfattning.

    Undervisning i förskolan : En fenomenografisk studie om vÄrdnadshavares kvalitativt skilda sÀtt att uppfatta vad undervisning i förskolan Àr.

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    The preschool curriculum of 2018 declares that preschool teachers must plan and carry out teaching with the preschool children. Previously, research has mainly focused on how principals and preschool teachers perceive the concept of teaching in relation to the preschool.  In Swedish preschool, most of the children between the age one and five participate, behind each of the children there is a guardian or a parent. A reasonable assumption should therefore be that parents have insight into preschool teaching, while research unfortunately shows the exact opposite. The preschool would need to develop communication with the home about what teaching in the preschool is. So, parents should develop a more similar understanding of the concept. However, at present there is a lack of research regarding parents’ perception of teaching in preschool. From Swedish context there is only a few student essays to find. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge on parents’ conception of teaching in preschool.    The study has applied a phenomenographic approach, which can be understood as helpful as the approach aims to investigate people's perceptions of a phenomenon. The data collection has taken place through interviews designed in accordance with how phenomenographic data collections can be carried out. The results show that the preschool’s educators often exclude parents in the preschool's teaching assignments, nor do they use the term teaching with parents. Even if parents are told that their child have been in the forest for example, is it common that they are also informed about the purpose of the activity. The parent’s perception of preschool education thus places itself on the one hand in relation to the playfulness of preschool teaching, but on the other hand that teaching occurs within a stricter framework with lecture elements. The conclusion is that parents’ perceptions of teaching large is based on their own experiences.   The results give rise to reflections within preschools, where preschool educators can also develop strategies to involve parents more clearly, partly in the preschool's teaching assignment, partly in a common and unified definition of concepts.

    En undersökning om lÀrares, speciallÀrares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om dyskalkyli

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    Min studie förvĂ€ntas bidra med kunskap om hur speciallĂ€rare, specialpedagoger och grundskollĂ€rare uppfattar begreppet dyskalkyli samt hur de strukturerar undervisningen för eleverna. Studiens syfte Ă€r att öka kunskapen om vilka olika utgĂ„ngspunkter det finns bland lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger för att förstĂ„ dyskalkyli. Jag vill Ă€ven med studien skapa en bild över de olika sĂ€tt lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger arbetar med elever med dyskalkyli, sĂ„ att deras matematiska kunskapsutveckling blir sĂ„ god som möjligt. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt för undersökningen stĂ€ller jag tvĂ„ övergripande frĂ„gor: ‱ Hur beskrivs begreppet dyskalkyli av lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare/specialpedagoger i nĂ„gra grundskolor? ‱ Hur strukturerar lĂ€rare, speciallĂ€rare och specialpedagoger sitt arbete med fokus pĂ„ diagnos, kartlĂ€ggning och undervisning? Det har genomförts ett flertal forskningsprojekt gĂ€llande dyskalkyli. Vid genomgĂ„ng av avhandlingar och vetenskapliga artiklar rörande dyskalkyli kan jag konstatera att det framförallt finns tre olika teoretiska perspektiv; ‱ Det medicinska perspektivet, vilket pĂ„stĂ„r att dyskalkyli har neurobiologiska orsaker (Butterworth & Yeo, 2011; Klingberg, 2011)). ‱ Det psykologiska perspektivet, som enligt Adler (2007) och Östergren (2013) Ă€r att diagnosen stĂ€lls med hjĂ€lp av psykologiska test som avslöjar kognitiva svĂ„righeter att lĂ€ra sig matematik. ‱ Det pedagogiska perspektivet som innebĂ€r att dyskalkyli diagnostiseras med hjĂ€lp av kartlĂ€ggning, betyg, provresultat och testintervjuer dĂ€r endast skolĂ€mnet matematik visar icke godkĂ€nda resultat. Skagerlund (2016), JimĂ©nez-FernĂĄndez (2016), Dowker och Morris (2017), Witzel och Mize (2018) samt Karlsson (2019) Jag har valt att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n ovanstĂ„ende perspektiv i analysen av empirin. Mitt val av teorier om kognitivismen och den kognitiva kunskapssynsĂ€tten pĂ„ lĂ€rande Ă€r med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n Piagets tankar om inlĂ€rning och ett integrerat specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Studien Ă€r inspirerad av en fenomenologisk ansats dĂ„ jag Ă€r intresserad av att lyfta fram informanternas tankar och upplevelser kring dyskalkyli. Genomförandet har skett i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer frĂ„n fyra informanter, varifrĂ„n olika intressanta teman lyfts fram och analyserats. Ett av resultaten i studien visar att tre av fyra informanter anser att kartlĂ€ggning och utredning för att upptĂ€cka elever med dyskalkyli eller i andra matematiksvĂ„righeter Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig. En-till-en undervisning föresprĂ„kades av informanterna som menade att detta Ă€r en effektiv undervisningsmetod som gynnar elever med dyskalkyli. Alla informanter anvĂ€nde laborativt material för att hjĂ€lpa eleverna pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt. Föreliggande studie riktar fokus mot hur en specialpedagogisk undervisning kan planeras och struktureras för elever med dyskalkyli. Specialpedagogik handlar i hög grad om att bidra till att undanröja hinder i lĂ€randemiljön. UtifrĂ„n resultatet tycks det vara betydelsefullt att elever med dyskalkyli fĂ„r möta undervisning som kompenserar för t.ex. kognitiva svĂ„righeter. De specialpedagogiska insatserna ska pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l organisations- som grupp- och individnivĂ„ jĂ€msides med andra insatser öka elevernas mĂ„luppfyllelse i matematiken. Min slutsats blir att det bĂ„de krĂ€vs insatser i undervisningen och handledningsinsatser i samarbete med övriga aktörer