320 research outputs found

    “Acorda amor!”, olha a “Roda viva”!: uma breve análise de duas letras de canções de Chico Buarque sob a perspectiva teórica da literatura de resistência

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    The historical period of the civil-military dictatorship, which took effect in Brazil from 1964, was marked by censorship. Any brief study of this period proves that our recent past is full of artistic manifestations, including popular songs, which in many cases carry the memory and history of those hard years. After all, music as a tool of resistance, along with the other arts, played a fundamental role in opposing the Military Regime and the censorship that was inherent to it. Based on this context, the objective of this essay is to analyze two songs by Chico Buarque, named: “Roda viva” and “Acorda amor” - from the perspective of the theoretical notion of “literature of resistance” (BOSI, 2002); (BONICCI; GONÇALVES, 2005); (DALCASTAGNÈ, 2012); (NÓBREGA, 2015); (SILVA, 2020). Therefore the analysis will start from both the investigation of the historical context and the references of the resistance literature that presents itself as a tool of denunciation in politically unstable times showing, through the relationship between the Brazilian military dictatorship and the resistance encompassed in these two songs by Chico Buarque, the literature’s movement that promotes the act of resisting. In this way, we hope to contribute to the advancement of research that recognizes an interconnection between Literature and History, aiming to reinforce not only the approximations between these two areas but the existence of a complementary action between them, that becomes essential for the construction of the senses.O período histórico da ditadura civil-militar, que vigorou no Brasil a partir de 1964, foi marcado pela censura. Qualquer breve estudo dessa fase da história comprova que nosso passado recente está marcado por manifestações artísticas, sobretudo a canção popular, que em muitos casos conserva em si a memória e a história desses duros anos. Afinal, a música como ferramenta de resistência, juntamente com as demais artes, desempenhou fundamental papel na oposição ao Regime Militar e à censura que lhe foi inerente. Baseado nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar duas canções de Chico Buarque, a saber: “Roda viva” e “Acorda amor” - sob a perspectiva da noção teórica de “literatura de resistência, (BOSI, 2002); (BONICCI; GONÇALVES, 2005); (DALCASTAGNÈ, 2012); (NÓBREGA, 2015); (SILVA, 2020). A análise, portanto, partirá do reconhecimento do contexto histórico e das referências da literatura de resistência que se apresenta como ferramenta de denúncia frente a tempos instáveis, evidenciando por meio da relação entre a ditadura militar brasileira e a resistência abarcada nas duas canções de Chico Buarque, o movimento interno à literatura, que provoca o ato de resistir. Esperamos, deste modo, contribuir para o avanço nas pesquisas que reconhecem uma inter-relação entre arte literária e história, com vistas a reforçar não só as aproximações entre as duas áreas, mas sobretudo a existência de uma ação complementar entre ambas que se torna imprescindível para a construção dos sentido


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    A checklist of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae) from Tocantins state, Brazil

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    Tocantins state has high biodiversity and a high degree of endemism, nevertheless, there are no studies on the diversity of social wasps. This study introduces a survey of social wasps actively collected using entomological nets and Malaise trap in addition to different light traps in sixteen sites in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in Tocantins state, Brazil. We sampled a total of 1,013 social wasps distributed in 57 species of 13 genera. Fifty of these species and nine genera represent new distribution records for the state. Some species are not commonly found in collections and lists of species, and Protopolybia picteti (de Saussure, 1854) is newly recorded for Brazil. Such an increase of 714% may indicate that Polistinae richness is probably higher in the studied regions and that the state of Tocantins may well contain several additional (yet unrecorded) social wasp species. More comprehensive studies should be conducted to enhance the knowledge of wasp species in this state, contributing to our understanding of the biodiversity in Northern Brazil

    The importance of Integrative Capital’s management to obtain the expected results in terms of investment in Human Capital

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    This article has as goal to discuss the importance of Integrative Capital’s management to obtain positive results from the investments of Human Capital from the sector of Human Resources of institutions of a private administrative nature and check what generates more positive results in Integrative Capital: the investment in human resources for titration or new ways of management of Integrative Capital. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: How to obtain more results in terms of Integrative Capital from the Human Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: the management of Integrative Capital generates results so positive or more than the investments in human resources to obtaining the titration; Integrative Capital’s management does not generate such positive results as the investments in human resources for titration. Inferences, deductions and inductions were built from a qualitative analysis of data in congruence to the theorized aspects and presented data. The results presented the need of having a management of Integrative Capital for obtaining satisfactory results from human resources and that only the investment for obtaining titration does not provide the enlargement of Integrative Capital.   &nbsp

    The importance of Intellectual Capital’s management to obtain the expected results in terms of investment in Human Capital

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    This article has as goal to discuss the importance of Intellectual Capital’s management to obtain positive results from the investments of Human Capital from the sector of Human Resources of institutions of a private administrative nature and check what generates more positive results in Intellectual Capital: the investment in human resources for titration or new ways of management of Intellectual Capital. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: How to obtain more results in terms of Intellectual Capital from the Human Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: the management of Intellectual Capital generates results so positive or more than the investments in human resources to obtaining the titration; Intellectual Capital’s management does not generate such positive results as the investments in human resources for titration. Inferences, deductions and inductions were built from a qualitative analysis of data in congruence to the theorized aspects and presented data. The results presented the need of having a management of Intellectual Capital for obtaining satisfactory results from human resources and that only the investment for obtaining titration does not provide the enlargement of Intellectual Capital

    The relationship between Investments to Increase Human Capital in the HEI and the Return on Intellectual and Integrative Capital

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    This article has as goal to compare the investments of Human Capital by the Humans Resources sector of institutions of a private administrative nature with the variation of Intellectual and Integrative Capital and to determine the relationship between the involvement of human resources with HEI and their title. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: which is the relationship between the investments to increase the Human Capital in the HEI and the return in Intellectual and Integrative Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: there is no increase of Intellectual and Integrative Capital after teaching qualification. The data were analyzed qualitatively with the construction of inferences, deductions and inductions in dialogs with theoretical aspects. The results showed that there is no proportional relationship between the increases of human resources and the Intellectuals and Integrative Capitals. In some cases, it actually decreased

    Impactos ambientais causados pela mineração: uma análise da percepção de pequenos mineradores do município de Frei Martinho – PB

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    Mining is an activity that generates jobs and income for many communities around the world. However, there are problems directly associated with the practice of this practice, among them is the degradation of the environment, where unplanned excavations can alter several terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Knowing this, the objective of this work to gather information from the miners of the Municipality of Frei Martinho, Paraíba, about the different perceptions they have about the environmental impacts caused by mining. In this way, we interviewed a number of twenty miners who are involved in mining activities at the Timbaúba and Quixaba Sites, located in the Municipality of Frei Martinho. For the interviews, a form was used that presented questions directly related to the perception of the miners about the negative effects that the exploitation of ores exerts on the environment. The responses attributed by the miners were analyzed quantitatively. From the data collected, it was possible to observe that many of the miners are unaware of some relevant points regarding the damage that mining can cause to the environment. Thus, it is necessary to hold lectures and other means of awareness by the companies and cooperatives responsible for mining in the municipality of Frei Martinho.A mineração é uma atividade que gera emprego e renda para muitas comunidades em todo o mundo. Porém, existem problemas diretamente associados ao exercício desta prática, dentre eles está a degradação do meio ambiente, onde as escavações não planejadas podem alterar diversos ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos. Sabendo-se disso, objetivou-se levantar informações junto aos mineradores do Município de Frei Martinho, Paraíba, sobre as diferentes percepções que eles têm acerca dos impactos ambientais causados pela mineração. Desta forma, entrevistou-se um número de vinte mineradores que estão envolvidos com atividades de extração de minérios nos Sítios Timbaúba e Quixaba, localizados no Município de Frei Martinho. Para a realização das entrevistas, foi utilizado um formulário que apresentava perguntas diretamente relacionadas com a percepção dos mineradores sobre os efeitos negativos que a exploração de minérios exerce no meio ambiente. As respostas atribuídas pelos mineradores foram analisadas quantitativamente. A partir dos dados coletados, foi possível observar que muitos dos mineradores desconhecem alguns pontos relevantes em relação aos danos que a mineração pode causar ao meio ambiente. Assim, torna-se necessário a realização de palestras e outros meios de conscientização por parte das empresas e cooperativas responsáveis pela mineração no Município de Frei Martinho

    Brasil, canteiro de obras: relações entre trabalho e literatura

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    Editorial of Revista Opiniães number 22.Editorial da Revista Opiniães número 22