366 research outputs found

    Tannin- caprolactam and Tannin- PEG formulations as outdoor wood preservatives: Biological Properties

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    Key Message: This article presents the enhancement in boron fixation as well as the improved biological resistance against fungi and termites for wood samples treated with tannin-caprolactam and tannin-PEG formulations. Context: Although the recently developed tannin-boron wood preservatives have shown high biological protection, they presented also average resistance against weathering. The tannin-caprolactam formulations have shown improved weathering resistances and dimensional stability. Aims: For this reason, more detailed biological tests were performed to evaluate the influence of the caprolactam and PEG on the biological resistance. Methods: In this paper, the boron leaching of the tannin-caprolactam and tannin-PEG impregnated Scots pine specimens was observed and the biocidal effect against fungi (Antrodia spp. and Coniophora puteana) and insects (Reticulitermes flavipes and Hylotrupes bajulus) were determined according to the guidelines of EN 113, EN 117, and EN 47. Results: The advanced formulations containing PEG have shown interesting resistance against fungal decay, but very low penetration and weak resistance against larvae while the tannin-caprolactam preservatives have shown overall improved biological performances and higher boron fixations. Conclusion: The biocidal activity of the caprolactam-added formulations was overall enhanced and therefore these formulations are confirmed to be an interesting alternative for the wood preservation in outdoor environment. (Résumé d'auteur

    Evolutionary conserved NSL complex/BRD4 axis controls transcription activation via histone acetylation

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    Cells rely on a diverse repertoire of genes for maintaining homeostasis, but the transcriptional networks underlying their expression remain poorly understood. The MOF acetyltransferase-containing Non-Specific Lethal (NSL) complex is a broad transcription regulator. It is essential in Drosophila, and haploinsufficiency of the human KANSL1 subunit results in the Koolen-de Vries syndrome. Here, we perform a genome-wide RNAi screen and identify the BET protein BRD4 as an evolutionary conserved co-factor of the NSL complex. Using Drosophila and mouse embryonic stem cells, we characterise a recruitment hierarchy, where NSL-deposited histone acetylation enables BRD4 recruitment for transcription of constitutively active genes. Transcriptome analyses in Koolen-de Vries patient-derived fibroblasts reveals perturbations with a cellular homeostasis signature that are evoked by the NSL complex/BRD4 axis. We propose that BRD4 represents a conserved bridge between the NSL complex and transcription activation, and provide a new perspective in the understanding of their functions in healthy and diseased states

    Tannin- caprolactam and Tannin- PEG formulations as outdoor wood preservatives: Weathering properties

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageThis article presents the leaching, fire and weathering resistance improvements of samples treated with tannin-based wood preservatives added of caprolactam. PEG-added formulations show limited applicability. The FT-IR and13C-NMR analyses of the caprolactam-added formulations show some evidences of copolymerization.ContextTannin-boron wood preservatives are known for their high resistance against leaching, biological attacks, fire as well as for the good mechanical properties that they impart to wood. These properties promoted these formulations for being a candidate for the protection of green buildings. However, the low elasticity of these polymers and their dark colour implied limited weathering resistances.AimsThe aim of the study is to find suitable additives for tannin-based formulations to overcome their limited weathering resistances, without compromising the other properties.MethodsTreatment, leaching and fire tests, dimensional stability as well as artificial and natural weathering of the timber treated with caprolactam-added and PEG-added formulations were performed. FT-IR and 13C-NMR of the formulations were presented.ResultsThe presence of caprolactam improved the properties of the formulation with particularly significant results in terms of resistance against leaching and dimensional stability. These enhancements were imparted also to the weathering resistance of the tannin-caprolactam formulations. Indeed, the colour changes during the artificial and natural exposures were stable for longer periods. FT-IR and 13C-NMR investigations of the advanced formulations were led, and covalent copolymerization of the caprolactam with the tannin-hexamine polymer was observed.ConclusionThe tannin formulations with caprolactam improved the durability of the wood specimens, while the PEG-tannin presented strong application drawbacks

    PUF60 variants cause a syndrome of ID, short stature, microcephaly, coloboma, craniofacial, cardiac, renal and spinal features.

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    PUF60 encodes a nucleic acid-binding protein, a component of multimeric complexes regulating RNA splicing and transcription. In 2013, patients with microdeletions of chromosome 8q24.3 including PUF60 were found to have developmental delay, microcephaly, craniofacial, renal and cardiac defects. Very similar phenotypes have been described in six patients with variants in PUF60, suggesting that it underlies the syndrome. We report 12 additional patients with PUF60 variants who were ascertained using exome sequencing: six through the Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study and six through similar projects. Detailed phenotypic analysis of all patients was undertaken. All 12 patients had de novo heterozygous PUF60 variants on exome analysis, each confirmed by Sanger sequencing: four frameshift variants resulting in premature stop codons, three missense variants that clustered within the RNA recognition motif of PUF60 and five essential splice-site (ESS) variant. Analysis of cDNA from a fibroblast cell line derived from one of the patients with an ESS variants revealed aberrant splicing. The consistent feature was developmental delay and most patients had short stature. The phenotypic variability was striking; however, we observed similarities including spinal segmentation anomalies, congenital heart disease, ocular colobomata, hand anomalies and (in two patients) unilateral renal agenesis/horseshoe kidney. Characteristic facial features included micrognathia, a thin upper lip and long philtrum, narrow almond-shaped palpebral fissures, synophrys, flared eyebrows and facial hypertrichosis. Heterozygote loss-of-function variants in PUF60 cause a phenotype comprising growth/developmental delay and craniofacial, cardiac, renal, ocular and spinal anomalies, adding to disorders of human development resulting from aberrant RNA processing/spliceosomal function

    Human impact on the transport of terrigenous and anthropogenic elements to peri-alpine lakes (Switzerland) over the last decades

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    Terrigenous (Sc, Fe, K, Mg, Al, Ti) and anthropogenic (Pb and Cu) element fluxes were measured in a new sediment core from Lake Biel (Switzerland) and in previously well-documented cores from two upstream lakes (Lake Brienz and Lake Thun). These three large peri-alpine lakes are connected by the Aare River, which is the main tributary to the High Rhine River. Major and trace element analysis of the sediment cores by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) shows that the site of Lake Brienz receives three times more terrigenous elements than the two other studied sites, given by the role of Lake Brienz as the first major sediment sink located in the foothills of the Alps. Overall, the terrigenous fluxes reconstructed at the three studied sites suggest that the construction of sediment-trapping reservoirs during the twentieth century noticeably decreased the riverine suspended sediment load at a regional scale. In fact, the extensive river damming that occurred in the upstream watershed catchment (between ca. 1930 and 1950 and up to 2300 m a.s.l.) and that significantly modified seasonal suspended sediment loads and riverine water discharge patterns to downstream lakes noticeably diminished the long-range transport of (fine) terrigenous particles by the Aare River. Concerning the transport of anthropogenic pollutants, the lowest lead enrichment factors (EFs Pb) were measured in the upstream course of the Aare River at the site of Lake Brienz, whereas the metal pollution was highest in downstream Lake Biel, with the maximum values measured between 1940 and 1970 (EF Pb >3). The following recorded regional reduction in aquatic Pb pollution started about 15 years before the actual introduction of unleaded gasoline in 1985. Furthermore, the radiometric dating of the sediment core from Lake Biel identifies three events of hydrological transport of artificial radionuclides released by the nuclear reactor of MĂŒhleberg located at more than 15 km upstream of Lake Biel for the time period 1970 to 200

    White book on physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) in Europe. Chapter 10. Science and research in PRM: Specificities and challenges

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    In the context of the White Book of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), this paper deals with Research, the future of PRM. PRM students and specialists are mainly involved in biomedical research, investigating the biological processes, the causes of diseases, their medical diagnosis, the evaluation of their consequences on functioning, disability and health and the effects of health interventions at an individual and a societal level. Most of the current PRM research, often interdisciplinary, originates from applied research which, using existing knowledge, is directed towards specific goals. Translational medical research, research and development, implementation research and clinical impact research are in this field. PRM physicians, mainly master or PhD students, are nowadays increasing their participation in basic research and in pre-clinical trials. PRM physicians are involved in primary research, which is an original first hand research, but also in secondary research, which is the analysis and interpretation of primary research publications in a field, with a specific methodology. Secondary research remains an important activity of the UEMS PRM section and it will be the field of the new created Cochrane Rehabilitation. Secondary research with interest for persons with disabilities, will be developed world wide on the basis of evidence based medicine, with the participation of PRM physicians and of all other health and social professionals involved in rehabilitation. The development of research activities with interest for PRM in Europe is a challenge for the future, which has to be faced now. The European PRM schools, the European master and PhD program with their supporting research and clinical facilities, the European PRM organizations with their websites, the PRM scientific journals and European congresses are a strong basis to develop research activities, together with the development of Cochrane Rehabilitation field and of our cooperation with European high level research facilities, European and international scientific societies in different fields. PRM will be a leader in this field of research

    Evaluation of preindustrial to present-day black carbon and its albedo forcing from ACCMIP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project)

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    As part of the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP), we evaluate the historical black carbon (BC) aerosols simulated by 8 ACCMIP models against observations including 12 ice core records, long-term surface mass concentrations and recent Arctic BC snowpack measurements. We also estimate BC albedo forcing by performing additional simulations using offline models with prescribed meteorology from 1996–2000. We evaluated the vertical profile of BC snow concentrations from these offline simulations using the recent BC snowpack measurements. Despite using the same BC emissions, the global BC burden differs by approximately a factor of 3 among models due to differences in aerosol removal parameterizations and simulated meteorology: 34 Gg to 103 Gg in 1850 and 82 Gg to 315 Gg in 2000. However, the global BC burden from preindustrial to present-day increases by 2.5–3 times with little variation among models, roughly matching the 2.5-fold increase in total BC emissions during the same period. We find a large divergence among models at both Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH) high latitude regions for BC burden and at SH high latitude regions for deposition fluxes. The ACCMIP simulations match the observed BC surface mass concentrations well in Europe and North America except at Jungfraujoch and Ispra. However, the models fail to predict the Arctic BC seasonality due to severe underestimations during winter and spring. The simulated vertically resolved BC snow concentrations are, on average, within a factor of 2–3 of the BC snowpack measurements except for Greenland and the Arctic Ocean. For the ice core evaluation, models tend to capture both the observed temporal trends and the magnitudes well at Greenland sites. However, models fail to predict the decreasing trend of BC depositions/ice-core concentrations from the 1950s to the 1970s in most Tibetan Plateau ice cores. The distinct temporal trend at the Tibetan Plateau ice cores indicates a strong influence from Western Europe, but the modeled BC increases in that period are consistent with the emission changes in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South and East Asia. At the Alps site, the simulated BC suggests a strong influence from Europe, which agrees with the Alps ice core observations. Models successfully simulate higher BC concentrations observed at Zuoqiupu during the non-monsoon season than monsoon season, but models underpredict BC in both seasons. Despite a large divergence in BC deposition at two Antarctic ice core sites, models are able to capture the relative increase from preindustrial to present-day seen in the ice cores. In 2000 relative to 1850, globally annually averaged BC surface albedo forcing from the offline simulations ranges from 0.014 to 0.019 W m−2 among the ACCMIP models. Comparing offline and online BC albedo forcings computed by some of the same models, we find that the global annual mean can vary by up to a factor of two because of different aerosol models or different BC-snow parameterizations and snow cover. The spatial distributions of the offline BC albedo forcing in 2000 show especially high BC forcing (i.e. over 0.1 W m−2) over Manchuria, Karakoram, and most of the Former USSR. Models predict the highest global annual mean BC forcing in 1980 rather than 2000, mostly driven by the high fossil fuel and biofuel emissions in the Former USSR in 1980

    Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies to probe peptide conformational changes

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    AbstractHydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange chemistry monitored by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry is used to study solution phase conformational changes of bradykinin, α-melanocyte stimulating hormone, and melittin as water is added to methanol-d4, acetonitrile, and isopropanol-d8 solutions. The results are interpreted in terms of a preference for the peptides to acquire more compact conformations in organic solvents as compared to the random conformations. Our interpretation is supported by circular dichroism spectra of the peptides in the same solvent systems and by previously published structural data for the peptides. These results demonstrate the utility of MALDI-TOF as a method to monitor the H/D exchange chemistry of peptides and investigations of solution-phase conformations of biomolecules
