32 research outputs found

    A regulamentação da atuação das organizações não-governamentais estrangeiras na Rússia e o National Endowment for Democracy (2012-2018)

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    Este trabalho trata das regulamentações feitas pelo governo russo em relação as Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs) estrangeiras em seu território entre os anos de 2012 e 2018. Neste período foram promulgadas duas leis que influenciam diretamente na ação desse tipo de organização: a Lei dos Agentes Estrangeiros, de 2012, e a Lei das Organizações Indesejáveis, de 2015. Entendendo que movimentos de contestação do governo e mudança de regime que aconteceram em outros países da ex-União Soviética estiveram relacionados à atuação desse tipo de ator não-Estatal, busca-se, ao longo do trabalho, entender e explicar as medidas adotadas pelo governo russo em relação às ONGs. A fim de compreender melhor como acontece a interação entre as ONGs estrangeiras e o governo russo, optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso, do National Endowment for Democracy (NED), primeira organização expulsa do território russo com respaldo da lei de 2015. Para atingir-se o objetivo do trabalho, analisou-se os textos das duas leis mencionadas, bem como o orçamento detalhado do NED para a Rússia entre 2005 e 2018 e pesquisas de opinião pública realizadas pelo Instituto Levada e pelo Pew Research Center, a fim de compreender os impactos das ações do governo russo no período mencionado. Conclui-se que as duas leis são um mecanismo de manutenção da soberania do governo russo para evitar a possibilidade de instabilidade que as ONGs podem gerar, tendo em vista as Revoluções Coloridas ocorridas em países como Geórgia, Ucrânia e Quirguistão.This paper deals with the regulations made by the Russian government on foreign non governmental organizations (NGOs) in its territory between 2012 and 2018. During this period, two laws that directly influence the action of this type of organization were promulgated: the Foreign Agents Law, of 2012 and the Undesirable Organizations Law, of 2015. Understanding the government contestation movements and regime changes that occurred in other countries of the former Soviet Union were related to the performance of this type of non-state actor, in this research it is sought to understand and explain the Russian government measures against NGOs. In order to better understand how the interaction between foreign NGOs and the Russian government occurs, it was chosen to conduct a case study of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the first organization expelled by the Russian government with the backing of the 2015 law. To achieve the objective of the paper, the texts of the two mentioned laws were analyzed, as well as the detailed NED budget for Russia between 2005 and 2018 and public opinion polls conducted by the Levada Institute and the Pew Research Center, in order to understand the impacts of Russian government actions during the period mentioned. It is concluded that the two laws are a mechanism for maintaining the sovereignty of the Russian government to avoid the possibility of instability that NGOs may generate, considering the Color Revolutions which occurred in countries like Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan

    Brazilian donkey slaughter and exports from 2002 to 2019

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    The international demand for donkeys has increased sharply in recent years, motivated by China’s growing interest in producing ejiao (a traditional medicine made from donkey skin) and, in a smaller proportion, donkey meat. Since the Chinese donkey population dropped by 75.4% in the past 25 years, the country has searched for supply in the international market, mainly in Africa and South America. Aiming to understand the participation of Brazil in this scenario, this paper presents and discusses official data on donkey slaughter and donkey meat and skin exports in Brazil from 2002 to 2019. After the recent news reports of donkey trade-related mistreatment in the Brazilian Northeast, the issue has attracted attention from public authorities, the media, and civil society, but it lacked a quantitative description that could give a tangible dimension to the situation. The interpretation of these data is made with the collaboration of qualitative research methods, emphasizing some aspects of human-animal relations.A demanda internacional por jumentos vem aumentando drasticamente nos últimos anos, motivada pelo crescente interesse da China em produzir ejiao (medicamento tradicional feito a partir da pele do animal) e, em menor proporção, carne de jumento. Devido à redução de 75,4% na população de jumentos chineses nos últimos 25 anos, o país tem buscado se abastecer no mercado internacional, principalmente na África e na América do Sul. Com o objetivo de compreender a participação do Brasil neste cenário, este artigo apresenta e discute dados oficiais sobre abate de jumentos e exportação de carne e pele de jumentos no Brasil, de 2002 a 2019. Após a recente divulgação de notícias sobre maus-tratos relacionados ao comércio de jumentos no Nordeste do Brasil, o assunto tem atraído a atenção do poder público, da mídia e da sociedade civil, mas ainda carecia de uma descrição quantitativa que pudesse fornecer uma dimensão tangível à situação. A interpretação desses dados é feita com a colaboração de métodos de pesquisa qualitativa, enfatizando algumas facetas das relações humano-animais

    Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity in Prader–Willi Syndrome Comparison With Obese Subjects

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Butler, Merlin G. et al. “Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity in Prader–Willi Syndrome: Comparison With Obese Subjects.” American journal of medical genetics. Part A 143A.5 (2007): 449–459., which has been published in final form at 10.1002/ajmg.a.31507. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hypotonia, suck and feeding difficulties, hypogonadism, small hands and feet, developmental delay, hyperphagia and early childhood obesity and a particular facial appearance. The obesity associated with PWS is the result of a chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure (EE) due to hyperphagia, decreased physical activity, reduced metabolic rate and an inability to vomit. EE is affected by body composition as well as exercise. Individuals with PWS have a lower lean body mass (LBM) compared with controls which may contribute to reduced basal level EE. To determine the relationship among body composition, activity levels and metabolic rates, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and a whole-room respiration chamber were used to measure body composition, total EE (TEE), resting EE (REE), physical activity, and mechanical work (MW) during an 8 hr monitoring period. The chamber consisted of a live-in whole-room indirect calorimeter equipped with a force platform floor to allow simultaneous measurement of EE, physical activity, and work efficiency during spontaneous activities and standardized exercise. Participants with PWS (27 with 15q11–q13 deletion and 21 with maternal disomy 15 with an average age of 23 years) had significantly decreased TEE by 20% and reduced LBM compared to 24 obese subjects. Similarly, REE was significantly reduced by 16% in the individuals with PWS relative to the comparison subjects. Total MW performed during the 8 hr monitoring period was significantly reduced by 35% in the PWS group. The energy cost of physical activity is related to the duration, intensity and type of activity and the metabolic efficiency of the individual. After adjusting group differences in LBM by analysis of variance, TEE and REE were no longer different between the two groups. Our data indicate that there is a significant reduction of EE in individuals with PWS resulting from reduced activity but also from lower energy utilization due to reduced LBM which consists primarily of muscle

    Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Frequency for University of Kansas Medical Center Pediatric Patients

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    Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is recommendedfor all adolescents aged 11 to 12 years, but coveragein Kansas is exceptionally poor. To understand local coverage, receiptof the 3-dose HPV vaccine series among pediatric patients atthe University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) was evaluated. Methods. All patients aged 11 to 12 years who were seen by aKUMC primary care provider (family medicine and pediatrics)in 2013 were included in the retrospective chart review. Recordswere reviewed through December 31, 2014 to capture the numberof HPV doses received, and receipt of other recommendedvaccines (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis and meningococcal conjugate).Pearson’s chi-squared tests were used to evaluate relationshipsbetween HPV vaccination and patient characteristics. Results. Of the 261 eligible females and 243 eligible males, 71.2%received ≥ 1 HPV vaccine dose, 55.2% received ≥ 2 doses, and39.3% completed the HPV vaccine series (3 doses). Although vaccineinitiation was slightly lower in males compared to females(67.1% vs. 75.1%, p = 0.047), no difference in vaccine completionwas seen between males and females (37.0% vs. 41.7%, p = 0.319).Over 80% of patients received other concurrently recommendedvaccines (Tdap: 81.7%, meningococcal: 81.3%). HPV series completionoccurred more often among Spanish-speaking femalescompared to English-speaking females (59.5% vs 37.7%; p < 0.01).Conclusions. The proportion of adolescents who received theHPV vaccination at KUMC is substantially higher than nationaland state estimates, but there is room for improvement forboth initiation and series completion. KS J Med 2016;9(1):1-5

    Adolescentes a Quem Se Atribui a Prática de Ato Infracional: Como as Autoridades do Sistema de Justiça Juvenil Socializam Adolescentes Negros e Pobres de uma Periferia de São Paulo

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    Este trabalho busca articular o campo teórico da socialização legal e os estudos sociológicos sobre o adolescente em situação de conflito com a lei a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa com adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas. A partir da análise preliminar dos dados coletados, observou-se que adolescentes infratores já se relacionam com as autoridades legais (polícia) antes de sua entrada no sistema e, nas audiências para decisão de seus processos, não interagem com os atores do sistema de justiça e não tem entendimento sobre o que se passa

    Adolescentes a Quem Se Atribui a Prática de Ato Infracional: Como as Autoridades do Sistema de Justiça Juvenil Socializam Adolescentes Negros e Pobres de uma Periferia de São Paulo

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    Este trabalho busca articular o campo teórico da socialização legal e os estudos sociológicos sobre o adolescente em situação de conflito com a lei a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa com adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas. A partir da análise preliminar dos dados coletados, observou-se que adolescentes infratores já se relacionam com as autoridades legais (polícia) antes de sua entrada no sistema e, nas audiências para decisão de seus processos, não interagem com os atores do sistema de justiça e não tem entendimento sobre o que se passa

    Autonomy In the Choice of Childbirth in The Primiparous: Understanding Reality

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    Every pregnant woman has the right to care during childbirth and postpartum, and that this is performed in a humane and safe way. To ensure autonomy, it is necessary to put the woman in control of labor and birth, providing the necessary knowledge that allows her to make decisions about her own body. The study aimed to know the autonomy and knowledge of primiparous women in choosing the type of delivery. This is a qualitative field research. The participants were primiparous women, who agreed to participate in the research by signing the Informed Consent Form. The interviews were conducted after approval by the Research Ethics Committee under protocol n. CPEA 31364620.8.0000.5428, opinion n. 4,300,350. In view of the results, the following themes emerged: Reception and neglected bond between health units and pregnant women, revealed by reports of negative and frustrated experiences in the parturition process. Factors that prevent the autonomy of the choice of delivery in pregnant women and negative experiences and frustrated expectations regarding the moment of delivery, in which the reports indicated a lack of explanation of the procedures, lack of communication and prejudiced decision of the physician in relation to the delivery. It was concluded that the study showed the need for actions aimed at women’s health in the pregnancy-puerperal period, which enable conditions for female empowerment in decision-making about the body itself

    Accuracy of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis diagnosis using polymerase chain reaction : systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    The diagnosis of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) is hampered by the absence of a gold standard. An accurate diagnosis is essential because of the high toxicity of the medications for the disease. This study aimed to assess the ability of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify MCL and to compare these results with clinical research recently published by the authors. A systematic literature review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: the PRISMA Statement was performed using comprehensive search criteria and communication with the authors. A meta-analysis considering the estimates of the univariate and bivariate models was performed. Specificity near 100% was common among the papers. The primary reason for accuracy differences was sensitivity. The meta-analysis, which was only possible for PCR samples of lesion fragments, revealed a sensitivity of 71% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.59; 0.81] and a specificity of 93% (95% CI = 0.83; 0.98) in the bivariate model. The search for measures that could increase the sensitivity of PCR should be encouraged. The quality of the collected material and the optimisation of the amplification of genetic material should be prioritised

    Recurrent Implantation Failure: The Role of Anatomical Causes

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    Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is one of the great challenges of current reproductive medicine. The term refers to the failure of repeated transfers of embryos of good morphological quality. Embryo implantation is a crucial moment in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. A successful pregnancy depends on a synchronized interaction between a good quality embryo and a receptive endometrium. Its failure may be a consequence of embryo quality, anatomical or immunological factors. The anatomic causes constitute an important factor for RIF, although they are usually manageable. Fibroids, polyps and adhesions that develop after a surgical procedure or infection can hamper the embryo - endometrium attachment process. In addition, Mullerian abnormalities and hydrosalpinx can cause a negative impact on implantation rates and should also be taken into account in patients with RIF. In this chapter, we will address the main anatomical causes that may impact the implantation rates of patients undergoing IVF, as well as recommendations on management and its treatment