793 research outputs found

    On the proof-theoretic strength of monotone induction in explicit mathematics

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    AbstractWe characterize the proof-theoretic strength of systems of explicit mathematics with a general principle (MID) asserting the existence of least fixed points for monotone inductive definitions, in terms of certain systems of analysis and set theory. In the case of analysis, these are systems which contain the Σ12-axiom of choice and Π12-comprehension for formulas without set parameters. In the case of set theory, these are systems containing the Kripke-Platek axioms for a recursively inaccessible universe together with the existence of a stable ordinal. In all cases, the exact strength depends on what forms of induction are admitted in the respective systems

    Teachers’ Perception of an Integrated Approach to Biology and Emotional Learning

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    Inclusive education requires that teachers not only teach academic knowledge and skills, but also consider the individual needs of all pupils, especially with respect to their social-emotional status. All teachers (including science and biology teachers) have to promote the well-being of their pupils by helping them develop social-emotional skills. The positive impact of these skills has been widely researched and documented. There is no doubt that academic achievements and social-emotional skills go hand in hand. However, only very little research data are available on how biology lessons and biology teachers can facilitate inclusive education in everyday school. The purpose of this qualitative study is to find out how teachers perceive an integrated approach in biology classes. This study reports on the experiences of five biology teachers with an integrated approach in which learning about the human body was intertwined with socio-emotional learning to address all pupils’ needs. Overall, the teachers considered the use and implementation of the approach a success. They observed that the pupils were motivated and showed a high level of active involvement and participation. However, it became obvious that the teachers did not fully realize all elements of the approach—the intertwined biological and emotional learning in particular—although they liked it. Finally, our findings show that a practical way to teach science and emotional learning can be realized in common, but teachers need further support and professional development

    Zweite Phase der Technologieplattform für ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft – Ausarbeitung einer Forschungsagenda und eines Aktionsplanes für die biologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft

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    Die Ziele und Aufgabenstellungen der Forschungsplattform erfüllen die einschlägigen Ziele des Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau: Die Forschungsplattform entspricht dem Ziel die Rahmenbedingungen für die ökologische Landwirtschaft und andere nachhaltige Formen der Landwirtschaft deutlich zu verbessern und ein gleichgewichtiges Wachstum von Angebot und Nachfrage zu erzielen‘. Auch das Kriterium ‚alle Stufen der Wertschöpfungskette – von der Erzeugung bis hin zum Verbraucher‘ abzudecken, ist erfüllt. Die zentralen Ziele im Bereich Forschungsmanagement und Wissenstransfer im Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau sind erfüllt. Die Forschungspattform hat sowohl zur Forschungsförderung als auch zum Wissenstransfer beigetragen. Die Forschungsplattform ‘Organics’ kann als Erfolg bezeichnet werden. Es ist gelungen, die Forschungsplattform mit einem riesigen Netzwerk europäischer Dachorganisationen, Wissenschaftlern, Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft, Firmen und nationalen Plattformen aufzubauen. Aufbauend auf der Forschungsvision konnten die Strategische Forschungsagenda und der Forschungsaktionsplan erarbeitet und veröffentlicht werden. Der Plattform gelang es außerdem, sich einen Namen bei relevanten Vertretern der EU-Administration und politischen Entscheidungsträgern zu machen. Die Forschungsplattform hat eine Kommunikationsstruktur aufgebaut um ihre Aktivitäten und Ergebnisse bekannt zu machen. Besonders die Webseite der Plattform und der Newsletter erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit. Vertreter der Plattform haben die Struktur und Ergebnisse der TP ‚Organics‘ in 34 Veranstaltungen in ganz Europa vorgestellt. TP ‚Organics‘ wird auch in der Zukunft weiterhin ein Partner in Kongressen und Konferenzen sein. Es gelang der Plattform zudem, dass fünf seiner Forschungsvorschläge von der Generaldirektion Forschung der EU bei den Ausschreibungen für das Arbeitsprogramm 2011 berücksichtigt wurden. Im September 2010 wurden der Generaldirektion erneut 13 neue Themenvorschläge unterbreitet, von denen zu erwarten ist, dass einige Aufnahme in die Forschungsausschreibungen für die Arbeitsprogramme 2012 und 2013 finden werden. Die TP ‚Organics‘ bietet eine effektive Plattform um Informationen zu teilen und somit zur Entwicklung zukünftiger EU Forschungsprojekte beizutragen. Während der Definition der Forschungsprioritäten, hatten sowohl landwirtschaftliche Berater, Landwirte als auch Vertreter biologischer Klein- und Mittelunternehmen die Möglichkeit sich einzubringen und ihre Bedürfnisse zu kommunizieren. Der Wissenstransfer und die Teilhabe von Wirtschaftsbeteiligten in der Forschung entwickelten sich zu wichtigen Themenschwerpunkten. Die Ermittlung der Forschungsbedürnisse hatte und hat weiterhin einen großen Einfluss auf die zukünftigen Ausschreibungen von EU-Forschungsprojekten. Die Arbeit an der TP ‚Organics‘ hat außerdem alle Beteiligten durch die Wertschöpfungskette hindurch in ihrem Informations- und Arbeitsaustausch gestärkt. Partnerschaften wurden gefestigt, die der Weiterentwicklung der Forschungslandschaft für biologische Landwirtschaft zugutekommen werden. Die an der Plattform mitwirkenden Forscher und anderen Akteure hatten zudem die Möglichkeit, über neue Methoden partizipativer Forschung, des Austausches von Wissen, Netzwerken und Methoden zur Entscheidungsfindung zu diskutieren. Die TP ‘Organics’ hat außerdem Konzepte ausgearbeitet, die auch anderen Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft zugutekommen kann, so zum Beispiel einer Landwirtschaft, die sich auf nur geringe externe Betriebsmittel stützt (low external input agriculture)

    Potential of infrared thermography to detect insect stages and defects in young trees

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    In den vergangenen Jahren wurden in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten lebende Stadien des Citrusbockkäfers (CLB), Anoplophora chinensis, im Rahmen der Importkontrolle an Jungbäumen festgestellt. Die in dem Durchführungsbeschluss 2012/138/EG festgelegten Einfuhrvorschriften der Europäischen Union fordern derzeit eine zerstörende Prüfung einer bestimmten Anzahl der Pflanzen. Hintergrund ist, dass trotz Befall mit dem CLB äußerlich keine Symptome vorhanden sind, die bei einer reinen visuellen Inspektion festgestellt werden können. Im Rahmen des EUPHRESCO-Projektes ANOPLORISK wurde in der vorliegenden Untersuchung aus einer Reihe von zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren die Infrarotthermographie als zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren angewandt. Aus Quarantänegründen wurde mit heimischen Weidenbohrerlarven, Cossus cossus L. (Modellorganismen), die den CLB-Larven in Größe und Fraßbild ähneln, gearbeitet. Mittels standardisierter Prüfkörper und präparierter Bohrlöcher wurden drei Thermographiekamera-Typen untersucht. Weder passive noch aktive Thermographieverfahren konnten ausreichende Temperaturkontraste darstellen, um Larven, Bohrlöcher oder Bohrspäne innerhalb des Holzes zu identifizieren. Infrarotthermographie scheint kein geeignetes Verfahren zur Aufspürung von Insektenstadien und -schäden in Jungbäumen zu sein. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2013.09.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2013.09.01Living stages of the quarantine pest Anoplophora chinensis Forster, the so called Citrus Longhorned Beetle (CLB), have been detected repeatedly during import inspections of young trees in several European Union member states. CLB infested plants show almost no external symptoms for identification by visual inspection. Therefore, according to the European Union plant health legislation (EU-Commission-Implementing Decision 2012/138/EG), destructive sampling of the plants at random is required. Infrared thermography has been assessed as alternative, non-destructive testing method. Due to the quarantine status of CLB, the native goat moth, Cossus cossus L., was used as surrogate for the studies. Three types of ther­mography cameras have been tested using standardized wooden samples during two long-term measurements. Neither passive nor active thermographic methods were able to visualize enough differences in temperatures to detect larvae, boreholes or boredust inside of wooden samples. Therefore infrared thermography with its currently available technology seems to be no appropriate technique for detecting insect stages or defects in young trees. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2013.09.01, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2013.09.0


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    Despite being one of the smallest countries in Africa, the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) is characterized by many locations, which are due to their geoscientific significance to be termed as geosites, and which are here in an overview presented and briefly explained. Each of them can be assigned to a specific scientific approach, e.g. as a landscape, a geological, a geomorphologic, an archaeological (prehistoric) or a mining heritage site. Eswatini yields remarkable landscapes like the Mahamba Gorge and the Sibebe Monolith, it exhibits worldwide one of the largest in granite formed caves (Gobholo), and possibly the oldest dated rocks in Africa (Piggs Peak gneisses), as well as beautiful and scientifically relevant rock painting sites (Nsangwini, Sandlane and Hholoshini) and three abandoned mines in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (Forbes, Ngwenya and Bulembu). The latter have contributed largely to the infrastructural development of the country. The geotouristic value of the respective sites is evaluated and commented, and it is assumed that in future these and other, here not yet mentioned geosites, may contribute to income generating processes for the country and the local communities

    A diagnostic procedure for applying the social-ecological systems framework in diverse cases

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    The framework for analyzing sustainability of social-ecological systems (SES) framework of Elinor Ostrom is a multitier collection of concepts and variables that have proven to be relevant for understanding outcomes in diverse SES. The first tier of this framework includes the concepts resource system (RS) and resource units (RU), which are then further characterized through lower tier variables such as clarity of system boundaries and mobility. The long-term goal of framework development is to derive conclusions about which combinations of variables explain outcomes across diverse types of SES. This will only be possible if the concepts and variables of the framework can be made operational unambiguously for the different types of SES, which, however, remains a challenge. Reasons for this are that case studies examine other types of RS than those for which the framework has been developed or consider RS for which different actors obtain different kinds of RU. We explore these difficulties and relate them to antecedent work on common-pool resources and public goods. We propose a diagnostic procedure which resolves some of these difficulties by establishing a sequence of questions that facilitate the step-wise and unambiguous application of the SES framework to a given case. The questions relate to the actors benefiting from the SES, the collective goods involved in the generation of those benefits, and the action situations in which the collective goods are provided and appropriated. We illustrate the diagnostic procedure for four case studies in the context of irrigated agriculture in New Mexico, common property meadows in the Swiss Alps, recreational fishery in Germany, and energy regions in Austria. We conclude that the current SES framework has limitations when applied to complex, multiuse SES, because it does not sufficiently capture the actor interdependencies introduced through RS and RU characteristics and dynamics

    Efficiency of cold atmospheric plasma, cleaning powders and their combination for biofilm removal on two different titanium implant surfaces

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    Objectives: Biofilm removal is the decisive factor for the control of peri-implantitis. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) can become an effective aid due to its ability to destroy and to inactivate bacterial biofilm residues. This study evaluated the cleaning efficiency of CAP, and air-polishing with glycine (APG) or erythritol (APE) containing powders alone or in combination with CAP (APG + CAP, APE + CAP) on sandblasted/acid etched, and anodised titanium implant surface. Materials and methods: On respective titanium discs, a 7-day ex vivo human biofilm was grown. Afterwards, the samples were treated with CAP, APG, APE, APG + CAP, and APE + CAP. Sterile and untreated biofilm discs were used for verification. Directly after treatment and after 5 days of incubation in medium at 37 °C, samples were prepared for examination by fluorescence microscopy. The relative biofilm fluorescence was measured for quantitative analyses. Results: Air-polishing with or without CAP removed biofilms effectively. The combination of air-polishing with CAP showed the best cleaning results compared to single treatments, even on day 5. Immediately after treatment, APE + CAP showed insignificant higher cleansing efficiency than APG + CAP. Conclusions: CAP supports mechanical cleansing and disinfection to remove and inactivate microbial biofilm on implant surfaces significantly. Here, the type of the powder was not important. The highest cleansing results were obtained on sandblasted/etched surfaces. Clinical relevance. Microbial residuals impede wound healing and re-osseointegration after peri-implantitis treatment. Air-polishing treatment removes biofilms very effectively, but not completely. In combination with CAP, microbial free surfaces can be achieved. The tested treatment regime offers an advantage during treatment of peri-implantitis

    Оценка пригодности сиштофа для получения пеностекольных материалов

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    In this work gives the analysis of suitability of use of by-product processing aluminum for manufacture of heat-insulating material construction purpose