63 research outputs found

    Estimation of Combustion Phasing Using the Combustion Net Torque Method

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    A new and computationally efficient method, called the combustion net torque method, for estimating combustion phasing in an internal combustion engine using crankshaft torque data is presented. The work is motivated by the need of such an estimation method for real-time implementation of a torque based closed-loop combustion phasing control system. The ideal properties of the proposed method, based on torque calculated from cylinder pressure, are studied using simulations and experimental data from both a spark ignited and a compression ignited engine. A relation to 50% burned mass fraction, the most common measure of combustion phasing, is established and the robustness of the method is investigated. The results show that the ideal estimation accuracy of the proposed method is high, especially around the combustion phasing position where maximum engine efficiency is achieved. Also, the computational complexity of the combustion net torque method is significantly lower compared to other existing techniques for torque domain combustion phasing estimation

    Steering Redundancy for Self-Driving Vehicles using Differential Braking

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    This paper describes how differential braking can be used to turn a vehicle in the context of providing fail-operational control for self-driving vehicles. Two vehicle models are developed with differential input. The models are used to explain the bounds of curvature that differential braking provides and they are then validated with measurements in a test vehicle. Particular focus is paid on wheel suspension effects that significantly influence the obtained curvature. The vehicle behaviour and its limitations due to wheel suspension effects are, owing to the vehicle models, defined and explained. Finally, a model-based controller is developed to control the vehicle curvature during a fault by differential braking. The controller is designed to compensate for wheel angle disturbance that is likely to occur during the control event

    Dual lidar wind measurements along an upstream horizontal line perpendicular to a suspension bridge

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    Remote wind sensing can complement traditional anemometry at a bridge site and contribute to an improved wind-resistant design of long-span bridges. This study examines wind lidar measurement data recorded along a 168-meter-long horizontal line perpendicular to the main span of a suspension bridge in complex terrain. The velocity data records are obtained by a pair of continuous-wave Doppler lidars (short-range WindScanners) installed on the bridge deck. The measurement data are explored in terms of the mean wind speed and mean wind direction upstream of the bridge. The spectral characteristics of turbulence along the line are also investigated in relation to the increasing sampling volumes of a continuous-wave lidar system at increasing distances from the monitored area. Wind characteristics observed by the lidars are compared to those derived from sonic anemometer data recorded above the bridge deck at midspan. The results provide new insight into the wind flow characteristics in a fjord and demonstrate the potential of lidar measurements in charting the wind flow around a bridge. A slight monotonic increase of the wind speed, as well as a decrease in the yaw angle, is observed as the distance to the bridge reduces from 160 m to 20 m, while lower wind velocities are accompanied by a more stable wind direction. Within 15 m from the bridge deck, the adopted lidar setup gives unreliable information due to the large angle between the lidar beams.publishedVersio

    Dual lidar wind measurements along an upstream horizontal line perpendicular to a suspension bridge

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    Remote wind sensing can complement traditional anemometry at a bridge site and contribute to an improved wind-resistant design of long-span bridges. This study examines wind lidar measurement data recorded along a 168-meter-long horizontal line perpendicular to the main span of a suspension bridge in complex terrain. The velocity data records are obtained by a pair of continuous-wave Doppler lidars (short-range WindScanners) installed on the bridge deck. The measurement data are explored in terms of the mean wind speed and mean wind direction upstream of the bridge. The spectral characteristics of turbulence along the line are also investigated in relation to the increasing sampling volumes of a continuous-wave lidar system at increasing distances from the monitored area. Wind characteristics observed by the lidars are compared to those derived from sonic anemometer data recorded above the bridge deck at midspan. The results provide new insight into the wind flow characteristics in a fjord and demonstrate the potential of lidar measurements in charting the wind flow around a bridge. A slight monotonic increase of the wind speed, as well as a decrease in the yaw angle, is observed as the distance to the bridge reduces from 160 m to 20 m, while lower wind velocities are accompanied by a more stable wind direction. Within 15 m from the bridge deck, the adopted lidar setup gives unreliable information due to the large angle between the lidar beams.publishedVersio

    Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production and secretion of Affibody molecules

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    BACKGROUND: Affibody molecules are synthetic peptides with a variety of therapeutic and diagnostic applications. To date, Affibody molecules have mainly been produced by the bacterial production host Escherichia coli. There is an interest in exploring alternative production hosts to identify potential improvements in terms of yield, ease of production and purification advantages. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a production chassis for this group of proteins. RESULTS: We examined the production of three different Affibody molecules in S. cerevisiae and found that these Affibody molecules were partially degraded. An albumin-binding domain, which may be attached to the Affibody molecules to increase their half-life, was identified to be a substrate for several S. cerevisiae proteases. We tested the removal of three vacuolar proteases, proteinase A, proteinase B and carboxypeptidase Y. Removal of one of these, proteinase A, resulted in intact secretion of one of the targeted Affibody molecules. Removal of either or both of the two additional proteases, carboxypeptidase Y and proteinase B, resulted in intact secretion of the two remaining Affibody molecules. The produced Affibody molecules were verified to bind their target,\ua0human HER3, as potently as the corresponding molecules produced in E. coli in an in vitro surface-plasmon resonance binding assay. Finally, we performed a fed-batch fermentation with one of the engineered protease-deficient S. cerevisiae strains and achieved a protein titer of 530\ua0mg Affibody molecule/L. CONCLUSION: This study shows that engineered S. cerevisiae has a great potential as a production host for recombinant Affibody molecules, reaching a high titer, and for proteins where endotoxin removal could be challenging, the use of S. cerevisiae obviates the need for endotoxin removal from protein produced in E. coli

    Needle biopsy through the abdominal wall for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumour - Does it increase the risk for tumour cell seeding and recurrence?

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    Purpose: Preoperative percutaneous transabdominal wall biopsy may be considered to diagnose gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) and plan preoperative treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors when an endoscopic biopsy is not possible. Hypothetically, a transabdominal wall biopsy might lead to cell seeding and conversion of a local GIST to a disseminated one. We investigated the influence of preoperative needle biopsy on survival outcomes. Methods: We collected the clinical data from hospital case records of the 397 patients who participated in the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) XVIII/Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (AIO) randomised trial and who had a transabdominal fine needle and/or core needle biopsy carried out prior to study entry. The SSG XVIII/AIO trial compared 1 and 3 years of adjuvant imatinib in a patient population with a high risk of GIST recurrence after macroscopically radical surgery. The primary end-point was recurrence-free survival (RFS), and the secondary end-points included overall survival (OS). Results: A total of 47 (12.0%) out of the 393 patients with data available underwent a percutaneous biopsy. No significant difference in RFS or OS was found between the patients who underwent or did not undergo a percutaneous biopsy either in the entire series or in subpopulation analyses, except for a statistically significant RFS advantage for patients who had a percutaneous biopsy and a tumour >= 10 cm in diameter. Conclusion: A preoperative diagnostic percutaneous biopsy of a suspected GIST may not increase the risk for GIST recurrence in a patient population who receive adjuvant imatinib after the biopsy. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Central Register : 6,000 patients after 25 years of monitoring of referral and treatment of extremity and trunk wall soft-tissue sarcoma

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    Purpose - We wanted to examine the potential of the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) Central Register, and evaluate referral and treatment practice for soft-tissue sarcomas in the extremities and trunk wall (STS) in the Nordic countries. Background - Based on incidence rates from the literature, 8,150 (7,000-9,300) cases of STS of the extremity and trunk wall should have been diagnosed in Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden from 1987 through 2011. The SSG Register has 6,027 cases registered from this period, with 5,837 having complete registration of key variables. 10 centers have been reporting to the Register. The 5 centers that consistently report treat approximately 90% of the cases in their respective regions. The remaining centers have reported all the patients who were treated during certain time periods, but not for the entire 25-year period. Results - 59% of patients were referred to a sarcoma center untouched, i.e. before any attempt at open biopsy. There was an improvement from 52% during the first 5 years to 70% during the last 5 years. 50% had wide or better margins at surgery. Wide margins are now achieved less often than 20 years ago, in parallel with an increase in the use of radiotherapy. For the centers that consistently report, 97% of surviving patients are followed for more than 4 years. Metastasis-free survival (MFS) increased from 67% to 73% during the 25-year period. Interpretation - The Register is considered to be representative of extremity and trunk wall sarcoma disease in the population of Scandinavia, treated at the reporting centers. There were no clinically significant differences in treatment results at these centers.Peer reviewe

    Tillstånd och trender för arter och deras livsmiljöer

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    2015 års upplaga av den svenska rödlistan är den fjärde i ordningen. Den är baserad på IUCN:s rödlistningskriterier och revideras vart femte år. I rödlistan bedöms risken som enskilda arter av djur, växter och svampar löper att försvinna från Sverige. Bedömningen utförs av ArtDatabankens medarbetare i samverkan med över 100 externa experter, indelade i 14 expertkommittéer för olika organismgrupper. Under arbetet med 2015 års rödlista har tillstånd och trender bedömts för 21 600 arter och 1 318 lägre taxa (apomiktiska arter, underarter och varieteter), sammanlagt ca 22 900 taxa. Av de bedömda arterna klassificerades 2 029 som hotade (kategorierna CR, EN och VU) och 4 273 som rödlistade (inkluderar även kategorierna NT, RE och DD). Förhållandet mellan antalet rödlistade och antalet bedömda arter ar 19,8 %, vilket är ungefär samma värde som 2010 och 2005. I denna rapport jämförs antalet och andelen rödlistade arter mellan olika organismgrupper, biotoper, substrat och påverkansfaktorer. Texten ar indelad i en allmän del och åtta kapitel inriktade på olika landskapstyper. Landskapstyperna utgör en grov indelning av landets miljöer enligt följande kategorier: Skog, Jordbrukslandskap, Urbana miljöer, Fjäll, Våtmarker, Sötvatten, Havsstränder och Havsmiljöer. Skogen och jordbrukslandskapet är de artrikaste landskapstyperna med 1 800 respektive 1 400 arter som har en stark anknytning dit, och ytterligare flera hundra arter som förekommer där mer sporadiskt. De faktorer som påverkar flest rödlistade arter i Sverige är skogsavverkning och igenväxning, som båda utgör ett hot mot vardera ca 30 % av de rödlistade arterna. Avverkning minskar arealen av skog där naturliga strukturer och naturlig dynamik upprätthålls, och den orsakar därmed förlust av livsmiljöer. Igenväxning orsakas av ett antal faktorer, bland annat upphörande hävd (bete och slåtter), gödsling, trädplantering och brist på naturliga störningsregimer som t.ex. regelbundna översvämningar kring vattendrag och sjöar. Andra viktiga påverkansfaktorer är fiske, torrläggning av våtmarker, tillbakagång hos värdarter (främst alm och ask som drabbats av invasiva svampsjukdomar), klimatförändringar och konkurrens från invasiva arter. IUCN:s rödlisteindex beräknas för ett urval av de bedömda organismgrupperna. Rödlisteindex visar att skillnaderna mellan rödlistorna från 2000, 2005, 2010 och 2015 är små. Ett par undantag finns dock. Groddjur och stora däggdjur har fått en något förbättrad situation sedan 2000. Totalt förefaller det ändå som att trycket mot Sveriges artstock har förblivit relativt konstant under de senaste 15 åren

    Diagnostic value of kappa free light chain index in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis – a multicentre study

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    BackgroundKappa free light chains (κ-FLC) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are an emerging biomarker in multiple sclerosis (MS).ObjectiveTo investigate whether κ-FLC index has similar diagnostic value in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) compared to oligoclonal bands (OCB).MethodsPatients with PPMS were recruited through 11 MS centres across 7 countries. κ-FLC were measured by immunonephelometry/-turbidimetry. OCB were determined by isoelectric focusing and immunofixation.ResultsA total of 174 patients (mean age of 52±11 years, 51% males) were included. κ-FLC index using a cut-off of 6.1 was positive in 161 (93%) and OCB in 153 (88%) patients.Conclusionκ-FLC index shows similar diagnostic sensitivity than OCB in PPMS