51 research outputs found

    Alemán como lengua extranjera y CLIL: Análisis experimental sobre la mediación escrita de textos instructivos

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    El CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) es un enfoque en el que se emplea una L2 como lengua de instrucción para la transmisión de contenidos. Tanto en el aprendizaje del contenido, como en la adquisición de la lengua extranjera, el enfoque ha demostrado su eficacia frente a enfoques tradicionales. Numerosas investigaciones empíricas evidencian un mejor desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral y escrita, además de un mejor procesamiento semántico. Sin embargo, la competencia de la mediación apenas ha sido estudiada. La mediación textual, según el Marco Común de Referencia Europeo (MCER), consiste en ayudar a un destinatario a procesar con menor esfuerzo la información procedente de un texto fuente adecuándose a la situación comunicativa. El presente estudio compara los resultados obtenidos por un grupo CLIL y otro grupo de aprendices de una L2 a través de un enfoque tradicional en un ejercicio de mediación textual en clase de alemán como lengua extranjera (DaF). Se evidencia un mejor rendimiento de los aprendices

    El potencial pedagógico de las actividades de mediación textual para la formación de traductores: validación empírica

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    In the textual mediation proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the learner must convey the content of an original text by means of strategies such as condensation, reformulation, and translation. Unlike professional translation, it provides for a greater degree of flexibility in terms of the form of expression since the main task is to adapt to the requirements of the communicative situation. For this reason, textual mediation is an appropriate pedagogical practice for the training of translators in tertiary education, which teaches them to define a Skopos and to be authors of their own text. This paper compares a translation exercise and a mediation exercise carried out by two groups of students on a translation course within the field of economics. Linguistic errors decrease in the mediation exercise due to the student’s greater ability to detach themselves from the structures of the original text.En la mediación textual propuesta por el Marco Común de Referencia Europeo (MCER), el aprendiz debe transmitir el contenido de un texto original mediante estrategias como la condensación, la reformulación y la traducción. A diferencia de la traducción profesional, prevé un mayor grado de flexibilidad en cuanto a la forma de expresión, pues el principal cometido es adecuarse a las exigencias de la situación comunicativa. Por este motivo, la mediación textual constituye una práctica pedagógica adecuada para la formación de traductores en educación terciaria, que les enseña a definir un escopo y ser autores de su propio texto. El presente trabajo compara un ejercicio de traducción y un ejercicio de mediación realizado por dos grupos de aprendices de un curso de traducción de textos del ámbito de la economía. Los errores lingüísticos disminuyen en la mediación por la mayor capacidad del aprendiz para desprenderse de las estructuras del texto original. &nbsp

    Mediación y aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos de no inmersión: un análisis experimental

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    Mediation constitutes one of the four competences of language learning integrated in the Common European Framework of Reference. Mediation can be understood as the explanation of texts (linguistic mediation), concepts (cognitive mediation) or conversational contents (communicative mediation). It has been treated in diverse theoretical studies, but empirical research is missing. This study analyzes mediation processes in the interaction during two high controlled activities of 8 dyads (L1 Spanish and L2 German as a Foreign Language or DaF). The quantitative analyses confirm the presence of the three types of mediation proposed in the CEFR. It is an evidence that collaborative work is an adequate condition to put this competence into practice also while carrying out activities related to low-level cognitive skills. On the other hand, a low proportion of mediation in the L2 was found. This can be interpreted as a burden for practicing cognitive mediation in a non-immersion context because of the limited exposure of learners to the L2. The description of the strategies used by students for each mediation modality serves as a guide for classroom practices to foster the use of the L2.La mediación constituye una de las cuatro competencias del Marco Común de Referencia Europeo (MCER) para la enseñanza de lenguas. Consiste en la explicación de textos (o mediación lingüística), conceptos (o mediación cognitiva) o conversaciones (mediación comunicativa). De ella se ocupan varios estudios teóricos, pero las investigaciones em- píricas son escasas. El presente estudio analiza los procesos de mediación a partir de la interacción entre 8 pares de aprendientes de alemán como lengua extranjera (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) con español como lengua materna durante dos actividades de práctica con- trolada. El análisis cuantitativo confirma la presencia de los tres tipos de mediación pro- puestos por el MCER en los datos, lo cual demuestra la idoneidad del trabajo colaborativo para poner en práctica esta competencia también durante el desarrollo de tareas asociadas a habilidades cognitivas de nivel inferior (como identificar, ordenar o declinar). Por otra parte, se observa una baja proporción de mediaciones en lengua meta (L2). Este es un índice de la dificultad que supone la mediación cognitiva en contextos de no inmersión, donde el aprendiente, en su entorno habitual, no está expuesto a un contacto regular con la L2. Las estrategias empleadas en cada tipo de mediación ayudan a orientar la práctica en el aula fomentando un mayor uso de la lengua meta

    German as a foreign language and CLIL: Experimental analysis on the written mediation of instructional texts

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    El CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) es un enfoque en el que se emplea una L2 como lengua de instrucción para la transmisión de contenidos. Tanto en el aprendizaje del contenido, como en la adquisición de la lengua extranjera, el enfoque ha demostrado su eficacia frente a enfoques tradicionales. Numerosas investigaciones empíricas evidencian un mejor desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral y escrita, además de un mejor procesamiento semántico. Sin embargo, la competencia de la mediación apenas ha sido estudiada. La mediación textual, según el Marco Común de Referencia Europeo (MCER), consiste en ayudar a un destinatario a procesar con menor esfuerzo la información procedente de un texto fuente adecuándose a la situación comunicativa. El presente estudio compara los resultados obtenidos por un grupo CLIL y otro grupo de aprendices de una L2 a través de un enfoque tradicional en un ejercicio de mediación textual en clase de alemán como lengua extranjera (DaF). Se evidencia un mejor rendimiento de los aprendices.CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) is an approach in which an L2 is used as the language of instruction for the transmission of content. Both in content and foreign language learning, the approach has proven to be effective in comparison to traditional approaches. Numerous empirical investigations show a better development of oral and written communicative competence, as well as improved semantic processing. However, mediation competence has hardly formed the object of investigations. The present study is a contribution to the neglected field of textual mediation, an area which according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) consists of helping an addressee process information from a source text with less effort by adapting it to the communicative situation. The present study provides a comparison of the results obtained by a group in which the CLIL approach has been used and another group of L2 learners taught in a traditional approach in a textual mediation exercise in a German as a Foreign Language class (DaF), revealing a better performance of the learners in the CLIL setting

    El potencial pedagógico de las actividades de mediación textual para la formación de traductores: validación empírica

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    En la mediación textual propuesta por el Marco Común de Referencia Europeo (MCER), el aprendiz debe transmitir el contenido de un texto original mediante estrategias como la condensación, la reformulación y la traducción. A diferencia de la traducción profesional, prevé un mayor grado de flexibilidad en cuanto a la forma de expresión, pues el principal cometido es adecuarse a las exigencias de la situación comunicativa. Por este motivo, la mediación textual constituye una práctica pedagógica adecuada para la formación de traductores en educación terciaria, que les enseña a definir un escopo y ser autores de su propio texto. El presente trabajo compara un ejercicio de traducción y un ejercicio de mediación realizado por dos grupos de aprendices de un curso de traducción de textos del ámbito de la economía. Los errores lingüísticos disminuyen en la mediación por la mayor capacidad del aprendiz para desprenderse de las estructuras del texto original

    Expression analyses of the mitochondrial complex I 75-kDa subunit in early onset schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder: increased levels as a potential biomarker for early onset schizophrenia

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    Searching for a peripheral biological marker for schizophrenia, we previously reported on elevated mitochondrial complex I 75-kDa subunit mRNA-blood concentrations in early onset schizophrenia (EOS). The aim of this study was to further evaluate the utility of this gene as a potential marker for schizophrenia. Both—schizophrenia and autism—are suggested to be neuronal maldevelopmental disorders with reports of mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress. Therefore we have investigated the expression levels of mitochondrial complex I 75-kDa subunit mRNA in whole blood of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and a group of adolescent acute first-episode EOS patients in comparison to matched controls. We have found that compared to the respective controls only the group of EOS patients—and not the ASD group—showed a significantly altered expression of the complex I 75-kDa subunit mRNA. Although further studies are necessary to test for the specificity of this marker, our findings point to the potential use of the mitochondrial complex I as a biomarker for schizophrenia

    EEG Data Quality: Determinants and Impact in a Multicenter Study of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) represents a widely established method for assessing altered and typically developing brain function. However, systematic studies on EEG data quality, its correlates, and consequences are scarce. To address this research gap, the current study focused on the percentage of artifact-free segments after standard EEG pre-processing as a data quality index. We analyzed participant-related and methodological influences, and validity by replicating landmark EEG effects. Further, effects of data quality on spectral power analyses beyond participant-related characteristics were explored. EEG data from a multicenter ADHD-cohort (age range 6 to 45 years), and a non-ADHD school-age control group were analyzed (ntotal = 305). Resting-state data during eyes open, and eyes closed conditions, and task-related data during a cued Continuous Performance Task (CPT) were collected. After pre-processing, general linear models, and stepwise regression models were fitted to the data. We found that EEG data quality was strongly related to demographic characteristics, but not to methodological factors. We were able to replicate maturational, task, and ADHD effects reported in the EEG literature, establishing a link with EEG-landmark effects. Furthermore, we showed that poor data quality significantly increases spectral power beyond effects of maturation and symptom severity. Taken together, the current results indicate that with a careful design and systematic quality control, informative large-scale multicenter trials characterizing neurophysiological mechanisms in neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan are feasible. Nevertheless, results are restricted to the limitations reported. Future work will clarify predictive value

    Microglia integration into human midbrain organoids leads to increased neuronal maturation and functionality

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    The human brain is a complex, three-dimensional structure. To better recapitulate brain complexity, recent efforts have focused on the development of human-specific midbrain organoids. Human iPSC-derived midbrain organoids consist of differentiated and functional neurons, which contain active synapses, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. However, the absence of microglia, with their ability to remodel neuronal networks and phagocytose apoptotic cells and debris, represents a major disadvantage for the current midbrain organoid systems. Additionally, neuroinflammation-related disease modeling is not possible in the absence of microglia. So far, no studies about the effects of human iPSC-derived microglia on midbrain organoid neural cells have been published. Here we describe an approach to derive microglia from human iPSCs and integrate them into iPSC-derived midbrain organoids. Using single nuclear RNA Sequencing, we provide a detailed characterization of microglia in midbrain organoids as well as the influence of their presence on the other cells of the organoids. Furthermore, we describe the effects that microglia have on cell death and oxidative stress-related gene expression. Finally, we show that microglia in midbrain organoids affect synaptic remodeling and increase neuronal excitability. Altogether, we show a more suitable system to further investigate brain development, as well as neurodegenerative diseases and neuroinflammation

    PLK1 inhibition dampens NLRP3 inflammasome–elicited response in inflammatory disease models

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    Unabated activation of the NLR family pyrin domain–containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is linked with the pathogenesis of various inflammatory disorders. Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) has been widely studied for its role in mitosis. Here, using both pharmacological and genetic approaches, we demonstrate that PLK1 promoted NLRP3 inflammasome activation at cell interphase. Using an unbiased proximity-dependent biotin identification (Bio-ID) screen for the PLK1 interactome in macrophages, we show an enhanced proximal association of NLRP3 with PLK1 upon NLRP3 inflammasome activation. We further confirmed the interaction between PLK1 and NLRP3 and identified the interacting domains. Mechanistically, we show that PLK1 orchestrated the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) structure and NLRP3 subcellular positioning upon inflammasome activation. Treatment with a selective PLK1 kinase inhibitor suppressed IL-1β production in in vivo inflammatory models, including LPS-induced endotoxemia and monosodium urate–induced peritonitis in mice. Our results uncover a role of PLK1 in regulating NLRP3 inflammasome activation during interphase and identify pharmacological inhibition of PLK1 as a potential therapeutic strategy for inflammatory diseases with excessive NLRP3 inflammasome activation.This work was supported by British Heart Foundation (BHF) fellowship grants (FS/14/28/30713 and FS/SBSRF/22/31036, to XL); a BHF project grant (PG/17/69/33229, to XL); a BHF PhD studentship (FS/17/5/32531, to XL); and a Cambridge BHF Centre of Research Excellence grant (RE/18/1/34212). MB was supported by a BHF PhD studentship (BHF FS/17/5/32531). CD was supported by a BHF 4-year PhD student programme (FS/16/53/32729). EW was supported by a BHF project grant (PG/17/69/33229). ZM is supported by a BHF chair grant (CH/10/001/27642). The BR team was supported by the Region Centre Val de Loire (2003-00085470) and the Conseil Général du Loiret and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER no. 2016-00110366 and EX005756). CB was supported by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (108045/Z/15/Z). This research was supported by the Cambridge NIHR BRC Cell Phenotyping Hub. We thank Mike Deery, Renata Feret, and Konstantin Barylyuk at the Cambridge Centre for Proteomics.Peer reviewe