32 research outputs found

    Introduction and Summary

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    Natural emissions of methane from geothermal and volcanic sources in Europe

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    It has recently been demonstrated that methane emission from lithosphere degassing is an important component of the natural greenhouse-gas atmospheric budget. Globally, the geological sources are mainly due to seepage from hydrocarbon-prone sedimentary basins, and subordinately from geothermal/volcanic fluxes. This work provides a first estimate of methane emission from the geothermal/volcanic component at European level. In Europe, 28 countries have geothermal systems and at least 10 countries host surface geothermal manifestations (hot springs, mofettes, gas vents). Even if direct methane flux measurements are available only for a few small areas in Italy, a fair number of data on CO2, CH4 and steam composition and flux from geothermal manifestations are today available for 6 countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Spain). Following the emission factor and area-based approach, the available data have been analyzed and have led to an early and conservative estimate of methane emission into the atmosphere around 10,000 ton/yr (4000–16,000 ton/yr), basically from an area smaller than 4000 km2, with a speculative upper limit in the order of 105 ton/yr. Only 4–18% of the conservative estimate (about 720 ton/yr) is due to 12 European volcanoes, where methane concentration in volcanic gases is generally in the order of a few tens of ppmv. Volcanoes are thus not a significant methane source. While the largest emission is due to geothermal areas, which may be situated next to volcanoes or independent. Here inorganic synthesis, thermometamorphism and thermal breakdown of organic matter are substantial. Methane flux can reach hundreds of ton/yr from small individual vents. Geothermal methane is mainly released in three countries located in the main high heat flow regions: Italy, Greece, and Iceland. Turkey is likely a fourth important contributor but the absolute lack of data prevents any emission estimate. Therefore, the actual European geothermal–volcanic methane emission could be easily projected to the 105 ton/yr levels, reaching the magnitude of some other natural sources such as forest fires or wild animals

    Can we evaluate a fine-grained emission model using high-resolution atmospheric transport modelling and regional fossil fuel CO<sub>2</sub> observations?

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    Quantifying carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning (FFCO2) is a crucial task to assess continental carbon fluxes and to track anthropogenic emissions changes in the future. In the present study, we investigate potentials and challenges when combining observational data with simulations using high-resolution atmospheric transport and emission modelling. These challenges concern, for example, erroneous vertical mixing or uncertainties in the disaggregation of national total emissions to higher spatial and temporal resolution. In our study, the hourly regional fossil fuel CO2 offset (&#x0394;FFCO2) is simulated by transporting emissions from a 5 min&#x00D7;5 min emission model (IER2005) that provides FFCO2 emissions from different emission categories. Our Lagrangian particle dispersion model (STILT) is driven by 25 km&#x00D7;25 km meteorological data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). We evaluate this modelling framework (STILT/ECMWF+IER2005) for the year 2005 using hourly &#x0394;FFCO2 estimates derived from 14C, CO and 222Radon (222Rn) observations at an urban site in south-western Germany (Heidelberg). Analysing the mean diurnal cycles of &#x0394;FFCO2 for different seasons, we find that the large seasonal and diurnal variation of emission factors used in the bottom-up emission model (spanning one order of magnitude) are adequate. Furthermore, we show that the use of 222Rn as an independent tracer helps to overcome problems in timing as well as strength of the vertical mixing in the transport model. By applying this variability correction, the model-observation agreement is significantly improved for simulated &#x0394;FFCO2. We found a significant overestimation of &#x0394;FFCO2 concentrations during situations where the air masses predominantly originate from densely populated areas. This is most likely caused by the spatial disaggregation methodology for the residential emissions, which to some extent relies on a constant per capita-based distribution. In the case of domestic heating emissions, this does not appear to be sufficient

    Ermittlung der Loesemittelemissionen 1994 in Deutschland und Methoden zur Fortschreibung

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,101) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Paris emission inventory diagnostics from ESQUIF airborne measurements and a chemistry transport model

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    During the Atmospheric Pollution Over the Paris Area (ESQUIF) experiment a series of airborne measurements were collected in the vicinity of the city of Paris during smog episodes. They are used in combination with an air quality photochemical model in order to diagnose uncertainties in the current emission inventory. Diagnostics are made by comparing simulated with observed concentrations for nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and primary hydrocarbons, taking into account the chemistry and transport processes of these compounds. An emphasis is put on the uncertainty of the results, taking into account the finiteness of the measurement samples, possible errors in the model transport, and chemistry and measurement errors. We examine, in particular, possible sources of bias in the model. For instance, we show that boundary layer depth is underestimated by at most 30% on average. However, sensitivity experiments showed that these model biases, taken individually, cannot alter the qualitative aspects of our results. Only a conspiracy of these biases could possibly shift all our diagnostics toward significantly different results. There is reasonable consistency between simulated and measured concentrations. NOy simulations agree with measured concentrations to within 35%; CO concentrations agree to within a factor of 2. There are significant underestimations and overestimations in some individual primary hydrocarbons. However, the total mass and reactivity of the measured hydrocarbon mixture, which accounts for only about half of the total emitted mass, agree with modeled values to within an estimated uncertainty of 40%. The analysis of results provides clues for improving emission inventories. It is found, for instance, that temperature dependence, which is not considered here, can be a key factor and that hydrocarbon emissions from solvent use may suffer from inaccurate totals or speciation. Another source of uncertainties may be the temporal or spatial distributions of solvent activities

    Abatement strategies to reduce air pollution from transport in Germany

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    Large scale exceedances of PM10 and N02 ambient air limit values will continue in Germany despite the implementation of national and international policies. An integrated approach has therefore been developed to assess different cost-effective mitigation strategies for all source groups on a national level. On-road and ofT-road transport emission abatement strategies such as more stringent emission limit values, cost internalisation, speed limits and levelling of fuel taxes can contribute to the overarching goal of an improved air quality