41 research outputs found

    Effet de l’asynchronisme des crues sur l’ajustement des profils longitudinaux de tributaires du fleuve Moulouya, Maroc

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    Cet article examine l’effet des barrages sur le synchronisme des crues du fleuve Moulouya (Maroc) ainsi que les incidences sur l’ajustement morphologique de ses tributaires intermittents. Une analyse comparative des dĂ©bits mensuels moyens enregistrĂ©s de part et d’autre des infrastructures de retenue montre une diminution du dĂ©bit moyen de 52 % et une diminution des dĂ©bits annuels maximaux de 33 %. Les frĂ©quences des dĂ©bits mensuels qui dĂ©passent des seuils de 50, 75 et 100 m³‱s-1 sont respectivement diminuĂ©es de 55, 47 et 22 %. L’interception des eaux nivĂšle les variations intermensuelles et conduit Ă  une homogĂ©nĂ©isation du rĂ©gime des dĂ©bits (le coefficient d’immodĂ©ration des valeurs mĂ©dianes passe de 8,99 Ă  1,23). L’analyse de la coĂŻncidence temporelle des crues indique que l’activation du tronçon principal Ă  l’aval des infrastructures est indĂ©pendante des apports perçus Ă  l’amont. La description de profils longitudinaux de tributaires situĂ©s Ă  l’aval des infrastructures rĂ©vĂšle plusieurs singularitĂ©s morphologiques, tels des profils convexes, ruptures de pentes et formes d’accumulation perchĂ©es sur la plaine alluviale. Trois modĂšles d’ajustements morphologiques (convexe, mixte et par inondation) sont proposĂ©s pour expliquer ces singularitĂ©s et reposent sur la nature du synchronisme hydrologique entre le tronçon principal et ses affluents. Le modĂšle d’ajustement convexe est liĂ© Ă  un type d’activation hydrologique synchrone (tronçon principal et tributaire actif) et permet d’expliquer la prĂ©sence de profils convexes. Le modĂšle d’ajustement mixte est associĂ© Ă  une activation hydrologique asynchrone (tributaire actif et tronçon principal inactif) et explique l’incision et le prolongement de tributaires ainsi que des formes d’accumulation perchĂ©es sur la plaine alluviale. Enfin, le modĂšle d’ajustement par inondation (tronçon principal actif et tributaire inactif) rend compte des indices de mauvaise intĂ©gration tels que les ruptures de pente. Il est suggĂ©rĂ© que l’effet d’asynchronisme des crues induit par les barrages est le principal facteur qui dĂ©termine le type d’ajustement morphologique des tributaires dans les environnements semi-arides.This paper looks at the effect of dam impoundments on the flood synchronicity of the Moulouya River (Morocco) and its consequences on the morphological adjustments of its ephemeral tributaries. The comparative analysis of monthly discharges measured upstream and downstream of the dams shows a diminution of 52% of mean discharges and a diminution of 33% of annual maximum discharges. The frequencies of discharges reaching 50, 75 and 100 m³‱s-1 values are respectively reduced by 55, 47 and 22%. Monthly variations are levelled and this leads to a homogeneous discharge regime (coefficient of immoderation for median values decreases from 8.99 to 1.23). Flood coincidence in time is assessed and shows that downstream discharges are independent of upstream discharges. The description of longitudinal profiles of tributaries downstream of the dams reveals morphological singularities such as convex profiles, perched accumulation forms on the alluvial plain and knickpoints. Three models of morphological adjustments (convex, mixed and by flooding) based on the synchronicity of floods between the main channel and its tributaries are proposed to explain these morphological observations. The convex adjustment model occurs when floods are synchronous and explains the observation of convex profiles. The mixed adjustment model occurs when tributaries are flooded and the main channel remains to its base level and explains morphological forms such as scouring of tributaries or perched accumulation forms on the alluvial plain. Finally, the model of adjustment by flooding occurs when the main channel is activated and the tributaries remain inactive and explains knickpoints and the lack of integration observed at the mouths of the tributaries. Asynchronous flooding induced by dam impoundments is proposed as the main factor affecting tributary adjustments in semi-arid environments

    GĂ©omorphologie et diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale des marais du Cap Marteau et de l’Isle-Verte, estuaire du Saint-Laurent, QuĂ©bec

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    Cet article traite de l’influence des caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©omorphologiques et sĂ©dimentologiques sur la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale de trois marais de l’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent soumis aux mĂȘmes conditions marĂ©graphiques, mais situĂ©s Ă  des degrĂ©s contrastĂ©s d’exposition aux processus marins. Des inventaires biophysiques de plus de 1 500 quadrats de 1,5 m x 1,5 m et une cartographie morphosĂ©dimentologique ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s dans ces marais. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale des marais actuels est fortement influencĂ©e par la combinaison des types de substrat et de la topographie dĂ©coulant de la morphosĂ©dimentologie quaternaire et rĂ©cente. L’équilibre entre les processus d’érosion et de sĂ©dimentation, contrĂŽlĂ©s en partie par le degrĂ© d’exposition des marais aux processus marins, joue Ă©galement un rĂŽle important sur la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale des marais. Celle-ci, exprimĂ©e par l’indice de Shannon et la richesse vĂ©gĂ©tale, atteint des valeurs maximales sur le schorre supĂ©rieur. Comme cette partie du marais est particuliĂšrement sensible aux changements pouvant survenir dans le rĂ©gime sĂ©dimentaire, la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale constitue un indicateur de l’état d’équilibre hydrosĂ©dimentaire des marais.The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between the plant diversity and the morphosedimentological characteristics of three tidal marshes of the Lower St. Lawrence estuary. These marshes are subject to similar tidal conditions, but are exposed to contrasted degrees of exposure to marine processes. Plant inventory and detailed mapping of 1 500 plots have been realised in the marshes. The analysis of the vegetation diversity and the geomorphological characteristics (topography, substratum) suggest that the plant diversity is strongly linked to the geodiversity. This is explained by the combination of the types of substratum and the topography which derive from the Quaternary and recent morphosedimentology. The processes of erosion and sedimentation, controlled by the degree of exposure, also play a role in the plant diversity of the marshes. It appears that the plant diversity (Shannon index and species richness) peaks within the upper marsh. Because this region is highly sensitive to changes in the sedimentary budget, our results suggest that the plant diversity is a good indicator of the hydrosedimentary state of the marsh

    Gravel-bed river morphodynamics and large wood dynamics

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    International audienceThe gravel-bed rivers of the GaspĂ© Peninsula, QuĂ©bec (Canada), a coastal drainage system of the St. Lawrence estuary, receive and transport vast quantities of large wood. The rapid rate of channel shifting caused by high-energy ïŹ‚ows and noncohesive banks allows wood recruitment that in turn greatly inïŹ‚uences the river morphodynamics. The delta of the Saint-Jean River has accumulated wood since 1960, leading to frequent avulsions over that time period. The wood raft in 2014 was more than 3-km long, which is unusual but natural. The jam conïŹguration allows a unique opportunity to estimate a wood budget and to better understand the interactions between river morphodynamics and large wood flux at the basin scale. Airborne and ground photo/video images are used to evaluate channel changes, to determine the wood transport rates and the wood volume introduced by erosion and the wood deposited in the raft. Annual surveys were carried out from 2010 to 2013 to locate and describe more than 1000 jams and 2000 individual pieces of wood along the upstream 60 km long river section. Analysis of the morphodynamic trajectory of the river since 1960 (eroded floodplain, channel width, gravel-bar evolution, stream power
) combined with repeated field surveys allowed defining the morphological characteristics as well as the jam configuration that control wood mobility and deposit. The results indicate that the volumes of woods deposited along the 60 km section are 4 times higher in 2013 than in 2010. Increase in wood amount occurs mainly in upper alluvial sections whereas decrease is observed in the semi-alluvial sections. Wood transport rate and raft lengthening are only partly linked to peak flows so that some threshold conditions can control wood transfer within the basin. The four years analysis of the large woods dynamics in Saint-Jean river can assist river managers and develop management tools and strategies to deal with large wood in medium to large rivers and in rivers of cold areas

    Implementation and validation of large wood analysis for wood budgeting in a semi-alluvial river

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    International audienceThe semi-alluvial rivers of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec (Canada), recruit and transport vast quantities of large wood. The rapid rate of channel shifting due to high-energy flows and non-cohesive banks allows the recruitment of large quantities of wood that in turn greatly influence river dynamics. The delta of the Saint-Jean River has accumulated a flux of wood since 1960, creating frequent avulsions, and now has a wood raft of more than 3 km in length. The Raft of the Saint-Jean River on the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, Canada is an exceptional amount of wood that is unusual but natural. The river has complex large-wood dynamics that promote the formation of large wood jams in the river delta. The jam configuration allows a unique opportunity to apply a wood budget at the scale of a long river corridor and to better understand dynamics of large wood in river. A wood budget includes the evaluation of wood volumes (i) produced by bank erosion (input), (ii) still in transit in the river corridor (deposited on bars or channel edges), and (iii) accumulated in the delta (output). The budget is based on an analysis of aerial photos dating back to 1963 as well as surveys carried out between 2010 and 2014, all of which were used to locate and describe large wood accumulations along a 60 km river section. Understanding the interannual large wood dynamics in the Saint-Jean River can assist river managers determine sustainable solutions for the issue of wood rafts

    Near-bed and surface flow division patterns in experimental river bifurcations

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    Understanding channel bifurcation mechanics is of great importance for predicting and managing multichannel river processes and avulsion in distributary river deltas. To date, research on river channel bifurcations has focused on factors determining the stability and evolution of bifurcations. It has recently been shown that, theoretically, the nonlinearity of the relation between sediment transport and flow discharge causes one of the two distributaries of a (slightly) asymmetrical bifurcation to grow and the other to shrink. The positive feedback introduced by this effect results in highly asymmetrical bifurcations. However, there is a lack of detailed insight into flow dynamics within river bifurcations, the consequent effect on bed load flux through bifurcating channels, and thus the impact on bifurcation stability over time. In this paper, three key parameters (discharge ratio, width-to-depth ratio, and bed roughness) were varied in order to examine the secondary flow field and its effect on flow partitioning, particularly near-bed and surface flow, at an experimental bifurcation. Discharge ratio was controlled by varying downstream water levels. Flow fields were quantified using both particle image velocimetry and ultrasonic Doppler velocity profiling. Results show that a bifurcation induces secondary flow cells upstream of the bifurcation. In the case of unequal discharge ratio, a strong increase in the secondary flow near the bed causes a larger volume of near-bed flow to enter the dominant channel compared to surface and depth-averaged flow. However, this effect diminishes with larger width-to-depth ratio and with increased bed roughness. The flow structure and division pattern will likely have a stabilizing effect on river channel bifurcations. The magnitude of this effect in relation to previously identified destabilizing effects is addressed by proposing an adjustment to a widely used empirical bed load nodal-point partition equation. Our finding implies that river bifurcations can be stable under a wider range of conditions than previously thought. Key Points Secondary flow in symmetrical bifurcations causes strong near-bed flow curvature A disproportional amount of near-bed flow enters the dominant downstream channel Flow curvature adds a stabilizing feedback on bifurcation evolution

    Vers l’intĂ©gration des structures turbulentes de l’écoulement dans la dynamique d’un cours d’eau Ă  lit de graviers

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    Understanding the dynamics of a river involves knowledge on the interactions between flow, sediment transport and bedform development at a range of scales. This requires the characterisation of flow structures and of the flow organisation at the reach scale. Three types of flow structures have been commonly described in flows over gravel-bed rivers: the bursting motions in the near-bed region (ejections), the shedding motions from the larger protruding particles and the large-scale flow structures which develop in the outer region of the flow. We describe the processes that give birth to these flow structures along with the possible interactions between them. As an example, the passage of large-scale flow structures changes the dynamics of the separation of flow in the wake of an obstacle, thus affecting the manifestation of shedding motions. These processes and interactions are then combined into an illustration of the complex organisation of flow at the scale of a river reach. Although speculative, this illustration highlights that (1) the scales and locations in space of the structures are closely related to the scale and distribution of the roughness elements, (2) the flow is organized into clear zones of production and dissipation of flow structures, and (3) the organization of the flow presents a strong structural anisotropy with complex interactions between the flow structures. This essay outlines that the interactions between flow structures are as important as the presence of the structures themselves in the description of turbulent flows over gravelbed rivers.La comprĂ©hension de la dynamique des cours d'eau nĂ©cessite la connaissance des interactions qui lient l'Ă©coulement, le transport des sĂ©diments et le dĂ©veloppement des formes sur le lit. Ceci implique la caractĂ©risation des structures individuelles prĂ©sentes dans l'Ă©coulement mais aussi une prise en compte de leur organisation spatiotemporelle dans la section du cours d'eau. Trois structures turbulentes sont frĂ©quemment utilisĂ©es pour dĂ©crire les Ă©coulements sur lit de graviers : les structures d'Ă©jection au lit, les structures d'Ă©chappement Ă  l'aval d'obstacles protubĂ©rants et les structures Ă  grande Ă©chelle se dĂ©veloppant sur toute la tranche de l'Ă©coulement. Il est possible de dĂ©crire les mĂ©canismes de formation de ces structures de mĂȘme que d'envisager leurs interactions dans un Ă©coulement turbulent. Par exemple, les structures Ă  grande Ă©chelle changent la dynamique des zones de recirculation Ă  l'aval d'obstacle, ce qui donne naissance Ă  diffĂ©rentes manifestations des structures d'Ă©chappement. Il est cependant plus difficile de regrouper ces structures Ă  l'Ă©chelle d'une section de riviĂšre. À partir des mĂ©canismes de formation des structures et de leurs interactions, nous illustrons la complexitĂ© de l'organisation d'un Ă©coulement Ă  l'Ă©chelle d'une section de riviĂšre. Bien que spĂ©culative, cette illustration fait ressortir (1) l'Ă©troite relation entre les Ă©chelles de rugositĂ© du lit et les Ă©chelles des structures qui organisent l'Ă©coulement ; (2) la prĂ©sence de zones de production et de dissipation des structures ; et (3) l'anisotropie structurale de l'organisation de l'Ă©coulement caractĂ©risĂ©e par des interactions complexes entre les diffĂ©rentes structures. Cet essai souligne que les interactions entre les structures sont tout aussi importante que les structures ellesmĂȘmes dans notre comprĂ©hension de l'organisation de l'Ă©coulement.FĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der Dynamik der WasserlĂ€ufe ist eine Kenntnis der Wechselwirkung zwischen der Strömung, der Beförderung der Sedimente und der Entwicklung der Flussbettformen notwendig. Dies schlieÎČt sowohl die Beschreibung der in der Strömung vorhandenen typischen individuellen Strukturen ein, als auch die BerĂŒcksichtigung ihrer rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Organisation im Wasserlaufabschnitt. Drei Turbulenz-Strukturen werden hĂ€ufig benutzt, um die Strömung auf Kiesbetten zu beschreiben: Strukturen des Auswurfs auf das Bett, Strukturen des Entweichens unterhalb herausragender Hindernisse und Strukturen groÎČen Umfangs, die sich ĂŒber den ganzen Bereich der Strömung entwickeln. Es ist möglich, die Mechanismen der Bildung dieser Strukturen zu beschreiben, sowie ihre Wechselwirkungen in einer Turbulenz-Strömung in Betracht zu ziehen. Z.B. verĂ€ndern die Strukturen groÎČen Umfangs die Dynamik der Abschnitte des erneuten FlieÎČens unterhalb eines Hindernisses, was zu einer verĂ€nderten Form der Strukturen des Entweichens fĂŒhrt. Doch ist es schwieriger diese Strukturen auf der Ebene eines Flussabschnittes zu gruppieren. Ausgehend von den Mechanismen der Bildung der Strukturen und ihrer Wechselwirkungen stellen wir die KomplexitĂ€t der Organisation einer Strömung auf der Ebene eines Flussabschnittes dar. Obwohl diese Darstellung spekulativ ist, hebt sie drei Dinge hervor : (1) Die enge Beziehung zwischen dem Umfang der Rauhheit des Bettes und dem Umfang der Strukturen, welche die Strömung organisieren ; (2) die Existenz von Produktionsund Auflösungszonen der Strukturen ; (3) die strukturelle Anisotropie der Organisation der Strömung, bestimmt durch komplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen den verschiedenen Strukturen. Dieser Essay hebt hervor, dass fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der Organisation der Strömung die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Strukturen ebenso wichtig sind wie die Strukturen selbst

    AlĂ©as fluviaux des cours d’eau mobiles dans l’est du QuĂ©bec

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    Dans ce chapitre, nous prĂ©senterons des connaissances sur trois dynamiques propres aux cours d’eau mobiles: la migration latĂ©rale, les avulsions et la dynamique du bois mort. Nous illustrerons ces dynamiques Ă  l’aide d’exemples issus de la GaspĂ©sie, oĂč les trajectoires hydrogĂ©omorphologiques et la segmentation en tronçons homogĂšnes d’une quinzaine de cours d’eau ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies dans le cadre d’un projet financĂ© par le MinistĂšre de la SĂ©curitĂ© publique. Le morphodynamisme de ces cours d’eau est reprĂ©sentatif de plusieurs cours d’eau graveleux s’écoulant dans le massif appalachien du sud de la province et permet de mettre en lumiĂšre adĂ©quatement les trois processus d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour ce chapitre. Les processus de migration latĂ©rale et des avulsions seront d’abord dĂ©crits et illustrĂ©s Ă  l’aide d’exemples afin de souligner l’ampleur des changements morphologiques qui caractĂ©risent les cours d’eau de l’est du QuĂ©bec. Ensuite, la dynamique du bois en riviĂšre sera abordĂ©e, car dans les cours d’eau mobiles s’écoulant au sein des environnements forestiers, la migration du chenal et les avulsions se traduisent par le recrutement de bois et la formation d’embĂącles qui, Ă  leur tour, contribuent Ă  la mobilitĂ© des chenaux

    Using tree-rings to determine large wood residence time and transport pulses in a gravel-bed river

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    The Saint-Jean River (SRJ) in Eastern Canada is prone to the formation of very large rafts of wood. Managers of the SJR suspected these jams to influence salmon migration and carried out a dismantling operation to remove large wood accumulated in a 1.2 km long wood raft. This operation became a great opportunity to address key issues relating to large wood dynamics in a fluvial system: residence time and flood contribution to wood recruitment and transport. During the dismantling, we systematically sampled 319 trees from which year of death could be estimated from dendrochronology and year of accumulation in the raft could be obtained from satellite and aerial photos. These two dates allowed us to quantify the residence time for 262 datable large wood (LW) within the fluvial system, to examine the peak years of LW recruitment and to correlate the raft growth rate with hydrometeorological conditions since 1993. The results also emphasized four types of LW flood related to wood dynamics: 1) an erosive flood that produces a large amount of wood in river, 2) a mobilizing flood that carries large quantities of wood, 3) a flood mix that both recruits and transports large quantities of wood, and 4) an ice-breakup flood

    Contribution Ă  l’étude de l’érosion des berges : analyse Ă  haute rĂ©solution spatio-temporelle des mouvements subaĂ©riens sur une berge de la riviĂšre Ouelle, QuĂ©bec, Canada

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    Trois processus distincts agissant en interrelation contribuent Ă  l’érosion des berges en bordure des cours d’eau : les mouvements de masse, l’érosion fluviale et les mouvements subaĂ©riens. Ces derniers rĂ©sultent de l’effet conjuguĂ© des cycles gel-dĂ©gel, des cycles d’humidification-dessiccation et de la dĂ©sagrĂ©gation des sĂ©diments par les gouttes de pluie et le ruissellement. Les deux premiers processus Ă©rosifs sont les plus connus. Les mouvements subaĂ©riens sont moins documentĂ©s car ils sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement considĂ©rĂ©s comme un mĂ©canisme prĂ©paratoire affaiblissant la berge et facilitant l’érosion par les deux autres processus. Cette Ă©tude examine les mouvements subaĂ©riens en tant que processus Ă©rosifs Ă  l’aide d’observation in situ permettant de dĂ©crire et de quantifier leur contribution Ă  l’érosion des berges. Une berge en Ă©rosion sur la riviĂšre Ouelle, QuĂ©bec, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  l’aide de levĂ©s topographiques mensuels issus d’un LIDAR terrestre (Scan-station II de Leica). Les levĂ©s d’une rĂ©solution d’1 cm (10 000 points/m2) couvrent une pĂ©riode de dix mois et permettent de suivre l’évolution saisonniĂšre des processus Ă©rosifs. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les mouvements subaĂ©riens entraĂźnent des Ă©paisseurs d’érosion entre 5 et 50 mm/mois sur l’ensemble de la berge ; l’épaisseur d’érosion variant fortement selon le mois et la position sur la berge. Une analyse qualitative des processus contribuant Ă  l’évolution de la berge a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide d’une sĂ©rie horaire de photographies issues d’une camĂ©ra automatisĂ©e installĂ©e en permanence sur le site. Les variations saisonniĂšres des taux d’érosion liĂ©s aux mouvements subaĂ©riens ont Ă©tĂ© mises en relation avec les donnĂ©es mĂ©tĂ©orologiques d’Environnement Canada (2010). Les mouvements subaĂ©riens sont plus frĂ©quents lorsque la tempĂ©rature oscille autour de zĂ©ro. Les mouvements subaĂ©riens sont plus que de simples processus prĂ©paratoires et que leur contribution Ă  titre d’agent Ă©rosif est probablement sous-estimĂ©e. Les variations temporelles soulignent l’importance de considĂ©rer les saisons dans l’étude de l’érosion des berges pour une meilleure Ă©valuation de l’amplitude et de la frĂ©quence des diffĂ©rents processus d’érosion des berges des cours d’eau.Three types of processes contribute together to riverbank erosion: fluvial erosion, mass failure and subaerial movements produced partly by frost action, wetting and drying cycles and by raindrops and runoff. The first two processes have received far more attention than the latter which are often considered as preparatory processes to bank erosion. In this study, subaerial processes are looked as an eroding agent, in situ measures are carried out in order to document and quantify their contribution to bank erosion. An eroding riverbank on the Ouelle river, QuĂ©bec, is monitored with a high resolution terrestrial 3D laser scanner (Scan-station II by Leica). Surveys of a resolution of 1 cm (10,000 points/m2) cover a period of ten months and allow us to follow the seasonal evolution of erosion processes. Results show that subaerial movements generate thicknesses of erosion ranging from 5 to 50 mm/month, the thickness of erosion varies depending on the month and the position on the bank Scans are coupled with qualitative analysis of processes contributing to bank face evolution. An automatized camera fixed on the site is used to obtain a photographic series of the riverbank. Meteorological data are examined in relation with the seasonal erosion rates from subaerial movements. Subaerial movements are more frequent when the temperature oscillates around zero. Subaerial movements are more than preparatory processes and that their contribution as erosive agent is likely to be underestimated. Temporal variation underlines the importance of considering seasons for a better evaluation of magnitude and frequency of the contribution of different erosion processes of riverbank