33 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the positive influence of Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Subjective Norm (SN), Subjective Norm (SN) on Intention to Use (ITU), and To determine the positive effect of Attitude (A) on Intention to Use (ITU). The sample is 207 respondents using M-Banking in Yogyakarta. SEM AMOS is used and has an effect on attitudes (A) of M-Banking users, Subjective Norms (NS) have a positive effect on interest in using (ITU) M-Banking, Perceived ease of use (PEOU) has a positive effect on perceived benefits (PU). M-Banking, Perceived Benefit (PU) has a positive effect on Interest in Using (ITU) M-Banking, Subjective Norms (SN) has a positive effect on Perceived Benefit (PU) M-Banking, Subjective Norms (NS) there is a relationship with interest (ITU) ) M-Banking, Attitude (A) there is a relationship in (ITU) M-Banking

    Perancangan Aplikasi Penyedia Informasi Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Pelajar SMA/ Sederajat dengan Metode Participatory Design

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    Continuing study to higher education is an important thing for most of high school students,  but there are still obstacles related to the information availability of higher education for high school students. These constraints can be divided into 3 categories, namely limited university information, limited department information, and limited registration information. Currently, there are university information apps, however those applications have not been able to overcome the three categories of obstacles faced. Thus, an design for application that can handle these problems. In this research, a design for application for information about higher education providers was conducted. The application design consists of 4 stages, started by determining needs using the focus group discussion method which involved 9 respondents and produced 23 needs. The second stage, determining design alternatives using the participatory design workshop method involving 8 respondents and producing 4 design alternatives, and selecting an alternative design involving 19 respondents. The third stage is making a high-fidelity prototype with the help of Adobe XD software. In the last stage, evaluation and improvement are carried out by considering the factors of usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, learnability, and satisfaction. The result of this research is a design of  application that provide information about university that meets aspects of functionality and usability. Those aspects including the usefulness factor 81.79%, the effectiveness factor 82.14%, the efficiency factor 82.14%, the learnability factor 71.43%, and the satisfaction factor 79.64%. Based on these results, this application able to use and meets user needs

    The Effect of Sex Differences and Experience of Using Virtual Reality on Presence

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    Presence greatly affects user experience and comfort when using virtual reality (VR). Presence is often associated with personal factors such as sex differences and experience using the instrument. There is a research gap related to presence judging by several studies, so it is an interesting topic for further study. This research aims to identify the effect of sex differences and experience using VR on presence. This study used two approaches namely subjective indicators by employing an Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) and objective indicators in the form of heart rate (HR) and task scores. The study made use of Kruskal-Wallis and MANOVA to determine whether there is an effect of sex differences and experience in using VR on presence. This study found that the sex variable affects a person's presence when playing VR, especially spatial score on the IPQ test, where women have a higher marginal means value than men. Another finding is that the experience of playing VR affects the delta heart rate, with the result that someone with no experience using VR is higher than those who have used VR before

    Perancangan Smart Food Container dalam Sektor Rumah Tangga dengan pendekatan Desain Interaksi

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    Sektor rumah tangga merupakan kontributor sampah terbesar di Indonesia pada tahun 2018, sebesar 48%. Upaya pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah makanan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan pengelolaan bahan makanan menggunakan konsep produk pintar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan untuk merancang smart food container yang membantu pengguna untuk mengelola penggunaan bahan makanan di kulkas. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan smart food container ini adalah desain interaksi. Identifikasi kebutuhan dengan observasi dan wawancara menghasilkan tiga belas daftar kebutuhan terkait smart food container. Perancangan alternatif konsep dilakukan dengan membuat dua konsep berupa wadah yang fleksibel dan memiliki indikator waktu dan suhu. Konsep terpilih diperbaiki dan dilanjutkan ke tahap prototipe. Prototipe dibuat dalam bentuk prototipe tingkat rendah dan dapat menunjukkan interaksi antara pengguna dengan prototipe. Prototipe kemudian dievaluasi terkait tiga aspek, yaitu efektivitas, efisiensi, dan usability. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil berupa prototipe smart food container yang terdiri dari 2 bagian produk, yaitu wadah dan indikator waktu dan suhu. Hasil dari evaluasi menghasilkan nilai efektivitas sebesar 89,09%, nilai efisiensi sebesar 78,18%, dan nilai System Usability Scale (SUS) sebesar 81, yang dapat diartikan bahwa rancangan smart food container tergolong dapat digunakan dengan baik. Terdapat juga perbaikan prototipe seperti perubahan tombol dan tampilan indikator pada indikator waktu dan suhu

    Komunikasi Suportif Orang Tua: Konsep, Pengembangan, dan Validasi

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    Perceived supportive communication by adolescence and emerging adulthood influence how they develop their autonomy and independency and in the same time still have opportunity to gain support from their parents when they need it. The aim of this study is to develop instrument that measure perceived parents’ supportive communication by adolescence and emerging adulthood. The instrument development consists of three stages: 1) Focus group discussion (FGD) to find out the description of perceived parents’ supportive communication (35 respondents from three universities). The result of this stage is the items of the instrument; 2) Validity and Reliability testing (326 respondents of high school and university students). The result of this stage is the valid and reliable instrument; 3) Factor Analysis from 600 respondents. The result of this stage is the dimentions of the instrument; dan 4) Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) from 1065 respondents. The result of this stage is the same as final result of the whole study, that is perceived parents’ supportive communication instrument, which consists of two dimentions (empathy and confidentiality)

    Pengaruh Penalaran Moral dan Sensitivitas Etika Terhadap Persepsi Etis dengan Gender Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    Accounting profession is required to provide true financial information and give confidence to users of financial information. However, many accounting scandals eroded people trust in the accounting profession. Therefore, it is important for prospective accountants to have understanding and knowledge in regard with ethical and moral values. This study examine moderating effect of gender on the the relationship between moral reasoning and ethical perceptions and between ethical sensitivity and ethical perceptions. If accounting students have higher moral reasoning dan ethical sensitivity, the ethical perceptions of accounting students are also predicted to be higher. This study examines moral reasoning and ethical sensitivity to ethical perceptions of accounting students with gender as a moderating variabel using a sample of students from 13 universities in Semarang. This study uses simple regression analysis and moderating regression analysis (MRA). Results show gender effect the relationship between moral reasoning and ethical perceptions, but hass no effect on relationship between ethical sensitivity and ethical perceptions of accounting students. Abstrak Profesi akuntansi dituntut memberikan informasi keuangan yang benar dan memiliki etika sehingga memberikan kepercayaan kepada pengguna informasi keuangan. Namun, banyaknya skandal akuntansi menurunkan kepercayaan terhadap profesi akuntansi. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi calon akuntan memiliki pemahaman dan pengetahuan berperilaku berdasarkan nilai etis dan moral. Penelitian ini menguji efek moderasi gender terhadap hubungan antara penalaran moral dan persepsi etis dan hubungan antara sensitivitas etika dan persepsi etis mahasiswa akuntansi. Jika mahasiswa akuntansi memiliki penalaran moral dan sensitivitas etika yang tinggi maka persepsi etis mahasiswa akuntansi tersebut juga tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel mahasiswa dari 13 Universitas di Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan moderating regression analysis (MRA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gender mempengaruhi hubungan antara penalaran moral dan sensitivitas etis tetapi tidak mempengaruhi hubungan antara penalaran moral dan persepsi etis mahasiswa akuntansi

    Perancangan Aplikasi Penyedia Informasi Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Pelajar SMA/ Sederajat dengan Metode Participatory Design

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    Continuing study to higher education is an important thing for most of high school students,  but there are still obstacles related to the information availability of higher education for high school students. These constraints can be divided into 3 categories, namely limited university information, limited department information, and limited registration information. Currently, there are university information apps, however those applications have not been able to overcome the three categories of obstacles faced. Thus, an design for application that can handle these problems. In this research, a design for application for information about higher education providers was conducted. The application design consists of 4 stages, started by determining needs using the focus group discussion method which involved 9 respondents and produced 23 needs. The second stage, determining design alternatives using the participatory design workshop method involving 8 respondents and producing 4 design alternatives, and selecting an alternative design involving 19 respondents. The third stage is making a high-fidelity prototype with the help of Adobe XD software. In the last stage, evaluation and improvement are carried out by considering the factors of usefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, learnability, and satisfaction. The result of this research is a design of  application that provide information about university that meets aspects of functionality and usability. Those aspects including the usefulness factor 81.79%, the effectiveness factor 82.14%, the efficiency factor 82.14%, the learnability factor 71.43%, and the satisfaction factor 79.64%. Based on these results, this application able to use and meets user needs


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    Sampah makanan merupakan salah satu penyumbang sampah terbanyak di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2020, total sampah makanan di Indonesia mencapai 40,23%. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pengelolaan bahan makanan yang kurang baik. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan identifikasi kebutuhan menggunakan metode wawancara dan didapatkan 9 kelompok kebutuhan utama pengguna. Perancangan aplikasi menerapkan pendekatan perancangan persuasif dengan kriteria computers as tool, yaitu membuat kegiatan menjadi mudah dan efisien untuk dilakukan. Pada kegiatan design workshop dihasilkan tiga alternatif konsep. Masing-masing alternatif tersebut dinilai dan konsep terpilih dilakukan penyempurnaan dengan metode gabungan dari tahapan Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate dan Reverse (SCAMPER). Hasil penyempurnaan tersebut dibuat menjadi high fidelity prototype. Prototype tersebut dilakukan evaluasi dengan usability testing dan uji persuasif. Rata-rata nilai usability testing kriteria efektivitas sebesar 91,25% dan kriteria efisiensi sebesar 78,75%, sedangkan kriteria usability keseluruhan diukur menggunakan skor System Usability Scale (SUS) dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 79,69. Nilai tersebut sudah mencapai nilai batas penerimaan yaitu 68. Uji persuasif diukur menggunakan Perceived Persuasiveness Questionnaire (PPQ). Rata-rata nilai PPQ kriteria effectiveness sebesar 5,833, kriteria quality sebesar 5,542, dan kriteria capability sebesar 5,917. Nilai tersebut sudah mencapai nilai batas penerimaan, yaitu sebesar 4,9. Hasil evaluasi tersebut kemudian dijadikan pertimbangan dalam merancang usulan perbaikan, salah satunya adalah memindahkan fitur edit bersama ke halaman utama aplikasi.   Abstract [Designing Persuasive Application for Food Material Management to Reduce Food Waste in Household Sector] Food waste is one of the largest contributors waste in Indonesia. In 2020, total food waste in Indonesia reached 40.23%. One of the reasons is poor food ingredients management. In this study, identification of needs was carried out using interviews and obtained 9 groups of primary needs. The application design applies persuasive technology with computers as a tool approach, which makes activities easy and efficient. The design workshop activity produced three alternative concepts. Each alternative was assessed. The selected concept was refined using SCAMPER and was made into a high fidelity prototype. The prototype was evaluated by usability and persuasiveness testing. The usability testing score for effectiveness criteria was 91the .25%, efficiency criteria were 78.75%, and the overall usability criteria were measured using SUS score with an average value of 79.69. This value has reached the acceptance limit value, which is 70%, 70%, and 68. Persuasiveness testing was measured using Perceived Persuasiveness Questionnaire (PPQ). PPQ value for effectiveness criteria was 5.833,quality criteria was 5.542, and capability criteria was 5.917. This value has reached the acceptance limit value, which is 4.9. The evaluation results are taken into consideration in designing improvements, one of which is the moving shared edit feature to the application's main page. Keywords: food waste; persuasiveness testing; prototype; usability testin

    Blended Learning: Inovasi dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran kimia di masa pandemi Covid 19

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    Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada semua sektor di dunia, termasuk sektor pendidikan yang mengalami perubahan sistem pengajaran dari pembelajaran di kelas nyata menjadi pembelajaran online. Pembelajaran online ini berdampak pada tidak tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran seperti yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, penerapan blended learning dapat menjadi solusi untuk membantu guru dan siswa dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Blended learning menggabungkan konsep tatap muka dengan platform media online seperti aplikasi WhatsApp, Zoom Meeting, dan Google Meet. Artikel ini memaparkan berbagai inovasi pembelajaran berbasis blended learning yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kimia di masa pandemi Covid-19. Blended learning ini membuat siswa lebih aktif dan mandiri dalam belajar, sehingga sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh dapat berlangsung secara efektif dan efisien