6,061 research outputs found

    The US space station and its electric power system

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    The United States has embarked on a major development program to have a space station operating in low earth orbit by the mid-1990s. This endeavor draws on the talents of NASA and most of the aerospace firms in the U.S. Plans are being pursued to include the participation of Canada, Japan, and the European Space Agency in the space station. From the start of the program these was a focus on the utilization of the space station for science, technology, and commercial endeavors. These requirements were utilized in the design of the station and manifest themselves in: pressurized volume; crew time; power availability and level of power; external payload accommodations; microgravity levels; servicing facilities; and the ability to grow and evolve the space station to meet future needs. President Reagan directed NASA to develop a permanently manned space station in his 1984 State of the Union message. Since then the definition phase was completed and the development phase initiated. A major subsystem of the space station is its 75 kW electric power system. The electric power system has characteristics similar to those of terrestrial power systems. Routine maintenance and replacement of failed equipment must be accomplished safely and easily and in a minimum time while providing reliable power to users. Because of the very high value placed on crew time it is essential that the power system operate in an autonomous mode to minimize crew time required. The power system design must also easily accommodate growth as the power demands by users are expected to grow. An overview of the U.S. space station is provided with special emphasis on its electrical power system


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    Finite sampling properties of information theoretic estimators of the simultaneous equations model, including maximum empirical likelihood, maximum empirical exponential likelihood, and maximum log Euclidean likelihood, are examined in the presence of selected forms of heteroskedasticity. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments are used to compare finite sample performance of Wald, Likelihood ratio, and Lagrangian multiplier tests constructed from information theoretic estimators to those from traditional generalized method of moments.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    In this paper we illustrate the use of alternative truncated regression estimators for the general linear model. These include variations of maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and maximum entropy estimators in which the error distributions are doubly truncated. To evaluate the performance of the estimators (e.g., efficiency) for a range of sample sizes, Monte Carlo sampling experiments are performed. We then apply each estimator to a factor demand equation for wheat-by-class.doubly truncated samples, Bayesian regression, maximum entropy, wheat-by-class, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Requirements for implementing real-time control functional modules on a hierarchical parallel pipelined system

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    Analysis of a robot control system leads to a broad range of processing requirements. One fundamental requirement of a robot control system is the necessity of a microcomputer system in order to provide sufficient processing capability.The use of multiple processors in a parallel architecture is beneficial for a number of reasons, including better cost performance, modular growth, increased reliability through replication, and flexibility for testing alternate control strategies via different partitioning. A survey of the progression from low level control synchronizing primitives to higher level communication tools is presented. The system communication and control mechanisms of existing robot control systems are compared to the hierarchical control model. The impact of this design methodology on the current robot control systems is explored

    Solar dynamic power for space station freedom

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    The Space Station Freedom Program is presently planned to consist of two phases. At the completion of Phase 1, Freedom's manned base will consist of a transverse boom with attached manned modules and 75 kW of available electric power supplied by photovoltaic (PV) power sources. In Phase 2, electric power available to the manned base will be increased to 125 kW by the addition of two solar dynamic (SD) power modules, one at each end of the transverse boom. Power for manned base growth beyond Phase 2 will be supplied by additional SD modules. Studies show that SD power for the growth eras will result in life cycle cost savings of 3to3 to 4 billion when compared to PV-supplied power. In the SD power modules for Space Station Freedom, an offset parabolic concentrator collects and focuses solar energy into a heat receiver. To allow full power operation over the entire orbit, the receiver includes integral thermal energy storage by means of the heat of fusion of a salt mixture. Thermal energy is removed from the receiver and converted to electrical energy by a power conversion unit (PCU) which includes a closed brayton cycle (CBC) heat engine and an alternator. The receiver/PCU/radiator combination will be completely assembled and charged with gas and cooling fluid on Earth before launch to orbit. The concentrator subassemblies will be pre-aligned and stowed in the orbiter bay before launch. On orbit, the receiver/PCU/radiator assembly will be installed as a unit. The pre-aligned concentrator panels will then be latched together and the total concentrator attached to the receiver/PCU/radiator by the astronauts. After final electric connections are made and checkout is complete, the SD power module will be ready for operation


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    Information theoretic estimators are specified for a system of linear simultaneous equations, including maximum empirical likelihood, maximum empirical exponential likelihood, and maximum log Euclidean likelihood. Monte Carlo experiments are used to compare finite sample performance of these estimators to traditional generalized method of moments.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    A generalized maximum entropy estimator is developed for the linear simultaneous equations systems model. We provide results on large and small sample properties of the estimator. Empirical results illustrate efficiency advantages of the generalized maximum entropy estimator proposed in this study over traditional estimators (e.g., 2SLS and 3SLS).Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Substrate conversion with an enzyme immobilized on an ultrafiltration membrane

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    A process is disclosed for chemically converting a substrate into its reaction products and immediately thereafter physically separating the reaction products in a continuous operation. The process is carried out with a bioreactor having an ultrafiltration membrane containing an immobilized chemical agent which is preferably an enzyme. The bioreactor is prepared by securing an ultrafiltration membrane to an inside wall of a porous tubular support and chemically bonding an enzyme to an inner surface of the membrane. The enzyme is preferably bonded to the membrane by chelation and the membrane may be a polymeric membrane or a metal oxide membrane. To convert a substrate, a substrate-containing feed stream is preferably flowed tangentially along the inner surface of the membrane containing the immobilized enzyme. Sufficiently small reaction products filter through pores of the membrane and larger reaction products are retained by the membrane. In a preferred embodiment, contacting of fresh fruit juice with pectinase immobilized on the membrane results in pectinase treatment or the juice and immediate extraction and clarification of the juice. In another embodiment, the enzyme immobilized is glucoamylase and corn dextrins are converted to reducing sugars

    Replication of Known Dental Characteristics in Porcine Skin: Emerging Technologies for the Imaging Specialist

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    This study demonstrates that it is sometimes possible to replicate patterns of human teeth in pig skin and determine scientifically that a given injury pattern (bite mark) correlates with the dentitions of a very small proportion of a population dataset, e.g., 5 percent or even 1 percent. The authors recommend building on the template of this research with a sufficiently large database of samples that reflects the diverse world population. They also envision the development of a sophisticated imaging software application that enables forensic examiners to insert parameters for measurement, as well as additional methods of applying force to produce bite marks for research. The authors further advise that this project is applied science for injury pattern analysis and is only foundational research that should not be cited in testimony and judicial procedures. It supplements but does not contradict current guidelines of the American Board of Forensic Odontology regarding bite mark analysis and comparisons. A much larger population database must be developed. The project’s methodology is described in detail, accompanied by 11 tables and 41 figures

    Evidence for Solar Tether-cutting Magnetic Reconnection from Coronal Field Extrapolations

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    Magnetic reconnection is one of the primary mechanisms for triggering solar eruptive events, but direct observation of its rapid process has been of challenge. In this Letter we present, using a nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation technique, a visualization of field line connectivity changes resulting from tether-cutting reconnection over about 30 minutes during the 2011 February 13 M6.6 flare in NOAA AR 11158. Evidence for the tether-cutting reconnection was first collected through multiwavelength observations and then by the analysis of the field lines traced from positions of four conspicuous flare 1700 A footpoints observed at the event onset. Right before the flare, the four footpoints are located very close to the regions of local maxima of magnetic twist index. Especially, the field lines from the inner two footpoints form two strongly twisted flux bundles (up to ~1.2 turns), which shear past each other and reach out close to the outer two footpoints, respectively. Immediately after the flare, the twist index of regions around the footpoints greatly diminish and the above field lines become low lying and less twisted (~0.6 turns), overarched by loops linking the later formed two flare ribbons. About 10% of the flux (~3x10^19 Mx) from the inner footpoints has undergone a footpoint exchange. This portion of flux originates from the edge regions of the inner footpoints that are brightened first. These rapid changes of magnetic field connectivity inferred from the NLFFF extrapolation are consistent with the tether-cutting magnetic reconnection model.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Letter
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