10 research outputs found

    Mesoscale mixing of the Denmark Strait Overflow in the Irminger Basin

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    Highlights: ‱ Water mass transformation in Denmark Strait Overflow is localized in space/time ‱ High transformation co-locates with maxima in eddy velocity variance and shear ‱ Overflow eddies modulate the transformation, eddy heat flux divergence and shear Abstract: The Denmark Strait Overflow (DSO) is a major export route for dense waters from the Nordic Seas forming the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, an important element of the climate system. Mixing processes along the DSO pathway influence its volume transport and properties contributing to the variability of the deep overturning circulation. They are poorly sampled by observations however which hinders development of a proper DSO representation in global circulation models. We employ a high resolution regional ocean model of the Irminger Basin to quantify impact of the mesoscale flows on DSO mixing focusing on geographical localization and local time–modulation of water property changes. The model reproduces the observed bulk warming of the DSO plume 100–200 km downstream of the Denmark Strait sill. It also reveals that mesoscale variability of the overflow (‘DSO-eddies’, of 20-30 km extent and a time scale of 2–5 day) modulates water property changes and turbulent mixing, diagnosed with the vertical shear of horizontal velocity and the eddy heat flux divergence. The space–time localization of the DSO mixing and warming and the role of coherent mesoscale structures should be explored by turbulence measurements and factored into the coarse circulation models

    Water column structure and statistics of Denmark Strait Overflow Water cyclones

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    Data from seven moorings deployed across the East Greenland shelfbreak and slope 280 km downstream of Denmark Strait are used to investigate the characteristics and dynamics of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) cyclones. On average, a cyclone passes the mooring array every other day near the 900 m isobath, dominating the variability of the boundary current system. There is considerable variation in both the frequency and location of the cyclones on the slope, but no apparent seasonality. Using the year-long data set from September 2007 to October 2008, we construct a composite DSOW cyclone that reveals the average scales of the features. The composite cyclone consists of a lens of dense overflow water on the bottom, up to 300 m thick, with cyclonic flow above the lens. The azimuthal flow is intensified in the middle and upper part of the water column and has the shape of a Gaussian eddy with a peak depth-mean speed of 0.22 m/s at a radius of 7.8 km. The lens is advected by the mean flow of 0.27 m/s and self propagates at 0.45 m/s, consistent with the topographic Rossby wave speed and the Nof speed. The total translation velocity along the East Greenland slope is 0.72 m/s. The self-propagation speed exceeds the cyclonic swirl speed, indicating that the azimuthal flow cannot kinematically trap fluid in the water column above the lens. This implies that the dense water anomaly and the cyclonic swirl velocity are dynamically linked, in line with previous theory. Satellite sea surface temperature (SST) data are investigated to study the surface expression of the cyclones. Disturbances to the SST field are found to propagate less quickly than the in-situ DSOW cyclones, raising the possibility that the propagation of the SST signatures is not directly associated with the cyclones

    Atlantic-Origin Overflow Water in the East Greenland Current

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    Dense water masses transported southward along the east coast of Greenland in the East Greenland Current (EGC) form the largest contribution to the Denmark Strait Overflow. When exiting Denmark Strait these dense water masses sink to depth and feed the deep circulation in the North Atlantic. Based on one year of mooring observations upstream of Denmark Strait and historical hydrographic profiles between Fram Strait and Denmark Strait, we find that a large part (75%) of the overflow water (⁠ ≄ 27.8 kg m−3) transported by the EGC is of Atlantic origin (potential temperature Ξ > 0°C). The along-stream changes in temperature of the Atlantic-origin Water are moderate north of 69°N at the northern end of Blosseville basin, but southward from this point the temperature decreases more rapidly. We hypothesize that this enhanced modification is related to the bifurcation of the EGC taking place close to 69°N into the shelfbreak EGC and the separated EGC. This is associated with enhanced eddy activity and strong water mass modification reducing the intermediate temperature and salinity maxima of the Atlantic-origin Water. During periods with a large (small) degree of modification the separated current is strong (weak). Output from a high-resolution numerical model supports our hypothesis and reveals that large eddy activity is associated with an offshore shift of the surface freshwater layer that characterizes the Greenland shelf. The intensity of the eddy activity regulates the density and the hydrographic properties of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water transported by the EGC system

    The East Greenland Boundary Current System South of Denmark Strait

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    Four repeat sections across the East Greenland shelf and slope south of Denmark Strait are analysed to investigate the components of the boundary current system. The sections were occupied in summer 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2007, and included use of a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler, enabling the computation of absolute geostrophic velocities. The components of the boundary current are the East Greenland/Irminger Current (EGIC) in the upper layer, the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) at the base of the continental slope, and the East Greenland spill jet which resides inshore and beneath the EGIC. Special emphasis is placed on the spill jet, a recently discovered feature about which relatively little is known. The spill jet was observed in each occupation, transporting 5.0±2.2 Sv equatorward in the mean, which is similar to the DWBC at this latitude (4.9±1.4 Sv). The spill jet displayed considerable variability between sections, which appears to be linked to the geographical location of the upper-layer hydrographic front associated with the EGIC. When the front is located near the shelfbreak, the spill jet is confined to the outer shelf/upper slope and its transport is smaller. During these times there is less mixing and the water advected by the jet is generally lighter than that transported by the DWBC. In contrast, when the front is located seaward of the shelfbreak, the spill jet extends farther down the continental slope and its volume flux is larger. At these times, there is stronger mixing and the spill jet can transport water as dense as the Denmark Strait Overflow Water. A vorticity analysis indicates that the jet is susceptible to a variety of instability processes including baroclinic, barotropic and symmetric instability. In addition, it is subject to double diffusive mixing that may influence its downstream evolution. It appears that the spill jet is a permanent feature of the summertime circulation in this region and contributes significantly to the intermediate, and at times deep, limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

    Lateral redistribution of heat and salt in the Nordic Seas

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    The locations, times, and mechanisms by which heat and salt are transported through and within the Nordic Seas are discussed. The analysis is based on a regional, high resolution coupled sea ice-ocean numerical model, a climatological hydrographic data set, and atmospheric reanalysis. The model and climatology are broadly consistent in terms of heat loss, water masses, and mean geostrophic currents. The model fields are used to demonstrate that the dominant exchange between basins is an export of warm, salty water from the Norwegian Sea into the Greenland and Iceland Seas, with both the mean cyclonic boundary current system and eddy fluxes playing important roles. In both the model and the climatology, approximately 2/3 of the heat loss to the atmosphere over the Nordic Seas is found over the mean cyclonic flow and 1/3 takes place within the closed recirculations in the interior of each of the basin gyres, with the Norwegian Sea having the largest heat loss. The seasonal cycle is dominated by local air-sea heat flux within the gyres while it is dominated by lateral advection in the cyclonic boundary current, particularly in the northern Norwegian and Greenland Seas. The freshwater flux off the east Greenland shelf is correlated with the local winds such that in winter, when winds are generally towards the southwest, freshwater is advected onto the shelf and in summer, when winds are weak or towards the northeast, freshwater is advected into the Greenland Sea, which leads to salinification in winter and freshening in summer

    The East Greenland Spill Jet as an important component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation

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    Highlights: ‱ Mooring observations show the East Greenland Spill Jet to be ubiquitous. ‱ It is fed by classical DSOW in Denmark Strait, shelf water, and Irminger Sea water. ‱ Its transport is similar to the classical DSOW plume. ‱ It is the origin of a large fraction of the water in the Labrador Sea Water density range. Abstract: The recently discovered East Greenland Spill Jet is a bottom-intensified current on the upper continental slope south of Denmark Strait, transporting intermediate density water equatorward. Until now the Spill Jet has only been observed with limited summertime measurements from ships. Here we present the first year-round mooring observations demonstrating that the current is a ubiquitous feature with a volume transport similar to the well-known plume of Denmark Strait overflow water farther downslope. Using reverse particle tracking in a high-resolution numerical model, we investigate the upstream sources feeding the Spill Jet. Three main pathways are identified: particles flowing directly into the Spill Jet from the Denmark Strait sill; particles progressing southward on the East Greenland shelf that subsequently spill over the shelfbreak into the current; and ambient water from the Irminger Sea that gets entrained into the flow. The two Spill Jet pathways emanating from Denmark Strait are newly resolved, and long-term hydrographic data from the strait verifies that dense water is present far onto the Greenland shelf. Additional measurements near the southern tip of Greenland suggest that the Spill Jet ultimately merges with the deep portion of the shelfbreak current, originally thought to be a lateral circulation associated with the sub-polar gyre. Our study thus reveals a previously unrecognized significant component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation that needs to be considered to understand fully the oceanŚłs role in climate

    Arctic Ocean response to Greenland Sea wind anomalies in a suite of model simulations

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    Multi‐model Arctic Ocean ``Climate Response Function” (CRF) experiments are analyzed in order to explore the effects of anomalous wind forcing over the Greenland Sea (GS) on poleward ocean heat transport, Atlantic Water (AW) pathways, and the extent of Arctic sea ice. Particular emphasis is placed on the sensitivity of the AW circulation to anomalously strong or weak GS winds in relation to natural variability, the latter manifested as part of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). We find that anomalously strong (weak) GS wind forcing, comparable in strength to a strong positive (negative) NAO index, results in an intensification (weakening) of the poleward AW flow, extending from south of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre, through the Nordic Seas, and all the way into the Canadian Basin. Reconstructions made utilizing the calculated CRFs explain ~50 % of the simulated AW flow variance; this is the proportion of variability that can be explained by GS wind forcing. In the Barents and Kara Seas there is a clear relationship between the wind‐driven anomalous AW inflow and the sea ice extent. Most of the anomalous AW heat is lost to the atmosphere, and loss of sea ice in the Barents Sea results in even more heat loss to the atmosphere, and thus effective ocean cooling. Release of passive tracers in a subset of the suite of models reveals differences in circulation patterns and shows that the flow of AW in the Arctic Ocean is highly dependent on the wind stress in the Nordic Seas. Plain Language Summary The North Atlantic Current is an extension of the Gulf Stream, which brings warm Atlantic Water northward as the current flows through the Nordic Seas. Eventually it enters the cold deep Arctic Ocean basins through the Barents Sea and Fram Strait. Nine different numerical ocean‐ice models have been analyzed and compared in order to investigate: (1) their ability to simulate this northward flow of Atlantic Water, (2) its dependence on wind forcing, and (3) its impact on Arctic sea ice. Consistently, in all models, stronger winds in the Greenland Sea result in a stronger northward flow of warm Atlantic Water. The response on ocean circulation occurs from the North Atlantic, through the Nordic Seas and the Barents Sea, to the deep Canadian Basin. The flow of warm Atlantic Water within the Arctic Ocean is thus highly dependent on the wind stress in the Nordic Seas. There is particularly clear response in the Barents and Kara Seas where a wind‐driven anomalous warm inflow drives a smaller sea ice extent and thickness, and an increased heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere above. Weaker winds in the Greenland Sea produces weaker flow and hence a larger sea ice extent and thicknes