67 research outputs found

    Representing Interactional and External Environmental Semantics using Unified Modelling Language (UML)

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    Object-oriented methodology is widely used in the information system development field. Nonetheless, recent research studies have discovered that the modelling grammars that use object-oriented methodology lack necessary constructs to represent certain real-world semantics. Therefore, the use of such grammars with their shortcomings can produce defective conceptual models, thereby producing defective information systems. Evermann and Wand (2005, 2009) studied this issue and proposed a set of rules for object-oriented grammatical constructs to represent static and behaviour semantics of a real-world phenomenon. This paper extends their work by proposing object-oriented grammatical rules for the interactional and external environmental semantics of a real-world phenomenon. This representation is exemplified using an object-oriented modelling grammar namely Unified Modelling Language (UML). Subsequently, the set of new rules has been validated using a case study. This extended UML facilitates seamless integration between the conceptual model and its system model


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    Use of poly bags for the production of tree seedlings result in several disadvantages due todistortion of the root system. Poor lateral root formation, root spiralling and bending of taproot occurs in poly bags and affects the growth of the tree. Slow growth, poor draughttolerance and lack of wind firmness are some of the major problems resulting from the useof poly bagsA new container called root trainer has been developed to overcome these problems.Root trainers were introduced to the forest research centre nursery at Kumbalpola with aview to gain first hand experience on the handling maintenance and preparation of pottingmedia. The results have been encouraging. A good potting media suitable for the use inroot trainers was developed. Better root growth was observed in root trainer grownseedlings. Maintenance, handling and field planting were much easier compare to polybag grown seedlings. It is concluded that the root trainers can be successfully used for theproduction of tree seedlings.


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    Melia dubio has a good potential as a fast growing, moderate quality timbertree. Its seed germination is vel:V poor. so that it is not possihle to ensure areliable supply of seed for a large-scale planting programme. A successfulmethod of vegetative propagation was found to he to take cuttings from sixmonths-old seedlings. A cutting was taken from each seedling up to eight timesat 5-8 day intervals. The success rate of rooting was 89%


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    TIll' ctlcctivcncxs 01 two mauual weed control methods were studied lor the establishment01 lour umber species ill a gr:lss infested wet ZOIlC land, One method was the standard\I'l'l'dill,!! practice used lor planuuion establishment by Forest Dcpanmcnt. (Low slashing.md strip wccding :\ rimes during the I" year. 2 times during the 2"d year and one lowsl:l.shill,!! .uul P:ltL:i1weeding during the third year). The other is high intensity (luxury)\Vel'dillg involving complete cultivation 01 the topsoil. Fourteen months observations andsurvival and height measurements were recorded.I{l'sulls indic.uc Ihal three species. AU(J('(/IPIiS uobilis, AUO{,(IIPIIS hctcroplivllus andF/li('/1I1I1 IIn/I)/cIlS luilcd to xucccssfully establish and ,!!row under hoth weeding methods.(lthn SllL'l'ics, l>/I!IC'Ulmll!II.I :('r/IIII/(,II.I although established showed poor growth andviuour. The sli,!!hl improvement of survival and growth under luxury weeding docs notjllslily 11lL' l'osl involved,

    Fermentation of Raw Cassava Starch Using Geotrichum candidum sp. Optimizing enzyme and starch concentrations for alcohol production

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    Production of bioethanol is a global requirement toaddress the question of energy crisis. Attempts have been madeto use agricultural starch based renewable resources to produceethanol. Starchy materials should be converted into simplersugars prior to fermentation and this is achieved by treating withenzymes. Fermentation medium containing 1.5 g, 3 g and 10 g ofraw cassava were optimized for brix value by directly inoculatingsamples (DIS) with fungi G. candidum or treating the mediumwith different concentrations of crude enzyme (50 mL & 100 mL)and 50% ammonium sulphate fractionated proteins (EnzymeTreated Samples -ETS). Highest brix values containing samplesfor 1.5 g, 3 g and 10 g of cassava under two differentexperimental conditions were ETS1, ETS2, ETS3, and DIS1,DIS2, DIS3 respectively. The samples were fermented with yeaststock cultures of maximum viable cells (7.065×106 cells cm-3&86.4% viability). Brix value and alcohol percentage for thesesix samples showed that 50% Ammonium sulphate saturatedenzyme samples is suitable to obtain higher brix value whencompared to crude and direct inoculation method. Then theculture conditions were optimized for starch percentage, pH andviable cell numbers. The results showed that an effective increasein Brix value of 2.3 could be obtained with 3 % and 4 % starchafter 12 hrs incubation period when treated with 50%ammonium sulphate fractionated enzyme. Optimizedfermentation conditions showed that the viable cell numbers ofculture medium decreased during 36-48 hrs of incubation period.There was a sudden pH drop after 12 hrs and considerablechanges were not observable in prolonged incubation.Optimization results for alcohol with 4 % starch showed that ahigh percentage of alcohol (2.5 %) could be obtained after 60 hrsincubation. In conclusion, 50% saturated enzyme sample at roomtemperature and 4% starch has yielded highest brix value andresulted 2.5% of alcohol in 100 mL of fermentation medium

    Age and Smoking Related Changes in Metal Ion Levels in Human Lens: Implications for Cataract Formation

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    Age-related cataract formation is the primary cause of blindness worldwide and although treatable by surgical removal of the lens the majority of sufferers have neither the finances nor access to the medical facilities required. Therefore, a better understanding of the pathogenesis of cataract may identify new therapeutic targets to prevent or slow its progression. Cataract incidence is strongly correlated with age and cigarette smoking, factors that are often associated with accumulation of metal ions in other tissues. Therefore this study evaluated the age-related changes in 14 metal ions in 32 post mortem human lenses without known cataract from donors of 11 to 82 years of age by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; smoking-related changes in 10 smokers verses 14 non-smokers were also analysed. A significant age-related increase in selenium and decrease in copper ions was observed for the first time in the lens tissue, where cadmium ion levels were also increased as has been seen previously. Aluminium and vanadium ions were found to be increased in smokers compared to non-smokers (an analysis that has only been carried out before in lenses with cataract). These changes in metal ions, i.e. that occur as a consequence of normal ageing and of smoking, could contribute to cataract formation via induction of oxidative stress pathways, modulation of extracellular matrix structure/function and cellular toxicity. Thus, this study has identified novel changes in metal ions in human lens that could potentially drive the pathology of cataract formation

    Incorporation of Pentraxin 3 into Hyaluronan Matrices Is Tightly Regulated and Promotes Matrix Cross-linking

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    Mammalian oocytes are surrounded by a highly hydrated hyaluronan (HA)-rich extracellular matrix with embedded cumulus cells, forming the cumulus cell·oocyte complex (COC) matrix. The correct assembly, stability, and mechanical properties of this matrix, which are crucial for successful ovulation, transport of the COC to the oviduct, and its fertilization, depend on the interaction between HA and specific HA-organizing proteins. Although the proteins inter-α-inhibitor (IαI), pentraxin 3 (PTX3), and TNF-stimulated gene-6 (TSG-6) have been identified as being critical for COC matrix formation, its supramolecular organization and the molecular mechanism of COC matrix stabilization remain unknown. Here we used films of end-grafted HA as a model system to investigate the molecular interactions involved in the formation and stabilization of HA matrices containing TSG-6, IαI, and PTX3. We found that PTX3 binds neither to HA alone nor to HA films containing TSG-6. This long pentraxin also failed to bind to products of the interaction between IαI, TSG-6, and HA, among which are the covalent heavy chain (HC)·HA and HC·TSG-6 complexes, despite the fact that both IαI and TSG-6 are ligands of PTX3. Interestingly, prior encounter with IαI was required for effective incorporation of PTX3 into TSG-6-loaded HA films. Moreover, we demonstrated that this ternary protein mixture made of IαI, PTX3, and TSG-6 is sufficient to promote formation of a stable (i.e. cross-linked) yet highly hydrated HA matrix. We propose that this mechanism is essential for correct assembly of the COC matrix and may also have general implications in other inflammatory processes that are associated with HA cross-linking

    Increased circulating levels of Factor H-Related Protein 4 are strongly associated with age-related macular degeneration.

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    Funder: V.C. was primarily funded by the Department of Health’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology at Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, and an MRC research grant (MR/P025838/1)Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness. Genetic variants at the chromosome 1q31.3 encompassing the complement factor H (CFH, FH) and CFH related genes (CFHR1-5) are major determinants of AMD susceptibility, but their molecular consequences remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that FHR-4 plays a prominent role in AMD pathogenesis. We show that systemic FHR-4 levels are elevated in AMD (P-value = 7.1 × 10-6), whereas no difference is seen for FH. Furthermore, FHR-4 accumulates in the choriocapillaris, Bruch's membrane and drusen, and can compete with FH/FHL-1 for C3b binding, preventing FI-mediated C3b cleavage. Critically, the protective allele of the strongest AMD-associated CFH locus variant rs10922109 has the highest association with reduced FHR-4 levels (P-value = 2.2 × 10-56), independently of the AMD-protective CFHR1-3 deletion, and even in those individuals that carry the high-risk allele of rs1061170 (Y402H). Our findings identify FHR-4 as a key molecular player contributing to complement dysregulation in AMD
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