815 research outputs found

    Measures of infant self-regulation during the first year of life: a systematic review

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    This study aimed to systematically review the measures used to assess infant self-regulation during the first 12 months of life. This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement protocol. From 235 selected papers, 79 provided information on behavioural and physiological measures to assess infant selfregulation during the first 12 months of life. Thirty-six behavioural (30 observational and 6 parent-report) and five physiological different measures were identified. Studies with a longitudinal design, comprising larger samples, and aiming to assess infant self-regulation later in infancy, mostly used behavioural measures than physiological measures. Studies comprising lower samples and aiming to assess infant self-regulation earlier in infancy, mostly used observational than parent-reported measures. Studies targeting younger infants used physiological measures and studies targeting older infants used behavioural measures, with observational measures used with younger infants and parental-reported measures used with older infants during the first year of life. When measuring self-regulation is important to consider infant's age, to fit the measurement procedures with the selfregulation development level.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science; European Regional Development Fund, Grant/Award Number: POCI01-0145-FEDER-007653; Fundação para a Ciência e a tecnologia, Grant/Award Numbers: SFRH/BD/115048/2016, PTDC/ SAU/SAP/116738/2010; Foundation for Science and Technology, Grant/Award Number: UIDB/05380/202

    Couple's relationship and depressive symptoms during the transition to parenthood and Toddler's emotional and behavioral problems

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    The couple's relationship and mother and father's depressive symptoms during the transition to parenthood were associated with the toddler's emotional and behavioral problems. This study aimed to analyze how the couple's positive and negative interactions and mother and father's depressive symptoms during the transition to parenthood impact toddlers' emotional and behavioral problems. A sample of 95 mothers and fathers (N = 190) were recruited and individually completed questionnaires to assess couples' positive and negative interactions and depressive symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy and at 3 and 30 months postpartum, and they completed the Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5 at 30 months postpartum. The path analyses revealed that the couple's postnatal negative interaction partially mediates the impact of the mother's prenatal depressive symptoms on the toddler's internalizing problems at 30 months postpartum. The father's postnatal depressive symptoms and the couple's concurrent positive interaction mediated the impact of the couple's prenatal positive interaction on the toddler's externalizing problems at 30 months postpartum. The screening of the couple's negative interaction and depressive symptoms during pregnancy and the postnatal period can help to identify mothers, fathers, and toddlers at risk for mental health problems.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020)

    An Introduction to Multi-hazard Risk Interactions Towards Resilient and Sustainable Cities

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    The relationship between disaster resilience and sustainability in the context of urban risk has gained significant attention in recent years as the research and technical community work towards a safer, more sustainable way of living. Urban risk is a complex matrix that involves multiple elements at risk, hazards, temporal scales, and vulnerabilities, and this is why traditional risk assessment approaches that focus on addressing the impacts of a single hazard are inadequate for effectively assessing and managing urban risk, particularly in the current climate change context. With this in mind, the present chapter provides an introduction to the concept of multi-hazard risk and its relevance to resilient and sustainable cities by listing and briefly discussing the types of natural hazards that impact cities the most and examining the importance of risk assessment and management in reducing the risks posed by these hazards. The chapter also explores strategies for building resilience in cities, including the strengthening of physical infrastructure and the enhancement of social and economic resilience, and concludes by discussing future directions for research and practice in multi-hazard risk management for resilient and sustainable cities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social Vulnerability in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

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    The manifestation of a hazardous process in a given location is clear evidence of a threat to individuals and communities. Without hazard, there is no risk. Vulnerability, however, plays a less evident role in explaining the losses that are observed in databases, whether global or local. Social vulnerability, in particular, represents the underneath conditions that turn individuals and communities more or less able to endure the impacts of hazardous events. A detailed-level analysis of social vulnerability was performed in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, considering the dimension of the individuals’ characteristics—that we define as criticality—and the characteristics of the surrounding territories in the ability to provide support during and timely recovery after the event—that we define as support capability. The study area is highly contrasting in terms of this later dimension, with urban areas concentrating most of the services and equipment that reduce vulnerability. Regarding criticality, the methodology allowed to identify very-localized hotspots laid out to high propensity to losses from two drivers: employment and education (first principal component of criticality) and age, gender, and old urban fabric (second principal component). Analysed separately or combined in a single social vulnerability index, this information is useful in the planning of short-term actions in the strict field of civil protection operations and in mid- to long-term actions considering a wider perspective of risk governance, bringing to the table public policies in the areas of social care, mobility, urban planning, education, and health services, that address the very deep roots of vulnerability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Coparenting Relationship Scale—Father’s Prenatal Version

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    "Published online: 27 June 2018"This study aimed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Coparenting Relationship Scale when administered in fathers during pregnancy. During the first trimester of a partner’s pregnancy, 91 primiparous fathers completed the Coparenting Relationship Scale—Father’s Prenatal Version (CRS-FPV), and self-report measures of depressive and anxious symptoms, adult attachment, and partner’s relationship quality. The CRS-FPV revealed good internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: lack of coparenting support, coparenting conflict, coparenting disagreement, and coparenting undermining. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good model fit. Significant associations between the CRSFPV and the original CRS subscales were found. Hypothesized associations between the CRS-FPV subscales and individual (depressive and anxious symptoms and adult attachment) and dyadic (partner’s relationship quality) constructs were also significant. The present study suggested that the CRS-FPV is a reliable multidimensional measure to assess coparenting in fathers during pregnancy.This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). This study was also supported by FEDER Funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project PTDC/SAU/SAP/116738/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Otimização do Processo de Remoção de Fósforo em ETAR Urbana

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    Atualmente um número crescente de ETAR inclui a remoção de fósforo e de azoto, o que decorre de estes dois nutrientes serem responsáveis pela potenciação do processo de eutrofização, que contribui para a deterioração da qualidade da água. A remoção de fósforo pode ser efetuada por via biológica e por via química. A remoção por via biológica utiliza microrganismos denominados de OAP que, quando expostos a condições anaeróbias seguidas de condições aeróbias, acumulam o fósforo presente na água residual em quantidades superiores às necessidades estequiométricas. Por outro lado, a remoção por via química consiste na adição de um reagente, normalmente Cloreto Férrico, que faz com que o fósforo precipite. A presente dissertação utiliza como caso de estudo a ETAR de Évora, com o objetivo de avaliar a remoção biológica de fósforo à escala industrial, e que tem a particularidade de se socorrer de ambos os métodos referidos no parágrafo anterior. O plano de amostragem desta ETAR inclui 11 pontos de recolha na fase líquida e 13 na fase sólida. Por forma a garantir a prossecução dos objetivos estabelecidos, foi utilizada e analisada a informação disponibilizada pela entidade que explora a ETAR, tendo sido igualmente efetuadas diversas simulações com recurso ao software Lynx ASM2d. Para este efeito, foram elaborados cinco cenários que procuraram cobrir diferentes características qualitativas associadas ao efluente bruto. A análise da informação disponibilizada, incluiu a caracterização do efluente bruto, do processo de tratamento, e do efluente tratado, tendo sido utilizados igualmente dados provenientes da exploração para a realização das simulações. As principais conclusões incluíram o facto de o efluente bruto apresentar características urbanas, o contributo das escorrências e sobrenadantes não parecer afetar a qualidade do efluente que entra no reator biológico, a variação da idade de lamas poder introduzir ineficiências na fase sólida e a ETAR cumprir, na generalidade, os objetivos de qualidade. As simulações efetuadas indiciam que a remoção de carbono que ocorre na operação de decantação primária afeta a remoção de azoto e fósforo, admitindo-se que se deva considerar a instalação de um bypass parcial ou total a esta operação. Quando a CQO afluente ao reator biológico é reduzida, o volume anaeróbio parece não ser suficiente para garantir a remoção de fósforo por via biológica, e, quando caso a concentração de CQO afluente ao reator biológico é elevada, não parece justificar-se o doseamento de cloreto férrico.Urban wastewater includes Phosphorus and Nitrogen that are responsible for eutrophication and contribute to water quality degradation. To limit nutrient loads in the discharge of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), an increased number include their removal. Phosphorus removal can be carried out biologically and/or chemically. Biological removal is accomplished by microorganisms called PAO which, when exposed to anaerobic conditions followed by aerobic conditions, are responsible for a luxury phosphorus uptake. Chemical removal includes phosphorus precipitation (normally by adding ferric chloride). Main goal of present work included the evaluation of Évora WWTP performance, where Phosphorus removal is accomplished either biologically and chemically, and was supported by exploitation data. Main water operation and processes performance are evaluated based on 11 sampling points, and sludge operation and processes performance on 13. Information gathered was analysed (characterization of the raw effluent, treatment process, and treated effluent), and several simulations were also carried out using Lynx ASM2d software. For this purpose, five scenarios were developed that sought to cover different qualitative characteristics associated with raw effluent. Main conclusions stressed the urban characteristics of the affluent wastewater, coming loads from sludge unit and process operations doesn’t seem to introduce significant variations in wastewater quality, sludge age variation may introduce inefficiencies in sludge treatment processes, namely digestion, and treated effluent achieve quality goals. Simulations performed indicates that primary sedimentation carbon removal may impact biological nutrient removal, and partial or total flow diversion should be considered. When biological reactor affluent COD is low, it is likely that anaerobic volume is not sufficient to guarantee Phosphorus biological removal. When biological reactor affluent COD is high, it doesn’t seem reasonable to add ferric chloride

    Análise técnico-económica do armazenamento de energia térmica em sistemas AVAC

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaO desenvolvimento económico resultou num aumento do consumo de energia primária, sendo o setor dos edifícios um dos maiores consumidores a nível europeu. A União Europeia tem vindo a propor medidas que obrigam este setor a melhorar o seu desempenho energético. Para tal, desenvolveram-se políticas energéticas e diretivas comunitárias de eficiência energética nas quais se pode enquadrar a produção de energia de forma local e decentralizadas. A EPBD revista, publicada em 2010, veio obrigar os estados membros (incluindo Portugal) a tomar medidas. Algumas dessas medidas obrigam a que os edifícios comecem a tornar-se nearly zero-energy building a partir de 2018. Para que seja cumprido esse requisito, será necessário a utilização de sistemas de energia renovável nos edifícios, porém estes possuem um enorme problema, a sua intermitência. A utilização de sistemas de armazenamento de energia anula esse problema e permite diminuir as perturbações que possam surgir na rede elétrica devido ao excesso de energia produzida. No presente trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade energética e económica do armazenamento de energia térmica em sistemas de AVAC e a sua importância quando integrado com sistemas de energia renovável. No desenvolvimento do trabalho recorreu-se às ferramentas de simulação DesignBuilder e EnergyPlus. Para estudar o problema considerou-se uma fração autónoma de um edifício com vários andares, estando este localizado na cidade do Porto. Como componente de armazenamento de energia térmica foi optado pela utilização de um banco de gelo, pois é uma tecnologia bastante desenvolvida e de fácil aplicação nas ferramentas de simulação. Numa primeira análise foi verificado como um banco de gelo permitia deslocar, para períodos noturnos, as cargas elétricas associados às necessidades de arrefecimento, onde o preço eletricidade é muito menor, permitindo também diminuir as necessidades de pico exigidas à rede durante o período diurno. Numa segunda fase foram introduzidos sistemas de energia renovável e integrados com o banco de gelo. Foi analisado uma estratégia de autoconsumo, onde o excedente de produção poderia ser injetado na rede ou utilizado no chiller para carregar o banco de gelo. Constatou-se que a integração destas duas componentes permitia diminuir a energia comprada e vendida à rede, podendo o utilizador retirar um proveito económico considerável desta implementação, e também tornar o sistema elétrico mais equilibrado, permitindo funcionar de uma forma eficiente e homogénea.The economic development occasioned a large intensification of energy consumption; in Europe, buildings are pointed as great responsible for this increase. European Union has, therefore, start proposing actions to implement improvements in the energetic balance of buildings. For that, the EU has developed energy policies and directives of energy efficiency for local and decentralized energy production. The most important document is EPBD recast of 2010 that stated that every member countries had to improve their regulations and policies. In what concerns to Portugal, those actions required that service buildings should start to be converted in nearly zero-energy building until 2018. To accomplish this requirement, the use of renewable energy systems will be necessary in buildings, but they have a huge problem, its intermittency. The use of energy storage systems cancels this problem and reduces disturbances that may occur in the electrical grid due to excess of energy production. In the present work we studied the energy and economic viability of thermal energy storage in HVAC systems and their importance when integrated with renewable energy systems. The software used to perform simulations was DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus. The simulation was accomplished by means of a test cell with both adiabatic floor and roof to simulate an isolated building with several floors that would be located in Porto. As thermal energy storage component was chosen the use of ice storage, since it is a well developed technology and easy to use in simulation tools. In a first analysis was verified that a ice storage allowed the shifting of electrical charges, associated with the cooling requirements, to night shifts, where the electricity price is much lower, allowing also to decrease the peak demand during the daytime. In a second phase, renewable energy systems were introduced and integrated with the ice storage. It was analyzed a selfconsumption strategy, where the excess of production could be injected into the grid or used in the chiller to charge the ice storage. It was found that the integration of these two components allows reduction of energy purchased and sold to the grid, allowing the user to take a considerable economic advantage of this implementation, and also to make the electrical system more balanced, allowing it to work in an efficient and uniform way

    The baby care scale: a psychometric study with fathers during pregnancy and the postpartum period

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    The Baby Care Scale (BCS) was designed to assess the involvement of father in infant care during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This study aimed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the BCS - antenatal (BCS-AN) and BCS - postnatal (BCS-PN) versions. A sample of 100 primiparous fathers completed the BCS-AN and/or the BCS-PN and self-reported the measures of anxiety and depressive symptoms and of father-infant emotional involvement during pregnancy and the postpartum period, respectively. Good internal consistency was found for both the BCS-AN and the BCS-PN. A two-factor model was found for both versions of the instrument: (1) household tasks and (2) infant care tasks. The BCS-AN and BCS-PN subscales revealed good internal consistency. Higher scores on the BCS-AN predicted higher scores on the BCS-PN. Significant associations were found among the BCS (BCS-AN and BCS-PN), depressive and anxiety symptoms, and father-infant emotional involvement, revealing good criterion validity. This study suggested that both the BCS-AN and the BCS-PN are reliable multidimensional self-report measures that assess the involvement of father in infant care during pregnancy and the postpartum period.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020)

    Reabilitação física de cães com doenças articulares no membro torácico

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaCom o aumento da ocorrência de doenças articulares em cães tem-se vindo a recorrer cada vez mais a fisioterapia como forma de tratamento e prevenção destes casos. Embora esta não seja uma disciplina normalmente integrada no plano de recuperação dos animais, os seus benefícios podem ser muito relevantes. Com exercícios de diferentes exigências, desde caminhadas em ambientes controlados e exercícios de obstáculos a sessões de massagem, alongamentos e hidroterapia, é possível realizar um protocolo de reabilitação física adequado às capacidades dos animais. Paralelamente, também é criado um ambiente de trabalho conjunto com o proprietário do animal, que se sente como parte integrante do protocolo de reabilitação. Na presente dissertação são apresentados seis casos clínicos de doenças articulares, com sede no membro torácico, tendo cada animal beneficiado de um protocolo de reabilitação individual e específico. Simultaneamente, a evolução dos sinais clínicos é apresentada e discutida individualmente. Embora todas as modalidades da fisioterapia sejam importantes e tenham objetivos diferentes, a hidroterapia mostrou ser uma das técnicas de reabilitação física com maior potencial na recuperação de cães com lesões articulares no membro torácico, por oferecer uma panóplia de variáveis que permitem encontrar as condições ideais à recuperação de um número elevado de animais.ABSTRACT - Physical rehabilitation of dogs with forelimb joint diseases - With the increase of joint diseases in dogs the demand for physiotherapy both as treatment and prevention of such cases has been increasing. Despite not usually being included in the recovery plan, its benefits may be utterly relevant. The use of exercises with different demands, from walks in controlled environments and obstacle courses to massage sessions, stretches and hydrotherapy, makes it possible to adjust the physical rehabilitation protocol to the animal´s abilities. Concurrently, it is also possible to create a work environment with the animal’s owner, who feels included as part of the rehabilitation protocol. In this study 6 clinical cases of joint disease, exclusively of the forelimb are presented. Each animal having benefited from an individual and specific rehabilitation protocol. Simultaneously, the progression of clinical signs is presented and individually discussed. Although all physiotherapy modalities are important and inspire different goals, hydrotherapy was shown to be the rehabilitation technic with the biggest potential in the recovery of joint diseases of the forelimb in dogs, since it offers a display of possibilities which allow to find the ideal conditions to recover a large number of animals.N/

    Plano de marketing do Zoo da Maia

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    Face a uma periclitante conjuntura económico-social que se tem feito sentir nos últimos anos, mas também devido à crescente concorrência direta e indireta que foi surgindo, este privilegiado espaço de contacto com a vida animal carece de uma estratégia de crescimento que lhe permita fazer face aos novos desafios com que se depara. O papel e a opinião sobre os zoos também têm vindo a mudar ao longo do tempo, sendo cada vez maior o escrutínio público sobre as ações que estas organizações desenvolvem e a responsabilidade quem têm como espaços educativos e de lazer. Tiago Pinto 11 Neste contexto o plano de marketing surge como ferramenta de apoio para a tomada de decisões, identificação de oportunidades e calendarização de ações. É também função deste instrumento percorrer um caminho estratégico através de ações operacionais de atividades definidas, que permitam consolidar o posicionamento, registar um aumento do número de visitantes e desta forma conseguir um aumento da receita