2,377 research outputs found

    ANÁLISE DE DISCURSO E RELAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS: os Discursos sobre Paz e Segurança na África no Conselho de Segurança da ONU

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.O presente trabalho debate o uso do construtivismo dentro da teoria das Relações Internacionais, em especial os escritos de Onuf (1989, 1998); e da Análise de Discurso, em especial a obra de Fairclough (2001a), como aportes teóricos e metodológicos para se pensar a política internacional pela influência da linguagem. Assim, constrói-se um referencial teórico para analisar 56 discursos proferidos nas reuniões do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas por parte das delegações da China e dos Estados Unidos sobre o tema da paz e segurança na África. Parte-se dos pressupostos construtivistas de que a realidade é socialmente construída pelos agentes, e que esse processo de construção social ocorre através do discurso por meio dos atos de fala. Os atos de fala geram significados discursivamente, e esses significados são parte de uma prática social maior que engloba todo o ato discursivo e suas consequências. Parte-se também do princípio de que discurso é aquele que traduz a linguagem em sentido, imprimindo uma imagem ou identidade àquilo que se refere. Tendo em vista tudo isso, a pesquisa identificou mudanças discursivas tanto nos discursos chineses quanto nos discursos americanos. Tanto as imagens construídas no discurso sobre paz e segurança quanto as mudanças discursivas de ambos os países revelam a íntima relação texto-contexto e são exemplos de prática política. A análise de discurso torna-se o eixo que liga os pressupostos filosóficos do construtivismo com as ações políticas realizadas na linguagem

    Visual-Quality-Driven Learning for Underwater Vision Enhancement

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    The image processing community has witnessed remarkable advances in enhancing and restoring images. Nevertheless, restoring the visual quality of underwater images remains a great challenge. End-to-end frameworks might fail to enhance the visual quality of underwater images since in several scenarios it is not feasible to provide the ground truth of the scene radiance. In this work, we propose a CNN-based approach that does not require ground truth data since it uses a set of image quality metrics to guide the restoration learning process. The experiments showed that our method improved the visual quality of underwater images preserving their edges and also performed well considering the UCIQE metric.Comment: Accepted for publication and presented in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP

    A Review of Milestones in the History of GUI Prototyping Tools

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    International audiencePrototyping is one of the core activities of User-Centered Design (UCD) processes and an integral component of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Nonetheless, for many years, prototyping was synonym of paper-based mock-ups and only more recently we can say that dedicated tools for supporting prototyping activities really reach the market. In this paper we propose to analyze the evolution of prototyping tools proposed by the academic community to support research activities and prototyping tools that are aimed and improve the development process of commercial user interfaces. Thus, this paper presents a review of past and current graphical user interface prototyping tools, in order to set up the state of the art in this field, observing fundamental milestones of features over time. For that, we have screened publications presented since 1988 in some of the main HCI conferences and 113 commercial tools available on the web. The results enable a brief comparison of characteristics present in both academic and commercial tools, how they have evolved and what are the gaps that can provide insights for future research and development

    Structural validation of the "Teacher's report form" attention problems scale in a Brazilian sample

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    Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental syndromes. Although clinical evaluation is considered the gold standard in diagnosing psychiatric disorders, in epidemiological studies, this evaluation is rarely used for practical and financial reasons. Instead, psychometric instruments are used to screen for the disorders. In this case, it is essential to investigate whether these instruments are suitable for measuring the proposed problem. This study aims to verify the structural validation of the Attention Problems Scale of the Teacher's Report Form (TRF). Methods: A random sample of 445 TRF filled out by the teacher of children from São Gonçalo/RJ was selected. The confirmatory factor analysis was applied to validate some factor structures that have been raised in the literature. A second aspect analyzed was the use of structural equation models to verify the validated factorial structure's relationship with some comorbidities. Results: The bifactor model was the most suitable to explain the TRF child's Attention Problems Scale's factor structure. It presented the best-fit quality scores for confirmatory factor analysis than other tested structures. Although it presented good indicators for structural validity, some symptoms could be reassessed to have a more consistent instrument. The bifactor model as an explanatory structure in SEM was able to predict important mental health outcomes. These results are an additional validation to the bifactor model. Conclusions: The results suggest the validity of the TRF's Attention Problems Scale. The instrument’s factor structure was also appropriate because it corroborated most of the association's assumptions between subtypes of attention problems and other aspects of mental health. The existence of screening scales adapted to Brazilian Portuguese can substantially impact many children who have difficulty learning. Also, the screening scales can be a useful tool for the health sector to facilitate referral to the professional to make the diagnosis

    Building Contrastive Summaries of Subjective Text Via Opinion Ranking

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    This article investigates methods to automatically compare entities from opinionated text to help users to obtain important information from a large amount of data, a task known as “contrastive opinion summarization”. The task aims at generating contrastive summaries that highlight differences between entities given opinionated text (written about each entity individually) where opinions have been previously identified. These summaries are made by selecting sentences from the input data. The core of the problem is to find out how to choose these more relevant sentences in an appropriate manner. The proposed method uses a heuristic that makesdecisions according to the opinions found in the input text and to traits that a summary is expected to present. The evaluation is made by measuring three characteristics that contrastive summaries are expected to have: representativity (presence of opinions that are frequent in the input), contrastivity (presence of opinions that highlight differences between entities) and diversity (presence of different opinions to avoid redundancy). The novel method is compared to methods previously published and performs significantly better than them according to the measures used. The main contributions of this work are: a comparative analysis of methods of contrastive opinion summarization, the proposal of a systematic way to evaluate summaries, the development of a new method that performs better than others previously known and the creation of a dataset for the task

    Um estudo macroeconométrico dos determinantes das exportações brasileiras de 1995 a 2005

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Os princípios econômicos adotados pelo Brasil no início dos anos 90 tornaram o país dependente da entrada de divisas para equilibrar as contas públicas. Com a implantação do Plano Real a situação da Balança Comercial tornou-se deficitária no início, devido à taxa de câmbio nominal doméstica que encontrava-se supervalorizada em relação à moeda norte-americana. As exportações declinaram concomitantemente com a diminuição da taxa de câmbio e a taxa de juros era mantida em patamares elevados para atrair investimentos externos. Somente após a desvalorização ocorrida em 1999 é que as exportações passam a crescer novamente no país. Diante deste cenário, o presente estudo teve como finalidade mensurar econometricamente as principais variáveis que influenciam as exportações brasileiras e analisar se houve uma quebra no modelo estrutural da regressão com a desvalorização da moeda brasileira ocorrida no início de 1999, contribuindo para aumentar a competitividade das exportações brasileiras. As variáveis escolhidas para explicar as exportações brasileiras durante este período foram: a taxa nominal de câmbio, as taxas de juros doméstica e externa e os indicadores de inflação externo e interno. Segundo a teoria, espera-se que o aumento da taxa de câmbio doméstica, da taxa de juros e de inflação externa influenciem positivamente as exportações, e o aumento da taxa de juros e inflação interna influenciem negativamente as exportações. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as variáveis analisadas explicaram 86% do total das variações nas exportações no período analisado. Porém, somente a taxa de câmbio nominal mostrou conjuntamente significância estatística e sinal coerente com a teoria

    Fundadas razões para o flagrante? uma análise do RE 603.616/STF

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    This article aims to analyze or judge the STF on the requirements for setting the crime flag justifying breach of inviolability of the household. To do so, make a brief analysis of the types of provisional arrest that may be prohibited in the Brazilian legal system, concentrating an analysis on the red-handed arrest and its species. We now discuss a constitutional rule on inviolability of the domicile and the limits conferred by it by the decision issued in RE 603,616. It was concluded that the weighting performed by the STF, without reference, seeks to define the limits of the inviolability clause of the house as well as protection against an arbitrary home search. However, it is necessary to propose means to understand the understanding established in the plenary session, which may be applied in accordance with the fundamental guarantees expressed in the Federal Constitution of 1988.O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o julgado do STF sobre os critérios para a configuração do flagrante delito, justificadores da quebra da inviolabilidade de domicílio. Para tanto, se efetua uma breve análise sobre os tipos de prisão provisória previstas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, concentrando a análise sobre a prisão em flagrante e as espécies deste. Passase a discutir a regra constitucional da inviolabilidade do domicílio e os limites conferidos a ela pela decisão proferida no RE 603.616. Conclui-se que a ponderação efetuada pelo STF, no referido acórdão, busca estabelecer os limites da cláusula de inviolabilidade da casa, bem como a proteção contra a busca domiciliar arbitrária. Entretanto, é preciso propor meios para que tal entendimento fixado na sessão plenária possa ser aplicado de forma consonante às garantias fundamentais expressas na Constituição Federal de 1988

    Análise de susceptibilidade a alagamentos na bacia do Lago Paranoá antes e depois da construção do setor noroeste - Distrito Federal por meio de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica-SIG

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, 2016.Este estudo objetivou determinar quais as áreas susceptíveis a alagamentos na Unidade Hidrográfica do Paranoá, nos anos de 1998 e 2016. A identificação de áreas susceptíveis a alagamentos é fundamental para o poder público como suporte ao processo de zoneamento urbano. Nesse sentido foram utilizado sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) que são considerados como uma vasta e poderosa ferramenta de suporte ao planejamento urbano. Como resultado foi constatado um aumento de aproximadamente 10.047 km² de áreas susceptíveis a alagamentos.This study was aimed at determining areas susceptible to flooding in the Paranoá Hydrographic Unit in 1998 and 2016. The identification of areas susceptible to flooding is fundamental for the public power as a support to the urban zoning process. In this sense, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used as a vast and powerful tool to support urban planning. As a result, there was an increase of approximately 10,047 km² of areas susceptible to flooding.Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo determinar cuáles son las áreas susceptibles a la inundación en la unidad hidrográfica Paranoá, en los años de 1998 y en 2016. La identificación de áreas susceptibles a inundaciones, es esencial para el gobierno para apoyar el proceso de zonificación. En este sentido se utiliza Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) que son considerados como una herramienta de apoyo extenso y de gran alcance para la planificación urbana. Como resultado se observó que hubo un incremento de aproximadamente 10.047 kilómetros cuadrados de áreas susceptibles a inundaciones.Cette étude visait à déterminer quelles étaient les zones susceptibles aux inondations dans l’Unité Hydrographique du Paranoá, en 1998 et en 2016. L'identification des zones sensibles aux inondations est essentielle au gouvernement dans le soutien du processus de zonage. En ce sens, on a utilisé des systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) qui sont considérés comme un outil de soutien vaste et puissant pour la planification urbaine. En conséquence, on a observé une augmentation d'environ 10047 kilomètres carrés de zones sensibles aux inondations

    A behavior-driven approach for specifying and testing user requirements in interactive systems

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    Dans un processus de conception centré sur l'utilisateur, les artefacts évoluent par cycles itératifs jusqu'à ce qu'ils répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et deviennent ensuite le produit final. Chaque cycle donne l'occasion de réviser la conception et d'introduire de nouvelles exigences qui pourraient affecter les artefacts qui ont été définis dans les phases de développement précédentes. Garder la cohérence des exigences dans tels artefacts tout au long du processus de développement est une activité lourde et longue, surtout si elle est faite manuellement. Actuellement, certains cadres d'applications implémentent le BDD (Développement dirigé par le comportement) et les récits utilisateur comme un moyen d'automatiser le test des systèmes interactifs en construction. Les tests automatisés permettent de simuler les actions de l'utilisateur sur l'interface et, par conséquent, de vérifier si le système se comporte correctement et conformément aux exigences de l'utilisateur. Cependant, les outils actuels supportant BDD requièrent que les tests soient écrits en utilisant des événements de bas niveau et des composants qui n'existent que lorsque le système est déjà implémenté. En conséquence d'un tel bas niveau d'abstraction, les tests BDD peuvent difficilement être réutilisés avec des artefacts plus abstraits. Afin d'éviter que les tests doivent être écrits sur chaque type d'artefact, nous avons étudié l'utilisation des ontologies pour spécifier à la fois les exigences et les tests, puis exécuter des tests dans tous les artefacts partageant les concepts ontologiques. L'ontologie fondée sur le comportement que nous proposons ici vise alors à élever le niveau d'abstraction tout en supportant l'automatisation de tests dans des multiples artefacts. Cette thèse présente tel ontologie et une approche fondée sur BDD et les récits utilisateur pour soutenir la spécification et l'évaluation automatisée des exigences des utilisateurs dans les artefacts logiciels tout au long du processus de développement des systèmes interactifs. Deux études de cas sont également présentées pour valider notre approche. La première étude de cas évalue la compréhensibilité des spécifications des récits utilisateur par une équipe de propriétaires de produit (POs) du département en charge des voyages d'affaires dans notre institut. À l'aide de cette première étude de cas, nous avons conçu une deuxième étude pour démontrer comment les récits utilisateur rédigés à l'aide de notre ontologie peuvent être utilisées pour évaluer les exigences fonctionnelles exprimées dans des différents artefacts, tels que les modèles de tâche, les prototypes d'interface utilisateur et les interfaces utilisateur à part entière. Les résultats ont montré que notre approche est capable d'identifier même des incohérences à grain fin dans les artefacts mentionnés, permettant d'établir une compatibilité fiable entre les différents artefacts de conception de l'interface utilisateur.In a user-centered design process, artifacts evolve in iterative cycles until they meet user requirements and then become the final product. Every cycle gives the opportunity to revise the design and to introduce new requirements which might affect the artifacts that have been set in former development phases. Keeping the consistency of requirements in such artifacts along the development process is a cumbersome and time-consuming activity, especially if it is done manually. Nowadays, some software development frameworks implement Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and User Stories as a means of automating the test of interactive systems under construction. Automated testing helps to simulate user's actions on the user interface and therefore check if the system behaves properly and in accordance with the user requirements. However, current tools supporting BDD requires that tests should be written using low-level events and components that only exist when the system is already implemented. As a consequence of such low-level of abstraction, BDD tests can hardly be reused with more abstract artifacts. In order to prevent that tests should be written to every type of artifact, we have investigated the use of ontologies for specifying both requirements and tests once, and then run tests on all artifacts sharing the ontological concepts. The resultant behavior-based ontology we propose herein is therefore aimed at raising the abstraction level while supporting test automation on multiple artifacts. This thesis presents this ontology and an approach based on BDD and User Stories to support the specification and the automated assessment of user requirements on software artifacts along the development process of interactive systems. Two case studies are also presented to validate our approach. The first case study evaluates the understandability of User Stories specifications by a team of Product Owners (POs) from the department in charge of business trips in our institute. With the help of this first case study, we designed a second one to demonstrate how User Stories written using our ontology can be used to assess functional requirements expressed in different artifacts, such as task models, user interface (UI) prototypes, and full-fledged UIs. The results have shown that our approach is able to identify even fine-grained inconsistencies in the mentioned artifacts, allowing establishing a reliable compatibility among different user interface design artifacts