45 research outputs found

    Forskningsdatahantering och infrastruktur vid Lunds universitet - en översikt av rapporter, undersökningar och utredningar 2015-2022 : behov, nuläge och framtid

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    Arbetet med stöd till forskningsdatahantering har utvecklats snabbt de senaste tio åren och kunskap har samlats både i publikationer och universitetsinterna rapporter. Forskarna efterfrågar infrastruktur, stöd och en universitetspolicy att luta sig emot. En analys av aggregerade behov och befintligt stöd visar att universitetet bör utveckla en samlad infrastruktur för forskningsdatalagring med möjlighet till samarbetsdelning, säker lagring, publicering, arkivering, sökning och bearbetning av forskningsdata. Bibliotek och andra stödfunktioner bör erbjuda stöd gällande rekommendationer och policydokument, samarbete och delning av gemensamma forskningsdata, upprättande av datahanteringsplaner, publicering, arkivering, upphovsrätt, säkerhetsaspekter, etikfrågor och återanvändning av forskningsdata. Som stöd till forskarna och stödverksamheten bör universitetet ta fram en forskningsdatapolicy

    En omvärldsanalys kring datahanteringsplaner

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    Rapporten omfattar en omvärldsanalys kring datahanteringsplaner, med analyser från utlandet och Sverige

    Bioavailability of the Polyphenols: Status and Controversies

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    The current interest in polyphenols has been driven primarily by epidemiological studies. However, to establish conclusive evidence for the effectiveness of dietary polyphenols in disease prevention, it is useful to better define the bioavailability of the polyphenols, so that their biological activity can be evaluated. The bioavailability appears to differ greatly among the various phenolic compounds, and the most abundant ones in our diet are not necessarily those that have the best bioavailability profile. In the present review, we focus on the factors influencing the bioavailability of the polyphenols. Moreover, a critical overview on the difficulties and the controversies of the studies on the bioavailability is discussed

    Supporting Researchers - Back to the Future!

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    Introduction: Traditionally, the academic librarian has served as an information specialist working in close professional contact with researchers to provide support in the process of scientific investigation. When the Internet entered the academic world, the belief emerged that researchers could handle information on their own. Thus, the value of personal professional interaction between the academic librarian and the researcher diminished and was no longer prioritized in the library organization. The support provided by academic librarians shifted to represent a more service-oriented relationship. Concomitantly, the researchers regarded lack of time as the predominant factor interfering with their ability to improve their information retrieval skills in order to stay updated in their field. By looking back on the value of having a professional role as information specialists interacting closely with researchers, we can recreate, develop, and expand the support we offer in the future. Background: The Lund University Libraries network completed a project in 2013. The aim of that work was to identify areas that needed to be strengthened and developed to support researchers. We analyzed the results related to the Faculty of Medicine, focusing specifically on the local setting and the researchers’ need for support within the health sciences and medicine which led to initiation of the present in-depth study. Aim: The aim of our current project is to gain a better understanding of the researchers´needs of tailored support in their scientific process. Further, we want to identify what expertise, and knowledge that are needed in the organization in order to provide and develop professional support. The study also aims at an understanding of how the organization should carry out continued professional development and strategic planning for future recruitments. Method: We are conducting individual semi-structured interviews with selected researchers working in the areas of health sciences and medicine. Preliminary results: The researchers at the Faculty of Medicine are heterogeneous with respect to their publishing practices, information retrieval behavior, use of scientific methods, and approaches for evaluating research. Our results thus far show that there is uncertainty among the researchers with regard to the individual skills of the librarians and the concrete ways in which the library can provide support. A continued professional development program for the librarians is a necessity

    Children’s Voices on the COVID-19 Pandemic as Presented in Swedish Junior and Daily Newspapers

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    This study focuses on children’s voices as they were presented in Swedish newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the ways in which journalists featured children’s experiences of everyday life during a time of crisis. A descriptive, thematic text analysis of 83 articles resulted in four prominent themes: children’s voices as a mouthpiece for or against school closure, children as cocreators of a new normal daily life, children as responsible and caring citizens, and COVID-19 as a magnifying glass for existing vulnerabilities in everyday life. The selection and representation of children’s viewpoints was adult led and limited, and the study thus calls for further research on media constructions of children/childhood and related consequences

    The State of The Research

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    Introduction. Information overload, special competences need in the area of information analysis, demand of business innovation, a struggle in the grant jungle are strong factors that influence the daily work flow for a researcher. Taking these aspects into consideration, we introduce a concept that we have named The State of The Research. Aim. We aim to broaden the researcher’s view in his/her research area and give insights into new opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The idea here is that the researchers would also be able to use a part or the whole package of the State of The Research in their future grant applications. Method. Our concept is a comprehensive package containing medical information analysis and visualization, news and social media monitoring, patent landscape analysis, and bibliometric analysis – all based on the particular research area of interest for the individual researcher/research group. We are using text mining tools in combination with visualization related to PubMed and Chemical Abstracts to extract research related questions from larger data sets. By using bibliometric mapping techniques, we can also reveal structures in the studied research field, e.g. networks of influential authors, clusters of key concepts and frequently cited articles. We are approaching the researchers face to face in their environment where we present the compiled material describing The State of The Research. For example, we cover a broad disease area that has been selected in advance in collaboration with the researchers. With our analysis tools, we recognize collaboration opportunities and approximate freedom to operate within the research based on patents. We have taken trend analysis in a form of co-word analysis related to time to indicate possible rising or falling research within a disease area. Preliminary results. Personal communication and an understanding in each individual field of The State of The Research get the researchers attention. This in turn has also led to increased requests for deeper analysis. Future prospects and developments will be to offer education in grant application writing Moreover, we would like to use more general text mining approaches to answer research related questions faster and with larger datasets. In sum, allocation of research funds is becoming more competitive and we need to support our researchers not only with bibliometric analysis but with new concepts like The State of The Research to give support to researcher´s grant applications

    Method for the prevention of thromboembolic disorders

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    A method for the prevention of thrombotic, embolic and/or hemorrhagic disorders, such as cerebral infarction (stroke) or myocardial infarction, by administering levosimendan or its metabolite (II) or any of their pharmaceutically acceptable salts to a mammal in need of such preventio

    Bibliometrics, text mining, and vizualization analyses to support verification and specification of PICO.

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    We aim to obtain a fast overview of the HTA question and to refine-specify the PICO for information retrieval, using bibliometrics, text mining, and vizualization tools. The PICO question is a well-established format within the HTA process. Depending on the HTA question the PICO can be difficult to verify and limit. To support the HTA-project groups and the informaton specialistst to establish the best PICO, we use bibliometrics, text mining, and vizualization analyses to present a fast, predictable and more objective view of the information landscap