846 research outputs found

    Landschaftsentwicklung mit dem ökologischen Landbau- das Beispiel Hof Medewege (Schwerin)

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    Die Neugestaltung ausgerĂ€umter AckerflĂ€chen als Herausforderung: Der Hof Medewege grenzt an den Stadtrand von Schwerin an. Der seit 1993 bestehende, rund 80 ha umfassende Demeter-Betrieb hat im Sommer 2000 147 ha hinzupachten kön-nen, davon knapp 100 ha in Form einer einzigen ungegliederten TeilflĂ€che. Die Pacht wurde auf Bestreben des stĂ€dtischen Umweltamtes möglich, das dort sogenannte „Ausgleichsgelder“ (aus dem Bau einer Umgehungsstraße) in Gestaltungsmaßnah-men investieren will und die ökologische Bewirtschaftung als optimale Ausgangsbe-dingung dafĂŒr ansieht. Als weitere Rahmenbedingung im Hintergrund steht die Bun-desgartenschau, die im Jahr 2009 in Schwerin ausgerichtet werden soll. Der Hof Medewege und seine Landschaft grenzen an das kĂŒnftige BUGA-GelĂ€nde an und sollen als Naherholungsgebiet in die Planungen einbezogen werden. Wie können Maßnahmen wie die Neugestaltung ausgerĂ€umter AckerflĂ€chen auf einem ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieb so organisiert werden, dass sich interessierte Beteiligte – hier vor allem die Bewirtschafter und verantwortliche Behördenvertreter – in einen Landschaftsentwicklungsplanungsprozess einbringen können? Welche Gesichtspunkte sind bei der Neustrukturierung ausgerĂ€umter FlĂ€chen zu berĂŒcksichtigen? Welche Anforderungen ergeben sich aus einer solchen Aufgabe fĂŒr Berater, die derartige Entwicklungsprozesse fördern und begleiten

    A Legal Perspective on Training Models for Natural Language Processing

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    A significant concern in processing natural language data is the often unclear legal status of the input and output data/resources. In this paper, we investigate this problem by discussing a typical activity in Natural Language Processing: the training of a machine learning model from an annotated corpus. We examine which legal rules apply at relevant steps and how they affect the legal status of the results, especially in terms of copyright and copyright-related rights

    Einsatz und Bewertung komponentenbasierter Metadaten in einer föderierten Infrastruktur fĂŒr Sprachressourcen am Beispiel der CMDI

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    Die Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Einsatz der Component Metadata Infrastructure CMDI im Rahmen der föderierten Infrastruktur CLARIN auseinander, wobei diverse konkrete ProblemfĂ€lle aufgezeigt werden. FĂŒr die Erarbeitung entsprechender Lösungsstrategien werden unterschiedliche Verfahren adaptiert und fĂŒr die QualitĂ€tsanalyse von Metadaten und zur Optimierung ihres Einsatzes in einer föderierten Umgebung genutzt. Konkret betrifft dies vor allem die Übernahme von Modellierungsstrategien der Linked Data Community, die Übernahme von Prinzipien und QualitĂ€tsmetriken der objektorientierten Programmierung fĂŒr CMD-Metadatenkomponenten, sowie den Einsatz von ZentralitĂ€tsmaßen der Graph- bzw. Netzwerkanalyse fĂŒr die Bewertung des Zusammenhalts des gesamten Metadatenverbundes. Dabei wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die Analyse verwendeter Schema- bzw. Schemabestandteile sowie die Betrachtung verwendeter Individuenvokabulare im Zusammenspiel aller beteiligten Zentren in den Vordergrund gestellt

    CorreLogo: an online server for 3D sequence logos of RNA and DNA alignments

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    We present an online server that generates a 3D representation of properties of user-submitted RNA or DNA alignments. The visualized properties are information of single alignment columns, mutual information of two alignment positions as well as the position-specific fraction of gaps. The nucleotide composition of both single columns and column pairs is visualized with the help of color-coded 3D bars labeled with letters. The server generates both VRML and JVX output that can be viewed with a VRML viewer or the JavaView applet, respectively. We show that combining these different features of an alignment into one 3D representation is helpful in identifying correlations between bases and potential RNA and DNA base pairs. Significant known correlations between the tRNA 3â€Č anticodon cardinal nucleotide and the extended anticodon were observed, as were correlations within the amino acid acceptor stem and between the cardinal nucleotide and the acceptor stem. The online server can be accessed using the URL

    Mining and Analysing One Billion Requests to Linguistic Services

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    From 2004 to 2016 the Leipzig Linguistic Services (LLS) existed as a SOAP-based cyber infrastructure of atomic micro-services for the Wortschatz project, which covered different-sized textual corpora in more than 230 languages. The LLS were developed in 2004 and went live in 2005 in order to provide a Web service-based API to these corpus databases. In 2006, the LLS infrastructure began to systematically log and store requests made to the text collection, and in August 2016 the LLS were shut down. This article summarises the experience of the past ten years of running such a cyberinfrastructure with a total of nearly one billion requests. It includes an explanation of the technical decisions and limitations but also provides an overview of how the services were used

    Visualization of Chronic Myocardial Infarction Using the Intravascular Contrast Agent MS-325 (Gadofosveset) in Patients

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    Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of visualizing chronic myocardial infarction in patients using the intravascular CA MS-325 (gadofosveset, EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Mass, USA). Methods. Nine patients were enrolled in a clinical phase II multicenter trial for MRCA and perfusion imaging using MS-325. They had objective evidence of chronic myocardial infarction as visualized by previously performed late gadolinium (Gd) enhancement imaging (LGE) with a conventional extracellular Gd-DTPA CA (Magnevist, Bayer Healthcare, Germany, 0.2 mmol/kg/body weight) serving as reference standard. A prepulse-optimized LGE study was performed immediately and at several time points after injection of MS-325 (0.05 mmol/kg/body weight). The number and localization of segments demonstrating LGE with MS-325 as well as signal intensities were compared with the reference standard (Gd-DTPA). Results. Using MS-325, LGE could be detected at every time point in all 9 patients. The accuracy of LGE with MS-325 as compared to LGE with Gd-DTPA was highest 54 ± 4 minutes after contrast injection, resulting in a sensitivity of 84% with a specificity of 98%. Conclusion. The intravascular CA MS-325 has the potential to visualize chronic myocardial infarction. However, in comparison with Gd-DTPA, the transmural extent and the number of segments are smaller

    Íslenskur Orðasjóður – Building a Large Icelandic Corpus

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 288-291

    Translation-Based Dictionary Alignment for Under-Resourced Bantu Languages

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    Despite a large number of active speakers, most Bantu languages can be considered as under- or less-resourced languages. This includes especially the current situation of lexicographical data, which is highly unsatisfactory concerning the size, quality and consistency in format and provided information. Unfortunately, this does not only hold for the amount and quality of data for monolingual dictionaries, but also for their lack of interconnection to form a network of dictionaries. Current endeavours to promote the use of Bantu languages in primary and secondary education in countries like South Africa show the urgent need for high-quality digital dictionaries. This contribution describes a prototypical implementation for aligning Xhosa, Zimbabwean Ndebele and Kalanga language dictionaries based on their English translations using simple string matching techniques and via WordNet URIs. The RDF-based representation of the data using the Bantu Language Model (BLM) and - partial - references to the established WordNet dataset supported this process significantly

    Bio-Inspired Amphiphilic Block-Copolymers Based on Synthetic Glycopolymer and Poly(Amino Acid) as Potential Drug Delivery Systems

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    In this work, a method to prepare hybrid amphiphilic block copolymers consisting of biocompatible synthetic glycopolymer with non-degradable backbone and biodegradable poly(amino acid) (PAA) was developed. The glycopolymer, poly(2-deoxy-2-methacrylamido-D-glucose) (PMAG), was synthesized via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Two methods for modifying the terminal dithiobenzoate-group of PMAG was investigated to obtain the macroinitiator bearing a primary aliphatic amino group, which is required for ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxyanhydrides of hydrophobic α-amino acids. The synthesized amphiphilic block copolymers were carefully analyzed using a set of different physico-chemical methods to establish their composition and molecular weight. The developed amphiphilic copolymers tended to self-assemble in nanoparticles of different morphology that depended on the nature of the hydrophobic amino acid present in the copolymer. The hydrodynamic diameter, morphology, and cytotoxicity of polymer particles based on PMAG-b-PAA were evaluated using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as well as CellTiter-Blue (CTB) assay, respectively. The redox-responsive properties of nanoparticles were evaluated in the presence of glutathione taken at different concentrations. Moreover, the encapsulation of paclitaxel into PMAG-b-PAA particles and their cytotoxicity on human lung carcinoma cells (A549) and human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7) were studied
