318 research outputs found

    Toward A Comprehensive Theory of Standard Form Contract Law: A Synthesis of the Best from Germany and America

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    The theory of this paper is simple: the law has to deal with 20th Century real contracts instead of blindly applying 19th Century classical “bargained for” contract law. Not to face the reality of the modern “unbargained for” adhesion contract disappoints the justified expectations of both parties, that is, the one drafting standard form terms and the one submitting to them. The subject of standard contract forms is appropriate for a comparative analysis between German and American contracts law

    Using middle-out reasoning to guide inductive theorem proving

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    A New and Old Theory for Adjudicating Standardized Contracts

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    The purpose of this article is rather simple, extracting a new theory of standard form contracts from the good bits of the spectrum of old ideas and combining them with some fresh rethinking. For something fresh, the authors choose to examine the German law on standard form contracts. The authors have tried to remain neutral observers but in extracting the best from the spectrum of ideas one necessarily states--in this instance, one of pragmatic compromise. Thus, this article will cull and identify elements from the spectrum specifically concerning standard form contracts and compare them with the German approach. This process is undertaken with a perspicuous and pragmatic eye to formulating a new systematic, comprehensive theory of standard form contracts. Section One of this article commences with some basic assumptions or premises which underlie the subsequent analyses. These assumptions clarify and restrict the scope of this study. For example, no inquiry is made into the existence and importance of standard form contracts or whether they are different from bargained-for contracts. Neither does this article address any need for a different legal treatment of standard form terms. The question is not if there should be a different body of rules for standard form terms, but how the rules should differ. The second and third sections, on German and American law respectively, provide the requisite information from which to draw conclusions concerning the possible development of a new American theory. The fourth section culls and describes these conclusions

    24-h variations of blood serum metabolites in high yielding dairy cows and calves

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    Background Blood profile testing is commonly used to monitor herd health status, diagnose disorders, and predict the risk of diseases in cows and calves, with subsequent optimization the production of dairy herds. By understanding the physiological ranges of serum metabolites relative to age, lactation stage, and the sampling time in healthy cows and calves, the dairy practitioners can accurately diagnose abnormalities with a blood test. The effect of sampling time on the variation of serum metabolites within 24 h were evaluated in 83 cattle. All animals were originated from a dairy herd, where the animals, based on their ages and lactation stages, were classified into eight groups. The blood samples were collected from each animal every 4 h within a day. Results The time of sampling within the day showed significant influences on the serum concentrations of glucose, beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) and urea. BHBA was the most metabolite that showed day variation among cows' groups. Furthermore, the concentrations of total cholesterol were the most stable metabolite in all groups. The mean values of albumin, total proteins, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), BHBA, total cholesterol, total bilirubin, urea, and creatinine revealed significant variations among the different studied groups. Conclusions A certain suitable time of blood sample collection cannot be recommended. However, care shall be taken for the time of sampling for measurements of glucose, NEFA, BHBA and urea, otherwise the comparative values of these metabolites at different sampling time points may differ significantly from each other's, without a disease cause. It may be recommended, for metabolic assessment of dairy herds, classification the subjects into different groups based on lactation stages and ages of animals

    Interface rural-urbana no planejamento territorial: caso do Assentamento Rural Marapicú na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

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    O território contemporâneo é complexo e repleto de conflitos entre diferentes agentes produtores de espaço, principalmente em espaços de interface rural-urbana. Os conceitos de rural e urbano foram historicamente construídos a través de definições que priorizaram o urbano e desconsideraram o rural, promovendo uma visão urbano-centrada no planejamento territorial no Brasil. Oartigo objetiva analisar o papel de um assentamento rural como um espaço de interface rural-urbana dentro de uma região metropolitana brasileira, usando como estudo de caso o Assentamento Marapicú, localizado no periurbano da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. São apresentadas algumas questões conceituais e descrito o processo de ocupação e de planejamento desse território.São múltiplas as facetas do rural, do urbano e suas interfaces, contudo ainda há uma visão homogeneizada de território no Brasil. A proposta é ampliar este debate, explicitando os conflitos de uso e ocupação do solo na produção do espaço.The contemporary territory is complex and full of conflicts between different agents producing space, mainly in areas of rural-urban interface. The rural and urban concepts were historically constructed through settings that prioritized the urban space and disregarded rural space, promoting an urban-centric view in territorial planning in Brazil. This study analyzes the role of a rural settlement as a rural-urban interface space within a Brazilian metropolitan region, using as a case study the settlement Marapicú, located in the peri-urbans paces of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. Some conceptual issues are presented and described the process of occupation and planning that territory. There are multiple facets of rural, urban and their interfaces, however there is still a homogenized view of territory in Brazil. The proposal is to extend this debate, explaining conflicts of use and occupation in the production of space

    Potenziale und Grenzen regionaler Entwicklungsagenturen im Aufgabenfeld der räumlichen Integration

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    Der Beitrag diskutiert die Rolle von Regionalen Entwicklungsagenturen im Aufgabenfeld der räumlichen Integration. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung zu Regionalen Entwicklungsagenturen werden einige Anforderungen einer räumlich integrierten Regionalentwicklung für entsprechende Organisationen benannt. Anschließend werden einige wesentliche Potenziale und Grenzen von Agenturen zur Lösung von Entwicklungs- und Ausgleichsaufgaben gegenübergestellt.This paper discusses the role of Regional Development Agencies within the field of spatial integration. Starting with a basic introduction to such agencies, the author goes on to enumerate a number of requirements which need to be met by the relevant organisations in the context of spatially integrated regional development. The paper closes with an overview of the key potentials and limits applying to agencies in their attempts to satisfactorily undertake tasks relating to development and overcoming disparities

    Arquitetura Mbyá-Guarani em área de Mata Atlântica: Tipologia arquitetônica da Casa de Xaxim do Tekoá Nhüu Porã - Maquiné/RS

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    A arquitetura dos Mbyá-Guarani contribui para a valorização e o diálogo sobre os ambientes e as comunidades autóctones que resistem aos modelos ocidentais de desenvolvimento. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar as características da tipologia arquitetônica da casa de xaxim existente no Tekoá Nhüu Porã, no município de Maquiné/ RS. A metodologia foi baseada no método etnográfico de levantamento de dados, entre 2002 e 2006, em 17 comunidades do RS e nesse estudo de caso. A sistematização dos dados de campo foi relacionada aos referenciais teóricos pertinentes, objetivando um diálogo entre a ótica dos saberes acadêmicos e autóctones. São descritos os elementos da tipologia arquitetônica, materiais, tecnologia e processo construtivo, a partir do contexto socioespacial e ambiental desse tekoá, com base no método etnográfico de pesquisa. O trabalho visa suprir a lacuna acadêmica existentes sobre essa temática e visa contribuir como suporte técnico para políticas públicas que busquem uma maior adequação social e cultural às especificidades desse povo indígena.Palavras-chave: Arquitetura autóctone. Construção indígena. Casa tradicional Mbyá-Guarani.Mbyá-Guarani architecture in Atlantic Forest área: Architectural typology of the house of Tekoá Nhüu Porã – Maquiné/ RSAbstractThe architecture of the Mbyá-Guarani contributes to the valorization and the dialogue on the environments and the autochthonous communities that resist the western models of development. The objective of this work is to present the characteristics of the architectural typology of the house of xaxim existing in the Tekoá Nhüu Porã, in the Maquiné/ RS. The methodology was based on the ethnographic method of data collection, between 2002 and 2006, in 17 communities of RS and in this case study. The systematization of the field data was related to the pertinent theoretical references, aiming at a dialogue between the optics of the academic and autochthonous knowledge. The elements of the architectural typology, materials, technology and constructive process are described, based on the socio-spatial and environmental context of this tekoá, based on the ethnographic method of research. The aim of this work is to fill the existing academic gap on this subject and to contribute as technical support to public policies that seek a greater social and cultural adequacy to the specificities of these indigenous people.Key words: Autochthonous architecture. Indigenous construction. Traditional house Mbyá-Guarani.

    Minoritetsspråklige barn og unges grammatiske utvikling

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    Det vekker bekymring at en gruppe minoritetselever ikke har samme læringsutbytte og leseferdighet som norsk enspråklige elever (bla PISA 2007, PIRLS 2003). Selv om mange av elevene har gode kognitive og språklige ressurser, kan svake norskspråklig ferdigheter ved skolestart føre til mangelfull faglig utvikling. Som en konsekvens av svakt læringsutbytte gis tilbud om spesialundervisning, i stedet for bedre tilpasset opplæring gjennom tilbud som tospråklig fagopplæring eller norsk som andrespråk. Dette fører til en overrepresentasjon av minoritetselever i spesialundervisning (bl.a.Baca & Cervantes 2003, Fredrickson & Cline 2002)

    Litt om grunnlaget for en rasjonell skoggrøftning.

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