1,387 research outputs found

    Watershed Survey and Pilot LCC Project

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    This describes two projects accomplished in 2010 by the Three Ponds Protective Association (TPPA) and several partners to identify and reduce soil erosion due to storm water runoff into the Milton Three Pond

    Brane Cube Realization of Three-dimensional Nonabelian Orbifolds

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    We study D-branes on three-dimensional orbifolds C3/Γ{\bf C}^3/\Gamma where Γ\Gamma are finite subgroups of SU(3). The quiver diagram of \ZnZn \in SU(3) can be expressed in three-dimensional form. According to the correspondence between quiver diagrams and brane configurations, we construct a brane configuration for {\bf C}^3/\ZnZn which has essentially three-dimensional structrue. Brane configurations for nonabelian orbifolds \C^3/\Delta(3n^2) and \C^3/\Delta(6n^2) are obtained from that for \C^3/\ZnZn by certain quotienting procedure.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Audience Participation

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    Pemilik handphone dapat bertukar data file dengan pemilik handphone lainnya dengan menggunakan media internet maupun fasilitas layanan handphone. Akan tetapi, pengguna tidak menyadari apakah data file yang terkirim tersebut terjaga keamanan dan kerahasiaannya. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah dapat menjaga keamanan penyimpanan data dan pengiriman data file pada sistem operasi Android dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma serpent untuk mengenkripsi dan mendekripsi data file. Handphone yang digunakan adalah handphone yang mendukung Android karena aplikasi ini akan di-install terlebih dahulu pada handphone pengguna. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah metode Rational Unified Process (RUP) yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu : tahap Inception, Elaboration, Construction, dan Transition. Evaluasi aplikasi dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Penulis berharap aplikasi enkripsi dan dekripsi data file pada ponsel berbasis Android menggunakan algoritma serpent dapat membantu pengguna dalam menjaga keamanan dan kerahasiaan penyimpanan data file yang dikirim dan diterima

    Three Dollar Deweys, 1982

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    1982 Menu from Three Dollar Deweys Alehouse, 446 Fore Street. Photograph of Three Dollar Deweys from 1981 can be seen at this link.https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/menus/1058/thumbnail.jp


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    There are challenges faced by teachers as education policy implementers in schools regarding the implementation of learning in their classrooms. This study aims to describe the challenges faced by teachers in improving the quality of learning in the classroom along with their solutions. This research used qualitative research methods with a descriptive design and an interview approach. The results of the study concluded that the challenges faced by teachers in improving the quality of learning in the classroom as policy implementers in schools, along with their solutions, are: 1) The lack of support for teacher professional development, with the solution being that teachers who have undergone training should share their knowledge with other teachers; 2) Difficulties in changing the character of students for the better, with the solution being to seek help from the community and consult professionals; 3) Inadequate facilities and infrastructure such as media and teaching aids, with the solution being to optimize existing resources and technology; 4) The implementation of inclusive education without honing teachers' competencies in handling children with special needs, with the solution being to provide training for educators; and 5) Uncooperative parents, with the solution being to seek help from school leaders or counselors. By knowing these challenges, it is hoped that teachers will be able to overcome the challenges they have faced


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    There are challenges faced by teachers as education policy implementers in schools regarding the implementation of learning in their classrooms. This study aims to describe the challenges faced by teachers in improving the quality of learning in the classroom along with their solutions. This research used qualitative research methods with a descriptive design and an interview approach. The results of the study concluded that the challenges faced by teachers in improving the quality of learning in the classroom as policy implementers in schools, along with their solutions, are: 1) The lack of support for teacher professional development, with the solution being that teachers who have undergone training should share their knowledge with other teachers; 2) Difficulties in changing the character of students for the better, with the solution being to seek help from the community and consult professionals; 3) Inadequate facilities and infrastructure such as media and teaching aids, with the solution being to optimize existing resources and technology; 4) The implementation of inclusive education without honing teachers' competencies in handling children with special needs, with the solution being to provide training for educators; and 5) Uncooperative parents, with the solution being to seek help from school leaders or counselors. By knowing these challenges, it is hoped that teachers will be able to overcome the challenges they have faced

    Utilization of modified flour (maltodextrin) from yam starch for the manufacture of tomato extract encapsulate

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) is a popular vegetable and functional food ingredient. It is typically used to make fruit juice, which is then consumed directly or in a mixed form. The content consists of water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and functions as an antioxidant. Therefore, this study aimed to utilize modified flour from yam starch as maltodextrin to produce tomato juice encapsulant. Yam starch maltodextrin encapsulation treatment consisted of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% aquadest for tomato juice (1:1). The yield, moisture, ash, and vitamin C content were calculated. The 30% treatment produced the highest yield value of 194 g, with water and ash contents of 5.21% and 1.59%, respectively. Meanwhile, the 5% treatment had the highest vitamin C of 0.77%

    Optimal Capacitor Placement Menggunakan Metode Newton Raphson–Neural Network Untuk Meminimalisasi Rugi Daya

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    Memberikan kualitas daya yang optimal kepada konsumen akhir telah menjadi tantangan utama karena daya reaktif jaringan distribusi yang tinggi. Sebuah studi tentang sistem tenaga listrik menunjukkan bahwa relatif 13% dari seluruh listrik yang dihasilkan terbuang percuma sebagai rugi-rugi pada jaringan distribusi. Pemasangan kapasitor bank yang optimal merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat menurunkan angka kerugian daya pada jaringan distribusi. Simulasi penyelesaian Optimal Capacitor Placement dengan menggunakan metode hybrid Newton Raphson - Neural Network yang di selesaikan secara komputerisasi pada software ETAP 12.6.0 dan Matlab  R2013a dilakukan untuk  mendapatkan hasil penurunan angka kerugian  daya. Didapatkan sebuah hasil penurunan total rugi daya aktif sebesar 68.628 kW dan penurunan rugi daya reaktif sebesar 40.218 kVar, penurunan tersebut terjadi karena adanya pemasangan 36 buah kapasitor berkapasitas 50 kVar yang tersebar di 13 beban yang ada. Kata Kunci: Rugi - Rugi Daya, Kapasitor, Newton Rapshon, Neural Network


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    FAKULTAS KEPERAWATAN UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS KARYA ILMIAH AKHIR Januari, 2023 Nama : Three Nur Oktavia, S.Kep NIM : 2141312086 ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KOMUNITAS : PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN DENGAN PEER EDUCATOR TERHADAP TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI PADA REMAJA PUTRI DI KELURAHAN PISANG KOTA PADANG TAHUN 2022 ABSTRAK Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak menuju masa dewasa, dimana remaja mengalami berbagai perubahan baik secara fisik, biologis, psikologis maupun kognitif. Perubahan dan kematangan seksual yang dialami oleh remaja putri akan mengakibatkan munculnya kecemasan-kecemasan dan pertanyaan- pertanyaan seputar organ kewanitaan, siklus menstruasi, seksualitas (keperawanan sampai kehamilan). Perawat sebagai pemberi layanan asuhan keperawatan memiliki peran sebagai pendidik (educator) yang berfokus pada pendidikan kesehatan. Dalam pendidikan kesehatan dibutuhkan sebuah metode yang mampu meningkatkan fokus pembelajaran peserta didik sebagai sasarannya. Metode yang berkembang mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, motivasi dan perubahan sikap remaja terhadap sebuah pembelajaran yaitu dengan metode pembelajaran aktif dengan pendekatan kooperatif dalam kelompok yang dilakukan oleh teman sebaya (peer educator), sehingga remaja dapat saling bekerjasama dan mempengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan remaja lainnya. Tujuan Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini adalah untuk menerapkan asuhan keperawatan komunitas : pendidikan kesehatan dengan peer educator terhadap tingkat pengetahuan remaja putri di Kelurahan Pisang Kota Padang tahun 2022. Metode pada Karya Ilmiah ini berupa studi kasus dengan memberikan asuhan keperawatan melalui pendekatan proses keperawatan. Hasil akhir dari pemberian asuhan keperawatan didapatkan memberi pengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri. Diharapkan karya ilmiah ini dapat menjadi sumber referensi dalam penelitian selanjutnya dengan peer educator. Kata Kunci : Remaja, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Peer Educator. Daftar Pustaka : 28 (2012-2019
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