50 research outputs found

    Progress in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in Ukraine: results from a birth cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ukraine was the epicentre of the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe, which has the most rapidly accelerating HIV epidemic world-wide today; national HIV prevalence is currently estimated at 1.6%. Our objective was to evaluate the uptake and effectiveness of interventions for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) over an eight year period within operational settings in Ukraine, within the context of an ongoing birth cohort study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The European Collaborative Study (ECS) is an ongoing birth cohort study in which HIV-infected pregnant women identified before or during pregnancy or at delivery were enrolled and their infants prospectively followed. Three centres in Ukraine started enrolling in 2000, with a further three joining in September 2006.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 3356 women enrolled, 21% (689) reported current or past injecting drug use (IDU). Most women were diagnosed antenatally and of those, the proportion diagnosed in the first/second trimester increased from 47% in 2000/01 (83/178) to 73% (776/1060) in 2006/07 (p < 0.001); intrapartum diagnosis was associated with IDU (Adjusted odds ratio 4.38; 95%CI 3.19–6.02). The percentage of women not receiving any antiretroviral prophylaxis declined from 18% (36/205) in 2001 to 7% in 2007 (61/843) (p < 0.001). Use of sdNVP alone substantially declined after 2003, with a concomitant increase in zidovudine prophylaxis. Median antenatal zidovudine prophylaxis duration increased from 24 to 72 days between 2000 and 2007. Elective caesarean section (CS) rates were relatively stable over time and 34% overall. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rates decreased from 15.2% in 2001 (95%CI 10.2–21.4) to 7.0% in 2006 (95%CI 2.6–14.6). In adjusted analysis, MTCT risk was reduced by 43% with elective CS versus vaginal delivery and by 75% with zidovudine versus no prophylaxis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There have been substantial improvements in use of PMTCT interventions in Ukraine, including earlier diagnosis of HIV-infected pregnant women and increasing coverage with antiretroviral prophylaxis and the initial MTCT rate has more than halved. Future research should focus on hard-to-reach populations such as IDU and on missed opportunities for further reducing the MTCT rate.</p

    Mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in aten years period

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>to evaluate mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rates and related factors in HIV-infected pregnant women from a tertiary hospital between 2000 and 2009.</p> <p>Subjects and method</p> <p>cohort of 452 HIV-infected pregnant women and their newborns. Data was collected from recorded files and undiagnosed children were enrolled for investigation. Statistical analysis: qui-square test, Fisher exact test, Student <it>t </it>test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA, risk ratio and confidence intervals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MTCT occurred in 3.74%. The study population displayed a mean age of 27 years; 86.5% were found to have acquired HIV through sexual contact; 55% were aware of the diagnosis prior to the pregnancy; 62% were not using HAART. Mean CD4 cell-count was 474 cells/ml and 70.3% had undetectable viral loads in the third trimester. HAART included nevirapine in 35% of cases and protease inhibitors in 55%; Zidovudine monotherapy was used in 7.3%. Mean gestational age at delivery was 37.2 weeks and in 92% by caesarian section; 97.2% received intravenous zidovudine. Use of AZT to newborn occurred in 100% of them. Factors identified as associated to MTCT were: low CD4 cell counts, elevated viral loads, maternal AIDS, shorter periods receiving HAART, other conditions (anemia, IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction), oligohydramnium), coinfecctions (CMV and toxoplasmosis) and the occurrence of labor. Use of HAART for longer periods, caesarian and oral zidovudine for the newborns were associated with a decreased risk. Poor adhesion to treatment was present in 13 of the 15 cases of transmission; in 7, coinfecctions were diagnosed (CMV and toxoplasmosis).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Use of HAART and caesarian delivery are protective factors for mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Maternal coinfecctions and other conditions were risk factors for MTCT.</p

    Duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission of HIV-1: a meta-analysis from 15 prospective cohort studies

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    Objective: To test the a priori hypothesis that longer duration of ruptured membranes is associated with increased risk of vertical transmission of HIV. Design: The relationship between duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission of HIV was evaluated in an individual patient data meta-analysis. Methods: Eligible studies were prospective cohort studies including at least 100 mother-child pairs, from regions where HIV-infected women are counselled not to breastfeed. Analyses were restricted to vaginal deliveries and non-elective Cesarean sections; elective Cesarean section deliveries (those performed before onset of labour and before rupture of membranes) were excluded. Results: The primary analysis included 4721 deliveries with duration of ruptured membranes less than or equal to 24 h. After adjusting for other factors known to be associated with vertical transmission using logistic regression analysis to assess the strength of the relationship, the risk of vertical HIV transmission increased approximately 2% with an increase of 1 h in the duration of ruptured membranes [adjusted odds ratio, 1.02; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-1.04; for each 1 h increment]. There were no significant interactions of duration of ruptured membranes with study cohort or with any of the covariates, except maternal AIDS. Among women diagnosed with AIDS, the estimated probability of transmission increased from 8% to 31% with duration of ruptured membranes of 2 h and 24 h respectively (P < 0.01). Conclusions: These results support the importance of duration of ruptured membranes as a risk factor for vertical transmission of HIV and suggest that a diagnosis of AIDS in the mother at the time of delivery may potentiate the effect of duration of ruptured membranes

    Maternal HIV seroconversion at delivery without transmission

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    A case of HIV seroconversion associated with high viral load occurring at or near delivery is described. The management of the case in terms of prevention of mother-to-child-transmission is described and discussed in terms of the published literature and guidelines. From this instructive case a constructive strategy for delivery and immediate post-natal care is derived.Paul N Goldwater, Vineesh Bhatia and Celia Coope