72 research outputs found


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    The agricultural is a major sector in providing food for the community needs. As we know, rice is the largest agricultural products owned by Indonesia. Indonesia has an important role as the third largest rice producer in the world after China and India. But in the reality, Indonesia as the third largest rice producer in the world have problems going to the inability of the State to meet the domestic rice needs. Consequently, when the agricultural sector collapsed and was not able to meet food needs, especially the needs of the rice, it will create the conditions for the food crisis. To maintain rice production, the government is forced to rely on rice import policy, which in turn makes Indonesia is always dependent on the supply of imported rice. When associated with dependency theory, agricultural development in Indonesia is actually ideologically and praxis has undergone a period of transformation. Agricultural development in Indonesia has led to stagnation and could threaten food sovereignty and food security. The result of research shows that as a solution, dependency theory offers two alternatives: first, reducing the relationship with imported rice. Second, Indonesia had to make a breakthrough by creating food security through policies that support the growth of the national rice production. This research uses qualitative research, descriptive approach, and emphasizes on literature study. Keywords: Dependency, Rice Import Policy, Food Securit


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan bukti empiris pengaruh kebijakan dividen, kebijakan hutang, kepemilikan insider dan keputusan investasi terhadap nilai perusahaan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar secara konsisten pada Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode tahun 2008-2012 yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dari hasil pengumpulan data diperoleh 30 data observasi, yaitu terdapat 6 perusahaan yang konsisten selama 5 tahun (2008 s/d 2012) dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan setiap tahunnya. Teknik analisis regresi data panel digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel kebijakan dividen dan kepemilikan insider tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan masing-masing nilai t hitung adalah sebesar -1.536 dan -1.122 dimana nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari nilai t tabel yaitu sebesar 1.708 dengan tingkat signifikansi kedua variabel masing-masing sebesar 0.141 dan 0.276 > 0.05, sedangkan variabel kebijakan hutang dan keputusan investasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan nilai t hitung 3.554 dan 4.416 lebih besar dari t tabel, yaitu sebesar 1.708 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.002 dan 0.000 2.759 dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05. Kata kunci : Kebijakan Dividen, Kebijakan Hutang, Kepemilikan Insider, Keputusan Investasi dan Nilai Perusahaan

    Power Relations in the Stadium Stands: Strengthening Gender Equality in Indonesian Football Club Supporters

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    Indonesian football competition is often seen as a masculine sport only suitable for men supporters. But now, women's supporter groups are increasingly popping up. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how hierarchical and power relations between women and men members in Brigata Curva Sud (BCS), a supporter base of PSS Sleman football club, which in 2017 was praised as the best ultras supporter in Asia. This study uses the power relation theory from Michel Foucault to analyze this phenomenon. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research results showed that BCS had put gender equality as the foundation of its organization: First, BCS has a manifesto of "no leader just together, " which implies that BCS does not recognize a hierarchical organizational structure. Each member has the same rights and obligations in formulating the organization's future and making any agreed decisions. Second, there is no unequal power relation between women and men members in BCS. The only supreme power in the BCS that produces knowledge is a deliberative forum open to all members regardless of social background or gender


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     ABSTRACT Graphene has future prospect for electronics. By adding some substituents this material can be tuned to behave like a metal or semiconductor. In this investigation, a planar single layer of modified graphene, C24H12-mLim (m = 0, 3, 6, and 12) consisted of seven six-member rings was used to adsorb the oncoming hydrogen (perpendicular to the surface, was defined as Had). A planar twolayer graphene C48H24 (7+7) was also included. To determine the adsorption models and the Had couverage, a semiempiris Calzaferri program, works on pentium 4 windows 98, was used to optimize nHad (n = 1, 2, and 3) that reached the surfaces. The heat of Had adsorption and the band gap of the surfaces were also computed. Results of these computations showed that: (1) the adsorption process was endothermic and Li reduced the heat of Had adsorption on the surfaces. (2) Li reduced the band gap of the surfaces, so C24H12 was a semiconductor but C24Li12 a conductor. (3) The adsorbed nHad always lowered the band gap of the surfaces, in exception of C24Li12 could be lower or higher. (4) Each atom on the surfaces, in exception hydrogen, might adsorb nHad formed tilted (with C) and lying down (with Li) surface complexes, and for C24H6Li6 an asymmetric twofold complex was also observed. (5) However, the Had couverage was low, some Had formed H2 and this was not observed on C24H6Li6. (6) The C48H24 kept an H2 molecule between layers. Thus, a new material C24H6Li6 which had two adsorption models, might increase the Had couverage, but had lower conductivity than that of C24H12. On the other hand, it is necessary to study in more details the hydrogen storage between graphene layers.        Key words: graphene, adsorption, substituen

    The History of Hakka Diaspora in Indonesia: Migration Waves and Negotiations with National Identity

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    The Hakka Diaspora is one of the immigrant descendants who have lived in Indonesia for a very long time. Their existence has often experienced ups and downs. This study aims to analyze the waves of Hakka migration to Indonesia and how they negotiate with national identity. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze this phenomenon with data collected from interviews and literature studies. The research results showed that the wave of Hakka migration to Indonesia does not only come from mainland China but also from Taiwan. The Hakka migration waves from mainland China largely occurred during the Qing dynasty due to overcrowded populations, the difficulty of land ownership, and government discrimination problems. Meanwhile, the Hakka migration from Taiwan occurred after the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, which forced the Qing dynasty to surrender Formosa to Japan after the First Sino-Japanese war and mass company relocation in the 1980s due to rising production costs in Taiwan. Second, to negotiate their background with Indonesian identity, the Hakka have five philosophies of life called Hakkacita. This philosophy emphasizes conscience, good virtue, cohesiveness, devotion, and shared prosperity between Hakka descendants and other ethnic groups within the framework of Indonesian nationalism

    Power Relations in the Stadium Stands: Strengthening Gender Equality in Indonesian Football Club Supporters

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    Indonesian football competition is often seen as a masculine sport only suitable for men supporters. But now, women's supporter groups are increasingly popping up. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how hierarchical and power relations between women and men members in Brigata Curva Sud (BCS), a supporter base of PSS Sleman football club, which in 2017 was praised as the best ultras supporter in Asia. This study uses the power relation theory from Michel Foucault to analyze this phenomenon. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research results showed that BCS had put gender equality as the foundation of its organization: First, BCS has a manifesto of "no leader just together, " which implies that BCS does not recognize a hierarchical organizational structure. Each member has the same rights and obligations in formulating the organization's future and making any agreed decisions. Second, there is no unequal power relation between women and men members in BCS. The only supreme power in the BCS that produces knowledge is a deliberative forum open to all members regardless of social background or gender


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    ABSTRACT In the Kingdom of Thailand, politics and governmental system have close relation with Buddha as official state religion. Moreover Thai government implementing assimilation policy and determine Buddhist Thai as a single national culture and identity. These Thai government autocracy causes the emerged of various resistance group; among other is Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO) which established in 1968. The research result showed that from the perspective of Thai government, PULO is rebellion, separatist and terrorist. But from the perspective of Malay Muslim in the south, PULO is manifestation of jihad, struggle and heroism. In the beginning, PULO was established in order to fight toward Thai government discrimination toward Malay Muslim in Pattani. But later, PULO’s movement orientation is converted as local politics movement which tries to obtain authority to manage Pattani. Moreover hardly they also try to establish Pattani Darussalam state through political of identity issues for getting public attention. Keywords: PULO, Jihad, Local Politics, Political of Identity   ABSTRAK Di Kerajaan Thailand, sistem politik dan pemerintahan memiliki hubungan erat dengan agama Budha sebagai agama resmi negara. Lebih dari itu pemerintah Thailand juga menerapkan kebijakan asimilasi budaya dan menentukan Budha Thailand sebagai budaya dan identitas tunggal nasional. Otokrasi pemerintah Thailand tersebut menyebabkan munculnya berbagai kelompok perlawanan; antara lain Organisasi Pembebasan Pattani Bersatu (PULO) yang didirikan pada tahun 1968. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari perspektif pemerintah Thailand, PULO adalah pemberontak, separatis dan teroris. Tapi dari perspektif Muslim Melayu di selatan, PULO adalah manifestasi dari Jihad, perjuangan dan kepahlawanan. Pada awalnya, PULO didirikan untuk melawan diskriminasi pemerintah Thailand terhadap Muslim Melayu di Pattani. Namun kemudian, orientasi gerakan PULO berubah menjadi gerakan politik lokal yang mencoba mendapatkan kewenangan untuk mengelola Pattani. Lebih dari itu secara lebih keras mereka juga mencoba mendirikan negara Pattani Darussalam melalui isu politik identitas untuk mendapatkan perhatian publik. Kata-kata Kunci: PULO, Jihad, Politik Lokal, Politik Identita

    Exploring Taiwanese Street Food in Contemporary Indonesian Society: Between Nostalgia and Gastrodiplomacy

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    Food is an excellent means of creating an image and spreading influence. This study aims to explore Taiwanese street food as nostalgia and gastrodiplomacy in contemporary Indonesian society. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection through in-depth interviews and a literature study. The results showed that: first, food nostalgia tries to connect the past and the present. The feeling expressed by the Taiwanese diaspora on food will greatly depend on their previous lived experiences and homeland memories in the past, both personally and historically, with their present living circumstances in Indonesia. Second, gastrodiplomacy connects the relationship between the present and the future. The popularity of Taiwanese food in Indonesia is increasing, especially through boba and chicken Shilin consumption. This has a positive impact on building Taiwan's image. From food nostalgia and gastro diplomacy, we can learn about the past, present, and future relationships between people and nations


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      ABSTRACT A research to study the electronic and chemical characteristics of Copper which nano structure using PM3 program has been done. This program part of HyperChem pro 6.0 that performed by Pentium 4. This research has nano 2D and 3D structure (atom number 2-30). Results of computations showed that Copper can make nanosheets, nanorods and nanotubes structure that have the different electronic characteristics from its crystals structure. Fortunately, copper with nano structure could develop as insulator and semiconductor materials. Keywords : Copper, nano structure, nanosheets, nanorods, nanotubes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara empirik hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Perceived Organizational Support (POS) dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pada karyawan PT. X. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa ada hubungan positif antara Kecerdasan Emosional dengan OCB, selanjutnya ada hubungan positif antara POS dengan OCB, dan ada hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosional dan POS dengan OCB pada karyawan PT. X. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 45 orang yang termasuk dalam karyawan middle management dan first line manager. Untuk mengungkap OCB karyawan digunakan dimensi dari OCB, yaitu Altruism, Civic Virtue, Concientiousness, Courtesy, dan Sportmanship. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi digunakan adalah korelasi Product Moment Pearson dan teknik analisis multiple regression. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesi didapatkan rx1y = 0,571 (