16 research outputs found

    World class healthcare (Nationals)

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    The Government has provided an additional $2.9 billion in public hospital funding over the next three years (an increase of up to 6.5% a year) through an agreement with the states and territories that places greater focus on patient outcomes, particularly when it comes to caring for patients with chronic and complex needs. The Government is strengthening Medicare through the new Health Care Homes initiative, which will better coordinate comprehensive care for chronically ill patients. The Government has introduced a system of Primary Health Networks to identify local health needs, improve patient access to primary care services and improve co-ordination with local hospitals and community services

    The importance of addressing gender inequality in efforts to end vertical transmission of HIV

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    Issues: The recently launched “Global Plan towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive” sets forth ambitious targets that will require more widespread implementation of comprehensive prevention of vertical HIV transmission (PMTCT) programmes. As PMTCT policymakers and implementers work toward these new goals, increased attention must be paid to the role that gender inequality plays in limiting PMTCT programmatic progress. Description: A growing body of evidence suggests that gender inequality, including gender-based violence, is a key obstacle to better outcomes related to all four components of a comprehensive PMTCT programme. Gender inequality affects the ability of women and girls to protect themselves from HIV, prevent unintended pregnancies and access and continue to use HIV prevention, care and treatment services. Lessons Learned: In light of this evidence, global health donors and international bodies increasingly recognize that it is critical to address the gender disparities that put women and children at increased risk of HIV and impede their access to care. The current policy environment provides unprecedented opportunities for PMTCT implementers to integrate efforts to address gender inequality with efforts to expand access to clinical interventions for preventing vertical HIV transmission. Effective community- and facility-based strategies to transform harmful gender norms and mitigate the impacts of gender inequality on HIV-related outcomes are emerging. PMTCT programmes must embrace these strategies and expand beyond the traditional focus of delivering ARV prophylaxis to pregnant women living with HIV. Without greater implementation of comprehensive, gender transformative PMTCT programmes, elimination of vertical transmission of HIV will remain elusive

    Drug Kingpins and Blacklists: Compliance Issues with US Economic Sanctions: Part 2

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    Factors influencing Indigenous engagement in tourism development: an international perspective

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    Indigenous tourism products, attractions and activities can offer a point of difference for tourism destinations, and consequently the role of, and opportunities for, Indigenous people in providing these tourism experiences have been recognised increasingly by government and industry alike. This paper reviews and discusses the factors influencing successful Indigenous tourism development and provides a global comparison of best practice to inform future decision-making processes in achieving sustainable Indigenous tourism development. Data was derived from interviews with key government and non-government organisations, and Indigenous tourism organisations and operators were analysed as a means of critically engaging with the sustainability problematic of Indigenous tourism development. Furthermore, a comprehensive analysis of international case studies focusing on Indigenous accommodation provision was carried out to complement the research, as were observations during site visits. By offering a framework for the Indigenous tourism development process, we contribute in a positive and flexible way to the complex, and evolving, discourse on Indigenous tourism practice. It is argued that the effectiveness of governance structures and the level of involvement of Indigenous stakeholders as well as the selection of legislative and policy instruments are key to ensuring a more sustainable approach to Indigenous tourism development

    Exkurs : die österreichische Emigration in den USA – ein kultur- und bildungspolitisch folgenloses Kapitel für die Nachkriegsplanungen

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