226 research outputs found

    Effect of type of food and culture density on the rearing of Seriola dumerili

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2013This thesis intended to study the effect of three different types of food and two different densities, on growth, survival, plasmatic parameters and lipid composition of muscle and liver of Seriola dumerili (Risso 1810) juveniles, in order to select an optimal feeding regime for growth, covering the nutritional requirements, and optimizing the commercial cost-effectiveness of the production. Regarding this, a total of 145 juvenile of Seriola dumerili with and average weight of 117.54 ± 54.98 g, were randomly distributed in 3 groups of 15 fish / tank (low stocking density LD) and 3 groups of 25 fish / tank (high stocking density HD) and fed with three different types of food: commercial pellets for Sparidae, the Alpha Biomar diet (SP), commercial pellets for S. dumerili (Skretting) (SE) and frozen Mackerel (MA). The study was conducted for 86 days. The study variables were the feeding regime and stocking density. The survival rates were higher in the groups fed with SE, while the Specific Growth Rate (SGR) showed no statistical differences (P>0.05) between groups. The groups fed with MA diet had the higher amounts of Daily Food Ingested (DFI), (9.59±3.56 g/fish at HD and 8.46±5.00 g/fish at LD) during the study, although with a higher Food Conversion Rate (FCR), (9.59 % at LD and 8.46 % at HD), not efficiently turn that ingestion in biomass, as for example the value of B% at groups fed with MA at LD (0.18 %) and at HD (-0.35%) show, being lower than the groups fed with SE at LD (0.41%). The biochemical composition of the fish in the present study was similar to the one reported in previous works, explaining that the more moisture content in the tissue, the less lipid it has in it. The Total Polar Lipids (TPL) and Total Neutral Lipids (TNL) did not show any significant differences (P0.05). Among the total neutral lipids (TNL), despite DAG, CHO and FFA were significantly different (P<0.05), TAG was the most abundant lipid class, which is generally the major lipid class in the diet of marine fish, and there was no significant differences (P<0.05) between the different groups. Regarding fatty acid composition, namely 18:1n-9, the groups fed with MA were the only significantly different (P<0.05), and the lowest amounts in this study (P<0.05), even taking in consideration that, in the wild, the S. dumerili diet is composed mainly by several finfish rich in 18:1n-9. We can deduce that or there was a degradation of the quality of the MA while stored to be fed to the groups, which affected directly the quality and quantity of the 18:1n-9. The fact that 18:2n-6 had its lower amounts in groups fed with MA, and the higher amounts in groups fed with SE (P<0.05), and taking in account that 18:2n-6 is the higher representative of n-6 fatty acid in diets, that is the fatty acid responsible for the most detrimental modifications to the fatty acid composition of cultured fish, suggest that this fatty acid is in excess in SE diet composition. The groups fed with MA presented the highest amounts of ARA (P<0.05) and the lower amounts of EPA (P<0.05), and the groups fed with SE presented the lower amounts of ARA and DHA (P<0.05). The lower amount of EPA and lower EPA/ARA ratio (P<0.05) found in groups fed with MA, could positively affect certain physiological functions. Due to the EPA and DHA competition for the same enzymes to esterify fatty acids into phospholipid structures, excessive accumulation of EPA could be prejudicial. In the groups fed with SE, the production of DHA was probably affected by it. The fact they had the lower amounts of ARA and DHA, inducing to a higher EPA/ARA ratio (P<0.05), suggests that the ratio is unbalanced and there is too much EPA accumulation, to insure ARA production Even though the group fed with MA at HD had the higher amount of DHA in this study (P<0.05), still the ratio DHA/ARA had no significant differences (P<0.05), indicating a stable balance between DHA and ARA amounts. This study suggests that the fatty acid profile of the different groups reflected the fatty acid composition of the diets, namely regarding 18:1n-9, 18:2n-6 and 20:5n-3, 20:4n-6 and 22:6n-3. that had effects in the ratios of DHA, EPA and ARA, affecting the balance between them, which had directly affected the growth. Regarding the plasma analysis, total protein was the only displaying statistical differences between diets and densities, and the fact that the groups fed with SE and MA diet, showed higher protein content, could be related to the fact those diets have higher protein levels (48g/l and 51.25 g/l respectively). From the present results it seems that the fatty acid composition of the pellets and frozen atlantic mackerel, affected the fatty lipid profile of S. dumerili, and so it development, so better balance between EFA diet composition while probably insure better energy efficiency and promoting growth. Considering the results obtained with SE, it seems to be the most appropriated for S. dumerili in the present study

    Converting web pages mockups to HTML using machine learning

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    Converting Web pages mockups to code is a task that developers typically perform. Due to the time required to accomplish this task, the time available to devote to application logic is reduced. So, the main goal of the present work was to develop deep learning models to automatically convert mockups of Web graphical interfaces into HTML, CSS and Bootstrap code. The trained model must be deployed as a Web application. Two deep learning models were built, resulting from two different approaches to integrate in the Web application. The first approach uses a hybrid architecture with a convolutional neuronal network (CNN) and two recurrent networks (RNNs), following the encoder-decoder architecture commonly adopted in image captioning. The second approach is focused on the spatial component of the problem being addressed, and includes the YOLO network and a layout algorithm. Testing with the same dataset, the prediction’s correction achieved with the first approach was 71.30%, while the se cond approach reached 88.28%. The first contribution of the present paper is the development of a rich dataset with Web pages GUI sketches and their captions. There was no dataset with sufficiently complex GUI sketches before we start this work. A second contribution was applying YOLO to detect and localize HTML elements, and the development of a layout algorithm that allows us to convert the YOLO result into code. It is a completely different approach from what is found in the related work. Finally, we achieved with YOLO-based architecture a prediction’s correction higher than reported in the literature.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    Automatic extraction of the size of myocardial infarction in an experimental murine model

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Biomédica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Carcinoma de pequenas células da bexiga: um tumor raro e agressivo

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    The authors describe a case of small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (SmCC) of the urinary bladder in a 60-year-old woman who presented in the Emergency Department with macroscopic hematuria and pelvic discomfort. Computed tomography revealed a broad-based polypoid tumor on the posterior wall of the bladder, infiltrating both ureters with bilateral hydronephrosis. After an attempt of transurethral resection, the pathology revealed a malignant, non-urothelial tumor, and the patient was referred to our center. Magnetic resonance imaging performed for better characterization and local staging, confirmed an aggressive tumor with perivesical fat invasion. SmCC is a rare type of bladder tumor with clinical and macroscopic presentation similar to urothelial carcinoma. Radiologically it is usually an aggressive tumor, with advanced disease at the initial diagnosis. The clinical and radiological features of bladder SmCC are revised, including a discussion on the utility of immunohistochemical markers.Os autores apresentam um caso de carcinoma neuroendócrino de pequenas células da bexiga (SmCC) numa mulher de 60 anos de idade que se apresentou no serviço de Urgência com hematúria macroscópica e desconforto pélvico. A tomografia computadorizada revelou um tumor polipóide de base larga na parede posterior da bexiga infiltrando ambos os ureteres e condicionando hidronefrose bilateral. Após tentativa de ressecção transuretral a anatomia patológica mostrou um tumor maligno, não urotelial, e a doente foi encaminhado para o nosso centro. A ressonância magnética realizada para melhor caracterização e estadiamento local, mostrou um tumor agressivo com invasão da gordura perivesical. O SmCC é um tipo raro de tumor da bexiga com apresentação clínica e macroscópica semelhantes ao carcinoma urotelial. Radiologicamente é geralmente um tumor agressivo, com doença avançada no diagnóstico inicial. As características clínicas e radiológicas do SmCC da bexiga são revistas, incluindo uma discussão sobre a utilidade dos marcadores imunohistoquímicos

    The impact of online interaction brand equity dimensions for hospitality

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    Brand equity arose as a key concept in marketing, it’s influenced by every marketing decision and communication has a great impact on customer’s perception and lastly the number of consumers that buys the product or service from brands. That is why communication is widely studied and also their impacts on the brand’s value, the brand equity. Nowadays, online communication has a tremendous impact on a communication plan for any company and is turning origin of value creation, from brand to the consumer. Giving to them the ability to influence other consumers and to do it even more accurately and efficiently than brands. The service industry really took a punch on this switch. Services are now in scrutiny like never. Part of the experience is now the evaluation of the service and dedicated new platforms are appearing in the market and constituting communities around types of services. One of them is the hospitality sector. The stay on a hotel or hostel is now evaluated for a great amount of evaluation points and it affects the moment of purchasing when deciding for a hotel and after when communicating with others. Through the study of two platforms that affect hotels, it’s possible to understand from what extend this impact is real and what the most affected dimensions by this interaction. A hypothesis testing was conducted and conclude that this impact is real and can affect brand equity for hospitality businesses in every dimension, some more than others and depending on the used platform.A brand equity tornou-se um conceito importante em marketing, é influenciada e impactada por cada decisão de marketing e a comunicação tem um grande impacto na perceção do cliente e, finalmente, no número de consumidores compram. É por isso que a comunicação é amplamente estudada, assim como os seus impactos no valor da marca. Atualmente, a comunicação online tem um impacto tremendo num plano de comunicação de qualquer empresa e está a alterar a origem da criação de valor, da marca para o consumidor, dando aos consumidores a capacidade de influenciar outros consumidores e de o fazê-lo com mais eficiência que as marcas. Nesta mudança os serviços foram os mais afetados. Estão agora sob um escrutínio nunca visto, parte da experiência está agora na avaliação do serviço e novas plataformas surgem constituindo comunidades em torno destes negócios. Uma delas é a hospitalidade. A estadia num hotel ou "hostel" é agora avaliada por uma vasta quantidade de pontos de avaliação, afetando o momento da compra e pós-compra quando comunica a sua estadia às comunidades "online". Através do estudo de duas principais plataformas que afetam hotéis e "hostels", é possível entender a dimensão desse impacto, a sua representação na "brand equity" e quais são as dimensões mais impactadas. Um teste de hipóteses foi conduzido e concluiu que este impacto é real e pode afetar o valor da marca para o setor da hospitalidade em todas as dimensões da "brand equity", algumas mais do que outras e variando conforme a plataforma utilizada

    Segmentación automática de procesos neuronales en microscopı́a electrónica mediante técnicas de aprendizaje profundo

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    En este trabajo se han utilizado redes neuronales convolucionales para la seg- mentación de imágenes biomédicas obtenidas mediante microscopia electrónica. El trabajo se ha desarrollado usando la librerı́a de Keras y ayudándonos de la herramienta Google Colaboratory para la ejecución de los modelos más pesados computacionalmente. Se ha comenzado entrenando redes neuronales artificiales para ir adentrándonos en el funcionamiento de la librerı́a. Después se ha entrenado una red preentrenada, concretamente la VGG16, bloqueando todas sus capas convolucionales y dejando alguna desbloqueada. Y finalmente se ha modelado una red neuronal convolucional siguiendo la estructura de la red U-Net. Esta red ha dado buenos resultados en la segmentación de imágenes y se utiliza sobre todo en la segmentación de imágenes biomédicas. La base de datos del caso principal, se ha obtenido de la competición lanza- da en el International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) de 2012 y está compuesta por un conjunto de cortes de microscopia electrónica para entrenar algoritmos de aprendizaje automáticos y ası́ poder realizar la segmentación au- tomática de neuritas

    Segmentación automática de procesos neuronales en microscopı́a electrónica mediante técnicas de aprendizaje profundo

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    En este trabajo se han utilizado redes neuronales convolucionales para la seg- mentación de imágenes biomédicas obtenidas mediante microscopia electrónica. El trabajo se ha desarrollado usando la librerı́a de Keras y ayudándonos de la herramienta Google Colaboratory para la ejecución de los modelos más pesados computacionalmente. Se ha comenzado entrenando redes neuronales artificiales para ir adentrándonos en el funcionamiento de la librerı́a. Después se ha entrenado una red preentrenada, concretamente la VGG16, bloqueando todas sus capas convolucionales y dejando alguna desbloqueada. Y finalmente se ha modelado una red neuronal convolucional siguiendo la estructura de la red U-Net. Esta red ha dado buenos resultados en la segmentación de imágenes y se utiliza sobre todo en la segmentación de imágenes biomédicas. La base de datos del caso principal, se ha obtenido de la competición lanza- da en el International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) de 2012 y está compuesta por un conjunto de cortes de microscopia electrónica para entrenar algoritmos de aprendizaje automáticos y ası́ poder realizar la segmentación au- tomática de neuritas

    Eficácia das técnicas manipulativas na redução da dor lombar e melhoria da funcionalidade

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Investigar a eficácia das técnicas manipulativas de alta velocidade e baixa amplitude (HVLA) na redução da dor lombar e melhoria da funcionalidade. Metodologia: Pesquisa efetuada nas bases de dados Pubmed, PEDro e Web of Science. Questão clínica elaborada segundo o acrónimo PICO. Foram incluídos estudos randomizados controlados, estudos que comparem as técnicas manipulativas na região lombar com técnicas manipulativas sham ou técnicas de terapia manual e aparelhos de eletroterapia desligados ou alterados para não produzir efeito clínico, estudos com qualidade metodológica igual ou superior a 5, segundo a escala de PEDro e estudos em língua inglesa, portuguesa e espanhola. Foram excluídos estudos em que não foi possível aceder ao texto integral e estudos que não se realizaram em humanos. Resultados: Nesta revisão, foram incluídas 6 publicações com um score médio de 8 em 10 segundo a escala de PEDro. Conclusão: As técnicas HVLA poderão ter algum efeito na redução da dor e melhoria da funcionalidade. Estes resultados são variáveis na população estudada, tal como os seus efeitos a curto e a longo-prazo.Objective: Investigate the effectiveness of manipulative high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) techniques in reducing low back pain and improving functionality. Methodology: Research carried out in the following databases: Pubmed, PEDro and Web of Science. The clinical question was elaborated according to the acronym PICO. Randomized controlled studies were included, studies comparing manipulative techniques in the lumbar region with sham manipulative techniques or manual therapy techniques and electrotherapy devices turned off or altered to produce no clinical effect, studies with methodological quality equal to or greater than 5, according to the scale of PEDro and studies in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Studies in which it was not possible to access the full text and studies that were not performed in humans were excluded. Results: In this review, 6 publications were included with an average score of 8 out of 10 according to the PEDro scale. Conclusion: HVLA techniques may have some effect in reducing pain and improving functionality. These results are variable in the population studied, as well as their effects in the short and long term.N/