41 research outputs found

    A cautionary note on the use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck models in macroevolutionary studies

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    Phylogenetic comparative methods are increasingly used to give new insights into the dynamics of trait evolution in deep time. For continuous traits the core of these methods is a suite of models that attempt to capture evolutionary patterns by extending the Brownian constant variance model. However, the properties of these models are often poorly understood, which can lead to the misinterpretation of results. Here we focus on one of these models – the Ornstein Uhlenbeck (OU) model. We show that the OU model is frequently incorrectly favoured over simpler models when using Likelihood ratio tests, and that many studies fitting this model use datasets that are small and prone to this problem. We also show that very small amounts of error in datasets can have profound effects on the inferences derived from OU models. Our results suggest that simulating fitted models and comparing with empirical results is critical when fitting OU and other extensions of the Brownian model. We conclude by making recommendations for best practice in fitting OU models in phylogenetic comparative analyses, and for interpreting the parameters of the OU model

    Acoustic communication, sexual selection, and speciation in field crickets

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation verbindet Ergebnisse aus neuroethologischen, verhaltensbiologischen, quantitativ genetischen und genomischen Ansätzen bei Feldgrillen (Gryllus), um neue Erkenntnisse über die Rolle von sexueller Selektion bei Artbildung zu erlangen. Es wird gezeigt dass multivariate Gesangspräferenzen von Grillenweibchen von wenigen Merkmalen abhängen und zwischen Arten ähnlich sind, während sich Männchengesänge in allen Merkmalen unterschieden. Verschiedene Ebenen der Gesangserkennung sind durch unterschiedliche Präferenzfunktionen charakterisiert. Multivariate Präferenzen können also gleichzeitig verschiedene Indikatoren für Paarungspartnerqualität aus den Gesangsmerkmalen erkennen. Eine polygene genetische Architektur der Gesangsmerkmale und der Präferenz wurde beobachtet und weist auf eine eher langsamere Divergenz hin, obwohl gonosomale Vererbung mehrerer Gesangsmerkmale höhere Evolutionsraten zulässt. Starke Kovarianz zwischen den Merkmalen die direkt sexueller Selektion unterliegen und Merkmale, die nicht direkt von Weibchen gewählt werden, zeigen, dass indirekte Selektion teilweise für die markante Divergenz der Gesänge verantwortlich sein könnte, trotz begrenzter Divergenz der Präferenzen. Ferner zeigte ein Artvergleich der multivariaten Gesangsmerkmale, dass die Form der Präferenzfunktion die Ausrichtung der Kovarianzen und damit die erwartete Selektionsantwort der männlichen Gesänge beeinflussen kann. Simulationen ergaben starke Hinweise auf Genfluss zwischen zwei nahverwandten Arten über einen langen Zeitraum . Nur wenige Contigs zeigten hohe genetische Divergenz und hohe Raten nicht-synonymer Polymorphismen. Diese stimmten aber mit Genen überein, die experimentell nachgewiesene Funktionen in neuromuskulärer Entwicklung und im Paarungsverhalten haben. Zusammen zeigen die Ergebnisse das Potential von sexueller Selektion bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von reproduktiver Isolation zwischen Arten.This thesis integrates insights from neuro-ethological, behavioural, quantitative genetics, and genomic approaches in field crickets to provide novel insights in the role of sexual selection in speciation, in particular focusing on speciation with gene flow. It was shown that song preferences depend on few traits and are similar across species while the male song has diverged strongly in all traits. Because the different levels of song recognition are characterized by different types of preference functions, it is conceivable that multivariate preferences can extract various cues for mate quality from different traits simultaneously. A polygenic genetic architecture was found for song traits and preferences, probably limiting divergence rates. However, sex-chromosomal inheritance of some song traits may have allowed for somewhat higher rates. Strong covariance was found between traits that are under sexual selection and traits that are not directly selected by females. This indicates that indirect selection may be responsible in part for striking multivariate divergence in the male calling song despite limited divergence in female preferences. Furthermore, comparing multivariate song traits among species showed that the shape of the preference function can affect the orientation of trait covariance and thereby the selection responses of the male song. Coalescent simulations revealed evidence for a long history of gene flow between two closely related cricket species. Only few contigs with high genetic divergence and high rates of non-synonymous SNPs were found, but many of those that were highly diverged matched genes with experimentally proven functions in neuromuscular development and courtship behavior. Together, these findings underline the potential for sexual selection to drive reproductive isolation

    Data from: Phenotypic variation and covariation indicate high evolvability of acoustic communication in crickets

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    Studying the genetic architecture of sexual traits provides insight into the rate and direction at which traits can respond to selection. Traits associated with few loci and limited genetic and phenotypic constraints tend to evolve at high rates typically observed for secondary sexual characters. Here, we examined the genetic architecture of song traits and female song preferences in the field crickets Gryllus rubens and G. texensis. Song and preference data were collected from both species and interspecific F1 and F2 hybrids. We first analysed phenotypic variation to examine interspecific differentiation and trait distributions in parental and hybrid generations. Then, the relative contribution of additive and additive-dominance variation was estimated. Finally, phenotypic variance-covariance (P) matrices were estimated to evaluate the multivariate phenotype available for selection. Song traits and preferences had unimodal trait distributions and hybrid offspring were intermediate with respect to the parents. We uncovered additive and dominance variation in song traits and preferences. For two song traits we found evidence for X-linked inheritance. On one hand, the observed genetic architecture does not suggest rapid divergence, although sex-linkage may have allowed for somewhat higher evolutionary rates. On the other hand, P matrices revealed that multivariate variation in song traits aligned with major dimensions in song preferences, suggesting a strong selection response. We also found strong covariance between the main traits that are sexually selected and traits that are not directly selected by females, providing an explanation for the striking multivariate divergence in male calling songs despite limited divergence in female preferences

    Data from: Conservation of multivariate female preference functions and preference mechanisms in three species of trilling field crickets

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    Divergence in mate recognition systems among closely related species is an important contributor to assortative mating and reproductive isolation. Here we examine divergence in male song traits and female preference functions in three cricket species with songs consisting of long trills. The shape of female preference functions appears to be mostly conserved across species and follows the predictions from a recent model for song recognition. Multivariate preference profiles, combining the pulse and trill parameters, demonstrate selectivity for conspecific pulse rates and high trill duty cycles. The rules for integration across pulse and trill time scales were identical for all three species. Generally, we find greater divergence in male song traits than in associated female preferences. For pulse rate we find a strong match between divergent male traits and female peak preferences. Preference functions for trill parameters and carrier frequency are similar between species and show less congruence between signal and preference. Differences among traits in the degree of trait-preference (mis)match may reflect the strength of preferences and the potential for linkage disequilibrium, selective constraints, and alternative selective pressures, but appear unrelated to selection for mate recognition per se

    The Genetics of a Behavioral Speciation Phenotype in an Island System

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    Mating behavior divergence can make significant contributions to reproductive isolation and speciation in various biogeographic contexts. However, whether the genetic architecture underlying mating behavior divergence is related to the biogeographic history and the tempo and mode of speciation remains poorly understood. Here, we use quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to infer the number, distribution, and effect size of mating song rhythm variations in the crickets Laupala eukolea and Laupala cerasina, which occur on different islands (Maui and Hawaii). We then compare these results with a similar study of an independently evolving species pair that diverged within the same island. Finally, we annotate the L. cerasina transcriptome and test whether the QTL fall in functionally enriched genomic regions. We document a polygenic architecture behind the song rhythm divergence in the inter-island species pair that is remarkably similar to that previously found for an intra-island species pair in the same genus. Importantly, the QTL regions were significantly enriched for potential homologs of the genes involved in pathways that may be modulating the cricket song rhythm. These clusters of loci could constrain the spatial genomic distribution of the genetic variation underlying the cricket song variation and harbor several candidate genes that merit further study


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    each VCF file contains the unfiltered SNPs (output from GATK) for each backcross family including parents and grandparents. For nomenclature please see supplemental figure S1 and for ID information see the VCF_IDs spreadshee


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    Sample IDs and information

    Gryllus QTL pedigree

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    IDs of backcrossed individuals and their parentag

    male QTL object

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    r/QTL object for male data (this has the genotypes, linkage map, and phenotypes; requires package r/QTL