301 research outputs found

    Absolute Location Using GPS Technology

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    Grade Level(s): 9Purpose/rationale: Students need to be aware of the grid system and GPS technology to function successfully in today’s information-based economy.LaSalle High School, South Bend, Indiana US

    Barns rett til medvirkning i lys av Klafkis danningsperspektiver

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    Temaet for denne artikkelen er barns rett til medvirkning sett i relasjon til barns danningsprosesser i barnehagen. BÄde medvirkning og danning er sentrale verdier i barnehagenes formÄlsparagraf som skal nedfelles i praksis (Kunnskapsdepartementet 2005). Men hvordan fortolker fÞrskolelÊrerne dette oppdraget og hvordan kommer det til uttrykk i praksis? FormÄlet med artikkelen er Ä lÞfte fram ulike oppfatninger om barns rett til medvirkning sett fra noen fÞrskolelÊreres perspektiv. Datamaterialet er hentet fra et evalueringsprosjekt om hvordan Rammeplan for barnehagens innhold og oppgaver ble innfÞrt, brukt og erfart (Østrem m.fl. 2009). Problemstillingen for artikkelen er: Hvordan kan barns rett til medvirkning forstÄs i lys av perspektiver pÄ danning? Resultatet dokumenterer svÊrt forskjellige synspunkter og praksiser pÄ barns medvirkning. Materialet blir undersÞkt i tilknytning til teoretiske perspektiver pÄ danning med sÊrlig vekt pÄ Klafki (1996, 2005)

    Planar array capacitance imaging sensor design optimisation

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    Chefers intentioner och dess pÄverkan - en fallstudie av FörsÀkringskassan

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur chefer under ett möte förmedlar sina intentioner till de anstĂ€llda och hur de uppfattas. Ledarskap Ă€r ett relativt komplext och svĂ„rdefinierat Ă€mne som inte lĂ€mpar sig att fĂ„nga upp via enkĂ€ter. Vi har dĂ€rför valt att göra en fallstudie dĂ€r vi avgrĂ€nsat oss till ett specifikt möte i en organisationsförĂ€ndring pĂ„ FörsĂ€kringskassan. VĂ„r empiri Ă€r baserad pĂ„ intervjuer med tre enhetschefer, medarbetare samt en observation. Vi Ă€r intresserade av att i en specifik situation försöka fĂ„nga vad chefer faktiskt gör och inte bara vad de sĂ€ger att de gör. För att uppnĂ„ vĂ„rt syfte har vi anvĂ€nt oss av ett induktivt tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt dĂ„ vi valt ut vissa delar frĂ„n empirin som vi ansett prĂ€glat studien för att sedan fokusera pĂ„ dessa i analys och slutsats. NĂ„gra av de slutsatser som vi kommit fram till lyder som följer; det Ă€r viktigt att som chef inte fokusera pĂ„ för storslagna Ă€mnesomrĂ„den. IstĂ€llet bör man se till det ”lilla” som berör individerna pĂ„ ett mer direkt plan. Det Ă€r inte heller nĂ„gon mening med att nĂ€mna intentioner i förbifarten, för att ”fĂ„ det gjort”. Det Ă€r viktigt att ta tillvara de tillfĂ€llen som ges för att kunna göra det som man pĂ„stĂ„r sig vilja göra

    Prevalence of Night Eating in Obese and Nonobese Twins

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of night eating (NE) and associated symptoms in a population-based sample of Swedish twins. A total of 21,741 individuals aged 20-47 years completed a questionnaire in 2005/2006. NE was defined as ≄25% of daily food intake after the evening meal and/or awakening at least once per week with eating episodes. The prevalence of NE was 4.6% in men and 3.4% in women. Among obese men and women, the prevalence was 8.4% and 7.5%, respectively. Men and women with NE had 3.4 and 3.6 times higher risk of binge eating compared to individuals without NE. The risk of sleep-related problems was 1.6-3.4 times higher in men and 2.5-3.3 times higher in women with NE compared to those without NE. This epidemiological study has estimated the prevalence of NE in a twin population. It revealed that NE is 2.5 and 2.8 times more common in obese men and women compared to normal weight men and women. Furthermore that NE is associated with binge eating and sleep-related problems

    Emotional over- and under-eating in early childhood are learned not inherited

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    Emotional overeating (EOE) has been associated with increased obesity risk, while emotional undereating (EUE) may be protective. Interestingly, EOE and EUE tend to correlate positively, but it is unclear whether they reflect different aspects of the same underlying trait, or are distinct behaviours with different aetiologies. Data were from 2054 five-year-old children from the Gemini twin birth cohort, including parental ratings of child EOE and EUE using the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Genetic and environmental influences on variation and covariation in EUE and EOE were established using a bivariate Twin Model. Variation in both behaviours was largely explained by aspects of the environment completely shared by twin pairs (EOE: C = 90%, 95% CI: 89%-92%; EUE: C = 91%, 95% CI: 90%-92%). Genetic influence was low (EOE: A = 7%, 95% CI: 6%-9%; EUE: A = 7%, 95% CI: 6%-9%). EOE and EUE correlated positively (r = 0.43, p < 0.001), and this association was explained by common shared environmental influences (BivC = 45%, 95% CI: 40%-50%). Many of the shared environmental influences underlying EUE and EOE were the same (rC = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.44, 0.55). Childhood EOE and EUE are etiologically distinct. The tendency to eat more or less in response to emotion is learned rather than inherited

    Associations of iron metabolism genes with blood manganese levels: a population-based study with validation data from animal models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Given mounting evidence for adverse effects from excess manganese exposure, it is critical to understand host factors, such as genetics, that affect manganese metabolism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Archived blood samples, collected from 332 Mexican women at delivery, were analyzed for manganese. We evaluated associations of manganese with functional variants in three candidate iron metabolism genes: <it>HFE </it>[hemochromatosis], <it>TF </it>[transferrin], and <it>ALAD </it>[ÎŽ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase]. We used a knockout mouse model to parallel our significant results as a novel method of validating the observed associations between genotype and blood manganese in our epidemiologic data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Percentage of participants carrying at least one copy of <it>HFE C282Y</it>, <it>HFE H63D</it>, <it>TF P570S</it>, and <it>ALAD K59N </it>variant alleles was 2.4%, 17.7%, 20.1%, and 6.4%, respectively. Percentage carrying at least one copy of either <it>C282Y </it>or <it>H63D </it>allele in <it>HFE </it>gene was 19.6%. Geometric mean (geometric standard deviation) manganese concentrations were 17.0 (1.5) ÎŒg/l. Women with any <it>HFE </it>variant allele had 12% lower blood manganese concentrations than women with no variant alleles (ÎČ = -0.12 [95% CI = -0.23 to -0.01]). <it>TF </it>and <it>ALAD </it>variants were not significant predictors of blood manganese. In animal models, <it>Hfe</it><sup>-/- </sup>mice displayed a significant reduction in blood manganese compared with <it>Hfe</it><sup>+/+ </sup>mice, replicating the altered manganese metabolism found in our human research.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study suggests that genetic variants in iron metabolism genes may contribute to variability in manganese exposure by affecting manganese absorption, distribution, or excretion. Genetic background may be critical to consider in studies that rely on environmental manganese measurements.</p

    Challenges in building interpersonal care in organised hospital stroke units: the perspectives of stroke survivors, family caregivers and the multidisciplinary team

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    Aims To explore the organised stroke unit experience from the multiple perspectives of stroke survivor, family carer and the multi-disciplinary team. Background Organised stroke unit care reduces morbidity, mortality and institutionalisation and is promoted globally as the most effective form of acute and post-acute provision. Little research has focused upon how care is experienced in this setting from the perspectives of those who receive and provide care. Design The study used a qualitative approach, employing Framework Analysis. This methodology allows for a flexible approach to data collection and a comprehensive and systematic method of analysis. Method Semi-structured interviews were undertaken during 2011 and 2012 with former stroke unit stroke survivors, family carers and senior stroke physicians. In addition eight focus groups were conducted with members of the multi-disciplinary team. Results One hundred and twenty five participants were recruited. Three key themes were identified across all data sets. Firstly, two important processes are described: responses to the impact of stroke; seeking information and stroke specific knowledge. These are underpinned by a third theme: the challenge in building relationships in organised stroke unit care. Conclusions Stroke unit care provides satisfaction for stroke survivors, particularly in relation to highly specialised medical and nursing care and therapy. It is proposed that moves towards organised stroke unit care, particularly with the emphasis on reduction of length of stay and a focus on hyper-acute models, have implications for interpersonal care practices and the sharing of stroke specific knowledge
