134 research outputs found

    How can nutritional additives modify ruminant nutrition?

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    This review illustrates the relationships between additives in the diets of ruminants and the consequence for ruminant nutrition. Feed additives are used to improve animal performance and/or the quality of the products. There are several categories of additives available for ruminant nutrition, with emphasis on antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, plant extracts, and exogenous enzymes. Antibiotics, essential oils, and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria, consequently modulating the ruminal fermentation pattern. Prebiotics favor microbial growth, providing greater digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Probiotics are living microorganisms that improve the ruminal environment, promoting microbial growth and resulting in increased digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms, besides favoring microbial adhesion and colonization and facilitating feed degradation. Tannins, whether altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population, are effective in improving animal performance. However, the effects of additives on the quality of the products are linked to diet quality. Highlights Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms. Exogenous enzymes favoring the microbial adhesion and colonization of the particles, aid in the degradation of the feed. Tannins can altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population. Essential oils and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria and consequently modulate the ruminal fermentation.This review illustrates the relationships between additives in the diets of ruminants and the consequence for ruminant nutrition. Feed additives are used to improve animal performance and/or the quality of the products. There are several categories of additives available for ruminant nutrition, with emphasis on antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, plant extracts, and exogenous enzymes. Antibiotics, essential oils, and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria, consequently modulating the ruminal fermentation pattern. Prebiotics favor microbial growth, providing greater digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Probiotics are living microorganisms that improve the ruminal environment, promoting microbial growth and resulting in increased digestion and the production of volatile fatty acids. Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms, besides favoring microbial adhesion and colonization and facilitating feed degradation. Tannins, whether altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population, are effective in improving animal performance. However, the effects of additives on the quality of the products are linked to diet quality. Highlights Exogenous enzymes act synergistically with the enzymes secreted by the ruminal microorganisms. Exogenous enzymes favoring the microbial adhesion and colonization of the particles, aid in the degradation of the feed. Tannins can altering the fermentation standard and/or modifying the ruminal microbiota population. Essential oils and chitosan act by selecting sensitive bacteria and consequently modulate the ruminal fermentation

    Cranioplastia: uma revisão abrangente sobre a técnica e suas aplicações.

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    Defeitos no crânio podem ocorrer devido a trauma, complicações pós-cirúrgicas, anomalias congênitas, neoplasias, radioterapia e infecções. A cranioplastia é indicada principalmente para restabelecer a proteção contra traumas, restaurar a forma do crânio e tratar a síndrome de trefinação. Os materiais usados na cranioplastia podem ser osso autólogo, alogênico ou materiais artificiais como hidroxiapatita, titânio e polimetil metacrilato. O enxerto autólogo da tábua externa do osso parietal é preferido quando possível. A técnica operatória do enxerto parietal envolve exames tomográficos pré-operatórios, anestesia geral, antibioticoprofilaxia e drenagem a vácuo do sítio cirúrgico. Quando se usa uma prótese customizada, o procedimento é mais simples, pois não há área doadora. A incisão é reduzida e a dissecção ao redor do defeito é realizada com bisturi monopolar em baixa potência. A prótese é fixada com placas e parafusos de perfil baixo, e a cobertura de partes moles é feita com tecido espesso e viável. Já na região frontal e do seio frontal, a cranioplastia foca na prevenção de infecções e no manejo do conteúdo intracraniano e orbitário, além de preservar o contorno estético da face. A embriologia e anatomia da região frontal são essenciais para entender os padrões de lesão subsequentes e o tratamento adequado. O seio frontal recebe suprimento arterial da artéria etmoidal anterior e dos ramos da artéria esfenopalatina, e é composto por paredes ósseas que drena para o meato médio ou infundíbulo etmoidal. A cranioplastia também é usada como procedimento secundário à craniectomia descompressiva, beneficiando pacientes com TCE e DCV na melhoria dos domínios cognitivos como atenção, memória, linguagem e visuoconstrução. &nbsp

    Ecological niche modelling for predicting the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Neotropical moist forest biome

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    A major challenge of eco-epidemiology is to determine which factors promote the transmission of infectious diseases and to establish risk maps that can be used by public health authorities. The geographic predictions resulting from ecological niche modelling have been widely used for modelling the future dispersion of vectors based on the occurrence records and the potential prevalence of the disease. The establishment of risk maps for disease systems with complex cycles such as cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) can be very challenging due to the many inference networks between large sets of host and vector species, with considerable heterogeneity in disease patterns in space and time. One novelty in the present study is the use of human CL cases to predict the risk of leishmaniasis occurrence in response to anthropogenic, climatic and environmental factors at two different scales, in the Neotropical moist forest biome (Amazonian basin and surrounding forest ecosystems) and in the surrounding region of French Guiana. With a consistent data set never used before and a conceptual and methodological framework for interpreting data cases, we obtained risk maps with high statistical support. The predominantly identified human CL risk areas are those where the human impact on the environment is significant, associated with less contributory climatic and ecological factors. For both models this study highlights the importance of considering the anthropogenic drivers for disease risk assessment in human, although CL is mainly linked to the sylvatic and peri-urban cycle in Meso and South America. © 2019 Chavy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Implicações e falhas nos tecidos periodontais pelo uso de facetas de resina composta: Implications and failures in periodontal tissues by the use of composite resin facets

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    Atualmente, a odontologia assumiu um papel além do tradicional terapêutico, abrindo um espaço amplo para a estética e a harmonização do sorriso. O objetivo deste presente estudo é evidenciar os aspectos ligados ao uso de facetas diretas em resina composta, bem como as indicações e as contraindicações da sua aplicabilidade. No que se refere a sua metodologia, esta pesquisa é de cunho bibliográfico, tendo como bases de dados: A Biblioteca Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO), o portal da Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos (PUBMED), a base de dados da Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), a base de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) e o Google acadêmico. Foram encontrados inicialmente 90 estudos, onde após a aplicabilidade dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e a análise foram selecionados 20 artigos para composição desse estudo. Através dos estudos selecionados, ficou evidenciado que a utilização de facetas diretas em resina composta contribui de forma positiva e reabilitadora além de proporcionar uma melhor estética dental, possuindo diversas vantagens de aplicabilidade, pois pode ser realizada em uma sessão apenas, é um procedimento substituível e reversível, e de fácil execução. Suas principais indicações se dão para a restauração de diastemas, fraturas dentais, dentição conoide, alteração no formato dental e na coloração do dente. No que se refere as contraindicações, evidencia-se danos dentais mais extensos, bruxismo, periodontites e giro versão

    Selectivity of Herbicide 2,4-D, Isolated and In Association, In Pre-Emergency in Culture of Açaí

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    With the growth of acai planted areas, further studies on herbicides are needed in this palm tree of great potential. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate the selectivity of the 2,4-D herbicide applied in pre-emergence, isolated, and in association, with acai seedlings. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replications. Increasing doses of 2,4-D isolated (502.5, 1,005 and 2,010 g e a ha) and associated with picloram (960 g e. a ha), triclopyr (960 g e. a ha) were applied as treatments. and glyphosate (1,110 g e. a ha), one more control without application. At 3,7,14,21,28 and 35 DAA, the percentage of phytointoxication, height (cm), and the number of leaves of the acai seedlings were determined. At the end of the evaluations (35 DAA), the 2,4-D isolated applications obtained the best results, with low phytointoxication visual percentage, higher plants, and a larger number of leaves, showing selective culture. However, the association of the 2,4-D herbicides with picloram, in all doses used, had negative effects on the evaluated parameters, evidencing the non-selectivity of the acai berry crop


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    De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), 80% da população sofrerá, ao menos duas vezes na vida, alguma crise de dor nas costas. Um dos principais motivos é a chamada “escoliose” – que, segundo a instituição afeta de 2% a 4% da população mundial. No Brasil, a prevalência varia entre 1,03 e 15,8%. A escoliose é definida como uma deformação morfológica da coluna vertebral nos três planos do espaço. Assim, a coluna realmente se torce, não somente para os lados, mas para frente e para trás e em volta do seu próprio eixo

    Pre-defoliation canopy height for signal grass ‘Basilisk’ in silvopastoral systems

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    The objective of this study was to compare the response of Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk pastures in monoculture and silvopastoral systems (SPS), and to determine the most suitable pre-defoliation canopy height for managing this species in SPS. Four pre-defoliation canopy heights (20, 30, 40, and 50 cm) were tested for signal grass in SPS, alongside a control treatment involving defoliation at 20 cm in full sun. The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design with four replicates. The forage accumulation rate was higher in monoculture (36.5 kg ha-1 day-1 of DM) compared to the silvopastoral system (22.0 kg ha-1 day-1 of DM), and there was no significant effect of pre-defoliation canopy height within the SPS. The density of tillers in monoculture was comparable to that observed in canopies managed at a height of 50 cm within the SPS. Leaf mass and leaf percentage were maximized at heights of 40 cm and 50 cm, respectively. Neither the cultivation system nor the pre-defoliation canopy heights in the SPS influenced the fiber and protein content. Leaf accumulation and mass were higher in monoculture, but the cultivation system did not affect the chemical composition of the forage. Heights between 40 cm and 50 cm in the SPS should be used to maximize tillering, mass, and leaf percentage of signal grass ‘Basilisk’. The chemical composition of the produced forage did not undergo significant changes, neither between systems nor across pre-defoliation heights

    Proposal for screening of kidney disease in a random population based on World Kidney Day campaign

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    Despite the advances on early screening techniques, getting to know the chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence in Brazil and worldwide remains a challenge for researchers. Aging, diabetes and hypertension are the main CKD causes in Brazil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of urinary dipstick abnormalities in World Kidney Day campaign. This is a cross-sectional studyconducted at FMABC. This study was based on the answers to a kidney disease questionnaire and urinary dipstick test. A total of 205 patients were randomly invited to collect urine samples on World Kidney Day 2013. Among the 205 studied patients, 66.34% were women with mean age of 46.32 years. Around 34.14% of the patients were hypertensive and 9.75% diabetic. Urinalysis alterations were observed in 28.29% of patients. The group with urine alterations had older individuals (51.36 years) andmore diabetes (18.96%) with higher levels of glucose (143.2 mg/dl).  Brazilian population is getting older and diabetic which represent risk factors for the onset of CKD. The necessity of an early detection by means of specific campaigns is thus of great importance. The use of dipstick test for screening is an important tool for kidney disease diagnosis. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.82692

    Além do vírus: os efeitos do isolamento social na saúde mental

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    This article is a reflection study on the effect of social isolation on the mental health of Brazilians, with the main objective of reflecting on the psychosocial damages of isolation in the light of Emerson Merhy's theory of "live work in action". Three categories of analysis were established, history, the COVID-19 pandemic and live work in action, which demonstrate other pandemics throughout history and their proven effects, characterization of the social framework experienced by the Brazilian population during the pandemic and its effects on the mental health of individuals and description of “live work in action” and its relationship with the direction of health and the context of the pandemic. It was concluded that the need to institute severe measures of prevention and social isolation, in order to protect the physical health of individuals, generated psychosocial damage in Brazilian society, mainly anxiety and depression, since it caused drastic changes in lifestyle. , financial losses, feeling of fear and uncertainty.O presente artigo trata de um estudo de reflexão sobre o efeito do isolamento social na saúde mental dos brasileiros, tendo como objetivo principal refletir sobre os danos psicossociais do isolamento à luz da teoria do “trabalho vivo em ato” de Emerson Merhy. Estabeleceu-se três categorias de análises, histórico, a pandemia de COVID-19 e trabalho vivo em ato, tais quais demonstram outras pandemias ao longo da história e seus efeitos comprovados, caracterização do quadro social vivido pela população brasileira durante a pandemia e seus efeitos na saúde mental dos indivíduos e descrição do “trabalho vivo em ato” e sua relação com os rumos da saúde e com o contexto da pandemia. Concluiu-se que a necessidade de instituir medidas severas de prevenção e isolamento social, com o intuito de proteger a saúde física dos indivíduos, gerou na sociedade brasileira danos psicossociais, principalmente de ansiedade e depressão, posto que ocasionou em mudanças drásticas no estilo de vida, perdas financeiras, sentimento de medo e incerteza